Sherry Ann

{ The camera reopens inside the BRA arena after a commercial break, and pans over the capacity crowd. The fans leap to their feet, and begin cheering, and holding up their signs in hopes of being seen on tv. }

{ The shot then goes to the announcers table, where Garry Gimmoire and Sandra Allistar are seated. Garry not knowing he's on the air, sits there scratching his fat gut, and slugging down a beer. Sandra gives a couple final primps to her hair, and smiles at the camera. }

Sandra: Welcome back everyone.

Garry: Buuurrrpp!! Huh? We on again???

Sandra: Yes slob boy, we're on the air, see if you can act half human now.

Garry: Umm..ok. So who's next out here?

Sandra: Next up is your favorite, Sherry Ann......

Garry: Gimme a break, she sucks! Who's kicking her ass this week?

Sandra: Sherry faces Maxus.

Garry: Who the hell is that????

Sandra: Dunno I haven't heard crap from her. All I know is she sits on rooftops.

Garry: Ummm....WHAT???

Sandra: It's all I could find out about her. Well she wears gloves too.

Garry: So Sherry is facing some headcase I take it. How do these boobs get into a quality oragnization like BRA?

Sandra: Well....Management isn't perfect, they make mistakes every once in a while ya know? I hope this girl has her medical insurance paid up, cause Sherry isn't in a good mood, and that always means trouble for her opponents.

Garry: Well, for once I may cheer Sherry on. If there's one thing I hate more than her, it's a freaking jabroni!

Sandra: Yes, they are just an all around waste of everyones time. Speaking of which, here comes Maxus to the ring now.

Garry: OH WOW!!! What a dynamic entrance!! Ever hear of music?

Sandra: Oh well, I'm sure Sherry's entrance will make up for this boring ass one.

{ Maxus steps into the ring, and is greeted by boos from the fans. She just ignores them, and does some stretching out in the corner. }

Sandra: I'm shocked management is making Sherry face such a nobody. I guess her eldest daughter Bianca who is acting commish really has it out for her mom, and is trying to embarass her by having her face a nobody.

Garry: Nah, it's out of pitty, she doesn't want her mom to get her ass beat by big name talent.

Sandra: Get real!

The houselights go out, and the fans wait with anticipation to see what's going to happen. Simulated lightning bolts then flash throughout the arena..........

Thunder then pounds from the sound system, then "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC begins to play. The fans jump from their seats, as they know what that means.

Fire balls then go flying up everywhere, and sparks cascade over the wrestlers entranceway. The Angeltron lights up then....

Then emerging from the sparks is Sherry Ann. The fans all cheer loudly for her, and she then makes her way down to the ring, giving the fans on the aisle high-5's.

Sandra: Damn, she really knows how to make an entrance!

Garry: Well I hate her, but you're right about that. Though nothing can top her ppv entrance.

Sandra: Give Sherry time, she'll top that one.

{ Sherry finishes greeting the fans, then hops into the ring. She walks right up to Maxus, and gets in her face. }

Sherry: Time for me to end your career, you useless piece of crap!

{ Sherry then shoves Maxus into the ropes, and goes to her corner, and waits for the bell. The fans go wild cheering Sherry on, and she turns and looks out at them and flashes her famous devilish grin. }

Garry: UT OH!!!! Maxus is in trouble now!

Sandra: Yup, Sherry does that, and it means trouble. I wonder what's going through Maxus mind right now, she has to know she has a snowballs chance in hell of beating Sherry. Hell, she may not even touch Sherry.

Garry: No no, this is wrestling, and on any given day, anyone can beat anyone.

Sandra: Well that's true, but in the case.....I don't think so! Anyways, the ref has finished giving his instructions to Sherry and Maxus, and is signaling for the bell.


{ Sherry and Maxus move to the center of the ring, and Sherry holds up her hands for a test of strength, and Maxus reluctantly accepts. Sherry quickly begins to outpower Maxus, and bends her wrists back, and sends her to her knees. She then drives her foot deep into Maxus's gut with a powerfull kick. }

Garry: OUCH!! Damn that looked painfull, hope Maxus didn't eat much today.

Sandra: Me too, cause Sherry is still kicking away at her gut.

Garry: Damn you were right, she is in a foul mood!

Sandra: Well the Shops internal problems are really getting to her, and Misty's apartment being burned down just put her over the edge.

Garry: That was a shame, Misty shouldn't leave her oven on like that.

Sandra: Shut up, she was living with Sherry, so that wasn't the case.

{ Growing tired of kicking in Maxus stomach, Sherry grabs a handfull of Maxus hair, and brings her to her feet. Maxus swings her fists, trying to punch Sherry, but Sherry just laughs, and holds her back far enough so the punches miss, and laughs at her. }

Garry: Uggg...this is bad, we should just go to commercials now and make some money, this is a waste of time.

Sandra: Just wait, Sherry's gonna turn it loose any second, and bring this place into a frenzy.

{ Sherry grabs Maxus arm, and Irish Whips her, NO!! Sherry just nails her with a short armed clothesline, that almost decapatates Maxus. Sherry then hops up on the turnbuckles, and raises her hands to the fans, and they cheer her on. Maxus sits up, and shakes the cobwebs out of her head, and Sherry jumps back on the canvas, and moves in for the kill. }

Sherry: Now then, shall I make this quick? OR! Shall I just make it sloooooow and really painfull? I think I'll opt for my second choice. Get up bitch!

Garry: Oh my, I'm about to feel sorry for the stupid girl now, she's bummin.

Sandra: Yea, it is sad. Sherry should just do her in fast, and get it over with.

