logoMelissa Shared vs Amanda Starr

(The screen fades up from black as thousands of fans scream and cheer, eagerly awaiting the start of the next match. Many fans have made homemade signs, hoping to get themselves on Television. "LIGHTNING WILL STRIKE TWICE!", "BRING BACK PEGGY!" and "DRAGON+SNAKE=BLOODBATH" are just a few of the lucky ones that make the big screen. Another camera shot zooms in towards the announcer's table as Cari and Ken prepare to call another match.)

Cari: "I can't wait for this one to start! Bring forth Amanda, the Peggy Killer!"

Ken: "Yes, it was a dark day for BRA last week. Amanda Starr with the victory over Peggy Christian sending the battling housewife down to the minors."

Cari: "Bah, she should have been there all the time. Amanda gets two thumbs up for removing that waste of skin from the ring."

(Ken shakes his head.)

Ken: "Peggy was a true competitor, she gave her best every single time and it's a shame that Johnny Angel decided to move someone down the mid-week card. But I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of Peggy."

Cari: "Feelings and a dirty sack are worth the sack."

Ken: "Have I told you what a pleasure it is to sit beside you every week?"

Cari: "No, you haven't"


Cari: "Jerk!"

Ken: "Our next match features two rising stars of BRA. Sweet Melissa Shared vs. Amanda Starr. Melissa is usually involved in Tag team matches with her partner Jessica Estrella."

Cari: "Ahem, Jessica carries that team. Melissa's got as much ring talent as she does brain cells."

Ken: "Melissa is a rookie and gives her best in every match. She's been slowly improving her skills, and with her partner's help, she could become a great wrestler."

Cari: "Well, she's outweighed by about 50 pounds here. Amanda Starr, aka Peggy Killer, has her first true test in Battling Ring Angels. I have a feeling she's going to show that killer instinct that gave her the edge over Piggy."

Ken: "Peggy!"

(The lights dim and the sounds of "Bad to the Bone" crank out over the loudspeakers. Amanda Starr walks through the curtains to the jeering of the crowd. She flips the crowd a finger and trades insults with those who are close as she makes her way to the ring. Beneath her blue denim jacket she wears a black one-piece suit with white trim and black leather wrestling boots. She climbs the stairs to the ring and steps through, attitude written all over her face and parades around the ring before removing her jacket. )

Cari: "See, I like that. No flashy entrance, just attitude."

(The lights dim down again as 'Oye Como Va' by Carlos Santana starts to play on the large arena speakers. Before people can get their bearings, Jessica Estrella and Melissa Shared come charging out from behind the curtain and jog briskly to the ring. Jessica slaps hands with the fans and shows off her tanned and toned body. Melissa follows her and smiled cutely for the fans. Jessica is dressed in a pair of black lycra shorts, adorned with flames, and a matching lycra top. Her boots are also black and have flames on them. She finishes her outfit with red kneepads. The shapely Puerto Rican beauty has her light brown hair loose and it waves in the breeze. She has a huge smile on her face for the benefit of her male fans. Melissa wears orange and aqua lycra shorts and top, covered by a T-shirt that says "California High School Swimming Champs". She wears orange boots and orange kneepads. Her blond hair is loose. Both slowly get into the ring, sliding between the second and top rope and wave for the fans. Jessica turns and hugs her teammate before exiting the ring. Melissa smiles and waves a few more times to the cheering fans before turning to face her opponent.)

Cari: "Oh great, you see! Jessica is going to skulk around the ring and help her partner cheat!"

Ken: "I doubt that. Jessica has made her feelings clear when it come to cheating. She's on the side of good, along with many of the newer BRA wrestlers. "

Cari: "Idealistic rookies�bah!"


(The ref calls for the bells as both women step out of their corners. Melissa quickly moves around the ring as Amanda walks towards her. Both women come together in a clinch. Almost immediately, Amanda shoves Melissa backwards. Shared combat rolls to her knee's and shakes her head.)

Ken: "Melissa has to be careful. Amanda is much heavier and stronger. She's got to use her speed advantage if she wants to win this one."

(Melissa bounces up to her feet and moves back towards the smirking Amanda. Melissa goes for a clinch again and both wrestlers lock up.)

Cari: "What an idiot! Amanda is just going to �."

Ken: "Monkey flip!"

