Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson
Veronica Millions

{ The camera opens inside of the Battling Ring Angels arena, and the crowd erupts with cheers, as they know it's time to start another night of action at BRA. }

{ The camera pans over the capacity crowd, and the fans hold up their homemade signs, in hopes of being seen on tv. }

The Marquise is an arsonist!!

Carmikel is a fraud!

Hey Peggy, Bake me a cake.

I've got Garry's beer.

I want Laura!!

I won the jackpot at the Shop Casino.

{ The shot then goes to the announcers table, where Garry and Sandra have already taken their seats. Sandra adjusts her head set, and Garry takes a drink of his beer. Noticing they're on, Sandra smiles at the camera. }

Sandra: "Hello, and welcome to another night of Battling Ring Angels action. We have an great card this evening, and I'm sure your going to love it."

Garry: "Yea yea, they just better keep me supplied with beer this week. I'm sick of going dry half way through each show. Sooo...who's up first tonight?"

Sandra: "Our first match is going to be interesting, we have Veronica Millions making her debut here tonight........."

Garry: "Who??"

Sandra: "Veronica Millions, she's fairly new to this buiz, but has proven elsewhere that she has what it takes to hang with anyone in the ring. You'll love this, she's also known as Sherry's protege."

Garry: "Oh for Christs sakes, not another Body Shop bimbo? Damn, just how many of those fools are there??? Oh well, doesn't matter, they all hate each other anyways it seems. Who's this bum facing?"

Sandra: She goes up against someone who is also close to Sherry, it's her daughter, Jenny The Cheerleader Anderson. This should be a great match, these two have trained together many times in the past, and know each others styles well....."

Garry: "Pfft...what's to know? They're both Shoppers, so it means they cheat to win."

Sandra: "Shut up tubby, you have no idea what you're talking about!"
"Anyways folks, this should really be an exciting match, both are fast paced, high flying wrestlers."

Garry: "Is momma Sherry gonna come out and babysit again, and mess up the match? I sure hope not! It's bad enough that that wench Sherry's face is on every billboard in town promoting her new casino, not to mention all the radio and tv commercials....Uggggg!!!!"

Sandra: "Your just jealous that you didn't get invited to the Grand Opening! That place is gonna be a blast to go to!"

Garry: HA! I see how bad the Shop cheats here, I'm sure Sherry will have the crookedest dealers in town working her casino, and UNLIKE Sherry, her slot machines will be tight as hell!!!"


Sandra: "Your such an ass!!!"

{ The lights in the stadium slowly dim, the flashlights around the stadium starts blinking red and white colors, and the new version of the Ohio State Fight Song sounds through the arena sound system. }

Sandra: "Here comes the Sweetheart of Bra, and Miss Teen USA!!!!"

Garry: "Pfft...I heard that pagent was rigged!"

Sandra: "Oh shut up!"

{ The crowd turns to the entrance and Jenny comes out from the back holding two pom poms chest high. She smiles brightly at the crowd and starts waving her arms starting to do a pom pom routine at the entrance ramp. Jenny ends it with doing a split on the ramp leading down from the entrance. Jenny then bounces to her feet and starts making her way towards the ring throwing some extra pom poms into the crowd. As she gets halfway, Jenny picks up speed, and start doing several cartwheels and ends it with a sommersault a few feet from the ring and wave her arms to her fans. }

Sandra: "Jenny hasn't been an angel lately, but these fans still love her."

Garry: "Hmmn must be something in that family. I'll never understand why the fans love Sherry."

{ Jenny struts around the outside of the ring, and hands one of her pom poms to a young girl, and pats her on top of the head and then move back into the ring and waits on Veronica. }

Sandra: "Well Jenny sure made that little girl happy, that was nice of her to do."

Garry: "Oh golly gee, it sure was! Uggg, just get the other Shop clown out here, so we can get on with the match!"

Sandra: "Lighten up grumpy ass! I sure don't hear any complaints from the fans!"

Garry: "So, they're all just stupid, they're here to watch a wrestling match. If they wanted to see a cheerleader preform, they could of went to a UNLV game!"

Sandra: "You're such an idiot! Just wait a few minutes, and Jenny will show you all kinds of wrestling moves, as will Veronica!"

Garry: "Speaking of bimoblina #2, she needs to get out here now, before I die of boredom!"

{ Suddenly the lights go dim once again, and dollar sings start rotating around in cicrles inside the ring. Suddenly there is a massive explosion and smells like teen spirit plays over the loudspearkers, as Veronica appears through the curtains.She stands at the start of the walkway and looks to admire the crowd. After a few seconds she starts down the walkway looking as gorgeuos as ever wearing a dark green two piece swimsuit and black low cut boots. She also is wearing a silver jacket that says Body Shop on the back and sunglasses. }

Garry: "Mmmnn Mmmnnn she's a hotty!"

