logoSamantha Staffer vs. Jessica Estrella

[Once again, it appears a capacity crowd has come to see the action of a Battling Ring Angels card play out. And once again, our mismatched dynamic duo find themselves discussing upcoming matches. Of course, each has a complete different view of events than the others. Kenny catches the red light on the camera out of the corner of his eye, and turns his attention to the lens.]

Kenny: "Welcome back, folks. Up next, Samantha Staffer squares off against Jessica Estrella..."

Cari: (stretching her arms out in an exaggerated manner) "Yawn. Wake me when we have a match."

Kenny: "This should be a match worth watching, to see how Estrella handles singles competition..."

Cari: "Ha! If Jessica is as �competitive' in a singles match as she is in tag action, this match should last all of five seconds."

Kenny: (ignoring his partner) "While Samantha looks to rebound from losing to Alexandria Parker."

Cari: "Well, she's picked the right opponent. Samantha could make quite a statement tonight. Then again, so could a six month old toddler against Estrella."

[ The lights dim and Samantha struts out to Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust". She is dressed in a skin tight short suit in shiny black with tall black leather boots, her hair is braided in a single braid down the back to keep it out of the way. She wears a baseball cap with "Thirtysomething" on the front. She looks cool and confident and greets the crowd with a wave and a smile. Behind her on the jumbotron are glimpses of her past fights, both with Peggy and solo fights.. The crowd roars it's approval.]

Kenny: "Staffer certainly looking ready for battle."

Cari: "This won't be a battle, Kenny. I don't like Samantha, or anything she stands for, but I do have to say she should have no problems with Estrella tonight."

['Oye Como Va' by Carlos Santana starts to play on the large arena speakers. Before people can get their bearings, Jessica Estrella and Mellisa Shared come charging out from behind the curtain and jog briskly to the ring. Jessica slaps hands with the fans and shows off her tanned and toned body. Mellisa follows her and smiled cutely for the fans. Jessica is dressed in a pair of black lycra shorts, adorned with flames, and a matching lycra top. Her boots are also black and have flames on them. She finishes her outfit with red knee pads. The shapely Puerto Rican beauty has her light brown hair loose and it waves in the breeze. She has a huge smile on her face for the benefit of her male fans. Mellisa wears orange and aqua lycra shorts and top, covered by a T shirt that says "California High School Swimming Champs". She wears orange boots and orange knee pads. Her blond hair is loose. Both slowly get into the ring, sliding between the second and top rope and wave for the fans.]

Kenny: "Mellisa is in her wrestling gear...?"

[Referee Vicki Task approaches Shared, and instructs her to exit the ring.]

Cari: "Don't tell me those two dingbats that this was a tag match?"

[Seemingly a bit puzzled, Mellisa does as order, and slides between the ropes before hopping off the apron. As Jessica and Samantha begin to circle each other, the bells sounds.]

Kenny: "And, folks, this one is underway."

Cari: "Master of the obvious..."

[Jessica and Samantha finally lock up. The bigger Staffer quickly gains the advantage, locking in a side headlock.]

Kenny: "The superior size of Samantha playing a role early."

Cari: "And it will play a role often."

[Samantha swiftly shifts out of the headlock, takes hold of Estrella's arm, and wrenches it behind her back.]

Kenny: "And quickly into a nice hammerlock. You know, the past few weeks, Sam's impressed me with her growing prowess."

Cari: "Don't get carried away here. A washed up never was with delusions of grandeur like Task in there could have her way with Estrella. If this was, say, Nina Larue in the ring with Staffer, she wouldn't be having this easy a go of it."

[Jessica grimaces as Samantha applies more pressure. Then, Staffer whips Jessica across the ring, into the ropes, and waits for her to return. She catches Estrella on the rebounds, lifts her, and then drops Estrella across her outstretched knee.]

Kenny: "Backbreaker!"

Cari: "I love the sound of popping vertebrae in the morning..."

[Staffer rolls Jessica off her knee, and on to the mat. Estrella looks around, as if she were trying to find which corner her partner was in. Outside the ring, Shared looks on with concern.]

Cari: (voice full of condescension) "It's a singles match, sweetie. Your fellow rookie can't help you."

[Samantha reaches down and pulls Estrella to her feet, before lifting her up and onto her own shoulders.]

Kenny: "Airplane spin! Haven't seen this one in a while."

Cari: "Haven't seen Estrella mount an offensive in a while, either."

[After a few revolutions, Samantha falls backward, driving her wait on top of an already disoriented Estrella.]

Kenny: "This is really starting to look like a classic mismatch."

Cari: "Whatever made you think it would be otherwise?"

[Again, Staffer pulls Jessica to her feet. Estrella fires a punch at Samantha's stomach, but Staffer ends the rally with an elbow to the back of her head. She again whips Estrella into the ropes, and leaps into the air, wrapping her legs around Jessica's neck and flipping her to the mat.]

Kenny: "Flying headscissors. She keeps this on, it's a submission maneuver."

[Samantha pours on the pressure, but Jessica refuses to give, pawing and clutching at Sam's legs tot ry and pry her way free. Eventually, Sam senses that she's not going to win with this move, and so releases her. Jessica tries to regain her breath, but doesn't get much rest as Staffer again pulls her up. This time, though, she keeps pulling her off her feet, and secures her in a bearhug.]

Cari: "She's softening her up now. Cue the orchestra, I think we're in for an early night."

Kenny: "I have a feeling you're right this time."

Cari: "This time???"

[Jessica, her eyes clinched shut in agony, struggles for breath. Melissa pounds the apron, trying to rally her partner, but Estrella's strength is fading fast. Sam feels her opponent's resistance growing weaker, and lets her fall to the mat.]

Kenny: "What's she doing? It's not like Samantha to needless prolong a match."

Cari: "No such animal. But that was just a set up move, dear naive in the ways of wrestling boy. The end is definitely nigh, though."

[Sam quickly takes hold of Jessica's legs, and cinches in her variant of the Scorpion Deathlock.]

Cari: "Told ya."

Kenny: "Can Estrella reach the ropes? Can she hold on?"

[Jessica screams, and shakes her head no, but she's gone. Within seconds, she slaps at the mat.]

Cari: "Nope. This one's a goner, kiddies."

Kenny: "Impressive win by Samantha Staffer."

[After the bell sounds, Samantha lets go of Estrella, and raises her arms to the cheering fans.]

Cari: "Enjoy it while you can, Sam. It may be a wait for your next one..."

WINNER: Samantha Staffer
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