logoThe Marquise Yvette Desade vs. Princess Peggy Christian

[Fade in on the BRA Locker room. Yvette is backstage, waiting for her match to begin. She looks into the camera. Violence dances in her eyes as she speaks.]

Yvette: Peg, it is unfortunate for you that tonight begins Bastille�s Reign of Terror. You are the first victim of many, to suffer my wrath.�

[Camera cuts to Garry and Sandra.]

Garry: Words to fear as Yvette begins her reign of terror against the Body Shop.

Sandra: What we have here, Garry, are two women feel they were disgraced at last week's Pay-Per-View: Yvette by Sherry Ann's Body Shop, and Peggy Christian by her niece, Brynn.

Garry: That's right, Sandra. Both these women have a lot they want to prove tonight, but only one can do it, and frankly, I've got my bets placed on the Frenchie.

Sandra: Don't be too sure. Peg's had the odds against her countless times before, but she's almost always surprised us all.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, may I direct your attention to the ring as we begin our next event. First, from Rennes, France, standing at 5'7" and weighing in at 124 pounds - The Marquise Yvette Desade!

[The first few bars of the French National Anthem play but suddenly cut off. The lights go out and explosions, fireballs and spotlights go swirling. The Angeltron shows scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and explosions, followed by the Lords of Acid�s �Out Comes the Evil.� Yvette appears from the curtains, clad in her white S&M style outfit with white crop and cape, then throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a �Y� (for �Yvette, of course). She is then followed by Merci.]

Garry: [wiping drool from mouth] Stunning as always.

Sandra: Hmmph. Well, she definately makes an entrance. I give her that much.

[As Yvette enters the ring, a blonde woman slips in from the same entrance and makes her way towards the second row, shoving someone from a seat.]

Announcer: Her opponent tonight, hailing from Edmonton, Canada, standing at 5'4" and weighing in at 155 pounds - "Princess" Peggy Christian!

[Peggy enters to Tom Jones' "She's a Lady" again, wearing her floor length floral kimono to the ring. She sheds the kimona before entering the ring, showing her zebra print one piece suit, black tights and black soft leather wrestling boots. She raises her arms to the fans but, to her surprise, a few boo her, holding up signs demanding Yvette, "show her how your ancestor took care of business!"]

Garry: I can't help but feel Peg's at a disadvantage here. While she's got to make up for last week, Yvette's now a woman on a mission, and she's got a lot of hate aimed straight at Peg, the closest thing to Sherry Ann in the room.

[The bell rings.]

Sandra: You may be right. Yvette rushes at Peg and grabs her in a headlock and flips the woman over, and landing on top of Peg! She's wrenching Peg's neck!

Garry: See? She's already on her back.

Sandra: Peg's still got a lot of fight though. She's proven that in the past. I think Peg's still a bit worn from last week, though, and Yvette seems to be showing no signs of last week's battle wear.

Garry: Not physically.

[Yvette begins punching Peg in the face, being careful to just her knuckle out so it would ram right into Peg's eye. As she does so, she hisses words of contempt.]

Yvette: Peg, my dear, you were a fool to step in the ring with me!

[Yvette lifts Peg, still in a headlock, and whips her into the rope. When Yvette catches her, she piledrives Peg into the mat. Peg attempts to get to her feet, but Yvette is prepared. Bouncing off the ropes, Yvette leaps and, in a makeshit missile dropkick, slams her left foot on top of Peg's head and right under her jaw, yanking Peg down and wrenching her neck as she falls. Peg rolls on the match and clutches her neck, feeling as if muscles have been pulled. Yvette is already up again.]

Garry: I told you the Frenchie meant business! And damn, is she ever mad. Yvette lifts Peg belly to belly and falls backwards - wham-o! Peg goes face first into a turnbuckle! And already a trickle of crimson from the princess's nose. Guess she's not a blue-blood after all.

Sandra: Tacky, Garry. Tacky. Yvette lifts Peg - face driver into the mat! Dear Lord, is she trying to take Peg's face apart?

Garry: It's cheaper than plastic surgery.

[Peg's fans begin chanting her name, but they are met with equal force by Yvette's fans booming her name out like a mantra, led by Merci.]

Garry: Now that's a testament to Yvette's growing popularity.

