logo"Viper" Leslie Magnus vs. Sasha (Fallen Angel Title)

(The masses, watching intently, brandishing their signs of support, scream in heightened frenzy as the cameras swirl around the arena. The excitement crashed through the air, as another jam-packed crowd came to cheer on their favorite stars. The BRA theme music pounded through the sound system, coming back from the commercial break, inciting the crowd to more cheers. Clicking over to the announcers, Kenny and Cari, both smiled as they seemed to be told they were now on camera.)

Cari: Welcome back everyone. For another match my flawless commentary infinitely entertains you and Kenny gets to bore you into sweet submission with his endless � and might I add �useless� statistics.

Kenny: (glancing up from his laptop) My statistics told me you would say that.

Cari: (dripping with sarcasm) Poetry in motion, friends. Poetry in motion . . .

Kenny: Be that as it may, Cari, what we have next is a great match between two hardcore fighters, Leslie �Viper� Magnus and Sasha the Dragon Lady. But the hardcore title is on the line and this is our last match of the night! No more commercials ladies and gentlemen.

Cari: (shrugging her shoulders) Big Deal. Hardcore this . . .Hardcore that. Either way, the fans get to see two competitors in action and get to see a lot of chairs and chains being tossed around.

Kenny: Absolutely! Pokemon this is not!

Cari: (casting a suspicious glance) Huh? What on earth are you talking about?

Kenny: (sheepishly) Oh nothing . . . nevermind . . .

Cari: Well, while Kenny is yammering on about pocket pool or whatever other hobbies he has, I have a special treat for everyone. I asked one of my old stablemates, Catty �Catscratch� Clemmons to join us at ringside for commentary.

Kenny: Oh no. This can�t bode well for me.

Cari: (sneering) You have no idea . . .

(As the lights dim, the crowd falls silent. Explosions erupt from the top of the ramp as a cat�s growl can be heard over the sound system. A tall brunette appears, dressed in a furry bikini and cat ears on her head. She is lithe and sultry, with a dark complexion. The crowd begins screaming and cheering even though they have no idea even who she is. She looks sinister and wicked as she makes her way to the announcer�s table. Upon her arrival, she and Cari give a warm embrace, as if old friends.)

Cari: Catty, this is Kenny. He�s an idiot. Pay him no mind. Kenny, this is Catty. She is a giant in this field.

Catty: (extends her hand to shake but then pulls back, suddenly) Get bent!

Kenny: My computer states that in the federation you were previously in, you and Cari were in the same stable. You were some kind of catfighting champion but then when Cari was banned from the sport, you left as well.

Catty: (her voice is breathy and husky, adding to her allure) Absolutely. I found . . . other work.

Cari: Well, we�re about to hear from our combatants tonight. Catty, just have a seat. Great to see you. You�ll love what I do. It�ll be like old times.

Catty: JUST like old times?

Cari: (cocking and eyebrow and smiling) Well, maybe not that bad.

(Suddenly, the arena lights dim. As they go dark, two female figures can be seen by the entry. Suddenly, a fireball seems to appear from one of the figure's mouth. "Problem Child" from AC/DC hits the arena speakers, Sasha the Dragon Lady appears at the top of the stage. Behind her is The Oakland Enforcer Brenda Busley. Sasha wears black leather pants and a blue velvet shirt. She finishes the outfit with her customary turquoise and yellow cowboy boots. The blond woman has her shirtsleeves rolled back to show off her tattoos. She struts to the ring, showing her disdain for the fans. They boo her and shower her with debris. Behind her walks Brenda, arms folded in front of her chest. Brenda wears black leather pants and black biker boots. She has on a black "Hit Squad" T- shirt. Her large arms are covered in biker tattoos. She follows slowly Behind her boss. She carries a black leather bag. Sasha continues to argue with the fans. Finally she reaches the ring and enters, with Brenda following behind her. Sasha stands in the center of the ring and holds her hands up, smiling and waving for the fans to show more dislike towards her. And they do. They boo her lustily. Sasha has a controlled look in her eyes, the look of the wrestler/mercenary she is best known as. She stretches in the ring and waits for the match.)

Catty: Have you ever seen � in your whole life � such a fashion nightmare?