(Amanda goes to shove Melissa backwards again, but this time, Melissa kicks her legs up and rolls backwards, pulling Starr down with her. Shared boots sink into Amanda's belly, before flipping her up and over.)

Cari: "Bah, even a blind squirrel can find a nut!"

(Melissa quickly jumps to her feet as Amanda rolls to her knees. Melissa moves around her downed opponent and quickly grabs her in a side headlock, pulling Amanda up to her feet. Shared puts on the squeeze and starts to lead Amanda around the ring. The crowd cheers and Melissa waves back. Jessica yells at her partner to stay focussed, but it's too late. Amanda wraps her arms around Melissa waist and lifts her up. Melissa yelps as her feet leave the ground. Starr takes a step forwards, and drops to one knee, slamming Melissa down, impaling her across a meaty thigh.)

Ken: "Ouch! Atomic Drop!"

Cari: "That'll re-arrange your spine."

(Melissa bounces off and hobbles away. Starr rises to her feet and lunges forwards as Melissa turns to face her. Amanda lashes out her big forearm, catching Melissa in the neck and nearly flipping her 360 degrees.)

Ken: "Big clothesline! That almost took Melissa's head off."

Cari: "Not that she'd miss it."

(Amanda quickly falls across her opponent and hooks the leg. The ref drops to count, but Melissa kicks out after a one count. Starr grumbles at the ref and grabs a handful of blonde locks, pulling Shared up to her feet. Amanda viciously flips Melissa back to the mat, using her hair to throw her.)

Ken: "Hair mare! Another! Another! Come on ref!"

Cari: "This is great!"

(Amanda flips Melissa over 4 times, before the ref calls for a break. Starr just glares at him and releases her hair hold. Melissa holds her head as Amanda grabs her by the arm and hauls her up. Starr grabs a handful of tights and hooks her arm over Melissa head. With a grunt, Starr hauls Melissa up. Shared legs rise into the air. Amanda holds her up right for a moment, showing her power, before falling backwards to the mat.)

Ken: "Huge Suplex! Amanda is showing off some impressive moves here."

(Amanda goes for the cover, but Melissa kicks out again. The crowd cheers as Jessica slams her fists on the ring apron, yelling encouragement to her partner. Starr yells at the ref as she moves her knee over Melissa's throat.)

Cari: "Hehe, beautiful."

Ken: "Choke!"

(Melissa flails her arms and legs wildly as Amanda presses knee across her throat. The ref warns Amanda about the infraction, but she just yells at him about a slow count. Outside the ring, Jessica is screaming at the ref. As the ref gets to four, Amanda raises her knee off Melissa's throat. Rising to her feet, Starr hauls Melissa up and whips her into the ropes. Shared rebounds and comes racing back to the middle as Amanda swings her arm.)

Cari: "Another clothes�.Dammit!"

Ken: "Ducked! Melissa ducked it!"

(Shared keeps running across the ring as Amanda turns to face her. Melissa hits the other ropes and bounces back towards the center. Amanda moves towards her, but Shared leaps into the air, nailing her opponent with a dropkick. Amanda staggers backwards, but remains standing. Melissa jumps up to her feet and runs at Starr, nailing her with another dropkick. Amanda staggers back, hitting the ropes, but remains standing. Melissa rises to her feet again and takes off running. She bounces off the ropes and charges across the ring. Amanda is catching her breath as Melissa nails her with a third dropkick, sending Starr sprawling through the ropes and onto the floor.)

Ken: "Triple dropkick by Melissa send the big woman to the outside!"

(Melissa jumps up to her feet and holds her arms in the air. Her partner smiles from the outside as Melissa gives her a wink. Amanda rises to her knees and takes in some much-needed air as the ref starts to count her out. Starr reaches up and grabs the guardrail to help her up. Melissa gets a gleam in her eye as she smiles at her partner. Jessica's eye's open wide and she shakes her head as Melissa runs towards the turnbuckles.)

Cari: "What is that idiot doing�.oh no."

Ken: "Oh geez! High risk move coming up! I think Melissa is trying to impress her partner!"

(The crowd gasps as Melissa jumps up to the top turnbuckle and then leaps off. She spreads her body out as she flies through the air. Amanda is barely on her feet and turning around as Melissa's body slams down into her.)

Ken: "She did it! Suicida Plancha!!!"

