logoShea London and Lindsey Locke vs. Simply Destructive (BRATT Ttitle Match)

(The volume of the fans in the BRA arena this Monday evening can only be matched by the eagerness of their sign-waving as they work themselves up to a fever pitch for this championship match. Colourful banners show up in the crowd, everything from 'The Little Mountain Rocks!', 'I'd Smoke a Million Malboros to be as Big as Porsha!', to 'Enter the Twilight Zone!'. The cameras pan twice over the screaming crowds before centering at ringside and the crack announcing team of Kenny Harbours and Cari 'the Brat' Trammel.)

Cari: This is going to be a total slaughter. Do I even need to watch?

Kenny: Of course you do, Cari! And this is not a slaughter . . . we've got what's going to be a down-and-out fight for the BRATT between Simply Destructive and their challengers . . .

Cari: . . . some Limey girl and the Great Girl Scout herself . . .

Kenny: *ahem* 'Sensational' Shea London and 'Lightning' Lindsay Locke.

Cari: Just what I said.

(The lights dim. Pyro displays along the walkway begin blasting their lights as Elton John's 'Made in England' blares over the PA. After a few seconds, Shea London and Tara Sawyer appear, side by side, in the entranceway. Both walk briskly down to the ring, both slapping hands with the cheering fans. Shea smiles and acknowledges the fans, and though she was smiling, something looks missing. That spark. Tara, meanwhile, seems more focused than the one of them who was actually about to fight. As they reach the ring, Shea dives through the bottom rope, sliding into the ring, curling up into a ball, then springing to her feet. Even this seems less crisp than usual. For her part, Tara stands at ringside, occasionally shooting an odd glance down the aisle Lindsay Locke will soon walk down.)

Kenny: A great display of athelticism by Shea . . . but there does seem to be something wrong . . .

Cari: Yeah, Sawyer looks like someone put a dose of Tabasco in her Wheaties this morning.

Kenny: No! I mean that Shea looks pretty unfocused tonight. A dangerous thing in a match like this.

Cari: I *never* was so unprofessional . . .

(As strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning, Lindsay walks to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a "T", palms down. As pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a "V", palms up. Lindsay stands in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face. "Immigrant Song" by Led Zepplin hits as Lindsay, accompanied by Janus, Sakura Ito and Angela Downey, makes her way to the ring. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver knee pads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. The crowd cheers wildly as the fan favorite walks to the ring, smiling and slapping hands with fans. All four women enter the ring and the members of the Threesome hit the now well known "Threesome Pose". Sakura drops to one knee and flexes her two powerful arms. Lindsay stands right behind her, holding three fingers up. Janus stands behind both of them and holds her arms in the air. Angela Downey points at them. The crowd is cheering like mad for their favorites. They split up and Lindsay gets hugs, first from Sakura and then from Angela. Finally, she walks over to Janus and gets some last minute advice. The ref clears the other members of the Threesome out of the ring and Lindsay stretches in preparation for the match. Janus, Sakura and Angela patrol the outside of the ring, making sure that no outside interference will take place.)

(As soon as Lindsay appears, Tara shoots her a withering look from outside the ring, a look that Locke fails to register. A look of pure resentment. Shea and Lindsay clap hands, Locke full of fire, while Shea still seems a little unfocused.)

Cari: Well, here they are: the Shrimp, the Freak, and the Girl Scout. I think Tara has the right idea . . .

Kenny: There certainly is something up with Sawyer tonight. She is certainly giving Lindsay an evil look. That and Shea's lack of focus factors a reduction of their team's chance of winning by a good 18.2 percent.

Cari: Oh god . . . not again!

