Michelle "The Great" Anderson
Bianca "Freestlye" Dupree

Sandra: Welcome back everyone. This next match is the much anticipated debut of Bianca DuPree.

Garry: Yeah, that bitch, after interfering in matches, stealing the Celestial title, and breaking one wrestler's neck, will finally have to meet a wrestler face to face in the ring.

Sandra: Whose neck did Bianca break?

Garry: That one girl. . . . What's her name? . . . Well, even I can't remember her name it doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

Sandra: Yeah, right. You're just still angry at her for making a fool out of you.

Garry: She's never made a fool out of me.

Sandra: Oh, does that mean that you were making a fool out of your self, when she was a round

Garry: I think your memory's going. As anybody that saw what happened knows, I was the one that made a fool out of her.

Sandra: (Looking over Garry's shoulder) Hi Bianca, do you have something for Garry?

Garry: (Jumping up and turning quickly around.) Where is she?

(Not seeing Bianca behind him, Garry ducks under the announcer's table.)

Sandra: She's on the entrance ramp.

(Garry peers cautiously over the top of the table, only his eyes and forehead showing.)

Whimsical looks overtake the faces of the crowd, for this is nothing they can remember hearing before . . .

"Blah, Blah, Blah . . . Soul to Keep . . . "

A figure steps from the back, folding her hands before her and looking out toward the audience, taking in the sounds of being back in the game. She takes a few steps further down the ramp and smiles as waves of people take to their feet . . .

"If I die, before I wake . . . "

Megadeth's whine signals this entrance, teasing at the notions of what is to come when she steps into the ring with enemies in front, and another possibly at her back . . . The lights along the aisle dance down the way, shuddering to life with a wicked snap . . .

"I'll go to hell for Heaven's sake . . . "

And with those words, the sound system thunders forth a new song and the lights fall silent . . . only the shadowed form of the HellRaiser, basking in the lights of those electric sabers falling behind her with every step. The crowd erupts when Dream Theater's "Pull Me Under" drifts throughout the arena, the sounds of the FreeStyle, Bianca Dupree. She moves easily, gracefully, and with definite purpose.

She's dressed as always, in the pink and purple half wetsuit, covered on top by a black leather jacket, inscribed with the letters F.I.N.E. A pair of high top Nikes covers her feet; her hands are bound in fingerless, black leather gloves. Her hair is held up, twin ponytails extending from leather binding with a few strands left to chance, careening down over her left eye. The music continues to storm the arena, screaming its cacophonous message to the thousands in attendance.

Bianca glides under the bottom rope and takes to a corner to perch upon the top ring rope. Reaching into her pocket, she produces a hand held microphone and looks out at the sea of people, patiently waiting for the noise to subside.

"Well this is about to be a five minute waste of my time."

The crowd screams back in unison at her raging prompt

"Michelle Anderson, do you really think you have what it takes to defeat someone like me? Do you really think that by training all week, by talking worthless shit, and actually showing up that you can do what very few have been lucky enough to do? It takes something a little extra . . . then pretending to rise from the grave. Just what we needed, another actor . . . you should have stayed dead"

Bianca grins lightly at the cheering crowd, thumping the microphone lightly against her palm as she waits again for the crowd to settle down.

"So come on out here and flail uselessly, I've got things I've got to get done. Errand number one, Michelle . . . I'm gonna make you my bitch."

The Hellion threw her head back and bathed in a flashing purple strobe light, chants from the crowd coercing the raising of the arms until she delivered her final words . . .

"Now, Cut the Shit . . . "

One last voice of thunder responded to her cry


(Bianca takes a perch on the top of a corner post and awaits Michelle.)

Sandra: Now THAT is an entrance!

Gary: (Pretending to be sleeping, and just having woken up) Oh, did I miss something?

Sandra: Oh! I'm so glad you came out from under the table. Don't worry Bianca is in the ring now. She won't hurt you . . . for a while.

Garry: Huh. I'm not afraid of her. Bianca is all attitude. She can talk the talk, now it's time to see if she can walk the walk. This is no sneak, she's got a tough opponent that is ready for her. When Michelle the great is through with her, she won't be able to hurt a fly, for at least a month.

Sandra: We'll see what kind of wrestler Michelle is. This is her first real opponent.