Cari: You are forgetting, my dear, who I have to work along side of.

Catty: Oh, but of course. These two look like they shop at Wal-Mart with unlimited credit.

Kenny: Actually, I think that it has a certain flare, honestly.

Catty: (glaring at him and mocking his voice in an unflattering way) I think it has a certain flare, honestly. Oh, Jesus-jumped-up-Christ! What do YOU know, fan boy?!

(Cackling, Catty and Cari point in his direction, giving him an ego drubbing on national television.)

Catty: Oh, Brat, you�re the greatest, baby.

(The sound of hissing slowly fades up, filling the arena, interrupting the pair of old friends. On the Angeltron, the image of a pit viper, curled up against a wall, slowly shifts its head side to side ready to strike. In a flash it strikes, opening its gaping maw, showing two long fangs before engulfing the lens. At the same time, green and white pryo explode from the wrestler entrance as the sound of George Thorogood and the Destroyers blasts over the loudspeakers. )

- I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, I got a cobra snake for a necktie
- A brand new house on the road side, and it's a-made out of rattlesnake hide
- Got a brand new chimney put on top, and it's a-made out of human skull
- Come on take a little walk with me baby, and tell me who do you love?
- Who do you love?
- Who do you love?

(The crowd rises to its feet as the �Viper� Lesley Magus steps out from behind the pyro, dragging a garbage can filled with assorted tools for mayhem. She is dressed in a green spandex sports bra and black martial arts pants, her hair tied tight behind her head in a ponytail. Her hands are partially covered by black fingerless gloves. A tattoo of a Viper curls up her arm and around her shoulder. As always, a long link of bike chain is wrapped around her neck and down her torso. Jet black wrestling boots cover her feet as she stands glaring into the ring. Behind her she drags a garbage can filled with assorted devices of mayhem. Around her waist, the Fallen Angel Title. The crowd boo�s and jeer�s the champion, they�re disgust and shock over how she won the belt still a vivid image in their minds. Lesley stops at the top of the ramp and soaks in the boo�s as she raises a microphone to her lips.)

Viper: It seems to me - Sasha, - that you�ve been shooting your mouth off about how you�re the Icon of Insanity. How you�re some big bad wrestler who�s beat up little Japanese girls and called yourself Hardcore.

(A twisted smile comes over Vipers lips.)

See, last week, I beat a big Japanese girl. Made her cry, made it hurt when she takes a step. But even more, I hurt her honor. In front of her new mentor and all of these idiots, I crushed her spirit and took yet another piece from her.

(Lesley smiles as the enraged crowd boo and jeer her. Catty looks at Cari and they both are quite interested in what Lesley has to say, ignoring Kenny.)

Viper: But enough about that. You want to go the next level, Sasha? You want to go really insane? Since there are no rules. Since there is no time limit. Why don�t you meet me in the back, and then we can see if you�re as tough as you say you are.

(Lesley then turns and heads back towards the curtain, dragging her garbage can of mayhem with her. She turns and smirks before stepping out of sight.)

Viper: Unless of course, you�re chicken?

Kenny: Holy crap, ladies and gentleman! Viper has just offered up a serious challenge! What are we gonna do!?

Catty: (placing her hands on both cheeks with mock shock) Ohmygod! Kenny is a drip! I bet life will go on! I bet this promotion won�t let this fight go untaped! What a schmuck!

Cari: Actually, you two, it appears that Brenda and Sasha are debating it. Week after week I call these matches and I get to know the wrestlers rather well � some better than I would care to but regardless . . . Sasha knows she�s on the spot. Oh, and there the two of them go!

(Excitedly, Sasha and Brenda make a break for the ramp. With anger and speed in their steps, they roam up the ramp, looking for Viper. The cameras follow and the crowd erupts into an excited frenzy.)

Kenny: (turning to Catty) While the cameras move up there, what IS it that you do these days. You aren�t in wrestling are you?

