logoSweet Misty vs. Alexandria Parker

[Fade in]

Sandra: Fans, we're back and-

Garry: Ssh, match is starting already.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we give you the final event of the evening. First, from Louisville, Kentucky, standing at 5'8" and weighing in at 112 pounds - Sweet Misty!

["Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" rips into the arena. Immediately, Misty's loyal fans raise to their feet and cheer for the brunette beauty. Shyly, Misty peeks out from the back curtain, then blushes before starting her walk down the aisle. She wears a short red kimono to cover her one-piece light blue wrestling suit. The suit does look more like a swimsuit that shows her shapely legs and an open back. Misty smiles and waves to her fans, stopping every so often to give one a little peck on the cheek. She giggles and blushes each time she does this before continuing to the ring. Misty approaches the announcers' table and takes the headset off of Garry. She giggles and smiles to the camera.]

Misty: This is for my friend Meagan Delinoire, my love Sherry Ann, and to all my fans out there!

[With that she hands the headset back to Garry and enters the ring. Garry looks completely disgusted, and removed a handkerchief and begins to wipe his head set down. Misty continues to wave to her fans for a seconds before warming up on the ropes and becoming all business.]

Announcer: Her opponent this evening, from Buckhead, Georgia, standing at 5'9" and weighing in at 145 pounds - Alexandria Parker!

[Suddenly, darkness falls apon the arena and the Alexandria's fans begin to roar in anticipation. In the darkness, four girls dressed in gold thongs and holding large mirrors assemble in the ring. As "Rich Bitch" appears on the Angeltron, the prodominatly female audience begins to hiss and boo! Then, "She's a Bitch" by Missy loudly blares throughout the arena as again the curtains part and out step the Divine Alexandria Parker. Clad in a white sheer robe covering gold attire consisting of ultra-short shorts, a bra top, boot's, kicking pads and gold colored body glitter. She pauses for a few seconds to survey the crowd before proceeding to arrogantly strut down the tiny aise. One of the girls holding the mirrors also holds the ropes for Miss.Parker to enter. As Miss.Parker enters the ring, she immediatly de-robes and poses infront of the mirrors, recieving a massive amount of whistles from her mostly male fans.]

Garry: I'm surprised there's enough room for Alexandria and her ego in that ring!

Sandra: I know what you mean, but miracle do occur.

Garry: The specs for this match lean in favor for Alexandria. She's got a minor height but considerably weight advantage over the wafish Misty.

Sandra: I doubt all the emotional wear and tear from this past week helps that any.

Garry: You mean from when she burned her house down for money?

Sandra: There's no proof she did that!

Garry: There's no proof she didn't.

[The bell rings.]

Sandra: The women rush to meet each other, and Parker catches Misty and tosses her over in a snapmare.

Garry: A little closer to a "hair" mare actually.

Sandra: Too true. The referee warns her about such tactics in the future, giving Misty time to get to her feet. Alexandria turns her attention back to Misty - missile dropkick! Alexandria flies back into the ropes.

[Misty bounces herself off the opposite ropes and runs at Alexandria, leaping for a missile dropkick. Parker, however, drops to her seat and lets Misty fly over her, past the ropes and out of the ring. Alexandria stands and struts about the ring, mocking Misty for her miss. Misty slowly climbs up as the referee begins his count.]

Garry: Bet that hurt a lot! Hopefully, she learned a lesson out of it.

Sandra: Yes, too early for such tactics. Misty's climbing back into the ring. Alexandria grabs her by the hair and yanks her over the top rope! Ow! Misty's on her back on the mat -

Garry: Sherry's trained her for that, I bet!

Sandra: *ahem* Stiff kick to Misty's head! Another kick, followed by - no, Misty grabs Alexandria's leg and yanks it her for a ride! Alexandria falls to the mat and Misty's up! A figure four leglock for Alexandria! Alexandria immediately grabs the ropes! Misty releases the hold. Parker is up and gets a chop to the chest from Sweet Misty, followed by a kick to the gut! Parker leans over and Misty latches onto her for a hip toss!

[As Parker crashes into the canvas, Misty runs and stomps on the middle rope, then launches at her opponent with an elbow smash. Parker, however, expecting an attack, barely rolled away as Misty crashes down.]

Sandra: Not good for Misty! She's up in time to be met with a savate kick! Misty reels back but Parker delivers a flurry of kicks to Misty's midsection!

Garry: An ugly turn of events for Misty. Guess her girlfriend will be running out her in a minute to save her sorry butt. Meanwhile, Parker's pulling her foe to the center of the mat and locks on a dragon sleeper!

Sandra: Oh no!

Garry: [laughs] Oh, yes! Look at Misty trying to get away! The referee's checking for a submission, but Misty's fighting to stay in this. She's not giving up quite yet, but Misty doesn't seem to be getting out of the hold.

[Parker keeps Misty tightly in the submission move as Misty's struggling becomes weaker and weaker. As Misty feels her energy drain, Parker suddenly releases the hold.]

Garry: What?! You moron! What're you thinking?!

Sandra: I have to wonder. She looked to have had Misty there.

Garry: I don't believe this. Parker's dragging Misty to the corner and climbing the ropes. Leg drop from the top rope.

Sandra: [flinches] Poor Misty.

Garry: [still angry] No, poor judgement! She nailed Misty, but Misty could have rolled away!

Sandra: Parker lifts Misty up and drapes her across her shoulders - brain buster! Oh, mercy! Misty's flat down now.

Garry: Bah, she could be unconcious if someone hadn't -

Sandra: I think Parker wants to end this now. We're about to see Parker's Bitch Bomb. Wait - Misty's grabbing onto one of Parker's legs!

[Misty springs to action before Parker can get a true hold on her. Misty grabs Parker's right leg and slams her elbow into the back of Parker's left knee. Parker falls backwards.]

Sandra: And Misty's back in this match.

Garry: Go figure.

Sandra: Misty pulls Parker, kicking and fighting, center mat and delivers an elbow drop to the chest. Misty locks an armbar onto Parker - but Parker flails her body out enough and manages to get a bottom rope.

Garry: She was damn near airborne for a moment there.

Sandra: Misty picks Parker up and gives her a body slam! Misty goes for a pin!

Tw- bridge out!

Garry: Valiant effort, at least. Parker is looking really worn down.

Sandra: Misty climbs up in the corner and leaps at Parker. A splash -

Garry: That ends with two feet in the stomach!

[Parker flips the smaller woman over her then hops to her feet. Misty rolls on the mat. Alexandria immediately plops down on her with a schoolgirl pin.]


Thre- Foot on the rope!

Garry: Misty barely escaped a loss there!

Sandra: Yes, that was a little close. Parker lifts Misty by her arm and whips her into the ropes - kick across the chin! Parker goes for a matchbook pin!
One - kick out!

Garry: Misty doesn't wanna stay down tonight.

Sandra: Parker lifts her again and whips Misty back into the ropes - Misty leaps with a hurricana! Misty has Parker pinned!


Th- Kick out!

[Misty stands, grabs Parker's legs, and drops back down to the position she'd been in for another attempt at a pin.]



Sandra: A close victory for Sweet Misty!

[Sweet Misty jumps up as her fans pop. Parker, however, sits up, obviously fuming over the near loss. She storms from the ring towards the locker room.]

Sandra: That's all for this week, fans. Tune in again next week, when we'll have more action for you!

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