Sandra: "Yes, and you're a pig."

Garry: "And you're a skank, so shut up!.


{ As Veronica crawls through the ropes, Jenny charges at her, and begins stomping on her head. Veronica, in pain rolls herself out of the ring to get away from Jenny. Jenny hops through the ropes, and goes out after Veronica, who is holding her head. Jenny nails her from behind with a clothesline, that sends Veronica to the floor, and Jenny follows up with a stomp to Veronica's back. }

Garry: "Sheesh, the Cheerleader is going nuts, and the bell hasn't even rang yet!z'

Sandra: "I really wish I knew what was going through Jenny's mind. How can she do this to someone that she considered a friend?"

Garry: And if ya knew, what would you do with that info?"

Sandra: "I don't know, shut up!"

{ The ref hops out of the ring, and tries to stop Jenny from attacking Veronica more, but before he gets there, Jenny has Veronica back up on her feet, "Ohhh did that hurt? Here let me help you up!" and then whips her into the gueardrail, and Veronica's back smashes into it hard. Now Jenny picks up Veronica, and holds her horizontally, then runs with her, and smashes her back against the ring post. Finally the ref grabs hold of Jenny, and makes her get into the ring. Jenny nods ok to him, but them gives one more stomp to Veronica's back, then sticks her tounge out at the ref before climbing into the ring. }

Sandra: "Ok, she's completely lost her mind!"

Garry: "On the contrary, I think she's useing her mind well here, she's targeted a part of Veronica's body, and is going all out to work it over. This kid has learned a lot!"

Sandra: "'s..uh...It's still not right, the match hasn't started yet!"

Garry: "Took ya long enough to spit out that excuse. Well with the help of the ref, Veronica is now getting into the ring."

{ The ref calls for the bell, and the match is finally officially under way. Veronica charges at Jenny, but Jenny steps aside, and then begins playing to the fans. Veronica isn't impressed, and as Jenny has her mind elsewhere, Veronica walks up to her, and takes her down with a Russian Legsweep, that puts Jenny down hard on the mat. }

Garry: "Tsk Tsk, stupid mistake by Jenny there."

Sandra: "Yea, I think she's taking Veronica lightly, and Veronica is no push over at all!"

{ Veronica grabs Jenny's arm, and places one foot in her armpit, and the other against the side of her face, then pulls on her arm, with an arm stretcher. Jenny howls out in pain as Veronica leans back, applying more pressure on the hold. }

Sandra: "Effective move by Veronica."

Garry: "Effective, but not a wise selection of move to use against a high flyer like Anderson. You have to go after their legs, or back as Jenny WAS doing to Veronica, till her head swelled up that is."

{ Veronica continues to yank on Jenny's arm, and screams at her, "Do you know the pain you are putting your mother through?!?!?! It's time someone knocks some sense into you little Miss Priss, and that someone is me!" Veronica then pulls her feet back, and then drives them hard into Jenny's armpit, and side of her head. Jenny howls out in pain, but stays focused, and drags her fingernails down Veronica's right leg, and that causes Veronica to shreak in pain, and release the hold. Jenny quickly rolls away from Veronica, and Veronica rolls away from Jenny. Both ladies then slowly get to their feet, and just stare daggers at each other for a moment. }

Garry: "Can't you just feel the love?"

Sandra: "Umm...No! Actually though, I think what Veronica said to Jenny is making her think about how she acting. She seems to have a look of confusion in her eyes right now."

Garry: "Nah, she's just thinking of how to hurt this Shopper for getting into her personal life issues."

{ Veronica and Jenny lock up in the center of the ring. Veronica wraps her arms around Jenny, and pefectly exacutes a belly to belly suplex on Jenny, that almost sends her through the mat. }

Garry: "DAMN! That had some umphh behind it!"

Sandra: "It sure did, nice move by Veronica, this rookie has been training hard, and it seems to really be paying off for her."

{ Veronica hooks Jenny's leg, and goes for a pin. The ref hops down on the mat, and begins to count. }



Kickout by Jenny!

Garry: "A tad early for that."

Sandra: "Yes, but always worth a try."

{ Jenny grabs a handfull of Veronica's hair, and begins violently shaking her head by it, and then punches Veronica in the face. Veronica shrieks in pain, and Jenny releases her the hair, and gets to her feet. She then begins to stomp on Veronica's back. }

Garry: "Jenny is like an animal in there tonight!"

Sandra: "Yea, she's really fired up, and contiues to go after Veronica's back. Jenny has found her target, and is sticking to it tonight."

Garry: "The sign of an experianced grappler there. It still amazes me how much ring savy she has for someone so young."

Sandra: "Well she's trained with some of the best in the industry, but seems to have forgotten about those that helped her achieve what she has, and that is really a shame too."

Garry: "She owes them nothing at all!!!"

