Meagan Delanoire
Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson

{ Fade in after a commercial break. }

Garry: Hello again all, time for another exciting match.

Sandra: Interesting match is another way to describe it too. We have two Body Shop members going at it with each other.

Garry: When will you people get it through your fat heads, that Jenny wised up, and left her mother and her cronies in the Slop...errr....umm Shop that is?

Sandra: Well I've known Jenny a long time, and trust me, the Shop is in her heart still, she's just going through a phase right now, and just doesn't know what she wants.

Garry: It's called reaching puberty........


Sandra: That'll be enough of that crap. Jen may be the youngest girl here, but she hit puberty a long time ago jackass, and is a lovely young woman now.

Garry: Cool with me, she's cute, and legal, it's all good.

Sandra: Oh geez, you are the ulitmate idiot.

{ The lights in the stadium slowly dim, the flashlights around the stadium starts blinking red and white colors, and the new techno version of the Ohio State Fight Song blasts through the arena sound system. }

Sandra: Here comes the sweetheart of Battling Ring Angels!!

{ The crowds turns to the entrance and Jenny comes out from the back holding two pom poms chest high. She smiles brightly and begins waving her arms doing a pom pom routin at the entrance ramp. Jenny ends it with doing a split on the ramp leading down from the entrance. }

Sandra: She sure can fire up the crowd. Even though she's been a naughty girl lately, the fans still love her.

Garry: Seems to run in that odd family of hers. Why the fans love her mother, I'll never understand.

{ Jenny then bounces to her feet and starts making her way towards the ring throwing her pom poms into the crowd as she moves towards the ring. As she gets halfway, Jenny picks up speed and starts doing serval cartwheels and end it with a sommersault a few feet from the ring and wave her arms to her fans. }

Sandra: Oh my!!! Jenny look out!!!

{ Meagan comes running down the aisle, and nails Jenny from behind with a running clothesline. }

Garry: COOL!!! Gee wonder if mom approved of this to happen to her little angel?

Sandra: Somehow I seriously doubt it. I can't beleive Meagan did this to Jenny.

Garry: Well you better beleive it, and she's not done yet either, look!

{ Meagan lifts Jenny up by the hair, and then drops her on the concrete floor with a devistating DDT. }

Garry: Cool, that really had some Umph behind it, the Cheerleader is dazed!!

Sandra: Meagan's lost her freaking mind!

{ Meagan once again picks Jenny up, but this time she drags her over to the guardrail, and locks her arms up in it. Now Meagan begins kicking Jenny in the knee. Jenny is helpless, but Meagan backs off for a second, as Thunderstruck by AC/DC begins to pound from the sound system. Meagan looks up the entrance ramp, and sees Sherry, Tina, and Samantha running down the aisle. She only briefly stops her attack on Jenny, who is still tied up in the guardrail, and once again begins kicking away at her knee. }

Garry: Ummm now who side does Sherry take?

Sandra: Good question, though she knows how to handle internal fighting in her stable, I'm sure she'll do the right thing here, and solve this diplomaticly.

Garry: Well, it sure isn't looking that way..............

{ Sherry grabs Meagan by the hair, and pulls her off of Jenny, and then flings her into the side of the ring. Tina helps Jenny get out of the guardrail, as Samantha tries to keep the peace between a furious Sherry Ann and Meagan Delanoire. }

Sherry: Just what in sam hell do you think your doing?????

Meagan: Someone needs to teach your little brat a lesson, you sure as hell aren't doing a good job of it!!!

Sherry: You just get your ass in the ring and wrestle a clean match with her, I'll deal with disciplining my daughter!!! We'll discuss this later Meagan!!

Garry: Do any of these Shoppers get along?

Sandra: Normally, yes! but lately, wow!

{ Jenny with Tina's help walks off the pain in her knee. Sherry goes over to comfort her little girl, but Jenny just pushes her mom away, and then hops into the ring, where Meagan is waiting. }

Sandra: Poor Sherry, Jenny just wont give her a chance, and if it wasn't for her, Jenny could have a serious injury right now.

Garry: Well old mommy is livid right now, and Tina and Samantha are trying to calm her down.

Sandra: Well looks like we're still gonna have a match, the ref just signaled for the bell.


