logoAmanda Starr vs. Malibu

(The screen is completely black as the Battling Ring Angels' logo flashes onto the screen. Suddenly, Destiny's Child's "Independent Women" begins to play as the BRA logo fades into recent BRA scenes...)

# Question: Tell me what you think about me #
# I buy my own diamonds and I buy my own rings #
# Only ring your cell-y when I'm feelin lonely #
# When it's all over please get up and leave #
# Question: Tell me how you feel about this #
# Try to control me boy you get dismissed #
# Pay my own fun, oh and I pay my own bills #
# Always 50/50 in relationships #

(Janus slams Lesley "Viper" Magnus through the announcer's table...Alexandria Parker smashes her mirror over the head of Sakura Ito..."The Goddess" Nina Larue seductively leans over the top rope, blowing the fans a kiss...Samantha Staffer and Laura Parker exchange heated words...Malibu spears Goldie Knox)

# The shoes on my feet #
# I've bought it #
# The clothes I'm wearing #
# I've bought it #
# The rock I'm rockin' #
# 'Cause I depend on me #

(The Threesome stalks to ringside, slapping hands with the fans....Gina Moore tosses Patricia Flex into the metal ringside steps...Patricia Flex DDTs Jennifer Christian....Shea London gives Laura Parker a bronco buster...Janus slams "The Ninja" Missy Jones through a flaming table...Sasha piledrives Tiffany Lane...)

# If I wanted the watch you're wearin' #
# I'll buy it #
# The house I live in #
# I've bought it #
# The car I'm driving #
# I've bought it #
# I depend on me #
# (I depend on me) #

(Moonspell surprises Goldie Knox and Malibu with a suicide plancha outside of the ring...Nurse Becca Blush stalks to ringside, flanked by the Dentonvale staff...Laura Parker viciously chokes Shea London...Tara Sawyer delivers a belly to belly suplex on Patricia Flex...Jennifer Christain holding the Featherweight title aloft, a triumphant grin on her face...Red Rose addresses the fans...)

# All the women who are independent #
# Throw your hands up at me #
# All the honeys who makin' money #
# Throw your hands up at me #
# All the mommas who profit dollas #
# Throw your hands up at me #
# All the ladies who truly feel me #
# Throw your hands up at me #

(Angel Dust smacks Janus in the face with a chain...Laura Parker performs the Falling Star on Angel Dust...Missy Jones bulldogs Lindsey Locke...Portia Pembroke glares into the camera...Goldie Knox performs a brain buster on Claire Maynard...Sakura Ito power bombs Alexandria Parker...)

# Girl I didn't know you could get down like that #
# Charlie, how your Angels get down like that #
# Girl I didn't know you could get down like that #
# Charlie, how your Angels get down like that #

(Sasha and Jessica Estrella have a stare down, Mellisa Shared looking on in the background...Gina Moore power bombs Mellisa Shared...Viper back drops Janus from the arena's balcony...Tiffany Lane does a seductive strip tease for the fans...Lindsey Locke hits a perfect lionsault on Missy Jones...Amanda Starr sneers at Samantha Staffer...Veronica Millions gives Laura Parker a Russian Leg sweep...

The music begins to fade as the scene shifts, revealing The Battling Ring Angels arena. Tonight, the arena is filled to capacity with cheering and screaming fans. Pyro pots explode as red, white, and blue fire works soar through the air. As the brilliant display of pyrotechnics commence, the camera pans the throng of fans, catching a few glimpses of signs, including "Patricia Flex Fan Club", "I Came To See Laura Parker", and "America Loves Red Rose". The camera finally lands on the BRA announce team of Kenny Harbor and Cari "The Brat" Trammell, both seated and wearing head sets.)

Kenny: Fans, we have a great show for you tonight! We have five great matches with two championships on the line, The BRATT and the Fallen Angel Title. This should be quite an evening of wrestling action. Even our first match is a doozy as we will see newcomer Amanda Starr taking on the Baywatch Beauty Malibu! Your thoughts on this match, Cari.

Cari: (snorts) I think we'll see Amanda win another one. It wasn't long ago that Amanda rid BRA of that fat cow, Peggy Christian. She'll use that momentum to beat this peroxide floozy! After all, we all know that the last match that Malibu fought, she was laid out with a wicked chair shot from Jennifer Christian!

