logoSakura Ito vs. Leslie Magnus

"Just in time for the Christmas rush, brand new BRA action figures! Have your own BRA matches in the comfort of your very own home! Collect all of them and even have a Battle Royale in your living room! Impress friends and neighbors when you tell them you had Lindsey Locke and Tiffany Lane battle it out after breakfast, or Simply Destructive destroy Thirtysomething in your basement! And coming to the stores next week, FIVE new stars of BRA in action figures for the very first time! Now you can own the powerful Goldie Knox, mysterious Moonspell, seductive Malibu, tough Amanda Starr and the most recent addition, Red Rose! And if you act fast, at selected stores buy one new figure and receive one of our discontinued lines for free, featuring Eden Starr, Celtic Tigress and Peggy Christian!

BRA action figures! A wrestling match in your own home!

Camera fades back live to the BRA arena panning the crowds who are either enjoying themselves immensely or are early into the Christmas spirit! Again banners and signs wave frantically trying to catch the attention of BRA's camera crew. Some of the larger, easier to spot ones are "No one meana then my Gina!" "Peggy come back!" "Oh Shea can you see" and "Lintburger, Nebraska loves Laura Parker!"

Kenny: It appears this has been a much-anticipated matchup tonight! Little Mountain Sakura Ito facing Viper Lesley Magnus!

Cari: Ito is a tough mountain for anyone to climb, but if anyone in BRA can do it, it's the Viper!

Kenny: I think that Sakura Ito has the potential to be the next Celestial titleholder.

Cari: I think you got a microchip lose somewhere! Ito is good but she does not have the killer instinct to go all the way!

Kenny: Then why did Lindsey Locke become champion?

Cari: Accidents happen, and look how long it took her to lose it as well!

Kenny: I still think good will prevail, and that includes tonight! Ito is too powerful for Viper.

The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain. Oddly enough, instead of the usual entourage of John Nanakami and the rest of the Threesome, Sakura is only followed by a large powerful African-American man, bald and obviously in his mid-30s. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is colored a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. The large black man, recognized by those in the know of the boxing world as former heavyweight contender Mack 'Mack Truck' Fontaine, is 6 feet 4 inches tall and almost as broad, dressed simply in a gray sweatsuit with the faded logo for 'Mack's Place Gym' on it. The pair makes their way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. Sakura steps through the ring ropes, while Mack takes a position in her corner. She hops up onto the second turnbuckle and flexes both of her arms, showing off impressive biceps, getting an audible pop from the fans, before leaping down to stretch against the ropes. Her brown eyes are alight with a fire and intensity that has never been matched by Sakura in the past as she waits for her foe.

Kenny: I've seen Sakura Ito in every match since coming to BRA and I have NEVER seen such intensity in her!

Cari: She seems like she is on a mission. Lesley Magnus does not make friends easy but she has a knack for making enemies!

The sound of hissing slowly fades up, filling the arena. On the Angeltron, the image of a pit viper, curled up against a wall, slowly shifts its head side to side ready to strike. In a flash it strikes, opening its gaping maw, showing two long fangs before engulfing the lens. At the same time, green and white pyros explode from the wrestler entrance as the sound of George Thorogood and the Destroyers blasts over the loudspeakers.

I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, I got a cobra snake for a necktie
A brand new house on the roadside, and it's a-made out of rattlesnake hide
Got a brand new chimney put on top, and it's a-made out of human skull
Come on take a little walk with me baby, and tell me who do you love?
Who do you love?
Who do you love?

The crowd rises to its feet as the "Viper" Lesley Magus steps out from behind the pyro, dragging a garbage can filled with assorted tools for mayhem. She is dressed in a green spandex sports bra and black martial arts pants, her hair tied tight behind her head in a ponytail. Her hands are partially covered by black fingerless gloves. A tattoo of a Viper curls up her arm and around her shoulder, and as always, a long link of bike chain is wrapped around her neck and down her torso..Jet black wrestling boots cover her feet as she stands glaring into the ring. Behind her she drags a garbage can filled with assorted devices of mayhem. Around her waist, the Fallen Angel Title. The crowd boo's and jeer's the new champion, they're disgust and shock over how she won the belt still a vivid image in their minds. Lesley smiles and pulls a Japanese flag from her garbage can. She waves it in the air, before snapping it over her knee. She then spits on it, stomps on it and then walks towards the ring. Lesley ignores the fans, instead keeping her attention on the ring and her surroundings. Her body is tensed, as if expecting an attack at any moment.

Kenny: I don't know if it's possible, but I think I see more intensity in the little mountain!

Cari: She is definitely holding back!


The bell sounds but neither woman moves fast. Each stares at the other with a burning glare, moving to the middle of the ring before stopping opposite each other. The silence in the ring is broken by the cold tinged voice of the Viper;

"Two weeks ago, it took Janus and Lindsey to help you defeat me, now let's see if you can do it on your own."

Before waiting for a reply Lesley lashes out with a quick sidekick to Ito's knee, followed by another two in quick succession that staggers the large Japanese woman. A knife edged chop to the throat follows that sends Sakura reeling to the ropes. Lesley grabs an arm and goes to whip Ito across but Sakura reverses it and sends Lesley flying across the ring and scoops her up on the rebound, powerslamming her hard to the mat. Lesley gasps as a result and slowly rolls to her side, but Ito is up fast and dragging her up by the left arm, turning it hard behind her opponents back into a hammerlock that has Magnus dancing on her toes. Sakura reaches through Lesley's legs and scoops her easily off the mat to a horizontal, back to the mat, before slamming her down hard with her arm still turned behind her back!