(The Angeltron comes to life, flashing in large silver letters, RICH BITCH.' Pictures of Alexandria Parker destroying opponents flash onto the screen, showing some of her greatest moves, concluding with a montage` of her scowling at 'fans', smashing the infamous mirror over the head of an opponent and finally winning the tag title. An explosion occurs from the back and fireworks are the next visual treat as Da Baddest B*tch by Trina blast over the arena speakers . Heat pours over the first few rows by the ramp as Alexandria and Miss. Vanity stand poised with the tag title held high in the air by Vanity. Miss Vanity wears red pumps and a form fitting mini dress. Alexandria's wrestling attire consists of a red, skintight cat suit with matching stiletto heels. Her fire red hair falls dangles down her back in tiny straw curls.)

Cari: Finally! Some REAL wrestlers! The Rich Bitch comes out in style!

Kenny: I think Shea and Lindsay are both quite real wrestlers! Lindsay is even a former Celestial champion!

Cari: Former. That's the word you need to remember. The Sisterhood always comes out on top.

("It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City" by Bruce Springsteen blasts out from the speakers, and as the gruff poet from New Jersey belts out his lyrics, the tall chiseled wrestler known as Gina Moore, also from New Jersey, walks slowly down the entrance ramp, a blank look on her face. She is dressed in spandex shorts and a sportbra, both crimson, along with black wrestling boots and pads on her elbows and knees. Approaching the ring, Gina looks down and lets her hair cover her face for a moment. Suddenly her head jerks upward and what seems an entirely different person looks up, her eyes blazing.)

(Almost the second both Alexandria and Gina are in the ring together, the sparks start to fly. Alex gestures off-handedly at Gina.)

Alexandria: Get out of the ring, Moore. I can handle this rabble by myself.

Gina: *sigh* Get the hell out of my way, you . . . bitch! Let me do my job.

(Gina stares down Alex for a few moments, practically nose to nose. Meanwhile, a quick discussion in the opposite corner puts Lindsay as first up, Shea hanging out in the corner stretching, a decision that seems to put Tara a little more on edge. After a few moments, Alex turns with a huff.)

Alex: Deal with them, Gina. And make it unpleasant!

(Parker steps through the ring ropes, acting as if she had delivered an imperial order. Moore's teeth set on edge and she turns to face Lindsay with a renewed anger, transferred from her partner to her opponent, while Lindsay dances lightly on her feet.)

Kenny: It seems no one here is happy tonight! This lack of team unity could cause problems . . .

Cari: Alex is just psyching up Gina so she'll do some real harm. But, you do know, she really is a bitch, at the heart of it. I like that attitude. Just wish that hag, Trask, wasn't adjucating.

Kenny: You would!

(True to Cari's words, Head Referee Vicki Trask gives both starting wrestlers a quick talking to, not even taken aback by the look of anger in Gina's eyes. A quick patdown for illegal objects, then Trask signals for the opening bell!)


(The crowd cheers as both wrestlers start out fast. Moore lunges foward looking to grapple with Locke, who deftly dodges to the right, spinning right past Gina. As the big wrestler spins, Lindsay hops up with a Rolling Savate kick, which catches Gina right in her chiseled abdominals, eliciting a grunt of pain, followed by an immediate jumping One-Leg Drop Kick, which staggers Moore but doesn't put her down.)

Kenny: A fast start as always from Lindsay Locke! That's one reason why they call her 'Lightning'!

Cari: That, and like lightning won't strike twice, she won't win the title twice!

Kenny: That was a low-down and undeserved comment!

Cari: But that's not undeserved pain!

(At that moment, Gina, fighting off the pain from the two quick moves, lunges foward again, anticipating Lindsay's backwards dodge, using her longer reach to bridge the gap between the two, catching Locke's left wrist. A quick spin lanks the Lightning's arm into an unnatural position, eliciting a grimace of pain, but not as much as the swift follow-up of a powerful forearm right upside her skull, sending Lindsay's head shooting up from the jolt, Moore still latched onto her wrist.)

Gina: You'd best tell your kids to shut their eyes, because they won't want to see what I'm going to do to you.

(With that, Gina floors Locke with a deafening Short-Arm Clothesline, leaving Lindsay languishing on the mat. Gina turns, about to lift Lindsay off her feet for another bone-thudding move, when Alexandria shouts at her from the corner.)