Garry: Oh well, I do enjoy a good beating, so it's all good I guess.

{ Sherry just hovers over Maxus, and waits for her to get to her feet. Maxus slowly gets up, but Sherry kicks her in the side of the knee, and knocks her back down. She then drops an elbow on Maxus chest, which forces all the air out of her lungs. Sherry gets back to her feet, and then puts the boots to Maxus head a few times. }

Garry: D-D-D-DAMN!!!

Sandra: Sherry has that look in her eye, Maxus is screwed big time now.

Garry: Eye of the tiger Rock, ya gotta have the eye of the tiger.

Sandra: Umm..thanks for the input Apallo Creed.

Garry: I can do Micky too. This Sherry's a rockin machine, she'll knock ya into tomorrow!

Sandra: hahaha

Garry: You can't win Maxus, she'll eat ya alive within 5 minutes.

Sandra: Ok ok, that's enough Mick.

{ Sherry lifts Maxus to her feet, then scoop slams her to the mat, and picks her up again, this time she slams her over her knee with a backbreaker, and holds her there, then pounds away on Maxus stretched out abdminals. }

Garry: Back to the gut again, this doof is gonna blow chow any minute.

Sandra: Oh, I hope not, I'll puke if that happens.

{ Sherry raises up both hands, and nails Maxus in the face with a double axehandle blow, then rolls her off of her knee, and stands up. The crowd goes wild cheering for their hero, Sherry Ann, and she struts around the ring circling her down victim like a vulture. }

Sandra: Ok Sher, enough is enough, just finish her off now.

Garry: I dunno, it's kinda fun watching this nitwit get the snot beat out of her.

{ Once again, Sherry grabs a handfull of Maxus hair, and brings her to her feet. Now puts her in a side headlock, and then throws rapid fire punches at her face. The ref warns Sherry about the closed fist punches, but she ignores him, and continues to pound away on Maxus, and blood is then seen flowing over Sherry's knuckles as she has busted Maxus nose wide open. The ref begins to count Sherry out, and she throws a couple more punches, then just lets Maxus drop to the mat. }

Garry: Umm remind me not to mess with her anymore. DANG, I've never seen her this mean!

Sandra: I have a couple times, and it's never pretty when she gets like this, I assure you.

{ Sherry picks Maxus back up again after stomping on her head, and leads her to the corner. Sherry climbs up to the second rope, while holding onto Maxus. She then tucks Maxus head between her legs, and lifts her up in the air. }

Garry: Damn, she's freaking strong!

Sandra: And do you forget that either. Now watch this move, she's setting her up for the Body Shop Drop!

{ Sherry flips Maxus out, and then jumps off the ropes, and powerslams Maxus hard into the mat. }

Garry: Holy *bleep*!! She almost sent her through the ring!!! What impact, stick of fork in Maxus, she's done!!!

{ Sherry rolls Maxus up, and goes for the pin. }




{ Sherry yanks Maxus back up, and stops the count. }

Sherry: I just remembered something, you had the nerve to threaten Misty. Well bitch, that's gonna cost ya even more pain!

Sandra: Oh Sherry come on, she's had more than enough.

Garry: Sherry's lost her freakin mind now!

{ Sherry gets to her feet, and smashes her boots into Maxus gut a few times, then brings her to her feet, she then whips Maxus into the ropes, and as she bounces back off of them and heads towards Sherry, she is cut down with a running lariot, that nearly takes Maxus head off. }

Garry: WOW!!! Call the mortician!!!

Sandra: This is getting out of hand. Misty, if you hear me back there, please come out and settle Sherry down!

Garry: nah, let the old gal have some fun!

Sandra: It's out of hand now, Maxus could get permanently injured here if Sherry keeps this up.

{ Once again, Sherry lifts Maxus up to her feet, but this time she just stares at her. }

Sherry: You had enough yet moron?

{ Maxus can't even answer, but she does nod her head yes. }

Sherry: Ok, cool!

{ Sherry starts to walk away from Maxus, who can barely stand up on her own, but Sherry quickly turns back to her, and grabs her head, and lays her out with a stunner. }

Garry: Whoa, Sherry Stunner!! Surely she's finished now?

Sandra: I hope so, I can't watch much more of this carnage.

{ Sherry stomps on Maxus head, then takes a couple steps, grabs her legs, rolls her onto her stomach, and locks on the Sherry Crab. }

Garry: Been nice knowin ya Maxus, and kiss sitting on rooftops goodbye. Those are tough to get to in a wheelchair.

Sandra: OK ref, do your job, and ask if Maxus gives!

Garry: He is, sheesh relax a bit, will ya?

Sandra: I just think Sherry went a little overboard tonight is all.

{ The ref asks Maxus if she submits, and she screams out her submission quickly. However, Sherry doesn't let go of the hold. The ref warns her if she doesn't let go he'll d.q. her. }

Garry: Huh? What's he gonna do, reverse the decision? Maxus gave up, it's over!

Sandra: Sherry needs to let go!

Garry: She just did, and the ref holds her hand high in the air showing her as the victor to the crowd. Brutal match!!!

Sandra: No doubt.

{ Thunderstruck pounds from the sound system, and Sherry just hops out of the ring, and walks the aisle to the back. }

Sandra: How odd, she really isn't aknowledging the fans at all, she's just b-lining for the back.

Garry: Umm....maybe she's overdue on her next dose of Geritol?


Garry: Dang, I almost made it through one match without that happening!

Sandra: Well folks, we gotta go to a commercial break. Stay tuned, more great action still to come here tonight.

Garry: Once again, your winner, in a big way, Sherry Ann! 1

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