"Now I lay me down to sleep..."

Whimsical looks overtake the faces of the crowd, for this is nothing they can remember hearing before..

"Blah, Blah, Blah... Soul to Keep..."

A figure steps from the back, folding her hands before her and looking out towards the audience, taking in the sounds of being back in the game. She takes a few steps further down the ramp and smiles as waves of people take to their feet....

"If I die, before I wake..."

Megadeth’s whine signals this entrance, teasing at the notions of what is to come when she steps into the ring with enemies in front, and another possibly at her back.... The lights along the aisle dance down the way, shuddering to life with a wicked snap...

"I’ll go to hell for Heaven’s sake... "

And with those words, the sound system thunders forth a new song and the lights fall silent... only the shadowed form of the HellRaiser, basking in the lights of those electric sabers falling behind her with every step. The crowd erupts when Dream Theater’s "Pull Me Under" drifts throughout the arena, the sounds of the FreeStyle, Bianca Dupree. She moves easily, gracefully... glimmers of gold shining from her waist as she presents the BRA Celestial title.

Dressed in the normal BiancaWear, blue jeans and a concert T-shirt from a recent Jackyl show, Bianca slid into the ring and assessed the cheers with a quirked brow. Releasing her own sly smirk, the HellRaiser threw her head back and stretched her arms out, fists clenched tight while strobe lights bathed her form. The AngelTron flickered to life to present her plummet from a week ago, when in fact she stole the highest honor offered by this fledgling federation.

The strobes snap abruptly into death as the scene fades away to the words," Fallen Angel"

"I’m back in your face... "

Bianca strode slowly about the ring, microphone grasped loosely in her left hand

"Tag Team Hell... This is gonna be a treat. The Dream Team tournament... A tournament thrown together by the powers that be, before I became that power. Every person out there has been given the options of choosing their favorites, throwing them together and watching the mayhem that would ensue from obvious mix matches.

Now, some people were nice, put some friends together in hopes to avoid the chaos that this kind of promotion so desperately needs. Anarchy provides interest... Friendships provide predictability. In no particular order, these are the teams that have met the qualifiers and are up for your approval. Three of these teams, along with the Boob Squad, will compete to become the first ever Battling Ring Angel Tag Team Champions...

Team number One, Menopause... Comprised of the forgotten, thankfully, example of archaic wrestling, Americana, and the Body Shop’s maid, Priceless Peggy Christian. If they win, you’re all invited to the victory Tupperware party.


Team Number Two, Simply Divine...Built of our two favorite socialite unknowns, Laura "Why Does Sally Struthers get all the Commercials?" Parker and Alexandria "I’m so vain, I scream my own name during sex" Parker. They just deserve each other...

Team Number Three, The DreamWalkers... Oh, get this... Sherry, "Help ME! I can’t win a damn thing by myself" Ann and her flavor of the month, the camera wielding phenomenon, Sweet Misty. The only advantage to choosing a combination like this, is obviously the home videos...

And then, there is Team number four, the Dream Team. Gee, anyone want to take a minute and guess? Could it be? The Body Shop mascot, Tina Dream and her sister."

Bianca knew the name, but why say it? Some people would get angered by what was said, Lisa would be more apt to get upset without hearing her name

"Oh, here’s a good one...Smoldering Rage, Brynne Kennedy..."

The HellRaiser stopped for a moment and scratched the back of her neck, perplexed by the name put before her....

"Repeat after me... WHO?"

POP! The audience roared the response; Bianca nodded in kind with a set of rolling eyes and stifled laughter.

"and Meagan Delanoire. Wow... just the names themselves force a shudder. I know they could go far... NEXT!

The Gothic Princesses, Kayla Scratchin’Sniff and that other Dream Girl. Lita? Laura? Well, I suppose if you’re into the white skin, black leather and Marilyn Manson, this is the team for you. Personally, I’d rather sent them to the tanning booths.

No offense to the next one, The Cheerleaders, but lets face it... It was cute when you were twelve; this obsession is starting to get just a little freaky. The Bouncing Bad Girl, Jenny Anderson and her former Mascot, Tina Dream... I would really hate to see Jenny carry another partner to gold.

Oh, and this is my personal favorite, The Hell’s Grannies, composed of the Body Shops Silicone Queen and remember, she’s not just the owner... but also a client, Sherry Ann and Americana. Now, do you realize that between those two women, there are more years in the ring than I’ve been alive? You would think they’d have gotten it right by now.... "

Bianca tossed the microphone out to the announce table, pulled a cigarette and lit up. Strolling around now, she found this amusing, a week ago they were trying to keep her away from this place. Signaling back to the table, they tossed the microphone back and she continued on.

"Now, those are the choices provided, who along with the "Miss Bra"... I doubt she can even fill one, Tiffany Lane and "The Goddess" Nina Larue, will compete in a tournament for the tag titles. Each of you fans need to cast their vote for the three teams you would most like to see in competition.

((OOC, Handlers, send your votes on the above teams to [email protected]..))

"Now, onto something altogether larger... For all those voices who have cried about yours truly, the HellRaiser, Trendsetter... being your first Celestial Champion, I find it to be wholly hypocritical. Who was Amanda Strike to sign a match for such prestige and forget everyone else who built this place? All the people who helped this place climb from such humble status, and the only ones rewarded were Sherry Ann... Checkbook Politics, and Yvette MallRat... worthy champions? Possibly..."

Cutting another stream of smoke, Bianca laid across a corner, propped on one arm with her legs crossed.

"Fine, if someone wants to truly impress the world then they, like myself, need to snatch the chance from the jaws of anarchy. December Sixth, "Naughty or Nice" Need I even ask? "Naughty or Nice" I am declaring this belt forfeit, and the one person who can survive longer than all the rest will be your next champion. The rules will be simple, two people start... every couple minutes another will be added until everyone who shows, has been beaten down and taken from play. The last person in the ring after it begins... you figure it out."

The music cranked again while the fans came to life. Bianca twirled the microphone mindlessly and slipped back into the ring...

"I guess there is only one thing left to say.... CUT THE SHIT!"

The audience knows their roles in this one, and respond on cue


Bianca threw away the microphone and stood their, arms out and head back waiting for the time to leave...


*** Fade to Commercial ***

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