{ An eerie howl is heard over the sound sytem, and a hush falls over the capacity crowd. The fans then begin to cheer as the realize the Angeltron is on, and the camera are panning over the crowd. The song "Send Me An Angel" plays over the sound system, and Ms. Amanda Strike, and Electra Van Driesal make their way out from the back. Both women are very dressed up for the occasion, and they make their way down to the ring area. }

{ They each grabs mics, and step into the ring. Electra then give Amanda the nod to go first. }

"Hello Mexico, and the rest of the world watching at home. Welcome to the first ever Battling Ring Angels pay per view event!!!!"

{ Big crowd pop. }

"We have a tremendous card in store for you tonight, that we know your going to love, but first let me take this time to thank all of you fans for making BRA such a huge success. Without all of you, it just wouldn't happen, sooooo THANK YOU!!!"
"I also want to thank all the members of the BRA staff, that put forth a great effort, each and every week here. I can't name names here, but you all know who you are, and I just wanted to commend you for your efforts here in front of a worldwide audiance, to show how much you are all appreciated. Now this goes from people such as the booking department, to my record keepers, to the most talented, often copied, but never duplicated in talent scripting department, to each wrestler here that has made us without a shadow of a doubt, the #1 female wrestling organization in the world, and to my group of reporters, that have done a marvelous job over covering events here in the fed. Electra and myself have never worked with such a great group of people, you are all appreciated very much."

"Hey mouth, care if I say a few things, before you cover everything?"

"Sure Electra, but know this, after my match with Leslie, you and I are gonna have a loooooooong talk!!!"

"I think you've said plenty." Electra straightened up and smiles out to the masses. "Just as Amandra, I want to thank all of you for giving us your support. It has meant a great deal to all involved, and we look forward to entertaining all of you in the future - and rest assured, this won't be the last major BRA event." Electra returns the microphone to Amanda.

"Well folks, I guess it's time to get things going here, so without further adue, I give you the BATTLING RING ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{ Fireworks fill the sky, and pyrotechnics go off everywhere in the arena, and the crowd goes into a frenzy cheering as the Angeltron comes to life. }

{ Sandra Allistarr and Garry Grimmoire then come walking out onto the stage, and they recieve a big ovation from the fans. They stop and wave to everyone, then make their way down to the announcers table. Electra greets both of them with a handshake and a hug. Amanda just clings to Garry, hugging him, and ignores Sandra completely. }

{ Electra and Amanda then head to the back, and Garry and Sandra take their seats, and adjust their headsets. }

Garry: WOOOOHOOOO Welcome everyone!!!

Sandra: Yes, welcome to the first of many BRA PPV's. We have quite an event in store for us this evening.

Garry: That's putting it mildly, this is freaking huge!!!! Two of the three BRA titles on the line, and in very unique matches too!!!

Sandra: That's for sure. A 10 women battle for the for a belt. You friends are your enemy in that type of event. You know that is going to be complete mayhem in that one.

Garry: I think it's gonna be that way in all the matches. Titianna makes her debut here tonight, and she takes on her late sisters bitter rival Michelle the Great, that should be interesting, and anytime Mr. Love Jones is around, you know there will be trouble brewing.

Sandra: Well Michelle is always prepared, and she keeps quite a group of people around her all the time, I'm sure they'll keep Mr. Love Jones in check.

Garry: Another newcomer is on the card tonight too. That is Americana, returning to the ring after a few years off, to face a tough competitor, Skye Soaring Hawk.

Sandra: That really should be interesting to see. I wonder if Americana has what it takes to make a come back in this sport?

Garry: We'll find out soon! OK, how about Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson facing Alexandria Parker? I think Parker is gonna be out to redeem herself after losing to the Dream.

Sandra: She may be, but Jenny has been on a roll lately, and will be tough to take down. I just hope she comes to her senses soon, and goes back to her mother.

Garry: She has come to her senses, leaving Sherry was the smartest thing she's ever done.

Sandra: Oh shut up, what do you know anyways? Alright, how about this big 4 on 4 elimination match? That should prove to be an all out war.

Garry: Yup, and the Bimbo Shop laying splattered all over the floor in the end, ya gotta love it.

Sandra: Oh I doubt that, the Shop seems really prepared for this match, as they always are, I think it'll be close, but I think the Shop will prevail in the end of that one.

Garry: Yea, and monkeys will fly after that too. Get real, they're going down!!!

Sandra: We'll see soon I guess. OK, we have a big 10 women war for a title belt. Now that should really be interesting to see!!!

Garry: I'm pretty pumped up for that one. To tough to say who'll come out on top in that crazy match.

Sandra: Oh it's definately gonna be interesting. A lot on the line, and these ladies are gonna do anything to get their hands on that belt!!

Garry: Excellent!!!

I suppose it's no use to talk to you about the final match of the night is it?

Garry: Sure, you can talk to me about Yvette finally kicking the snot out of Sherry in front of the world. It's gonna be a classic, and the French beauty will be our Celestial Champion!!!!

Sandra: Oh come on, she has no idea what it takes to win a title, and Sherry has held them all. I think Sherry's gonna walk away with another belt tonight.

Garry: Oh your right.

Sandra: I am????

Garry: Yup, she'll leave with a belt, and a few of them, as the Sisterhood slaps the crap out of the old has been with their leather straps. Then I celebrate!!

Sandra: Your a sick individual, you know that don't ya?

Garry: Oh hush! Anyways, I think it's about time to kick things off. So go grab a few cool ones, and grab a comfy seat folks, I think your in for a long wild night of action here.

{ The shot goes to a Battling Ring Angels promo commercial. }


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