Garry: Here comes my choice for the winner of this match. Michelle "The Great" Anderson.

(The lights go out, Triumph by Wu Tang Clan is played in the arena. Michelle's name is called out and Kelly steps out the door with a sign on her hands saying " 2-0, soon 3-0" Michelle then steps out behind Kelly along Betty beside her. The male fans roar for the three women. Betty is wearing blue jeans, a white shirt with a black jacket and sneakers. Kelly is wearing a black dress and Michelle, her attire is her always, blue 2 piece bikini. Michelle gets to the ring as Betty and Kelly stays at ringside. Michelle grabs the mic. The music stops playing and the fans quiet down.)

Garry: Now that's an entrance. Nothing better than three babes to liven up the crowd. Especially when they're dressed like that.

Sandra: Being able to fit into a bikini is no indication of skill.

Garry: Maybe not, but if you look like that you don't need skill. Michelle is a knockout.

Sandra: Well she doesn't seem to have impressed Bianca.

(Bianca is seated on her perch on top of the ring post. Her head is in her hands and she appears to be asleep.)

Garry: That witch doesn't know a good show when she sees one. She has no respect for anyone.

Sandra: I don't have much respect for Michelle, until she proves she can take on a tough opponent.

Garry: Well tonight, against that show off Bianca, she still won't be able to prove she can beat a tough opponent.

Michelle: (Grabs the mic from the ring announcer) Welcome to another (The fans join in.) MILLENNIUMM HOUR!! As you already know, I am Michelle "The Great" Anderson. Tonights special guess, is a girl I will be facing, who I always wanted to fight, Bianca Dupree. Since we are playing her game, "Freestyle rules", I to have some tricks up my sleeves, but I cannot show to her yet. So lets get this bitch over here so I can kick her stupid ass!!"


(As Michelle speaks, all eyes are on her. Betty takes out a pair of brass knuckles and moves toward the "sleeping" Bianca. She rears back, ready to punch Bianca in the kidney. Bianca springs off the ring post, does two flips in the air and nails Michelle with missile drop kick. Michelle has just finished speaking and is taken totally by surprise. She crashes into the far turnbuckle. The mic goes flying into the crowd. Bianca turns toward Betty and shakes her finger at her.)

Bianca: Ah ah aaah! That's breaking one of Bianca's rules.

Garry: I hope Electra makes Bianca pay for that.

Sandra: Why would Miss Van Dreisal care what Bianca does to Michelle?

Gary: I'm talking about that expensive Microphone that some fan is going to take home as a souvenir. Those things cost a lot of money. Bianca can't go around throwing them to the audience like that.


(The ref signals for the bell. Michelle has recovered enough to turn and charge toward Bianca. Bianca side steps her and sends Michelle crashing to the mat with a hip toss. Michelle lands with a groan on her butt. Michelle stares at Bianca fuming. Michelle hops to her feet. Bianca runs to the ropes and jumps to the second rope and does a springboard off it into a spinning heel kick. Michelle is ready for this and ducks under it. She punches Bianca in the back as she sails by. Bianca crashes to the mat but springs back up quickly. Bianca just smiles at her and acts like this was nothing. Michelle stares at Bianca fuming.)

Sandra; Michelle's best doesn't seem to be affecting Bianca.

Garry: Michelle has not even begun to fight.

(Michelle lunges toward Bianca but Bianca easily dances out of the way. Bianca nails Michelle with a kick to the gut that doubles her over, this is followed up by a series of snapkicks that drive Michelle back to the corner. Michelle blocks some of the kicks but enough get through to raise welts on her chest. Michelle counters with punches of her own but only a few get through and fail to keep Bianca at bay. Michelle reaches out and grabs Bianca's arm. She spins Bianca around and now Bianca is trapped in the corner. Michelle slams her body against Bianca squeezing her against the turnbuckles. Betty Anderson jumps up to the apron and sends three quick jabs into Bianca's left kidney with that brass knuckle-covered fist. Betty is sent crashing to the floor by an elbow to the face, courtesy of Bianca.The ref warns Michelle that any further interference by her sister will result in a DQ.)

Garry: Now did you see that. Betty just goes over to say something nice to Bianca. What does Bianca do? She slams an elbow into poor Betty's face.