Sandra: "Oh shut up, you have no idea what she owes anyone."

{ Jenny hops down, and sits on Veronica's back, and puts her in a Camel Clutch, and rares back on her chin, which in turn, puts Veronica's back in more pain. Veronica reaches out, and is oh so close to grabbing the ropes, but is about half an inch away from them. Veronica drives her body, with the help of her knees forward, and makes it to the ropes, and the ref makes Jenny break the hold. Jenny does so, but when she gets up, she plants another stomp in the small of Veronica's back. }

Sandra: "Relentless little snot, isn't she?"

Garry: "Yea, I'm starting to like her more and more."

{ Veronica wisely rolls herself out of the ring for a much needed breather. Jenny climps up on the turnbuckles, and waves to the fans, who greet her with mixed reactions. Jenny sticks her tongue out at those that boo her, then climbs up to the top turnbuckle, then faces Veronica. }

Garry: "No Jenny, your to far from her, don't try it!!"

Sandra: "I dunno, she may be in Jenny's range, this kid can really fly."

Garry: "Ok, I'm almost out of beer here, someone get busy, and do their job now!"

Sandra: "Just call the match tubby, I doubt you need more beer in that barrel hanging off the front of you."

{ Jenny leaps off the top turnbuckle, and soars towards Veronica with a suicide dive, that nails Veronica, and sends her crashing into the guardrail. Jenny hops to her feet, and moves in on Veronica, then starts to stomp away on her back again. The ref is counting both women out, but Jenny pays no attention to him, and stays on the attack. }


Sandra: "Sheesh Jenny is like an animal!"


Garry: "The kid clearly wants to win this match, big time. She knows it will send a message to her mom, that she is gonna take out these Shoppers!"


Sandra: "Well she didn't get the job done against Meagan, and Tina gave her all she could handle in their match."


Garry: "Well if Mommy Dearest hadn't gotten involved, a winner could of been decided between Jenny and Meagan."


Sandra: "Well, that wont happen this week, Sherry said she didn't mean to cause so much trouble in the Shop last week by interfering, and promised to stay out of this one."


Garry: "WOW! Jenny just isn't letting up at all on Veronica!! Yea I'll beleive Sherry's staying out of this, when I see it for myself!"


Sandra: "How can Jenny do this to Veronica? She knows how much Sherry likes her!"


Garry: Well duh, I think you just found out how she can do it to her."


Sandra: "Makes sense, but Jenny best get back.....Oh there she goes! No wait, she's picking Veronica up, and throwing her into the ring."


Garry: "Yes, and she gives her one hell of a kidney punch after she does!"


Sandra: "Well Jenny just got herself back into that ring in the nick of time, she was almost counted out!!

{ Jenny goes right back after Veronica, and goes for an elbow drop on her back, but Veronica some how sensed it coming, and rolls out of the way, and Jenny lands hard on the mat with her elbow. She rolls around in pain holding it, as Veronica slowly gets to her feet, holding her back that is in serious pain. }

Sandra: "Come on Veronica, get on the offensive now!"

Garry: "She's been on that."

Sandra: "Huh? What match have you been watching?"

Garry: "This one idiot, Veronica is Shop, so she's always offensive, offensive smelling that is!"


Garry: "OUCH!!!!"

{ Veronica begins to stomp away on Jenny's left knee. Jenny trys to get away, but Veronica stays after her, and continues to work away on Jenny's knee. }

Sandra: "Well that'll slow Jenny down now."

Garry: "What's Veronica doing now?"

Sandra: "She pulling something out of her suit, if it's a weapon, you can bet Sherry will be right out here."

Garry: "So goes for that promise she made."

{ Veronica reaches into her suit, and pulls out a ten dollar bill, and shoves it in Jenny's top. "Here ya go Jenny, a buck a stomp!" With saying that, Veronica begins to stomp on Jenny's knee again, and the crowd counts for her. }











{ Veronica now just struts around the ring, and plays to the fans, while Jenny rolls around in serious pain, holding her knee. }

Garry: "Big mistake by the rookie here. She has her opponent injured, and should stay on that, not prance around for applause."

Sandra: "Your right about that, all she is doing is giving Jenny time to recooperate."

{ Wisely, Jenny rolls herself out of the ring while Veronica plays to the fans. She hobbles over, and picks up one of her pom poms. }

Garry: "Oh great, now she's gonna preform for the fans, this is getting silly!"

Sandra: "Oh no, I hope she isn't gonna do what I think she's gonna do."

Garry: "I dunno, what's she gonna do? Hmmn the ref is really giving one of the fans crap, that through his coke into the ring.

