logoPatricia Flex vs. Goldie Knox

We return to the Battling Ring Angels arena and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: "I came to watch Red Rose Wrestle", "I do Angel Dust"; and "Janus forked me last night!" The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.

Kenny: Cari, we're back with great BRA action and this match will be no exception. Patricia Flex taking on Goldie Knox.

Cari: Great. Can this get any more boring?

But their attention is moved to the curtains as Sasha makes her way to the announce position. The fans jeer the approach of the Dragon Lady. She smiles and waves. Her assistant Brenda follows behind in close order.

Sasha: Hello gang. I'm going to help with the calling of this one.

Kenny: This isn't on the format.

Cari: Kenny�shut up. It's not often we have a superstar at the table with us.

Sasha: Thank you Cari. I've always liked your style.

Cari: And I yours.

Sasha: Brenda�go get me a beer. And one for Cari also.

Cari: Thanks.

Kenny: I'd like a beer�

Cari: Shut up. Now Sasha�why have you chosen to join us here tonight?

Sasha: I'm just scouting talent for the Hit Squad.

Kenny: Everyone knows about the problems you've had with Patricia Flex in the past�

Sasha: Shut up!

The lights dim in the arena. The PA system suddenly bursts with the voice of Richard Dawson. "Who loves you? And who do you love?" The voice is followed by people's voices chanting, "The Messiah! The Messiah!" "Then without further ado," Dawson's voice continues, "it's time to start... running!" The electronic song "Temple of Dreams', by Messiah begins. Golden flood lights flash over the audience. A female voice speaks. "Clap your hands... and stomp your feet." The number of lights flashing doubles. Golden pyrotechnics flash as Goldie Knox appears at the entrance, arms raised triumphantly. She runs by the fans, slapping hands, and immediately b-lines to the ring, rolling under the bottom rope. She leaps up on a turnbuckle and raises her arms to the screaming fans.

Kenny: Quite an entrance by the clearly pumped up Goldie Knox.

Sasha: Take lines from one of my favorite movies and ruin them like that? Huh.

Cari: I agree completely. "The Running Man" is truly cinema of the highest form. And Arnold�he's a genius. I can't wait for his new film. Sasha�your observations are pure dynamite.

Kenny: Why don't you get her to bend over a bit more�I think you missed a spot. Sasha and

Cari: Shut up!

Kenny: I'm told we have Patricia Flex waiting in the back�

Patricia waits in the interview area back stage.

Patricia: Goldie Knox, I may be in a state today...I maybe confused, depressed and down hearted. But...You know what? To hell with this interview and to hell with you Goldie Knox!

Sasha: Now that was well said.

Cari: I couldn't agree more.

Kenny: Geez.

Sasha: You know, I see a bit of myself in her.

"Lullaby" from The Cure plays as Flex, clad in her usual skin tight blue leotard, makes her way slowly to the ring. She does not look herself today, her normally pristine hair is out of place, her make up misapplied, she looks in a daze. What can be wrong with the normally charismatic Miss Flex? She almost stumbles into the squared circle...

Kenny: She looks a bit confused.

Sasha: She'll be fine I'm sure.

Kenny: Isn't this the woman you backstabbed in a tag team match?

Sasha: Ancient history.

Kenny: The ref calls for the bell�any predictions ladies?

Cari: Shut up! Flex and Goldie lock it up in the center of the ring. Neither of them are able to gain a clear advantage in the initial collar and elbow tie up. Both ladies try to overpower the other, but they are fairly equal in size and strength. They split and set up to try again.

Kenny: This could turn into a battle of wills, don't you think Sasha?

Sasha: Shut up! Again, they go to tie up. But before they actually make contact, Flex uses her speed to surprise Goldie with a drop toe hold. Goldie lands face first on the mat. Flex follows this up with an elbow drop to the back of Goldie's neck.

Kenny: Great speed and quick thinking by Patricia Flex has Goldie down.

Cari: What do you think about those moves, Sasha?

Sasha: Cari, I liked it.

Flex hauls Goldie to her feet by yanking on her hair. Once she has Goldie standing, she slams into her with a standing clothesline. The huge move twirls Goldie in the air and she lands hard on her face. Again, Flex follows her down with an elbow drop to the neck. Goldie holds her neck and rolls in some pain.

Kenny: Patricia Flex showing some power.