Sandra: I don't think that brass knuckles deliver nice messages.

Garry: What brass knuckles?

Sandra: The ones on Betty's right fist.

Garry: Those aren't brass knuckles. I sure it's just an engagement ring.

Sandra: On her RIGHT hand?

Garry: Just call the match.

(Bianca massages her sore kidney. Michelle ignores the ref and delivers a snap kick to Bianca's exposed midsection. Bianca doubles over. Michelle puts her in a side headlock She runs to the middle of the ring and smashes her face to the mat with a bulldog. Michelle leaps to her feat and drops an elbow on Bianca's back. She gets to her feet again and tries a second elbow drop. Bianca rolls away and Michelle drives her own elbow into the mat. Michelle rolls around the mat holding her elbow.)

Sandra: Michelle should know better than to try the same move twice on Bianca.

Garry: Why would Michelle know anything about Bianca? This is Bianca's first match.

Sandra: Her first match in Battling Ring Angels. She fought in the now defunct IFWF. Both of them were in that league.

Garry: How do you know that?

Sandra: She told me.

Garry: Well she must like to keep secrets. There is no biography of her in the BRA Roster of the official BRA Program. And fans you can get yours by mailing $9.95 check or money order to Battling Ring Angels, Programs, P. O. Box 555 Las Vegas NV 80911.

Sandra: Thank you for getting that shameless money grubbing plug in.

Garry: Electra told me to advertise BRA merchandize. I'll bet she gives me a raise for the slick way I got that plug in.

Sandra: Yeah real slick. Maybe you could get back to the match. That's what the fans tuned in to see.

(Bianca climbs the turnbuckle and leaps on the prone Michelle with a moonsault. Michelle grunts as Bianca lands squarely on her stomach. Bianca gets up and looks around for Betty or anybody else that seems to want to interfere. She grabs Michelle by the hair and sends her across the ring and into the ropes. Michelle ricochets off the ropes and extends her arm to clothesline Bianca.Bianca runs to the opposite rope and jumps to the second rope and springboards off into a hurricane DDT. She drives Michelle face into the mat.).

Sandra: That's one of Bianca's signature moves. She calls it a "wipeout".

Gary: Big deal.

(Bianca stands over Michelle. Michelle strikes out quickly with her foot and sends a foot to Bianca's crotch. Bianca doubles over in shock and pain. Michelle gets groggily to her feet. She tries to get the cobwebs out of her head as the ref starts screaming at her. Michelle pushes the ref away and stands beside Bianca. She scoops Bianca up and drops her to the mat with a side suplex. Michelle is on her feet again she lifts Bianca up and slams her back to the mat.)

Garry: (Shouting) Come Michelle, get her!

Sandra: Isn't it just like you to cheer for the cheater?

Garry: What cheating?

Sandra: Your eyesight is good enough to be a referee.

(Michelle picks Bianca up again, but Bianca slides over her shoulders and lifts Michelle up and sends her head and shoulders crashing to the Mat with a belly to back suplex. Bianca Bridges. The ref drops to the mat and slaps the mat once, twice thr . . . No! Michelle raises a shoulder. Bianca releases her and gets to her feet. Michelle lies on the mat trying to get her barings.)

Sandra: Beautiful counter by Bianca there.

Garry: She cheated. She grabbed Michelle's bikini.

Snadra: Why is everyone looking and pointing toward the rafters?

Garry: Oh my god! There's someone in the rafters! Get a camera on them. Let's see who it is.

Sandra: Don't do that. It will only encourage other freaks in the audience to perrform stupid stunts like that to get on TV.

(Bianca notices the crowd looking up and pointing. She looks up too. She makes a one finger salute to the person in the roof support beams. The camera zooms in on the person in the rafters. It's a woman in flowing black overcoat. She seems to be smiling at the wrestlers.)

Garry: It looks like . . .

Sandra: It is! Tiffany Epitaphine !

Garry: What's she doing up there? She must be a hundred and fifty feet above the ring.

Sandra: She gone! How did she do that?

Garry: I don't know. "The Wrath" is one scary broad. I think we may see more of her during this match.

(Bianca stops looking up and goes to the corner of the ring.She climbs to the tope turnbuckle. She looks at Michelle and says: )

Bianca: "Is that the best you've got?"

