
[Inside the BRA arena, several thousand screaming fans spring to their feet as pyrotechnics begin to explode and the Angeltron comes up on, displaying the pandemonium, and further feeding it. Several signs can be spotted in the stands, amongst them: "IT'S 9 O'CLOCK–DO *YOU* KNOW WHERE L'IL ALEX IS?", "I'M UNDER MOON'S SPELL", and "WRESTLING PORSHA CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH". Inside the ring, Angel Dust and Moonspell are standing in one corner, awaiting their opponents. At the announce table, Kenny Harbor and Cari Trammell are doing what they do best–arguing. That is, until Kenny turns to the camera.]

Kenny: "Welcome back, fans. We have more great action on the way, including the debut of Red Rose..."

Cari: "And, believe me, it's going to be a joy watching every petal get plucked from that rookie."

Kenny: "You seem fairly sure of that, even though my trusty laptop gives her a 63% chance of coming out successful for her first outing."

Cari: "Actually, I'm not that certain. And for once, I think I agree with that contraption. "

Kenny: "Excuse me, can I get a message from the control truck outside? There seems to be a problem with my headset..."

Cari: "You heard me right, but I'm not saying it again. Against any other team, Rose would be defoliated. But I gotta wonder about Moonspell. She's got the talent, but her head doesn't seem in it. As for Dust... An aptly named wrestler, if ever I saw one. If there's one thing she is, it's Dust."

Kenny: (starts to speak, but then breaks off) "I'm... not sure what to say here. I think this is actually a sign of the coming apocalypse."

[The lights in the arena dim slightly, as over the speakers, Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now" begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain. In what seems to now be customary, Sakura is followed by a large powerful African-American man, bald and obviously in his mid-30s and flanked by the rest of the Threesome, namely Janus and leader 'Lightning' Lindsay Locke. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is colored a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. The large black man, recognized by those in the know of the boxing world as former heavyweight contender Mack 'Mack Truck' Fontaine, is 6 feet 4 inches tall and almost as broad, dressed simply in a grey sweatsuit with the faded logo for 'Mack's Place Gym' on it. The group makes its way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. Sakura takes a moment to exchange words with Janus and Lindsay, getting a hug from each of them, while Mack takes a position in her corner. She hops up onto the second turnbuckle and flexes both of her arms, showing off impressive biceps, getting an audible pop from the fans, before leaping down to stretch against the ropes.]

Kenny: "Sakura Ito, one of the most impressive physical specimens in BRA..."

Cari: (cough) "Steroids." (Cough cough)

Kenny: "Cut that out!"

[The arena lights turns light red and a loud explosion is heard over the arena. Red fireworks explode from the entrance, and from there Red Rose jumps out and raises her arms to the crowd. "Don't Look Back in Anger, I Heard You Say" by Oasis booms over the sound system as Red Rose walks about on the entrance ramp. Several roses drop from the ceiling as she skips down the ramp and skips up the aisle, slapping as many hands with the fans as she can. She continues slapping hands on the way down and stops as a few roses fall in front of her. She picks them off the floor and gives them to a few fans, hugging some more all the way round the ring. She high-five's some more fans before sliding into the ring under the bottom rope and leaping onto the middle turnbuckle, waving to the crowd as the lights turn the ring red. She steps down and picks up some roses in the ring, throwing them into the crowd, waving and smiling.]

Kenny: "Quite an entrance for the youngster."

Cari: "I think I'm going to enjoy watching her get her back snapped one day."

[Sakura takes a moment to turn to her partner.]

Sakura: "Let us fight together with honor, Rose-san. Stay focused and victory is ours!"

[With that, the Little Mountain turns to her opponents, first bowing to Moonspell.]

Sakura: "Moonspell-san, it appears we will have the honorable match we spoke of earlier. I look forward to it "

[She then turns finally to Angel Dust, giving her a brief nod.]

Sakura: "And you, Dust-san, we finally meet as well. Prepare for the match of your lifetime . . ."

[With that, Rose and Dust slip though the ropes, leaving Ito and Moonspell to face each other as the bell sounds.]

Kenny: "This could be interesting, Sakura's power versus Moonspell's speed."

Cari: "Especially when you consider Ito's not at a hundred percent, following the damage Viper did to her knee. Taking advantage of that would be a good game plan here."

[Sakura and Moonspell lock up for a moment, before Ito easily pushes her off and to the mat.]

Kenny: "Moonspell can't match up with Ito's speed. I don't know what she's thinking."

Cari: "Or IF she's thinking. Still, when was the last time you saw the taller girl at a strength DISadvantage?"

[Moonspell hops back to her feet, and again aims to lock up with Ito. Same result.]

Kenny: "Sometimes, I just have to shake my head out here."

Cari: "I've grown used to you not understanding what goes on out here, but I'm at something of a loss, too."

Kenny: "This must be my night to hear things I never thought I'd hear from you."

Cari: "Watch it, shrimp."

[Again, Moonspell moves in as if to lock up with Ito, only to duck behind her. Ito spins around, in time to see a kick heading towards her midsection. She catches the boot, surprising Moonspell.]

