(The camera fades in from commercial. It pans the capacity crowd at the BRA arena in Las Vegas. The fans hold up signs supporting their favorite wrestlers. The camera pans to the announcers desk showing Gary and Sandra smiling at the camera. The crowd noise drops when they realize the camera is no longer on them.)

Garry: Well let's see who's next. It's Rebecca Case vs. Miranda Ellis.

Sandra: The fans don't know much about either of these wrestlers as neither one has given many interviews.

Garry: Well the fans won't get interested in wrestlers or their matches unless they no something about them. What do you expect? If you want the fans to notice you, you have to do something to get noticed.

Sandra: Wow Garry! This is the first time that we talked this long and agreed on something.

Garry: Does that mean that this may be the first match we announce that I don't get slapped?


Sandra: No.

Garry: (Rubbing his cheek) Well here's the first wrestler. Standing 5'10" and weighing in at 165, from Littlehampton, West Sussex, UK MIRANDA ELLIS.

(Miranda walks into the arena with no music. She wears a mainly red and orange amateur wrestling bodysuit (like swimsuit), with dark purple stripes diagonally across front and back, and featuring her logo "ME". She doesn't acknowledge the crowd and they pretty much ignore her. She climbs into the ring and waits in her corner)

Sandra: Her opponent standing 5' 4" and weighing in at 115 Lbs. REBECCA CASE.

(The lights dim, as Tori Amos's "Cruel" begins to play over the PA system. Giles steps through the curtains first, followed by Rebecca. Rebecca seems a bit more confident than in her first outing, and tries to respond to the fans, waving and smiling. Giles, however, puts a stop to this. "Don't crawl to them, baby," he tells her. "Let them come to you." Nodding and lowering her head, Rebecca follows him to the ring. )

Garry: Talk about your David and Goliath match ups. Miranda outweighs Case by 50 Lbs. and is 6 inches taller. So I put $20.00 dollars on Miranda.

Sandra: Miranda is big but she doesn't look all that tough to me. I'll take that bet.

(The ref signals for the bell. Miranda moves cautiously toward the center of the ring. Rebecca charges out and nails a surprised Miranda with a drop kick to the left knee. Miranda falls backward clutching her knee. Case grabs Ellis's foot and turns her on her stomach. Case then hits her with a spinning toe hold. Ellis cries out and beats the mat. Case continues to apply the pressure. Ellis manages to crawl to the ropes forcing the ref to break the hold.)

Giles: (Rebecca's Manager) Don't release those holds right away. Always keep the hold on until the ref counts to four.

Garry: That was good advice from Giles.

Sandra: It is if you want to get Dqed. I think that Rebecca is doing a great job wrestling.

(Rebecca has gone over to Giles to hear his advice. Miranda is standing on one leg massaging her left leg. Miranda moves over to Case but is met by a kick to her belly, causing her to double over in a gush of exhaled breath. Case puts Ellis in a headlock and starts to run across the ring. She drops to the mat smashing Ellis's face into the mat in a running bulldog. Case jumps up and grabs Ellis's left foot and twists it again with a toe lock. Ellis is near the ropes. The ref calls for the break. Case begins to release the hold when she hears Giles yelling "NO! NO! NO! Keep it on." Rebecca twists the toe of Miranda's boot again, eliciting a squeal of pain from her. The ref begins to count and Rebecca releases the hold after a one count. Giles throws his hands up in disgust. Case moves away from Ellis and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Ellis uses the ropes to raise herself from the mat. Her back is to Case. Ellis turns and Case leaps off the turnbuckle to deliver a flying headsciccors. Miranda moves out of the way at the last possible instant, Case lands stunned on the mat. Ellis goes to the prone Case and begins to stomp on her stomach. The force of the stomp causes Rebecca to sit up. Ellis then delivers a boot to the face, knocking Case's head back to the mat. Ellis prepares a big stomp to Case's belly. Rising to the toes of her left foot to bring her right foot down with all her weight. Case rolls toward Ellis and chops her already weakened left knee. The knee buckles and Ellis crashes to the mat on top of Case.)

Sandra: quick thinking by Rebecca. I don't think she would have survived a big stop from Ellis.

Garry: She may not have survived all that weight crashing down on her. Neither of them seems to be moving.

(Case and Ellis lie in a heap on the mat. Case is lying on her side with Ellis on top of her. Neither have their shoulders to the mat. The ref seems to be wondering what to do. He starts counting them both out. At the count of four the pile of broken humans begins to move. Slowly they both get to their feet Ellis is hobbling around on her right foot, massaging her left knee. Case shakes her head to get the cobwebs out. Case sees Ellis still hobbling about on one foot, she charges her and nails her with a short arm clothesline. Ellis goes down on her back. Case turns over Ellis and twists Miranda's legs attempting to apply a figure four leg lock. Ellis squeals in pain and lashes out with her right foot connecting with Case's nose. Case staggers backward and cups her hand over her nose to stop the bleeding. Ellis slowly gets to her feet, favoring her left leg. Case moves toward Ellis and nails her with a kick to the stomach which knocks Ellis into the ropes. Ellis rebounds off the ropes and is hit with a European uppercut to the chin that snaps her head back. Case follows that up with another kick to the stomach that knocks all the air out of Ellis. Ellis knees get wobbly and she staggers like a drunken sailor around the ring. Case watches her stagger, waiting for Ellis to fall down. Ellis remains on her feet until Case runs at her and flattens her with a Shoulder block to the belly. Ellis falls to the mat. Case jumps on her and rolls her up fro the pin.)




(The ref calls for the bell and raises Rebecca Case's arm in victory. Rebecca begins to leave the but Giles begins to shout at her and wave his hand at Ellis. Case turns and looks at the badly beaten Ellis, she looks pleadingly at Giles. Giles shakes his head yes, emphatically. Rebecca walks over to Ellis and stomps her stomach once. This brings a groan from Ellis and she rolls on her side. Case kicks her once in the back before the ref can step between them and push Case away. She then leaves the Arena.)

Sandra: I don't think I like this Giles. Rebecca seems to be too much under his influence. I don't think she likes stomping downed opponents.

Garry: Kick them when their down is what I always say. That way they won't be stupid enough to try and fight you again.

Sandra: Kick them when their down is probably the only way you know how to fight. Of course someone else would have to knock them down first, since you aren't strong enough to knock down a fly. We have to go to commercial.

The Winner: Rebecca Case by pinfall.



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