(Jessica can hardly believe her eyes and she cheers as Melissa is the first to rise. Shared raises her hands in triumph and smiles at the ringside fans.)

Cari: "You haven't won the match yet! Idiot!"

(Melissa turns and frowns at Cari as Jessica moves towards the announcers table."

Cari: "Ummm �.Ola�.meza no speaka �.ummm�"

(Melissa turns and pulls her dazed opponent up by the arm. She pushes Starr towards the ring and shoves her under the bottom rope. Amanda rolls into the ring, as Melissa slides in after her.)

Ken: "Melissa has to take advantage here, while her opponent is down."

(Shared rises to her feet and pulls Amanda in front of the turnbuckles. She then walks to the corner and starts to climb the buckles. The crowd rises to its feet and Melissa smiles and waves, before continuing her climb.)

Ken: "She's taking to much time here."

(Amanda slowly rolls to her knees as Melissa has her back turned. Starr sees her opponent climbing the turnbuckles and rises to her feet. The crowd screams a warning to Melissa but she turns and jumps. Her eyes open wide in fear as she sees her opponent standing up. Melissa slams into Amanda, but this time, Starr is ready for it. She takes the impact and remains standing. Amanda quickly wraps her hand around Melissa's neck and thigh, before walking to the middle of the ring. Starr shows her prize to all four sides of the crowd before turning to face where Jessica is standing. With an evil smirk, Amanda drops to one knee, slamming Jessica's back against her thigh.)

Cari: "Any Chiropractors in the house?"

Ken: "Brutal backbreaker!"

(Melissa screams in pain as her body is twisted into an upside down U shape. Amanda raises her hands up and clasps them together, before slamming them down into Melissa's outstretched belly. The blow causes Melissa to rise up, only to be punched in the jaw with a vicious right. Amanda then shoves Shared off her leg and rises up to her feet. Amanda drags a finger across her throat and then jumps up in the air.)

Cari: "Incoming!"

Ken: "Big Body Splash! Melissa is a pancake!"

(Amanda drops her entire body weight down across Melissa's chest. The ref drops down to make the count.)

Cari: "One.."

Ken: "Two�"

Cari: "Hehehe, that's my girl!"

Ken: "HEY!"

(The crowd boo's as Amanda lifts Melissa shoulder off the mat. The ref shakes his head and tells Amanda to pin her opponent, but Starr ignores him and rises to her feet. She jumps up again and splashes her body down across her dazed foe.)

Ken: "There's no need for that! Amanda could have pinned Melissa. This is just cruel!"

(Amanda doesn't go for a second pin, instead she rises to her feet and grabs Melissa by the legs.)

Cari: "Here it comes! The move that put Peggy out of BRA!"

Ken: "Boston Crab!"

(Amanda turns Melissa over and squats down, putting her weight against Shared's back. Melissa yelps in pain as Amanda leans back, pulling Melissa's legs and putting tremendous pressure on her back. The ref asks if Melissa wants to quit, but she shakes her head.)

Ken: "She's got guts that kid, but she's in the middle of the ring."

Cari: "Guts and an empty box of popcorn is worth the box."

(The ref checks again as Melissa buries her head in her hands. Amanda growls and starts bouncing up and down, slamming her butt up and down into Melissa's back. After a few hits Shared can take no more.)


Ken: "Oh come on now! Break the hold!"

Cari: "Ahh, listen to that sweet, sweet music."

(Melissa screams as Amanda continues to bounce up and down. The ref yells at her to break the hold, but she refuses. Jessica jumps up into the ring and runs across dropkicking Amanda in the side of the head. Starr goes sprawling and rolls out of the ring as Estrella goes to tend to her partner.)

Cari: "Hey! No outside interference! I knew Jessica was a cheater!"

Ken: "What? The match was over! Amanda should have just broken the hold."

(Starr glares into the ring, before walking back up the ramp with her arms raised. She yells at some of the upset fans before stepping through the curtain.)

Cari: "She's going to go far that girl. She's got the right attitude."

Ken: "A bad attitude. There was no need for that."

Cari: "There is always a need for that."

Ken: "Well, Melissa put on some great moves there. But her inexperience cost her the match."

Cari: "See, Amanda did her a favor."

Ken: "Oh sure. Folks, stay tuned. More great action after a commercial break."

**Winner: Amanda Starr by submission."
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