Kenny: "Good footwork from Ito, getting back in position that quickly."

Cari: "Still, Moonspell's capable of better than this."

[Sakura spins Moonspell around, before lifting her onto her shoulder and falling backward. Moonspell's head and shoulders crash into the mat.]

Kenny: "Belly to back suplex, splendidly done."

[Ito fluidly slides back to her foe, slapping on a reverse chinlock. Red Rose cheers her partner on, while Angel Dust scowls in her corner.]

Kenny: "Sakura, really controlling things thus far."

Cari: "Yeah, yeah, control... Anyone have a good magazine to read?"

[Ito brings her opponent to her feet and whips her into the ropes, catching her on the rebound and...]

Kenny: "Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!"

Cari: "Yeesh. Even I felt that one."

[Moonspell writhes on the mat in pain, as Ito moves to her corner.]

Kenny: "Looks like Red Rose is about to make her ring debut."

Cari: "Just what Dust and Moonspell need at this juncture–Ito laying off and allowing the rookie to come in and screw everything up."

Kenny: "You don't know that'll happen."

Cari: "And neither does Ito. That's why this is a mistake."

[Rose makes the tag and enters the ring for the first time. The crowd roars it approval for the newcomer.]

Kenny: "The crowd certainly has more confidence in Rose than you do."

Cari: "The fans are sheep. Ito will regret that tag. Trust me on this."

[Rose pulls Moonspell to her feet and whips her into the ropes, greeting her on her return with a textbook dropkick.]

Kenny: "Impressively executed."

Cari: "Hmph."

[Wasting no time, Rose again pulls Moonspell to her feet. This time, Rose runs back into the ropes, bounces off, catches Moonspell's head, and jumps, driving her face first into the mat.]

Kenny: "And followed up with a bulldog. You were saying, Cari?"

Cari: "Watch and learn."

[Still on a roll, Rose hops to her feet and pulls Moonspell up, and again sends her to the ropes. This time, though, Moonspell surprises her with a Frankensteiner.]

Cari: "Told you so."

Kenny: "Moonspell needed that move. Now she needs to make the tag."

[Rolling to her corner, Moonspell makes the tag and Angel Dust slips through the ropes. She quickly sends a series of stomps downward on her opponent, prompting Sakura in her corner and Mack at ringside to shout objections at the ref. For his part, referee Clifford Bloire moves in and separates Dust from Rose. Angel starts to argue, but noticing the glint in Bloire's eyes, thinks better of it.]

Cari: "I thought men weren't allowed to physically intimidate the competitors in this league."

Kenny: "That wasn't intimidation. He has to do his job and keep order, or else there'd be chaos."

Cari: "Your point?"

[Dust scoops Rose off the mat, only to slam her back down. Leisurely getting back to her feet, she takes a few moments to sneer at the booing fans along ringside. Then, she rushes towards the ropes...]

Kenny: "Taking too much time..."

Cari: "That's something I'd expect from the rookie."

[Angel hops onto the middle ropes, and springs off, flipping in mid air...]

Kenny: "Told you so."

Cari: "I didn't disagree!"

[..and crashing stomach first to the mat.]

Kenny: "Rose evaded that move. But can she make the tag in time?"

Cari: "Unfortunately, yes."

[Rose quickly scrambles to her corner, and tags in Sakura.]

Cari: "Well, Rose tried to give the match away. Dust and Spell simply wouldn't take it."

Kenny: "Be nice. Red Rose gave quite an impressive showing for herself out there tonight."

[Sakura assists Angel to her feet, before unloading with a series of left and right jabs which stagger her taller but slighter opponent.]

Kenny: "Right there, the boxing background of Sakura and her trainer coming into play..."

Cari: "All of which is ILLEGAL in a WRESTLING match. I don't hear you calling for a break."

[Sakura locks up Dust, hooking both arms...]

Kenny: "Double arm hook suplex!"

[Moonspell starts to enter the ring, but Rose quickly intercepts her and knocks her through the ropes. Meanwhile, Ito pulls Dust up, locking her in a standing headscissors.]

Kenny: "You know what this means, don't you?"

Cari: "Apparently no more than you do."

Kenny: "Ouch! Sit out powerbomb. Not quite what I was expecting."

Cari: "How touching. She wants to let the rookie finish it."

[Ito tags in Rose, her pulls Angel up...]

Kenny: "Pollen Count! That could be it!"

[Rose makes the cover. Bloire counts...]





Kenny: "Great win for Rose and Ito..."

Cari: "Bah. Great wins come against great opponents. They didn't have that tonight."

[Rose bounces to her feet, arms raised in the air. Sakura bows deeply to her partner, before exiting the ring. Still all smiles, Rose turns back to Dust, reaching into her top...]

Cari: "Do I want to know?"

[She produces a red rose from under her attire, and places it in Angel Dust's mouth. Giving a polite little curtsy to her victim, she skips out of the ring, waving to the cheering fans as she heads up the ramp.]

Kenny: "Something of a statement, I think, by Red Rose. I think she might have a future."

WINNERS: Sakura Ito and Red Rose
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