Kenny: Yes, I remember that heinous attack. I'm sure that Malibu will be gunning for Jennifer soon enough. Right now, I think she'll use her frustrations against Amanda and pull out a win.

Cari: (rolls her eyes) You would vote for the swimsuit slut!

(Suddenly, the lights dim and the sounds of "Bad to the Bone" crank out over the loudspeakers. Amanda Starr walks through the curtains to the jeering of the crowd. She flips the crowd a finger and trades insults with those who are close as she makes her way to the ring. Beneath her blue denim jacket she wears a black one-piece suit with white trim and black leather wrestling boots. She climbs the stairs to the ring and steps through, attitude written all over her face and parades around the ring before removing her jacket.)

Cari: And there's Amanda Starr, the midcarder that made good. After defeating that hag, Peggy Christian, Amanda made her way to the main event! She's such an inspiration to the little girls out there!

Kenny: Inspiration!?! There was nothing inspirational about her victory, considering how many illegal holds and dirty maneuvers she used to win that match! You want to talk about inspirational, let's talk about the next wrestler, Malibu!

(The pyro sets off just after the opening sounds of Malibu’s adjusted entrance music - "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward. From the backstage area strides the beautiful, buxom, blonde known as Malibu. She's dressed in her traditional wrestling attire - a red, slightly low cut, one-piece bathing suit with racer-back straps as well as a "brazil" cut back. She is also wearing red wrestling boots with white laces. She stops just at the entrance area to place her hands on her hips and smile as a lot of the fans simply cheer her for her looks. Then, fluffing her hair a bit with one hand, she moves towards the ring. Using the steps to gain entry, Malibu steps between the top and middle rope, moving to her corner to jump onto the second rope. There, she raises her arms, fists clenched, high in to the air with an excited yell just before she smiles. Then, with a smile still gracing her face, she adjusts the back of her suit with her index fingers before jumping down from the ropes. Then, she turns, leaning in the corner, awaiting the opening bell.)

Kenny: Now, that's a wrestler! Malibu is nothing but impressive!

Cari: Sure....if you like them cheap and easy!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

(Just as the bell rings, Malibu charges Amanda, catching the bigger woman with a surprise drop kick to the chest. Amanda's body crashes to the mat as Malibu bounces to her feet, the fans cheering the blonde.)

Kenny: Whoa! And Malibu is starting this thing off like a house of fire! I told you that she would channel that anger towards Miss Starr. Poor Amanda!

Cari: Humph! Don't count Amanda out just yet, monkey boy! She told me that she's going to teach this bimbo a serious lesson!

(As Amanda rises to her feet, Malibu surprises her again, sending Starr soaring across the ring with a huge clothesline. With a smile, Malibu grabs a handful of Amanda's hair and whips her into the turnbuckles. Malibu races towards the dazed Starr and sends her up in the air and flat on her back with a monkey flip. Amanda screeches as her body is lifted in the air and sent crashing back down to the hard canvas. Malibu again quickly rises to her feet, the crowd cheering on the athletic blonde.)

Crowd: Malibu! Malibu! Malibu!

(A woozy Amanda rises to her feet only to be caught again by surprise, with a cross body block from the busty blonde. As Malibu's body slams into Amanda's, the two women fall to the mat, Malibu on top of Starr. On instinct, Malibu hooks Amanda's leg, attempting a pin.)

Kenny: Wow! Another great move by Malibu and the referee is starting the count! It could be over already!



(But Amanda manages to get her shoulder up before the three count.)

Cari: Ha! I told you that it was too soon to count Amanda out of this match!

(Malibu grabs Amanda and quickly brings her to her feet, grabbing her from behind. Before Amanda can react, she is belly to back suplexed by Malibu. Amanda crumples as her body again hits hard canvas.)

Kenny: Great job by Malibu! She knows that the best way to handle the bigger Amanda is through her speed and agility, keeping the match at a fast pace.

(Malibu waves out to the fans before leaping in the air, attempting to perform a splash on Amanda's prone form. But it is too soon as Amanda pulls up her knees, catching Malibu in the stomach. The blonde winces in pain and clutches her stomach as she rolls to the mat. The crafty Amanda rises to her feet to a chorus of boos from the fans. Grabbing a handful of Malibu's locks, Amanda drags the blonde to her feet before tossing her across the ring by her hair.)

Kenny: Vicious hair mare by Amanda! It looks like the former midcarder is now in control of this match!