Catty: (furrowing her brow but watching the Angeltron, she know looks excited) Oh! Glad you asked. See, after Cari and I went our separate ways, I went over to �Battling Busty Babes Magazine� where I do some pictorials. Then, Aphrodite Comics recently approached me with a series deal with my exploits as serialized in a comic. FURTHER, Depraved Video asked me about doing some �specialty tapes.� In fact, I have some right here. For just $19.95, plus shipping and handling, you can-

Kenny: Wait a minute! You mean you came on TV to sell something here at BRA! That�s shameless! You don�t even fight anymore!

Catty: (growing increasingly angry) Oh? I can make a come back � tonight � JUST for you, Kenny.

Kenny: (changing the subject) Oh dear. Maybe a little crass commercialization is OK.

Cari: (rolling her eyes) While Kenny pees his pants, Brenda and Sasha have gotten to the top of the ramp, pulled up their bags of toys and the official is looking around for some kind of go ahead from the high ups.

(From underneath the ramp, Viper emerges, behind Sasha and Brenda. She pulls out handcuffs and before either of them notice she has crept up on them, Viper delivers a kick to Sasha�s back, sending her flying. Brenda turns but is met with brass knuckles to the abdomen. As she doubles over, Viper slams the handcuffs on her wrist, chaining her to one of the poles by the entrance. The crowd goes wild.)

Kenny: Turn of events! Turn of events! Turn of events!

Cari: (holding her headphones in pain) Jesus! Cut that out!

Catty: (talking to some fans behind the announcers) . . . but you are SUPPOSED to have your parents permission to buy it but I can make an exception. You ALMOST look 15, boys . . .

(Angered and shocked Sasha spins around, growling at having been tricked. She kicks out with a high angle, aiming for Viper�s head. Missing barely, Viper takes advantage and slams the brass knuckles into the side of Sasha�s head. Both women collapse at the top of the ramp and Viper immediately begins to hammer away, repeated shots to Sasha�s head. Sasha screams and curses, angrily flailing her arms about as shot after shot fires away on her like some brutal street fight.)

Catty: What a minute! What�s going on? Aren�t there any catfights around here?

Kenny: Absolutely not!

Catty: Bah! That�s what I�m good at! I thought this would be a catfight.

Cari: Hush, Catty. They�ll be plenty of action, I promise.

(Back at the top of the ramp, Sasha is clearly dazed. Viper seems pleased that she has gotten to drop on her and smiles at Brenda, still cuffed to the pole. Seething with fury, Brenda is extending her arm, trying to get in a swipe on Viper but she can�t reach. In return, Viper swipes a kendo stick, and brings it down on Brenda�s head, stunning the larger woman.)

Catty: That�s gonna leave a mark.

Kenny: You�d be surprised. According to my statistics, women�s wrestling has an unusually high rate of beautiful women who stay that way.

Catty: Well, of course, look at Cari and myself. We�re former champions.

(Viper reaches down and seizes the struggling Sasha by the hair. With a swift kick, Viper knocks her though the curtains with the cameras following and the fans now excited at the change of events in the hardcore match. Now back stage, Viper reaches over for something on a trunk but while she turns her attention away for a moment, Sasha takes the opportunity to strike. She brings herself to a crouched position and throws herself at Viper, spearing the standing women in the abdomen, taking her down. Reaching to the side, the deranged Sasha finds a discarded hammer.)

Kenny: (screaming) No! No! No, damn you! Not the hammer!

Cari: Calm yourself!

(Sasha brings the hammer down directly between Viper�s legs, causing an agonizing groan to come from the crowd. Sasha seems somehow vindicated as for the time being Viper has the fight taken out of her as she rolls upon the concrete floor in utter agony. Sasha tosses the hammer aside, preparing for her next attack. She takes Viper in her arms and slams her against the concrete wall, bouncing off with a sickening crunch. Viper�s eyes widen with agony as she falls away from the concrete. As she falls into Sasha�s grasp, Sasha locks on a swinging neck breaker, bringing them both to the concrete.)

Catty: So, don�t these kind of matches have chairs?

Cari: Hold on, they�ll be better than chairs . . .

