
We return to the Battling Ring Angels arena and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: "Lindsay Locke is still my hero!", "Where's Janus?"; and "Waterbed for sale�Cheap" The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.

Kenny: Well fans, we're back to action and up next we have a wild one� Patricia Flex and Angel Dust taking on Tara Sawyer and Shea London.

Cari: Yeah sure. See if you can get the football game on this thing.

Kenny: Cari, we're calling a match here.

Cari: Um hm, if that's what you want to call it.

Kenny: Whatever do you mean?

Cari: Some foreigners and some losers dancing around. I'd rather watch paint dry.

Kenny: It just so happens that this is going to be an excellent match. Flex and Dust are already in the ring and they look...

Cari: Like they don't have a brain between them. Just milling around. They seem to have no plan at all.

The lights dim, as pyro displays along the walkway start to blast as Melanie C's "Going Down" begins to blare over the PA. After a few seconds, Shea London and Tara Sawyer appear side by side in the entranceway. Both walk briskly down to the ring, both slapping hands with the cheering fans. Shea's face bears her trademark cute grin. Tara's face is a bit more enigmatic. On the one hand, she seems quite pleased to be in the ring again. On the other, she seems a bit distant. As they reach the ring, Shea hops up onto the apron and sits on the middle rope, parting them for her friend to make her entrance. Tara's face softens a bit as she slips through and waves to the fans, Shea following right behind her.

Kenny: Tara and Shea look ready.

Cari: Uh huh�hey buddy, how much you want for the waterbed?!

Kenny: Quit talking to the fans.

Cari: What? They have certain posture-o-pedic benefits.

Kenny: There's the bell and Tara will start against Flex. The two women lock it up in the center of the ring�

Cari: I'll give you $175.

Kenny: Nice arm drag takeover by Tara. And she rolls that into an armbar. Already Sawyer has Flex down on the mat and is really putting on the pressure. Flex looks to be stuck early in the match.

Cari: $350! Are you nuts? I wouldn't pay more than $200!

Kenny: Sawyer drags Flex to her feet, and immediately grabs around on Flex, hoisting her opponent into a huge bearhug. Sawyer is one strong woman and she is really putting the strain on Flex's back.

Cari: Strain, right�right. OK, OK $210�

Kenny: Sawyer in complete control of Flex right now�and wham! She goes from the Bearhug to a ring rocking Belly to Belly Suplex! Flex is down and already in some serious pain.

Cari: $275? You got to be smoking something.

Kenny: Why don't you just go get a new waterbed?

Cari: I don't want to spend that much.

Kenny: Sawyer yanks Flex to her feet and drags her to the corner. There's the tag and Shea London hops into the ring. Wow, she is really looking good. I think she's put some muscle tone on.

Cari: Mmm hmmm. I got it�$220 and some ringside tickets?

Kenny: London sizes up the damaged Flex�and here we go with the huricanrana! She just flipped Flex.

Cari: She flipped off Flex? This could get interesting.

Kenny: Will you pay attention?

Cari: $230�final offer.

Kenny: Shea drags Flex to her feet�and Flex uses what little gas she has left in the tank to rake the eyes of Shea. Shea is caught off guard and recoils, grabbing her eyes. Flex looking to tag in Angel Dust.

Cari: Deal? Great. Now let's talk about getting you those ringside seats. Hey Kenny?

Kenny: Angel Dust tags in and charges across the ring, sending her elbow down onto Shea. London is looking a bit stunned. What are you doing in my briefcase?

Cari: I'm looking for those comp passes you've got. (to the fan)Here�there you go buddy. Now where can I pick up my waterbed?

Kenny: Those were for my mother.

Cari: She's blind, she can't see the matches anyway.

Kenny: Grrrrr. Angel Dust sends a punch to Shea's midsection and London staggers away, tagging Tara back in. Here comes Sawyer.

Cari: Nice clothesline by Sawyer knocks Angel Dust for a loop.

Kenny: My computer tells me that Sawyer's strength gives her a 74% advantage in this sort of match.

Cari: What?

Kenny: It also tells me that you overpaid for that waterbed.

Cari: Thank you Thomas Crown.

Kenny: Angel Dust is crawling towards the corner�hey, she just reached under the ring. What does she have in her hand?

Cari: Looks like the pump for my waterbed.

Kenny: No, that's a crowbar. She's going to hit Sawyer with it�wait! Here comes Jen Christian.

Cari: Maybe she has a beer for me.

Kenny: Angel Dust is up and Sawyer is looking the other way�she's going to�wait�Christian is in the ring and she grabs the crowbar from Angel. Can't the ref see this?

Cari: No, he's blind, like your mother.

Kenny: Tara sees it. She grabs Angel Dust and�boom! DDT! Christian rolls out of the ring! The ref sees this. Shea London looks confused.

Cari: I'm confused.

Kenny: Tara lifts Angel up�positions her�piledriver. There's the pin�1-2-3!

Cari: What just happened?

Kenny: Tara and Shea got the win�with a little help from Jen.

Cari: And I got a waterbed, so everyone's happy.

Kenny: Except Flex and Angel�and my mother.

Winner: Sawyer and London
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