Alex: Hey, you big lug! Locke is mine and the Sisterhood's! Tag me in or else!

(Gina glares at Alex, still holding Lindsay by the hair. The moment's pause is enough, however, for Locke to catch her breath and . . . )

Kenny: Sudden elbow to the knee by Locke!

Cari: Gina should have just made the tag and let Alex take over instead of arguing!

Kenny: But Locke's not done!

(Caught off-balance by the elbow, Gina lets go of Lindsay's hair and puts a hand on her knee, as Lindsay bounces up to her toes, with a swinging European Uppercut, rapping Moore in the chin. As the big woman staggers, Lindsay hops up, clutching her opponent's neck in her legs, the spirals down with Headscissors Takedown, putting Moore down with a crash.)

Cari: Locke got lucky with that one. Gina normally would have thrown her off like a sack of potatoes!

Kenny: Lindsay did have surprise and speed on her side! And here she goes, making the smart move for a quick tag out.

(Taking the moment's opening, Locke rolls over to the corner making a quick tag to Shea, who hops over the ring ropes. The second she touches down, Shea does a foward handspring and leaps into a body splash on the downed Moore.)

Kenny: Beautiful handspring! But I wouldn't think Moore would be down so long from that . . . only 4.2 seconds as opposed to 8.3 . . .

(Mr. Harbours would be correct. As Shea leaps foward, Moore raises her knees at the last second, impaling London like a spear, before kicking her off into a sore heap with a look of disgust. Shea slaps the mat in pain, trying to focus, as Gina gives her one solid boot for good measure before tagging out.)

Gina: Do your part, Parker, or we'll have words after the match . . .

Alex: Don't make me laugh, Moore.

(Alexandria snidely steps through the ring ropes as Gina shoots her a sneer. Meanwhile, Shea has struggled to her feet, still gingerly grasping her midsection. The Rich Bitch smirks arrogantly as she sizes London up, who still seems not entirely with it, as she stands.)

Alex: I don't even know who you are, so let's make this quick, shall we?

(With that, she fires off a vicious open hand thrust to the throat, which sends London gagging. Trask is on Parker like a light, admonishing her for the throat shot, a warning Parker ignores as she grasps London by the waist and sends her up and back down with a . . . )

Cari: Ring-rocking Spinebuster! Shea's gonna need the chiropractor tonight!

Kenny: If she doesn't get back into her usual fighting shape, I project London and Locke will loose with a 67.2% probability!

Cari: I predict your boring commentary will make me barf with a 100% probability!

(Lindsay and Tara both begin to shout to London, trying to encourage her to fight back as she gingerly feels her back on the mat, as Alexandria struts around the ring, shouting off at the fans, who begin to shout and scream back at her. London starts to stir to her feet as Parker walks up, casually stepping om the bridge of Shea's nose and scraping with a long step off of it!)

Alex: Oops! Was that your face?

(Trask is again on Parker with a sudden warning. Up to her defense, Miss Vanity leaps up to the ring apron, shouting at Trask to leave her wrestler alone! Just as Trask's attention is distracted, the Rich Bitch Irish Whips London into the corner and the waiting foot of Gina Moore!)

Cari: Big Boot by Moore!

Kenny: And big cheating by Miss Vanity! But here comes Janus and Tara!

(As if on cue, both Tara Sawyer and Janus move in on Miss Vanity from opposite sides. Taking the hint, she hops down from the apron and backs up against the guardrail, smiling nervously at the two wrestlers. Meanwhile, Alex goes to tag Gina Moore, who shakes her head and turns away.)

Gina: You said you can handle this rabble on your own, so do it!