(Viper rolls around, in obvious agony, as Sasha slowly rises, the impact with the concrete showing its toll on her, as well. The crowd screams in anticipation as the cameras catch the action. The official watches closely, realizing that the fight is going to become even more intense, but also realizing that the rules allow for such vicious assaults on one another. Sasha proceeds to offer Viper several ruthless kicks to the side of the head, seething in anger. Viper�s pain is clear as she tries to protect herself from the assault. Sasha turns to look for some kind of weapon, hatred in her eyes, her hands opening and closing rapidly, displaying her anticipation. Finding a trashcan, she grabs it, lifts it over her head to bring it crashing down on the prone blonde. At the last moment, Viper takes up a discarded crowbar and swings it at Sasha�s foot, catching her and taking her to the concrete with the trashcan falling on top of her. Viper comes to her feet � wobbly � but ready for more of the fight.)

Kenny: Goodness, me! It looks like these two ladies will be going for it all, making it a memorable match, everyone!

Catty: I still don�t understand why anyone would be in such a match. Its hardly, I dunno, sexy . . .

Cari: Under the circumstances, neither of these two women are interested in sex appeal.

Catty: Yeah. Clearly.

(Viper is the first to act. Capitalizing on Sasha�s disorientation, she seizes as much of Sasha�s blonde hair as she can, pulling her opponent to her knees. She slams her fist into Sasha�s forehead, screaming at her, but the camera is unable to make out her precise words. Sasha stunned from the shot, is unable to react before Viper pulls her up by her hair and throws her into the far wall as she crashes into the hardened concrete. Bouncing off, Viper takes her by the hair and throws her to the floor with a loud thud. Spotting a potted plant, Viper takes it up and brings it smashing down on the prone Sasha. The ceramic breaks against Sasha�s chest, dirt and plant life spilling everywhere. Viper drops herself on Sasha and drives her knee into her opponent�s head. Swiftly taking a handful of the dirt, she punches Sasha in the mouth, shoving the soil in her mouth, screaming obscenities and threats. Sasha merely convulses and thrashes about, waving her arms around.)

Catty: Now dirt and mud I understand. After all, I was involved in my fair share of oil wrestling, mud wrestling, and Jell-O wrestling. In fact, for just $21.95 � plus the cost of shipping � you too can gain some of my sexiest fights in the ring. (Kenny and Cari begin staring at her in disbelief) Watch me take on, Tera O�Reily, �Double D� Donna D�Marco, �Erotic� Erica Flynn �

Kenny: You are shameless.

Catty: (shrugging her shoulders) Eh. A girl�s gotta make money, pal.

(As Viper is about to land another ruthless punch, Sasha counters by thrusting up her arm, landing a finger in her eye. Viper recoils in sudden pain, falling back, spitting with fury. Quickly, Sasha pushes her off and clamors away, trying to regain her strength. As Viper slowly gets Sasha, with a renewed anger and hatred in her eyes, barrels towards Viper, slamming her shoulder in her opponent�s waist. Viper goes crashing back against a collection of folding chairs, moaning in agony as she impacts.)

Cari: Ah, Catty, here come the chairs you were talking about.

(Quickly, Sasha arms herself with one of the metal folding chairs. As Viper looks up, she sees metal crashing down upon her. The chair impacts with her skull and a sickening noise rings out through the back. The crowd, in stunned silence, watches with interest. The angered Sasha again brings the chair down, finally taking Viper to the ground. With Viper�s body barely moving, Sasha drops for the pin. The official gets to two before Viper kicks out. Frustrated, Sasha drives one of her cowboy boots into Viper�s face, growling as she attacks. Viper�s body convulses with the stomp as Sasha begins leering and cruelly laughing at her downed opponent. Blood begins to trickle from Viper�s nose from the repeated shots she has taken. This seems to only drive Sasha further, almost inspiring more assaults.)

Kenny: This is incredible! Look at the punishment Viper is taking!

Catty: Absolutely! It is almost like when I had the �Leather and Latex� fight with Bailey Arotika. I had a leather dominatrix outfit and we both had whips. Then when-

Kenny: Oh Lord . . .

Catty: Yeah! I said that a lot in the video. Its way sexy! In fact, you could probably get a hold of it through the current distributor � California Hellcats � for $25.95. Its sure to please!

Kenny: Does everything go back to you selling something?

Cari: Just wait till you get her started on her �Bedroom Brawl� series.