{ Jenny and Meagan lock up in the center of the ring in a collar and elbow tie up, and the bigger Meagan drives Jenny to the ropes, then plants a knee into Jenny's stomach, then follows that up with a European uppercut, that catches the Cheerleader in the jaw. }

Sandra: Ya know, poor Meagan is really going through a lot of pain too. The arrival of Evonne Carmikel here at BRA just has Meagan all messed up emotionally.

Garry: Oh boo hoo!!!

{ Meagan takes Jenny, and Irish whips her into the far ropes. Jenny bounces off the ropes, and heads toward an awaiting Meagan, who has her arm out waiting to decapatate Jenny. However Jenny stays focused, and baseball slides between Meagan's legs, and nails her with a low blow as she slides under her. Meagan drops to her knees, and Jenny springs to her feet, and then gets lectured by her mother for using underhanded tactics on Meagan. }

Jenny: It's all about competition mom, deal with it! Besides aren't the words you always preached to me?

{ Jenny then sticks her tongue out at Sherry, and moves in on Meagan. Sherry just shakes her head in disbelief, and takes a seat at ringside. }

Garry: heheheheheh you tell her Cheerleader!

Sandra: Just keep your mouth shut. Unless you want me to call Sherry over here, and I'm suuuure she's in no mood for you at all tonight.

Garry: need for that, I'll behave.

Sandra: I'll beleive that when I see it.

{ Jenny nails Meagan in the back with a kick as she was trying to get up. Now she grabs hold of Meagan's feet, and applies a step over toe hold. Meagan crys out in pain, as Jenny yanks back on her ankle. }

Sandra: This kid can really do it all.

Garry: She can't brawl.

Sandra: She has no need to, she can take to the air, or beat you on the mat technically.

Garry: And she lost to Alexandria Parker because?

Sandra: Ya can't win them all. Besides, Jenny seemed to lose focus at the PPV. I'd like to see a rematch between those two.

Garry: Pfft..!

{ Meagan reaches out for the ropes, to try and escape the hold. Sherry steps up to the ring, and bends down looking Meagan in the eye. }

Sherry: Ya know, if you'd done as I asked, I'd be pulling you to the ropes right now, but ya didn't, so I'll just watch you suffer a bit.

Meagan: Siiiiiit dooowwnn!

{ Samantha and Tina grab Sherry, and take her away from the ring apron. Sherry's words seem to fire up Meagan, and she gets on her elbows, and scampers to the ropes, and puts her hand on it. The ref tells Jenny to break the hold, but she still holds onto it. He begins to count Jenny out, and she breaks at the count of 4. }

Garry: Typical Shopper, always ignoring the ref.

Sandra: Oh puuuhlleeeze!

{ The ref holds Jenny back, and lets Meagan get to her feet. }

{ Sweet Misty comes down to the ring area, and sits on Sherry's lap, trying to calm her down a little. }

Garry: Now just what in the hell is this all about???

Sandra: I think it's sweet of Misty to come down to calm Sherry down, she knows the pain she's going through with all this stuff with her two daughters. Sherry's used to Bianca's ignorance, but she's having a tough time with Jenny acting the way she is, and it's obviously causing problems within the Shop now.

Garry: Well deal with this crud elsewhere, this is a wrestling arena, not Melrose Place.

Sandra: *sigh*

{ The ref turns Jenny loose, and she rushes at Meagan, and leaps in the air, with a flying cross body block, but Meagan was ready, and she catches Jenny and then drops her over her knee with a backbreaker. Meagan now pounds on the stretched out stomach of Jenny, as she's still draped over Meagan's knee. }

Garry: Nice high impact move by Meagan, and a great follow up too.

Sandra: Meagan is a talented grappler, and has a strength advantage over Jenny.

{ Meagan stands up, and just dumps Jenny to the mat. Now she grabs Jenny's feet, and lifts them up in the air, then looks out at the croud, and smiles. The crowd yells "No" but Meagan ignores their pleas, and stomps on Jenny's crotch. Sherry goes ballistic at ringside, and Misty, Sammy, and Tina have to hold her back. Meagan just looks at Sherry and smiles. }

Meagan: Turn about is fair play.....isn't that what you teach us Sherry?

Sherry: PLEASE don't hurt my baby!!!

Garry: Ummm...her baby? I hardly consider an 18 year old woman, a baby.

Sandra: Ok, go tell Sherry that. She seems to be in a wonderful mood now, so go tell her.

Garry: I'll pass.

{ Meagan reaches down, and grabs a handfull of Jenny's hair, and brings her to her feet. Now she Irish whips her into the corner, and Jenny hits the turnbuckles hard with her back. Meagan then rushes in, and drives her shoulder into Jenny's stomach. Jenny just melts into the turnbuckles, as all the air in her body gets forced out of her. Meagan follows up as she raises up, and rams the top of her head into Jenny's chin. }

Garry: Ouch, that's a good way to lose some teeth!

Sandra: That move hurt both of them. Meagan must think she has a skull like a rock to try that.....boy was she wrong.

{ Meagan staggers around holding the top of her head. Jenny has just crumpled, and lays in the fetal postition in the corner. Sherry runs over to the corner to check on her daughter. }

Sherry: Get out of there honey, catch your breath.

{ Jenny is in pain, yet seems aggrivated that her mother is babying her in public, but she takes her advise, and rolls herself out of the ring to take a breather. Sherry trys to hug Jenny, but she wants nothing to do with that, and shoves Sherry away from her. Tina goes over to Jenny, to make sure she still has all her teeth. Jenny asures her tag team partner that she's alright, then climbs back into the ring, beating the refs count. }

Garry: Maybe one day these Shoppers will let Jenny grow up. Hell she's won more belts than all of them, with the exception of Sherry, combined. I think she knows what to do in that ring.

Sandra: Ummm...for once, and I can't beleive I'm gonna say're right.

{ Back in the ring, Jenny climbs through the ropes, and Meagan steps out of the corner, after shaking out the cobwebs. Jenny takes off running at Meagan, and leaps into the air, and nails Meagan with a drop kick. Meagan lands hard on the mat, and Jenny springs up to her feet, then she grabs Meagans feet, and rolls her into a Boston Crab. }

Sandra: Oh my, that's no ordinary Boston crab, that's the Sherry Crab!!

Garry: Wow, when did Sherry teach her that?

Sandra: To my knowledge, she didn't. Jenny seems to be doing this to make Sherry mad.

Garry: hehehe looks like it's working too!

{ Sherry isn't happy seeing her daughter use her move, and stands next to the ring yelling at Jenny. }

Sherry: Jenny release her now!!! You don't know how dangerous that move is!!!

{ In typical Jenny fashion, she just sticks her tongue out at her mom, and continues to lean back into the hold. }

Sandra: Sherry's right, that move can be deadly, you can snap a spine with it easily.

{ Sherry now seeing that Jenny has no intention of releasing the hold, reaches through the ropes, and grabs Meagans arms, and pulls her to the ropes. The ref repremands Sherry for interfereing, and then makes Jenny release the hold. Jenny does, but follows it up with a stomp to Meagans back, to add to the pain she's in already from the Sherry Crab. }

Garry: Ok, I'm lost here, who's side is Sherry on here?

Sandra: Neither, she's neutral as always. She's helped out both of them now.

Garry: She really should just go to the back.

{ Sherry is talking to Meagan outside the ring, making sure she's ok. Jenny goes running across the ring, bounces off the ropes, and makes her way towards Meagan. She then slides through the ropes, and flys at Meagan feet first. Meagan moves out of the way at the last second, and Jenny nails Sherry with the kick, and it sends her crashing into the guardrail head first. Jenny looks at her mom in a state of shock, as the kick was meant for Meagan. Misty goes to Sherry's aid, and quickly motions for some medical techs to help Sherry, who's head has been busted wide open from hitting the guardrail. }

Sandra: Oh this is terrible.

Garry: No, this is awesome!!!

{ Jenny stands there with the other Shop members and Misty checking on Sherry. Meagan sees an opportunity, and moves in on Jenny. She picks her up, and runs to the corner of the ring with her, then smashes her back against the ring post. Not satisfied with doing this once, she takes a few steps back, and rams her into the ring post again. Jenny's body goes limp in Meagans arms, and Meagan just tosses her into the ring, and climbs in after her. }

Garry: This Meagan has her head on straight, and is really taking it to the Cheerleader now.

Sandra: Jenny is in real trouble now it seems, though I've seen this kid bounce back from worse than this, and win.

Garry: Not tonight, she's done, and hehehehe so is her mommy. Damn look at all that blood coming out of Sherry's head. Sure hope her ounce of brain doesn't fall out of that cut......


Garry: Ouch!!! Knock it off!!!

{ Meagan hoists Jenny up in the air, and nails her with a Samoan Drop!!! }

Garry: Stick a fork in the Cheerleader, she's done!

Sandra: Every time you say that, the person bounces back.

Garry: Well....ummm...uh.....Not this time, Meagan's going for the pin!



Thr.........NO Kickout!!

{ Meagan is furious, she thought she had her. Now Meagan gets to her feet, and stomps on Jenny's head. Jenny tries to block the stomps, but as soon as she moves her hands up to her head, Meagan stomps on her body. Somehow Jenny notices she's close to the ropes, and grabs hold of the bottom one. The ref then forces Meagan away from Jenny, and Jenny rolls out of the ring. Hurt, but concerned about her mom, Jenny walks over, and peeks around the corner of the ring, to see how she's doing. }

Sandra: See, she still cares for her mom.

Garry: Or she's hoping she's dead.

Sandra: Get real!!!

Garry: Well....ya never know what one's thinking.

Sandra: I doubt she's thinking that, but Jen needs to worry about Meagan, here she comes!!!

{ Meagan who is now outside the ring too, comes running up behind Jenny, and levels her with a clothesline. Samantha steps in, and asks Meagan to keep the match in the ring. Meagan snarls at Samantha, then Meagan grabs Jenny, and throws her into the ring, and goes in after her. }

Sandra: I think Meagan is out of her mind!

Garry: Isn't that a prerequisite to join the Shop?

Sandra: Oh shut up, asswipe!

{ Jenny seems to really be in bad shape now, and Meagan moves in for the kill, but something catches her attention at ringside, and she moves to the ropes with fire in her eyes. Evonne Carmikel is standing on the opposite side of the ring as the Shop members that are attending to Sherry. She holds up her hand, and displays a ring on her finger to Meagan. Meagan goes bizerk, and looks at Jenny wondering if she she finish her off, then looks back at Evonne. }

Garry: Ah, decisions decisions!

Sandra: I think it's horrible that Carmikel stole Meagans ring!

Garry: Why? It's probably just a cubic zaronium anyways.

Sandra: I don't care if it came out of a gumball machine, you don't take peoples wedding rings!!!

{ Jenny is now back up on her feet, and her eyes grow wide as she sees Evonne standing there. }

Evonne: Ah little Jenny, so nice to see that you've developed into such a fine young lady, and wised up about your mother.

{ Meagan has made up her mind, and she opts to go after Evonne, she hops through the ropes, and runs at Evonne, who takes off running. Jenny then follows suit, and runs behind them. }

Garry: Is Jenny chasing Evonne, or Meagan?

Sandra: I really don't know, I know she hates Evonne, so I'm sure it's her.

Garry: I hope it's Meagan.

Sandra: Well, one of those ladies best get back to the ring, or they'll be counted out soon. The ref is already at 10 in his count.

Garry: Hey our backstage cameras have picked up the trio in the back, let's go to it.

{ The camera opens backstage, and picks up Evonne hopping into a limo. Meagan pounds on the trunk of the car, as it pulls away. Jenny comes running up as the car drives away, and she notices the pain that Meagan is in, and comforts her, but Meagan pushes Jenny away, and the fight resumes backstage between them. }

{ Back at ringside, Samantha and Tina catch the action backstage on the Angeltron, and leave Misty to tend to Sherry, and go to break up the fight. Meanwhile the ref is signaling for the bell, as both women have been counted out of this match officially, yet it continues in the back. }

{ Once again the shot goes backstage, and finds the bizzare Zantara Underworld of the Shop, cheering both Jenny and Meagan on, to beat the hell out of each other. }

Garry: Wow, this is freaking wild!!!

Sandra: Umm...yea, it's a tad crazy to say the least. Well Misty and the medical techs have Sherry back up on her feet now, and are escorting her to the back.

Garry: Dang, her head got split open like I don't know what on that guardrail.

Sandra: This could be bad, remember Sherry just came off of an injury to her head.

Garry: Her head has always been messed up......


Sandra: Don't even start!
Well folks we gotta go to a commercial break now. Once again, both Jenny and Meagan were counted out of this one. Stay tuned, more great Battling Ring Angels action is coming up soon.

Garry: Alright, somebody get me a damn beer!

Sandra: Nice idiot, we were still on the air.

Garry: DOH!! sorry!

{ Fade out }

This match is owned by Battling Ring Angels, any rebroadcast of this or any copying of it what so ever is prohibited.
(c) Cleo enterprises 1999

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