(Alex's expression turns into a growl and she is about to say something when her expression suddenly goes pale as Shea, recovering some sense in the corner, suddenly drives her shoulder into Alex's gut, causing her to stagger back. Without a moment's hesitation, London springs off the second turnbuckle of her OPPONENT'S corner, the move too sudden for Moore to react to, landing hard into Parker with . . . )

Kenny: A big Springboard Moonsault! Amazing recovery by London and a pinfall attempt!

(Trask is there in a heartbeat as Shea lands on top of Parker, her hand slapping down twice before the surprised Parker powers out of the pinfall. Having caught her second wind and her lost focus, Shea leaps to her feet, bringing Parker up by her chin.)

Cari: London sends her into the ropes with an Irish Whip, and rebounds herself . . .

Kenny: You can see the determination back in London's eyes, but she's taken alot of punishment . . .

(As the two rebound towards each other, Shea instantly leaps foward into a Elbow Suicida, crashing through the Rich Bitch like a pouncing lion. Showing off her athleticism, London hits the ground in a foward roll, coming up to her feet and rebounding yet again off the ropes, leaping up high into the air with an Elbow Smash aimed for Parker's head!)

Kenny: Ow! BIG impact by Shea!

Cari: Alex always likes to let the little people think they can win before putting them down . . .

Kenny: Right. Sure.

(Again, Shea rolls over for the pin, looking very fatigued. Trask manages a two and a half count before Parker gets a shoulder up. London rolls off, trying to catch her breath, while Alex slowly stirs to her feet, making a lunge to her corner. Gina smirks.)

Gina: You sure showed them. Now let me show you how a real wrestler does it.

(Moore leans down to tag with Parker as London gets to her feet wearily. Sensing easy prey, Moore lunges foward, going into a collar-and-elbow tieup with the weakened Shea. Easily overpowering her, Gina spins her arm around into a vicious wristlock, but . . . )

Cari: I'm impressed! London pulls one last trick out of her bag!

Kenny: She just flipped out of the wristlock and shoved off of Moore! London leaps for the tag . . . and she MAKES IT!

(A fresh Lindsay Locke fires out from her corner like a cannonshot! Moore turns, having been disoriented by the sudden moves of Shea, only to meet a high velocity set of feet as Locke leaps up into a dropkick, sending the big woman staggering! Alex makes to go through the ropes after Lindsay only to be met by a sudden Handspring Elbow from Lightning Locke, acting like her namesake, sending Alex back out of the ring. Trask moves towards that corner just to keep an extra eye on Alexandria.)

Cari: That old buzzard is hovering around, really ruining the action of this match!

Kenny: You mean the fact she ENFORCES the rules? I thought she was doing a great job, as our head Referee always does!

(Back in the ring, Lindsay turns from Alex back to the rising Gina. Sizing her up for just a second, Locke launches up into a sudden Enzigrui Dropkick, landing her foot perfectly into the back of Moore's head, causing the big woman to fall foward onto her face like a felled tree. Not stopping for a moment, Lindsay instantly leaps up, planting a standing Senton Drop full on Gina's back, causing her to arch her back in agony.)

Kenny: Locke has alot of momentum here! But she's going to have to carry this whole match . . . London is in alot worse shape than Parker is!

Cari: Some logical words out of you for once! And very true!

(Sakura, Janus, Angela, and Shea are cheering Lindsay on, while Tara looks oddly sullen. Locke starts to stand Gina and does the unexpected . . . she grapples her! Grabbing both of her arms, Lindsay sets for a Double Underhook Suplex, struggles for a moment, and with a final grunt, powers the big woman over, shaking the ring!)

Kenny: Lindsay is known for her ariel skills, but she's no slouch as a wrestler either!

Cari: I'm surprised she got her up at all! I guess even Girl Scouts can do something right occasionally . . .

(Locke bounces back to her feet and waves to the crowd, eliciting a round of cheers, before bringing Moore to her feet again. This time, Gina is ready and suddenly fires off two piston-like punches to Locke's midsection, causing her to shudder and cover her midsection. Gina rises up the rest of the way and rears back, planting a BIG headbutt into Lindsay's nose, sending her sprawling to the mat. Even before Lindsay falls, Gina starts to sag herself, but has enought presence of mind to lunge for the tag.)