{ Veronica notices the refs attetion is not on her or Jenny, and she hops out of the ring, and grabs a chair. She then makes her way to Jenny, who is leaning against the ring apron, holding her knee with one hand, and her pom pom with the other. Veronica runs up to Jenny, with the chair held high in the air, and starts to swing it at Jenny's head, but Jenny pops up, and holds out her pom pom at Veronica, and a spray comes out of it, and goes right into Veronica's eyes. However her momentum with the chair continues, and comes down on Jenny's head, and both women fall to the floor. }

Sandra: Yup, that's what I thought she was gonna do. Jenny and her pepper spray, she should be ashamed of herself! Veronica caught her pretty good with that chair, but she's in real trouble now, as she has to fight off the burning sensation in her eyes."

Garry: "ahh she can handle it, those Shoppers are used to burning sensations......."

Sandra: "You say what I think your gonna say, and I'm not gonna slap ya this time, I'll jack you in the head so hard, you wont know what hit you!!!"

Garry: "Umm ok, I'll be quiet. Can you get me a beer though? I'm kinda parched."

Sandra: "Eat me!"

Garry: "I said I was parched, I hardly think that dried up, cob web infested thing will satisfy my thirst.........."





Garry: "OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sandra: "I'm complaining to Van Driesal about that comment, you went way to far this time!"

Garry: "Hey, I was refering to that old cup against the wall over there, what's wrong with that?"

Sandra: "Don't b.s. me asswipe, I'll...Oh nevermind, your not worth it!"

{ Finally remembering his job, the ref runs over to see what Jenny and Veronica are up. He jumps out of the ring when he sees both women choking the life out of each other, and pulls them apart. He notices the chair laying next to Jenny, and Veronica's puffy red eyes, and just scratches his head, trying to figure out what happened. He then tells both of them to get back into the ring, before he d.q.'s them. }

{ The crowd begins to cheer, as they see Sherry Ann on the Angeltron. The shot shows her back stage watching a monitor in her dressing room, and she's visibly upset by what she's seen in this match. The camera goes black though, as Sweet Misty walks up to the camera, and holds her hand over the lens. }

Garry: "Awwwww Mommy Dearest is upset!! Booo hooo!"

Sandra: "Oh shut up. She has every right to be upset. She didn't train these two to try and injure each other. Both are close to her, and this is hard for her to watch."

Garry: "Umm do me a favor?"

Sandra: "What?"

Garry: "Tell someone who cares please, I sure don't."

Sandra: "asshole!"

{ Jenny and Veronica both slowly reenter the ring, and the ref follows them in. Veronica's eyes are still burning, and bothering her badly. Jenny is still feeling the effects of the chair that hit her head, but she is the first to get to her feet, and she goes after Veronica once again. Jenny grabs Veronica's legs, and drags her to the center of the ring, and then applies a step over toe hold. Veronica fights the pain, and Jenny antagonizes her, as she pulls back on Veronica's foot, "My God,..This girl can't fight at all!!" Jenny reaches back with her left hand, and grabs hold of Veronica's chin, while still holding the step over toe hold with her right. }

Garry: "Nice move!!!"

Sandra: "Very nice, Jenny may get a submission here. She telling Veronica to give up, and I just don't know how much more Veronica can take, her eyes are still burning from that pepper spray, and her back has taken a lot of punishment as well."

{ Jenny looks like she wants to break Veronica in two, and Jenny seems really angered that Veronica isn't giving up, "OK, so this doesn't hurt enough eh? Well...let's see how you like this, and we'll see how my mom likes it too!!!" Jenny releases the holds, and stands up. Now she grabs Veronica's legs, and pulls her legs up, and back, into a Boston Crab......NO! It's the Sherry Crab, and Jenny forces her knee deep into Veronica's already aching back as she pulls back on the hold hard. Veronica taps out, and screams her submission, but Jenny keeps the hold on. }

Sandra: "OK Jenny, that's enough, she gave up!!"

Garry: "She doesn't care, I think she wants to injure Veronica."

Sandra: "What the hell? The little nut is asking for the mic while still holding onto Veronica! Come on ref, break it up!!"

Garry: "Well Jenny was just handed a mic, this should be funny."

{ Veronica is in sheer pain, as Jenny isn't letting up at all on the hold, and now gets ready to speak, "Ok Meagan, we have some unfinished buisness. Why don't you come out here, and help your stablemate, and you and I can finish our match? It was a real shame you chickened out last week, and ran away. Come on Meagan, GET OUT HERE!!!!" Jenny throws down the mic, and really yanks back on the hold, causing Veronica to scream loudly in pain. }

Sandra: "This is crap, Meagan isn't even here this week, and Jenny knows it. Thank God, the ref finally got Jenny off of Veronica now. Sherry, you're gonna have to do something about Jenny!!"

Garry: "Well folks, we're overdue for a commercial break, your winner her by submission in one wild ass match is Jenny Anderson. We'll be right back, and Laura Parker and Skye Soaring Hawk will go at it."

Sandra: "Seeya soon!"

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