Skye Soaring Hawk
Laura Parker

Everyone goes about their business trying to get it all done before the next match. Some are going for more beer...others are just trying to get into the bathrooms...while others crowd the merchandise counters trying to get that favorite shirt for their little girl or boy. The lights flicker giving them all the signal that the next encounter was about to begin. From the beer line you could hear the shouting and hurrying of the bartenders...others zipped up quick or opted to just hold it...and fathers and mothers turned to their little children saying they will come back right after this match.

Raindance music started playing over the speakers and the crowd cheered as Skye Soaring Hawk entered the arena. She looked around to the fans before walking down the aisleway to the ring. Slapping a few hands, Skye got to the steps of the ring, climbed them, and stepped bewtween the ropes. She raised her arms to all her fans letting them know she was ready for Laura.

The lights dim in the arena and Katrina and the Wave "Walking on Sunshine" comes to life over the loud-speakers. A spotlight shines around on the fans waving aimlessly amongst them before coming to rest on Laura Parker in the aisleway. Willie Wienersnitzel is behind her waiting patiently. Laura wears a strapless, floor length, Christian Dior original gown. Her hair is done up in a twist with her sparkling tiara set atop her hair. Laura starts to make her way to the ring smiling her lovely white smile and waving to the fans who just boo and hiss at her. When she gets to within 10 feet of the ring, Laura bounces in time with her music to the ring smiling brightly. Both Sisterhood members enter the ring and Laura prances around waving to everyone blowing them kisses. Her smile almost blinds some of the front row fans as the light reflects off of them. Willie stands behind Laura and unzips her gown. He slips the gown off of her revealing her white bikini top and matching white shorts. Her tanned body contrasts with her outfit showing off the curves nicely. Taking her tiara out of her hair, Willie exits the ring to stand at it's side. Laura's costume is completed with white knee high wrestling boots and white knee and elbow pads with silver thread to shine in the lights of the arena.

She takes the mic and says, "I am so happy to be here tonight and to enter into friendly competition with that wonderful human being Skye Soaring Hawk. I would ask Skye to do as I do and agree to donate a portion of her share of the match purse to Sincerely Understanding, Caring, Kind and Enthusiastically Romantic Selves, and help stamp out that dreaded children's disease Childhood Onset Neuralgia. Won't all you people in the audience here tonight and the millions more viewing at home help Nina LaRue and me stampout this dreaded childhood ailment? Please send your contributions to: Sincerely Understanding, Caring, Kind and Enthusiastically Romantic Selves, PO Box 666 Beverly Hills, CA 90210. Thank you." Laura hands the mic to the referee and begins crying even harder. She goes to her corner and composes herself for the match.


The match starts quickly as Skye Soaring Hawk wastes no time in locking up with Laura. She hiptosses the beauty queen to the mat. Getting to her feet quickly, Laura turns to fight her aggressive opponent only to be hiptossed once again to the mat. She slaps the mat in frustration and cautiously gets back to her feet. Skye just waits for her urging her to come on and get with the match! Laura raises her hands up for a contest of strength. Hawk complies smiling knowing she is going to win this...until a well placed boot to the midsection doubles her over. Skye stumbles back a few feet but is knocked off her feet by a standing drop kick from the beauty queen.

Laura sits on her knees smiling. She points to her head and says, "I'm smart! See why I win Beauty Pagents!" She takes Skye by the hair and pulls her up to her feet with her. Positioning herself alongside Hawk, Laura picks Skye up for a side suplex. Skye bounces off the mat before coming to rest. She heaves in air trying to regain some sort of composure. Laura simply stands and struts around the ring waving to her fans and giving them her attention before turning back to her well in hand opponent.

Dropping to one knee, Laura hooks Skye's arm into a firm armbar. Skye screams out but shakes her head refusing to submit to this manuever. Laura twists her arm wrenching Skye's more and more each time and getting a good shriek as a reward from the indian. Pulling her up by the armbar, Laura throws Skye into the ropes. She slingshots back to Laura who bends over. Grabbing hold of her waist, Laura twists Skye around in the air so her back lands on her outstretched knee for a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker. Willie screams his encouragement to Parker who nods. She looks to Hawk bent over her knee before slaming a double-ax handle into her gut twice. Skye rolls off the knee clutching her gut and coughing.

Laura is quick to take advantage of the situation and athletically leaps to the top rope before pushing off to land a perfect moonsault to Skye. She hooks a leg and the ref counts.



So close! Skye kicks out just in time and Laura smiles at the determination of her enemy even though the match was slipping away from her. Grabbing Skye's hair, Laura yanks her to her feet and throws her into the ropes again. As Skye returns, Laura does a handstand hooking her legs around her neck. Skye shrieks as she is pulled over in a huricurrana before landing flat on her back inthe middle of the ring. She slowly starts to get to her feet but just as she finally achieves this Laura slaps on another armbar. Skye bends at the waist trying to relieve some of the pressure of the bar. Guiding Skye to a corner, Laura climbs the turnbuckles and walks the ropes with ease. When she reaches the center of the rope, she leaps down and drops an elbow to the wrenched shoulder of Hawk. Skye falls to one knee grasping her shoulder.

Laura raises her arms to the crowd who boo her but know the inevitable is coming. Running into the opposite ropes from Skye, Laura performs two handstands then starts a third. Halfway through the third one, Laura kicks her feet up witha double mule kick right into Skye's bruised stomach. Skye's face shows a great deal of pain as she is forced into the ropes and bounces off. As she comes back she is met with a spinning heel kick that lays her out flat. Laura scoops up both of the indian's legs and rolls her up for a matchbook pin.





Laura gets to her feet and covers her mouth. Tears start to roll down her cheeks as the ref raises her arm in victory. She pulls a semi-concious Skye to her feet and gives her a big hug before letting her crumble to the mat. Waving to her fans, Laura blows kisses and shouts out, "Thank you!" to the unappreciative crowd. Wille enters the ring clapping and pointing to Laura say, "She's the greatest! She's the best!" The two exit the ring via the steps and walk down the aisle. Laura continues to cry her tears reflecting the spotlight back out for all to see. She waves one last time and exits behind the curtain. Suddenly, the curtain parts and Laura waves to the fans who boo her. She just doesn't want this moment to end. Willie pulls on her arm trying to get her to come to the back but Laura just pushes him away. She blows one more kiss before disappearing behind the curtain again.

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