Cari: Despite any misgivings they may have had earlier, Alex isn't afraid of the tag when the goings tough!

Kenny: True enough! That last barrage by Gina Moore took alot out of Lindsay Locke, but Parker is still spent from her run-in with Shea! This is anyone's ball-game!

(The Rich Bitch gets into the ring as Lindsay is still on her back, holding her nose. Alex drops down, putting a claw-like hand around Locke's throat in a bare choke! Lindsay clutches at Alex's arms as the Rich Bitch laughs. Vicki Trask strides over and drops down next to the two.)

Vicki: You've got till 5 to drop it or it's all over, Parker! 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . .

(At the last moment, Parker lets up on the hold, smiling smugly at Trask, who glares back angrily. Parker picks Locke up by the hair and whips her into the ropes. As Locke comes back on the rebound, Alex lets off another smug smirk as she suddenly lunges foward for her Fatale Kick . . . )

Kenny: Locke dodged! Locke dodged the Fatale Kick!

Cari: Impossible! She slid right underneath it!!

(Lindsay slides right past a shocked Alexandria Parker, managing to leap to her feet before Parker can react. Still showing her athletic grace, Locke leaps up, grabs Parker's head with her legs, and flips over with a tremendous thud of a Reverse Frankensteiner!)

Cari: What a turnaround! Get up, Alex! Get up!

Kenny: Lindsay's making the signal for it! The Lightning Strike!

(True to form, Lindsay mounts the top turnbuckle of a neutral corner, spreads her arm like a V, then springs off, just barely ahead of Gina Moore, who rushed foward to try and catch her by the leg. She spins once in the air and collides with a tremendous elbow smash!)

Kenny: Here's the cover! It's all over!

(Miss Vanity leaps to the apron to try and distract Trask, but the Head Referee completely ignores her, diving to focus on the count. She raises her arm once . . . then twice . . . and almost three when something totally unexpected happens!)

Kenny: Tara Sawyer just broke the count! She's pulled Lindsay off of Parker!!

Cari: Janus and Sakura were looking for interference from the Sisterhood . . . when it happens right in front of them!

(Even Trask looks stunned as Tara hauls a surprised Lindsay up into a side headlock.)

Tara: She's MINE! I should be in here, not you!!

(With that, Sawyer smashes Locke down into the mat with a tremendous bulldog! Trask leaps to her feet, calling for the bell, as Shea, Sakura, and Janus leap up to the ring to pull Tara off of a shocked Lindsay Locke. Trask grabs a microphone, as Parker and Moore, knowing the best time to take advantage of a situation, pull back to their corner, Parker motioning behind the chaos to Miss Vanity . . . )

Vicki: Due to the fact Sawyer is part of the ringside crew of London and Locke, I have to award the match to Simply Destructive on account of interference . . . though I have to say I've never seen interference like that!

Cari: For once the old bat makes a good call!

Kenny: I just can't imagine what's going on in Tara Sawyer's mind! She just cost her best friend the tag team titles!!

(Shea manages to pull Tara back, while Janus roughly shoves her away, Sakura attending to Lindsay, who seems stunned and groggy. Just as Janus, Tara, and Shea begin to shout, Miss Vanity, who snuck up on the ring apron, brings her mirror straight down on Shea's head with a shatter of glass before fleeing for her life! Alex and Gina slip out of the ring as well.)

Alex: See you fools next time! Ciao!

(As Shea collapses, Tara kneels to check on her, while Janus looks about ready to kill. Only some calm words pull Janus down as the EMTs hit the ring.)

Cari: Now that's what I call a mess! I *love* it!

Kenny: Is this going to be the cause of major tension between the Threesome and London and Sawyer? What just happened here?!? I hope we find out!!

WINNERS, and still BRATT champions: Simply Destructive, by DQ
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