Sandra: And this match is becoming a monument to her brutality. Ow! A jawbreaker for Peg! Yvette has a lot to work out after last week, I guess.

Garry: Yeah, I guess.

Sandra: Yvette's letting Peg get to her feet, just for a spinning jump kick! Ugh! Peg falls like a sack of rocks.

Garry: Fat rocks.

Sandra: C'mon, Peg! Fight back!

Garry: Not today, dear! Yvette field goal kicks Peg's head! If that were a football, it would be outta here!

Sandra: I fear she may be out of here anyway. Yvette attempts a pin.


Sandra: Peg's still in this, if barely. Yvette kicks into the collarbone of Peg. Ugh, that's a stinging move! Yvette lifts Peg by the hair - Peg rushes her!

[In a burst, Peg drives Yvette into the turnbuckle and bearhugs her, lifting the younger woman and carrying her to the center of the ring. Yvette's arms are trapped to her side. Peg uses the energy she has to push herself off her feet and land on top of Yvette. Yvette makes a gurgling sound.]

Sandra: And Peg's here! She hooks Yvette up for a pin!

Tw- Kickout!

Sandra: Too early, Peg! Too early! Peg runs back to the rope and whips herself - bodysplash! Yvette felt that!

Garry: How could she not? She just had the weight of a small house fall on her.

Sandra: Perfectly suited for such a witch! Again, Peg tries to hook Yvette's leg for a pin!

Bridge out!

Sandra: Yvette hasn't been worn down enough for that.

[Merci screams at the referee, demanding he open his eyes and see Peg's "cheating tactics!" The referee walks over and yells for Merci to mind her business, and the usual arguments follow. Yvette reaches into the neck of her outfit and withdraws a glass bottle of pink perfume, which she promptly sprays into Peg's eyes. See the referee turning, Yvette hurls the bottle from the ring, letting it shatter outside the ring. The referee, convinced he saw something runs over to Peg, but Yvette stands to intercept him, demanding to know why he was yelling at Merci.]

Garry: This, my dear, is teamwork.

Sandra: Only if you're the Axis powers! This is disgusting!

[As Peg blindly gets to her feet, Yvette has completely distracted the referee. Her vision clearing, Peg sees the perfect opportunity for a sneak attack on Yvette. Meanwhile, an elderly woman in a cloth overcoat, blue hat and veil leaps from her seat in the front row. In turn, the blonde woman who followed Yvette in jumps up and starts towards the ring, but halts.
Peg tosses herself against the rope behind her, but as she does, the hooked portion of an elderly woman's cane catches her throat and yanks back hard. The "elderly" woman leaps onto the ropes and holds the cane tightly on Peg's throat, choking her. After a few seconds, the woman brings the cane down against the back of Peg's head, then leaps from ringside and runs from the arena. As if on que, Yvette "forgets" her quarrel with the referee and rushes towards the dazed Peg.

Sandra: What just happened there?!

Garry: What happened where? Oh, look, I think Yvette's about to win. Yvette climbs the top rope and jumps, driving that boot in Peg's stomach! Ah, the French Tickler!

Sandra: Who was that old woman?!

Garry: Stop living in the past. Yvette applies the Bastille! It's only a matter of seconds now!

[As Yvette's knee digs deeper into Peg's back, Peg's screams her submission.

[The bell rings.]

Sandra: It's over now. Yvette's the winner, sad to say.

Garry: She's the winner, but it's far from over.

[Yvette refuses the release the Bastille. She holds Peg in the painful position, whispering to her, "Call out my name, Peggy Christian." Peg violently shakes her head, refusing Yvette the satisfaction. Yvette cruelly smiles and pulls back harder on Peg's arms. Peg's breathing becomes irregular. Again, Yvette demands, "Call out my name." Peg chokes back her pain and again refuses. Seeing the security coming to the ring, Yvette releases the hold. She stands, raising her arms. Mercy holds open the ropes for her as the referee sees to Peg.]

Garry: Just a little slice of what's to come, people! You do NOT cheat Yvette Desade and get away with it.

Sandra: But Peg did nothing to Yvette!

Garry: I know that! I watched the match. Stay tuned, folks. We've got more action in after these words!

[Fade as the mysterious blonde woman, shrugging, slinks back to the BRA locker room.]

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