(Sasha lifts the exhausted Viper up and applies a pump handle slam, driving her back to the concrete. In agony, Viper screams out but she seems to find the strength and stamina to deliver a powerful uppercut to Sasha�s midsection. The shot takes her off guard and sends her reeling back. With bloodstained face, Viper leaps up and charges Sasha. As Sasha�s eyes focus on her attacker, she swings and misses. Viper takes her with a clothesline, bringing the crowd to their feet watching the backstage brawl. The shot sends Sasha to the ground and it is now Viper who delivers a stomp to her prone opponent. Snatching up the crowbar from earlier, Viper brings it down across Sasha�s ankle. She screams out in terror and pain while the crowd screams for more.)

Cari: Now THAT was a shot! THIS is hardcore, my friends.

Kenny: Have you ever seen anything like that!?

Catty: Well, if hardcore is what you want-

Kenny: Ooops! Sorry I asked. (Taking control of the match, Viper pulls Sasha to her feet by her arm, seemingly desiring to yank it out of her socket. Clearly the shot from the crowbar has taken its toll as Sasha limps around. Marching her towards the wall, Viper slams her against it hard. As she bounces her off, she lands a punch to her stomach, driving her across the corridor to the garage. Approaching a black Jaguar, Viper�s eyes grow wide with a plan. After slamming Sasha�s head on the hood of the car, Sasha bounces and rolls over on her back, her eyes fluttering.)

Cari: (interrupting Catty who is selling some dirty magazines to some fans behind her) Catty, darling, what kind of car do you have?

Catty: (distracted) A black Jag. Why?

Cari: You may � or may not � want to see this . . .

Catty: What on earth are you talking about? I am trying to- (she sees, horrified) My car! My sweet and precious car! That�s my Jag!

(Viper again slams Sasha�s head into the hood, creating a dent. Then she rips the jaguar figurehead off the hood, cracking Sasha upside the head with it, a trail of blood flying from underneath Sasha�s eye.)

Kenny: With all due respect, Catty, that WAS your Jag . . .

(As Catty cringes, recoiling in horror, the fight ensues. Angered, Sasha kicks out both feet, executing a perfect landing upon Viper. The kick from Sasha�s boots catching Viper in the mouth, sending her back. Sasha stands on the hood of the car as Viper looks up, spits out blood from her mouth and charges. She leaps atop the car but Sasha is waiting. A hip toss from Sasha catches Viper, sending her through the Gucci rag top, ripping the delicate material and sending Viper into the car. Again Catty cringes as she sees her car at the mercy of the action. Sasha dives into the car, dropping her elbow directly on to her opponent. However, Viper responds by seizing Sasha by the hair and driving her knees into Sasha�s head. Then, with a ruthless hold, she growls, aiming Sasha�s face towards the glass of the side door. With one well planned assault, the glass shatters as Sasha goes through the window, her face cascading with glass and blood, instantly the red substance running everywhere. A scream from Sasha is only drowned out from a scream by Catty.)

Catty: My car . . .my poor, poor, poor car . . .

Cari: (in partial sympathy) I guess that�s why you need to sell so many videos.

Catty: (sighing) Yeah, and I had action figures, too.

Viper leaps out of the back of the trashed auto with renewed vigor and strength. She lands her boots onto Sasha�s back and looks around for another weapon. Sasha quickly rolls over kicking upward and landing a shot underneath Viper�s jaw, snapping her head back. As Viper stumbles, Sasha quickly gets to her feet, the glass and blood covering her face and hair. It is a grizzly sight, to be certain as Sasha�s eyes show her madness and boiling temper. It as if anger has taken over her, the pain she is clearly in placing second to her desires for revenge and punishment. Sasha gets to her knees and throws a punch aimed at Viper�s crotch. Viper dodges and her fist slams into the side of the auto. Responding, Viper thrusts out her knee, knocking Sasha in the face. Growling, Sasha leaps up, grappling with Viper. They both fall into the back of the car, rolling off onto the concrete. Sasha is the first to act, taking Viper by the hair and slamming her head into the cold concrete. With a loud bounce, the crowd reacts with shock and sympathetic pain. Spitting blood and glass from her mouth, Sasha scoops Viper up and slams her down into the trunk. As Viper�s body rolls off the back of the car, a new dent is apparent and the lid to the trunk flies up. Sasha peeks in, throwing the contents about the area, clearly looking for a weapon. Action figures go flying everywhere, along with strange, erotic clothing.)