(Bianca raises her fists to the audience and they cheer her on. Bianca leaps backward off the turnbuckle spins in the air and drops a leg across Michelle's throat. Michelle emits a gurgling sound. Bianca lifts Michelle across her shoulders and drops her to the mat with a Minchaniko Driver. Michelle is lying on the mat in agony. Bianca runs to the ropes and leaps to the top rope and springs off with a twisting splash to the already agonized Michelle.)

Sandra: It looks like it's time for Bianca to put this match away.

Garry: Michelle has plenty of fight left in her.

Sandra: In your dreams. In Michelle's dreams too because I think she is out cold now.

Garry: No, she isn't. Look she's still moving.

(Michelle is slowly moving her arms, trying to get her lungs to work again. Kelly, Michelle's friend, climbs to the ring apron and starts yelling at the ref. The ref goes over to her to see what she wants. Bianca smiles at the tortureds Michelle. Betty enters the ring just as Bianca has lifted Michelle to her feet by her hair)

Sandra: Great! Michelle has to rely on her sister and her brass knuckles again.

Garry: Hey someone has to keep Bianca from cheating.

Sandra: (Shouting) Pay attention to the match, ref! You're missing a good fight!

(Betty rears back to punch Bianca in the back again, but Bianca jumps out of the way Betty looks horrified as her brass knuckled fist slams into an already anguished belly of Michelle. Michelle lets out a piercing scream. Her eyes bug out and she gasps as the last air in her body is expelled. Bianca laughs at Betty.)


Bianca: "Thanks but I only perform as a solo act."

Sandra: Ha Ha! Further proof that cheaters never prosper.

Garry: (Imitating her) Cheaters never prosper. Can't you come up with an original thought?

Sandra:I getting some original thoughts about what to do with you.

Garry: I knew you come around. Your place or mine?


Sandra: Not those kinds of thought. More like skinning you alive. Or using hot coals on certain parts of your body.

Garry: Sounds kinky.


Garry: Will you stop that? Lets get back to the match.

(Michelle slumps to the mat, almost in slow motion. Bianca grabs Betty and Irish whips her into the ropes. Bianca follows her closely and clothesline Betty over the top rope. Betty manages to keep herself from going all the way over. And spins herself so that she is back in the ring. Now clutching her throat. Bianca scoops up Betty and body slams her over the top rope and onto the arena floor. Bianca appears to be ready to go out of the ring after Betty but thinks better of it. She turns back to see Michelle lying on the mat holding her stomach and gasping for air. Kelly realizes that it is pointless to distract the ref and jumps off the ring apron. The ref turns to see Michelle lying on the mat.)

Sandra: Now is the time for Bianca to end this. Michelle has suffered enough.

Garry: Just being in the ring with Bianca for one minute is suffering enough for any human being.

Sandra: One minute is 55 seconds more than you'd last with her.

Garry: I could take her anytime. It's just that I'm too much of a gentleman to hit a lady. Bianca barely qualifies as a lady, but she does.

Sandra: Just as you barely qualify as a man. Bianca is signaling the crowd again. They cheer her on again.

(Bianca signals the crowd. They roar back their approval. She walks to the side of the ring and sees Betty still lying on the floor of the arena. Bianca lifts Michelle to her feet and sends her into the ropes. Bianca grabs Michelle in a combination Sidewalk slam and tigerbomb and sends her crashing to the mat.)

Sandra: That was another of her signature moves. She calls it her "tantrum".

Garry: What is she one of these wrestlers that has a dozen signature moves, that she demonstrates on every opponent, once the get KO'd?

Sandra: Here's a hanky, I wouldn't what those tears to smudge your makeup.

Garry: What make up?

(Bianca arrogantly stands with one foot on the chest of the prone Michelle. The ref leaps to the mat and quickly counts to three. He signals for the bell. The ref turns to raise Bianca's hand in victory, but Bianca is gone from the ring. She runs and leaps into the crowd who passes her out of the arena in a body surf. Her usual way of leaving the arena.)

Sandra: The winner by pinfall Bianca Dupree.

Garry: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go to commercial.

Sandra: Spoilsport.

(The camera fades to commercial.)

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