Kenny: Ouch! That had to hurt Magnus! There was a lot of power in that move!

Cari: A lot of hatred too I'll wager! Good wrestling though.

Kenny: Lesley is playing smart, scooting out of the ring!

Cari: Good tactics! Retreat until you find a better position.

Lesley massages her arm, still feeling the effects of dropping on it. The pro-Ito crowd is cheering loud but the intensity still burns in Sakura's eyes. Magnus rolls back in the ring and gets to her feet, keeping her distance as she circles her stronger opponent. Sakura wastes little time and moves in to lock up, knowing her advantage. Lesley responds, but just before locking up rakes her nails in the eyes of her opponent! Ito staggers back leaving Lesley a clear shot. The viper sends a vicious dropkick to Ito's left knee that drops her to the mat. Lesley gets up and starts to stomp mercilessly on the same knee and continues before the ref finally nearly counts her out. Lesley backs off but before Ito can get up she drops a knee hard again to the left knee of Sakura that nearly makes the proud woman cry out. Grabbing the leg Lesley drags Ito to the ropes and drapes it across the lower one. Then, holding it in position with her right foot Lesley drops a vicious knee down hard that sends a jolt of pain through Ito!

Kenny: Brutal tactics by Lesley Magnus!

Cari: But highly effective! She had to ground the bigger woman and is going about it the right way.

Lesley sets up for another, leaning forward to the ropes. Ito seizes the chance, sending a hard boot to the back of Lesley that slings her through the top and middle rope and crashing to the concrete! A loud cheer leaps from the crowd from this and Ito pulls her way up the ropes to a standing position. The pain is evident as she puts weight on her left leg, but she starts to walk it off as Lesley slowly raises form the floor. The limp is still noticeable as Ito moves to where Magnus is entering the ring. Sakura greets her tormentor with a knife edged chop to the stomach that causes Lesley to double over gasping. Ito then hooks both arms and pushing off with just her good leg powers Magnus up and over, suplexing her hard to the mat.

Kenny: Even with one leg there is still a lot of power to spare in that woman!

Cari: Lesley has to stay away from that and get back to what she was doing before!

Ito stays down and rolls back, lifting Lesley's head off the mat before half kneeling behind her and wrapping her huge arms around her opponents head. Lesley immediately starts to struggle as Ito applies the sleeper.

Kenny: Could be trouble! It's almost impossible to escape from those arms!

Cari: Lesley can do it!

Magnus looks to be weakening as Ito's powerful arms work the sleeper fast. Lesley stops trying to break free and bares her claws before reaching behind and again raking Sakura full in the eyes. Sakura winces and pulls one arm away from Lesley to cover her eyes. That's enough for Magnus to take both arms and yank the remaining arm of Sakura away before slamming her head backwards to Ito's nose while she is still partly blinded! Lesley pulls away and turns to see Sakura on her back covering her face with both hands. For a second she shakes the cobwebs from her head before starting to stomp on the left knee of the Ito again!

Kenny: No honor whatsoever in the actions of Lesley Magnus! Ito would rather lose than fight this way!

Cari: That can be arranged! You don't become the hardcore champ by fighting honorably!

Again Magnus continues the onslaught until just before being counted out. Ito is now unable to hide the pain she is feeling in the knee. Lesley drags her up and tosses her through the ropes to the floor below.

Cari: Viper country! Here we go!

Lesley measures up Ito lying on her stomach on the floor and quickly slides out to the floor before dropping a hard elbow to the back of Ito's knee!

Kenny: (tapping quickly on the keyboard) Ummm�possible results of a move like that are�.ohhh�broken kneecap!

Cari: Doesn't it just make you so proud!

By now the crowd realizes Ito is in deep trouble and reacts strongly to Viper's tactics. The jeering reaches new heights as Lesley pulls a struggling Ito to the guardrail and with some effort drags her head over the top. In the ring the referee has started counting, watching as Magnus steps over the railing and yanks Ito's hair over, pulling her neck down hard against the cold metal!

Kenny: Sakura is being choked to death out there!

Lesley keeps up the pressure as Sakura puts her hands on the rails, fighting against the pressure. Lesley leans close to Ito's head and whispers;

"Surrender Ito, let the world hear how an honorable warrior cried for mercy!"

The only sound that Lesley heard was a sickening gurgling sound as the rail cut hard into her opponent's windpipe. Hearing the count reach fifteen Magnus gives a final yank on Ito's hair before letting her drop in a heap to the arena floor. Stepping back over the railing Lesley gives Ito a final kick in the ribs before rolling back into the ring. Somehow Ito finds the strength to pull herself up the railing, pain and anguish written all over her face.

Kenny: Come on Sakura! You can make it!

Cari: Not with a broken kneecap she won't!

As Ito turns from the railing and puts weight on her left knee her face turns pale and the leg buckles from under her making her collapse again to the floor. The crowd noise that was urging her on dies with her as the ref reaches;




Kenny: Oh my god! Ito is in agony!

Cari: Lesley Magnus did what needed to be done in this match! Ito the fool would not give up, now look at her!

As Magnus stands in the ring wiping the sweat from her brow the medical attendants are already rushing a stretcher out to where Mac is comforting Ito as she lays in agony.

WINNER: Lesley Magnus by countout.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws