logoKelly Mase vs. Tiffany Epitaphine

[Fade from commercial for Hostess Twinkees, now made with fourteen types of acids.]

Sandra: Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a violent, and I do mean violent, night here at Battling Ring Angels.

Garry: [pulls out game cartridge] But every night could be a violent night! Get Battling Ring Angels for your Nintendork 65 or Suny Preystation Consoles when it's released this December 7th - just in time for Christmas!

Sandra: Er, right, Garry. Anyway. Our next match pits newcomer Kelly "The Assassin" Mase -

Garry: Quite a looker!

Sandra: - against Tiffany Epitaphine.

Garry: Who's quite a hoo-

Sandra: *ahem!* As I was saying, Tiffany came away last week with a belt win, although at one hell of a cost. She's probably expecting a bit of an easier ride this week. We don't really know for sure. A reporter was supposed to interview her during the commercial, but had no luck in finding her. Anyway, let's go ringside for the action.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, our next event features, first, from the Unitest States Embassy in Tehran, Iran, standing at 5'7" and weighing in at 150 pounds - Kelly "The Assassin" Mase!

[As the lights dim, red pyrothecnics shoot into the sky, simulating rockets as �Live and Let Die� blares from the loudspeakers. The fans stand, many applauding. As the smoke clears from the entrance�nothing. The announcer strains his neck to see. He exchanges nervous glances with the referee.]

Garry: Oh, this is not the way to make your first showing in a league.

Announcer: *ahem* Kelly "The Assassin" Mase!

[Again, Kelly does not appear. Many fans begin grumbling, even booing her no show.]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, I must apologize. I guess she's held up. Her opponent, anyway, hails from Boston, Massachusettes, standing at 5'6" and weighing in at 122 pounds - Tifanny Epitaphine!

[All the lights go off and a red spotlight circles around the arena. A firecracker explodes at the top of the stairs above the fans. pyrotechnics spark shoot at the aisle showing Tiff coming to the ring from the usual path instead of between the crowd. Tiffany movea with grace, the belt at her shoulders. Tiffany climbs the announcers' table and scans the arena, checking for any attackers. She takes her coat off and throws it aside, revealing her black bikini top and bottom, she moves from the table and towards the ring. Almost instantly, a woman leaps from her seat behind the guardrail and slams into Tiffany Epitaphine as she enters the ring. Kelly Mase has finally arrived.]

Sandra: Sneaky tactics start from Kelly early tonight! Smart move on her part, I suppose. Tiffany scrambles away from Kelly and tosses her belt to a ring attendant. The women are circling as the bell rings. Tiffany goes on an offensive and delivers a backfist across Kelly's face! A punch to the kidneys doubles Kelly over!

[Tiffany puts Kelly's head between her legs and pulls her feet up, dropping all her weight and Kelly's head to the mat. Meanwhile, Bianca slowly makes her way down the aisle. She pulls a chair from the front row and places it outside the ring. She sits and begins to watch.]

Garry: And the newcomer gets a harsh welcome from the champ! Tiffany pulls Kelly up for a vertical suplex! Ow!

Sandra: She liked it so much, Tiffany does it again! Another vertical suplex! And another for good measure! Kelly's trying to get up, but she seems dazed and stunned. Tiffany gives Kelly an elbow drop, followed by another! Tiffany goes for a pin!

Bridge out!

Sandra: It won't be this early! Tiffany pulls Kelly up to her feet and gets behind her - Tiffany crouches and pulls Kelly backwards - a torture rack! The referee checks for a submission! Kelly swats Tiffany in the face with her hand! Again! Ow! Kelly places a chop into Tiffany's eye!

[Tiffany releases the hold and Kelly slides off her, holding her back. Kelly spins around and drives a kick into the middle of Tiffany's back. Tiffany is pushed forward, but maintains her footing so not to fall over. She turns around in time time to be clotheslined by Kelly.]

Sandra: Kelly is turning things around here! She rolls Tiffany over and puts her in a Boston Crab! Tiffany is struggling for the ropes!

Garry: Not if Kelly can help it. Kelly pulls Tiffany a bit further mid mat and leans back into that Boston Crab! Tiffany looks less than pleased, but she's not giving up yet.

[Tiffany slolwly claws her way to the ropes, dragging Kelly with her. Kelly wrenches harder on Tiffany's legs. Tiffany, however, lunges her body at the rope and grabs it. Immediately, the referee orders Kelly to release the hold.]

Sandra: Kelly picks Tiffany up and places her in an over-shoulder backbreaker! The referee is checking for submission. Kelly drops to a knee and slams Tiffany's body with an over-knee backbreaker!

Garry: I think she's going for the back.

Sandra: You're good, Garry. Really. Kelly keeps pushing, trying to snap Tiffany in half, but the referee tells Kelly Tiffany's foot is caught on the middle rope! The referee starts counting, but Kelly releases her hold right at four. Kelly pulls Tiffany up for a Powerbomb - no! Tiffany turns it into a backdrop! Kelly's down! Tiffany rolls her over and puts her in a bow and arrow, then rolls back! Overhead bow and arrow! Tiffany has Kelly in a world of hurt!

Garry: Some assassin. Should have brought a rifle or something.

[Bianca props her feet up on the edge of the mat, and leans back, obviosuly interested in what's going on.]

Sandra: Kelly refuses to tap out on this one. Tiffany releases the hold and drops Kelly on her side. Tiffany brings Kelly up again and throws her into the ropes - Powerslam!

[As Tiffany bends down and pulls Kelly up, she whispers to her:]

Tiffany: Do you feel the Wrath?

Sandra: Tiffany whips Kelly into the ropes and catches her with an elbow to the face! Tiffany picks Kelly up in an over-shoulder backbreaker, and follows it with an over-knee as payback! She's not releasing the hold, either.

Garry: That would be Mase's "Back Stab" move, which we saw earlier.

Sandra: I doubt Mase expected being on this end of it, though. Tiffany drops Mase to the mat and rolls her over for a surfboard. Kelly's foot tags the rope! The referee makes Tiffany release the hold!

Garry: Spoil sport!

Sandra: Tiffany pulls Kelly up - uppercut to Tiffany's chin! Kelly roundhouse kicks Tiffany! Tiffany thought she'd beaten most of this out of Kelly! Kelly dropkicks Tiffany! Tiffany's on her back! Kelly's up and picks Tiffany up - she's going for another Back Stab!

[As Kelly situates Tiffany over her shoulders, Tiffany yanks up on Kelly's chin and wrenches her neck. Kelly releases the hold and Tiffany falls, pulling Kelly down on top of her. Kelly goes for a pin.]

Bridge out!

Sandra: Tiffany didn't seem to expect that at all! Kelly tries to pull Tiffany up, and Tiffany headbutts her! Kelly stumbles back. Tiffany hurls Kelly against the ropes and catches her in a powerslam! She goes for a pin!

Tw- Kick out!

Sandra: Tiffany looks like she's getting annoyed. She pulls Kelly up in a headlock - wait! She's just now seeing Bianca sitting at ringside. Tiffany seems focused, wondering what Bianca's up to.

Garry: Perfect for Kelly! Kelly delivers a sucker punch to Tiffany and throws her off of her! Kelly sends a high kick at Tiffany - Tiffany catches it and shoves Kelly off balance! The Assassin topples. Tiffany flops down on top of Kelly and goes for a pin -



Sandra: And Kelly manages to kick out, but it's a second too late! Tiffany's won by pinfall.

Garry: I don't think that's how Tiffany wanted it, either. She wanted a submission, but Kelly has too much fight. I wouldn't normally say this, but I think if Kelly had just a tad more training, she'd have floored Tiffany early on.

Sandra: I must agree. The referee is seperating both women - I think he's afraid there's going to be some conflict.

Garry: Damn right! Kelly's mad! I don't blame her. She almost got out of that pin.

[Tiffany turns to watch Bianca, who is now lazilly leaving the arena. Bianca slaps Garry in the back of the head as she walks by.]

Garry: Ow! That was uncalled for!

Sandra: Maybe you did something to her in a past life. Ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned. We've got more for you after these words.


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