Kenny: Ah, the aforementioned action figures.

Cari: Why on earth did you park there?

Catty: Well, the picture showed someone in a wheelchair. I just assumed that meant valet service. Dammit, those two trolls screwed up my car!

(Sasha withdraws a tire iron. As she turns, making her way towards Viper, her opponent, sweeps out her leg, catching Sasha against her weakened ankle. The drop lands her to the concrete and Viper scoops up the tire iron. Swinging out, she misses twice hammering the metal object into the concrete as Sasha rolls out of the way, dodging certain disaster. Looking around, Viper spots a nearby shelf. Grabbing as many items as possible, she throws a handful at Sasha. Nails, hammers and other small tools fly towards the downed Sasha which pelt her from all directions. A staple gun is the last thing in Viper�s hands. Coming for Sasha, Viper slams the weapon down to Sasha�s shoulder, pulling the trigger. Sasha screams out and with her other arm, she instinctively swings, catching Viper in the side of the head, slamming her against the rear of the car. Stunned, Viper�s eyes flutter as Sasha growls, pouncing against her. Sasha then plants her cowboy boot against Viper�s throat, holding her tight as a vicious grin overcomes her face. She reaches down, seizing up one of Viper�s hands and slams it onto the car. She grabs the hammer with her other hand and brings it down hard on Viper�s hand, slamming it into the car. The sounding of breaking bones resounds from the garage and blood flies as the skin is split. In sheer agony, Viper screams out, tears of pain welling up in her eyes.)

Kenny: Oh my God, folks! That was incredible!

Cari: You seem to have become more interested, Catty. I thought this really wasn�t your thing.

Catty: (seething) Those two bitches screwed up my car! I�m gonna enjoy this now . . .

(With her other hand, Viper lashes out, landing a punch to Sasha�s stomach. It doubles her over long enough for Viper to retract, and crawl away to rethink her strategy. Cradling her crushed hand she ponders her next move, carefully. Sasha comes running from behind and slams right into Viper�s back. Both women fall to the concrete and Viper screams as she falls onto her hand. Sasha reaches down a picks Viper up, placing her in a full Nelson. Applying the pressure, Sasha continues to lock it on as Viper thrashes about. Slowly, the bloodied Sasha moves them towards the far entrance to the arena, pushing past fans and into the concession area.)

Cari: Now, who on earth would be getting snacks and taking a leak during the match? I mean this is the top match of the night AND the hardcore title is on the line! Why the Hell did they even show up?!

Catty: Maybe they are buying t-shirts of me at the stand?

Kenny: We don�t sell any of your merchandise.

Catty: Not before tonight, you didn�t.

(Viper manages to slam an elbow into Sasha�s ribs. Then again. Then again. Finally, Sasha releases, cradling her stomach and stumbling back. Viper swings out with a closed handed punch, striking Sasha in the jaw, that any boxer would have been proud of. Sasha, still bloodied and battered, swings back, striking her in the stomach. Reach back, Sasha grabs a broom from a passing janitor and uses it the way she would use a kendo stick, swinging wildly at Viper. A flurry of strikes land against her opponent as a virtual whirlwind of attacks come forth. Viper is stricken in the legs, the chest, the head and even the throat. Knocked back, Viper continues to stumble taking a terrible beating. Finally, Sasha raises the broom over her head, bringing it down across Viper. As the wood breaks on Viper�s forehead, blood flies from her temple as she stumbles into the food stand. Barely having her wits about her, Viper reaches back, grabs hold of a bottle of mustard and squirts, aiming at Sasha. A long thick stream of yellow flies forth, getting in Sasha�s eyes, the bitter condiment stinging, causing wild screams and curses to fly from her. Viper launches herself forward, slamming her shoulder into Sasha, knocking them both down. Viper then begins a series of ruthless punches, slamming away on the downed Sasha, seemingly having no desire to stop.)

Kenny: Folks this has gotten bloody. This has gotten wild. This has gotten dangerous! All for the hardcore belt! At what point do you admit that your own health is far more important than a piece of metal!? The officials must stop this match!