(Malibu grimaces in pain as Amanda grabs her by the hair again and tosses her across the ring, repeating the move. With a grin, Amanda grabs Malibu and drags her towards the ropes. With sadistic glee, the bigger woman begins to use the ropes to choke Malibu, much to the displeasure of the crowd and warnings of the ref. Malibu gasps for air as she feels the rope roughly pressed against her throat.)

Kenny: This is an outrage! Amanda is back to her cheating ways!

(With a laugh, Amanda releases the choke, sending Malibu slingshoting to the mat. She proceeds to kick and stomp a fallen Malibu, the fans booing loudly. Amanda yanks Malibu to her feet by her hair and punches her in the stomach before performing a body slam. Malibu winces as her body impacts with the ring.)

Cari: Ha! Ha! Ha! I love it! The little blonde is done for! Get her, Amanda!

(Amanda attempts a splash but catches only hard canvas as Malibu rolls out of the way.)

Kenny: (with a grin) What were you saying about counting people out of the match too soon?

(Malibu slowly rises to her feet, clutching her aching throat. With a scowl, she attacks a rising Amanda with another drop kick, catching Starr in the chest. Grabbing Amanda by the hair, Malibu drags her to her feet before performing a swinging neck breaker. Amanda clutches her neck as Malibu splashes her prone form, hooking the leg for the pin.)



(And Amanda manages to kick out again before the ref can strike the mat for a third time. Malibu brings Amanda to her feet only to be surprised by a low blow from Miss Starr! The ref warns Amanda about the illegal hold as Malibu slumps to her knees. Amanda grabs Malibu and tosses her to the ropes. On the rebound, Malibu is clotheslined roughly and sent sailing across the ring. As Malibu writhes on the mat, Amanda grabs her by the legs, turning Malibu on her stomach and performing a Boston Crab. The pain is etched on Malibu's features as Amanda applies the deadly hold, nearly bending the blonde in half! The crowd cheers for Malibu as she struggles to reach the ropes, a grimace on her lovely face.)

Cari: It looks like Amanda has finally slowed down Malibu. It should only be a matter of time before she screams her submission!

(The ref asks Malibu if she would like to surrender but the blonde refuses, finally managing to crawl her way to the ropes and grab them. Amanda scowls as she is forced to break the Boston Crab. She roughly grabs a handful of Malibu's hair and tosses the blonde into a nearby turnbuckle. She charges the dazed blonde but misses as Malibu moves out of the way, Amanda's shoulder impacting with the turnbuckle.)

Kenny: Great job by Malibu! She was almost leveled with that shoulder tackle!

(As Amanda stumbles from the corner, she is shocked by a spear from Malibu! Malibu leaps into the air, sending her own body crashing into that of Amanda! Amanda falls to the mat as Malibu drags her to her feet again.)

Crowd: Malibu! Malibu! Malibu!

(With a grin, Malibu whips Amanda to the ropes. On the rebound, she catches Amanda with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker, sending the big woman's back crashing atop her knee.)

Kenny: Wow! What power by Malibu! She is definitely still in this match!

Cari: Come on, Amanda! Get her! Beat her ass!

(As a wounded Amanda rises to her feet, she is greeted with a boot to the stomach. As Starr doubles over, the California native signals to the crowd. She lifts Amanda off of her feet before dropping her head into the mat with a DDT.)

Kenny: The Ozone! This match is over!

(Malibu splashes Amanda and hooks the leg, the ref counting the pin.)




Ding! Ding! Ding!

Kenny: Woo Hoo! Malibu wins it!

Cari: (sarcastically) Big whoop. (Malibu stands up and places her foot on Amanda's chest while she "adjusts" the back of her swimsuit with her index fingers, and then fluffs her hair with one hand while the other is on her hip. The ref walks over to the blonde and raises her hand in victory as Amanda slowly gets to her feet. With a smile, Malibu leaves ringside, slapping hands with the fans.)

Kenny: A great win by Malibu! She really took it to Amanda Starr!

Cari: Hmph! Amanda was just having a bad day!

(Amanda leaves the ring, the crowd heckling and booing the newcomer.)

Kenny: Whatever! If you ask me, Amanda should go running back to the mid card before it's too late! (shakes his head) I still can't believe that we lost Peggy Christian for *that*! We'll be back with more action. Stay tuned!

(The scene fades to a commercial for Jade Dawn.)

Winner: Malibu
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