Sasha: Hmmmm�

Cari: Like what you see?

Sasha: I'll be the judge of that.

Cari: Of course. Flex pulls Goldie to her feet. She wraps her arms around Goldie's midsection and slams her into a perfectly executed German Suplex. She attempts to move that into a cover. The ref goes for the count�

Kenny: And Goldie kicks out at 2! Flex got the near fall, but Goldie still has gas in the tank.

Cari: She almost had the match.

Flex: Im good and bad and plain nasty!

Again, Flex reaches down to pull Goldie up by the hair. But this time Goldie is able to get a break as she sends a shot to Patricia's midsection. Patricia was not expecting this attack and she recoils, grabbing her stomach. Goldie gets to one knee and starts to shake off the cobwebs.

Kenny: Quick thinking by Goldie Knox. She may be able to get herself back into this match.

Cari: What do you think Sasha?

Sasha: I try not to.

Goldie springs back to her feet and grabs the doubled Flex in a headlock. She takes off across the ring and rams Flex down with a giant bulldog. Flex lands hard face first on the mat. Goldie rolls her over and goes for the pin. The ref starts the count�

Kenny: Only two as Flex is able to kick out! She was caught off guard by that bulldog and was barely able to kick out of the pin. The surprise tactics of Goldie are starting to work.

Cari: You are completely wrong, right Sasha?

Sasha: I actually agree with him, for once.

Cari: Yes�these surprise tactics are really working here. Very astute observation there Sasha.

Kenny: You told me you thought she was a lunatic.

Cari: I was talking about someone else�shut up!

While this conversation goes on, Goldie has whipped Flex to the corner and is hammering her with a series of kicks to her midsection, legs and body. Flex is reeling from the barrage of karate style kicks and strong blows. Finally, Goldie steps back, gets a running start, and delivers a corner splash to Flex. As Goldie backs away from the corner, Flex takes a step forward and falls to the mat. She lies on her face, completely still. Again, Knox rolls her over and goes for the cover. The ref counts�1�2�thr�

Sasha: Foot on the ropes!

Cari: Exactly. Excellent call.

Kenny: Flex got her foot on the bottom rope before the ref could count three. Good thinking by the clearly battered Flex.

Goldie drags Flex to her feet. She positions her, balancing the wobbly Flex.

Goldie: Let's see if I can make you sing like your Spice Girls.

And with that she sends a few quick knees to Flex's midsection. Flex again doubles over.

So tell me, you were a man once, right? Honest, I promise I won't laugh. You were, weren't you?

Cari: Kenny, I hear people ask you that all the time.

Kenny: Funny.

Sasha: I though it was.

Goldie snaps Flex up and executes a tilt a whirl backbreaker. She lets Flex fall to the mat and roll into a ball. The crowd senses that move might be it. Goldie grabs up Flex's legs and goes for the Boston crab. Flex is being stretched. The ref drops down by Patricia's head to see if she wants to quit.

Kenny: This could be it.

Cari: Sasha, where are you going?

Sasha: I need a closer look.

Sasha rolls into the ring. As the ref is checking for Flex's submission, her never sees Sasha lay Goldie out with an expandable baton. Goldie falls like a sack on wet cement. Flex is released. Sasha rolls out of the ring and ducks down by the apron, out of the ref's field of view.

Cari: Nice move by Flex!

Kenny: What are you talking about?

Cari: Escaping from Goldie's crab. I'm told Goldie has crabs.

Kenny: That was all Sasha's doing.

Cari: I don't see Sasha anywhere.

Flex slowly and gingerly rises to her feet. She lifts the downed Goldie and slams her into the "Face Lift" her finisher. The modified Boston Crab type move really has no effect on the already down Goldie. Goldie is out cold on the mat. The ref sees that Goldie is out and calls for the bell.

Kenny: The ref has ended the match. What a rip.

Cari: What a fantastic win for Patricia Flex.

As Patricia has her hand raised in victory, she sees Sasha standing by the ring with a microphone.

Sasha: Flexy, we had our problems. But I like what I see in you. So, you just got the big offer to join the gang. I can give you fortune and fame. I can make you a star. All you have to do�is ask!

And with that, she walks off, leaving Flex in the ring to ponder her offer. Goldie, with the help of the ref, collects herself and leaves the ring. The victim of a huge sneak attack.

Winner: Patricia Flex
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