Cari: You�re kidding, right? This hardcore stuff drives our paychecks, Kenny. Well, that and the large breasts and bubble butts.

Kenny: No large breasts in this match, Cari! No bubble butts! Just sheer violence!

Catty: I have large breasts. I have a bubble butt . . .

(Back to the action, Viper has planted Sasha on her back. Both women are bloody and their clothes have been tattered. Viper slams her boot down on Sasha�s abdomen. Then she reaches down, grabs both of her arms and pulls back, stretching her. Sasha screams in agony. As Viper�s face shows the signs of pain and strain, her own blood flows into her eyes, clearly stinging. She takes one foot off Sasha�s stomach and falls back, acting like a pivot. Sasha gets slingshotted into the concession stand and goes crashing into popcorn, candy bars, sodas and hotdogs. The frightened worker screams and runs away, not wanting to be harmed. Viper makes her way through the rubble, but Sasha seems to have gotten a second wind. She thrusts up a palm, smacking Viper�s nose. A sickening crack is heard as an explosion of crimson erupts from her nose, snapping back her neck. Blood runs from her nose, into her mouth, staining her teeth as she stumbles back. She cradles her nose out of instinct and swerves like a drunk poet on payday.)

Cari: Every once of blood that which is spilled means more money into BRA coffers. Did I tell you, Kenny, that I was offered profit sharing?

Kenny: How can you think about that at a time like this?

Cari: Every time I see red, I think green. Sorry.

Catty: Really? You think they would offer ME profit sharing?

Kenny: You aren�t even an employee! You just . . .walked on and started selling your . . . stuff! Shameful!

Catty: Oh, that reminds me. I do have a video titled �Shameful.� You would be surprised to see what goes on . . .

Sasha groans and scream out, like the sound of some feral creature. Viper kicks her in the stomach as her extreme anger seems to mount. The two women battle back and forth, throwing punches and jabbing lefts and rights at one another knocking each other around the back of the arena. Finally, a well placed jab from Viper to Sasha�s abdomen stuns her for a moment. It is enough for Viper to capitalize. Viper slams Sasha against the nearby zamboni and jabs her with a raised knee. Both women are clearly in utter pain. Both women have had a toll taken upon them. They both are weary and look as if they are in serious danger loosing blood. Clearly both need medical attention. Viper mounts the zamboni and hoists Sasha up by her hair. The fight continues with fists flying, yet they both are worn down, the impacts carrying less punch. Sasha reaches out, grabs as much hair of Viper�s as possible and pulls down, sharply bringing up her knee to her jaw. As she snaps down, Viper wraps her around Sasha�s waist and lunges forward, off the zamboni, no consideration for her own safety. What seems like an eternity, both women dangle in the air as they fall, crashing through a table and onto the stone floor. Motionless, the camera picks up their broken bodies. Both women seem to have landed in a horrible angle. The official looks horrified.)

Cari: (thrilled) Yes! This is the greatest match I have seen on BRA! The ratings are soaring through the rough! Absolutely incredible! I can just see my stick rising as we speak, Kenny! Drinks on me after the match! Well, you aren�t invited, but drinks for Catty and me on me! And to think, most of this comes down to a broken bike! How delightful!

(Viper is seen, barely moving, her left arm out of socket. Sasha�s only sign that she is alive is the slow breathing of her body, moving up and down. Viper is able to place her arm over Sasha, qualifying as a cover. The official drops for the three count. However, as soon as he reaches three, he runs off, not wanting to deal with the mess that is left behind. BRA officials come running as well as EMT specialists. The lock on their faces is sheer dread as if even the worst auto accidents pale in comparison.)

Kenny: (with genuine concern) Folks, we have to sign off but this is a crisis. This is a disaster. Both women are down and clearly need special attention. But Viper retains the title, folks!

Cari: Hats off to you both ladies. Maybe I can buy a Jaguar.

Catty: (depressed) Wanna buy a used one?

Cari: Er, no.

Kenny: For Monday night, I�m Kenny Harbor, along side Cari �the Brat� Trammel and Catty �Catscratch� Clemmons. Good night and God help those two fighters.
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