The Babe Squad
The Slayers

( The screen fades up from black. The camera is pointed at the announcer’s table. Garry sits alone, he scans to his left and right, not realizing that he is on camera. He takes a small silver flask out of her pocket and pours it into his coffee. At that instant he looks up and see’s the red light flashing on the camera )

Garry: Shit!

( He quickly tucks the flask back in his pocket and cracks a grin. )

Garry: Medicine folks, old Garry’s got some nasty allergies..

( He takes a quick gulp of his coffee and then grabs one of the flyers on the table.)

Garry: Now, ummm, let’s see here…Ahh yes. The Tag Match! The Bodacious Babe Squad vs. the Slackers…

Sandra: Slayers!!! That’s Slayers..

( Sandra storms into view, she is obviously annoyed )

Garry: Problem?

Sandra: When I get a hold of Candi, she’s gonna get a whoopin!!! Nobody needed me, there was nothing urgent that required my presence!

Garry: Really? I think Candi must have got some bad information, I can’t see her lying. Although she did do a wonderful job of replacing you.

Sandra: Grrr, she’s going to regret that.

Garry: Anyways, this next match should be over quickly.

Sandra: I think so too.

Garry: Really, you agree that the Babe Squad is going to run rough shot over these Slayers?

Sandra: Not a chance, The Slayers are going to dominate this one.

"Mic Check" by Rage Against the Machine., begins to play. The crowd cheers as "SLAYERS" appears on the Angeltron in blood red colors. Samantha Page and Buffy the Slayer walk out from the wrestler entrance. Samantha wears a white sleeve less shirt that is cut off at her mid-riff that show’s off her bust and stomach. The shirt has the word "Slayers" written across the front. . She also wears blue bikini bottoms and blue wrestling boots. Buffy wears a black sports bra with "Slayers" written the same way and a pair of black spandex shorts. She had on black wrestling boots. Buffy slaps the hands of some of the cheering fans. Samantha does the same and then stops and points at a Teenage boy wearing a "BODY SHOP GROUPIE" T-shirt. She grabs him and pulls him forward, giving her a big kiss on the lips )

Garry: POLICE!!!!! POLICE!!

Sandra: What are you whining about now?

Garry: Page kissed that poor little boy. That’s sexual assault and god knows what foul disease she has just given him.

Sandra: I don’t think that boy is going to be filing any charges.

( The camera zooms in on the boy, His eyes are wide open with surprise and delight. Page backs off smiling as the boy stands stunned. You can almost see the little hearts dancing around in his eyes. )

Sandra: Well, that boy just became the hero of all his little buddies.

Garry: Get that boy to the doctor, he’s going to need a shot!

( The Slayers climb into the ring and move to their corner. The ref walks over and begins to check them for weapons.)

( Suddenly, Fire works dance in the sky and pyro pots explode as The Babe Squad steps from behind the curtains. "I’m to Sexy " by Right said Fred begins to play. Both women immediately showered in catcalls and wolf whistles from the majority of males in the arena, save the young man still stunned from Page’s present. "First Lady" Tiffany Lane wears a pink, lace bra and pink, ultra-short, pleated skirt. The skirt is so short that it reveals a flash of her fancy undergarments with each movement! She also wears pink boots and her long, blonde hair falls straight down her back. Tiffany completes the look with her "Miss BRA" attire: her diamond tiara, atop her golden mane, and red, "Miss BRA" sash across her chest. "The Goddess" Nina Larue wears a yellow, lace bra top and yellow, pleated, ultra-short skirt. She completes the attire with yellow, thigh-high boots. Her long, black hair falls to the small of her back in a cascade of silky curls. The two busty beauties pose for a second with their hands placed firmly on their hips, arrogantly surveying the crowd, before sashaying to ringside, a multitude of cameras flashing. The Babe Squad enters the ring and proceeds to pose and preen >seductively to the delight of the males in attendance )

Sandra: Arrogant little things, aren’t they?

Garry: mmmmmmmmmm……Babe-alicious.

Sandra: Oh brother….

( The ref walks over to check the Babe Squad over, both of them give him a hard time as he tries to do his job )

Nina: Are you accusing us of cheating?

Tiffany: We don’t need to anything other than our beautiful selves to beat these two idiots.

( Both Babe squad members frown as the ref ignores their complaints and checks their boots and attire for weapons.)

Garry: OH OH …let me check them over!!

Sandra: Can we get a drool bib over here?


( Samantha Page steps out from her corner as Buffy climbs to the outside. Nina steps out to face Page as Tiffany gracefully steps between the ropes. Samantha moves across the ring quickly as Nina maneuvers around the ring. Both women come together in a clinch. They struggle against each other for a moment before Page shoves Nina back sending her stumbling back into a corner.)

Sandra: The Slayers definitely have the power advantage in this match up.

( Page charges in and goes to slam her fist into Nina’s chest. The Goddess ducks away at the last second as Page’s fist hits nothing but air )

Garry: "But Speed goes to the Babe’s , along with looks, skills, brains, looks."

( Samantha turns quickly, but Nina kicks out her foot, slamming it into the back of Sam’s leg, forcing her to her knee’s . Nina launches another kick that sends Page to the mat. Nina quickly grabs a handful of Page’s blonde locks and hauls her up. She whips Sam across the ring, Page rebounds and Nina kicks out her leg. The crowd cheers as Page catches the blocks the kick and holds on. Nina quickly reacts by leaping into the air, snapping her other leg around.)

Garry: "**Enzuguri**!!!!"

( Nina’s foot slams into the side of Samantha’s head. The big blonde stumbles backward clutching her head. Nina flips up to her feet and moves towards her opponent. She places Sam in a side headlock and then drops backward to the mat.)

Sandra: "Ouch!! Nice DDT."

( Page’s head is planted into the mat. Nina rolls up to one knee and arrogant poses as her opponent clutches her head in pain. Nina grabs Sam by the hair and drags her over towards her partner. Tiffany holds her hand out and Nina slaps it for the tag. Nina shoves Page into the corner and both Babe Squad members start to stomp down on her. Buffy ducks under the ropes and moves across the ring to help her partner. The ref jumps in front of her, telling her to go back to her corner. She screams in protest as the Babe Squad continues their assault.)

Sandra: "Open your eye’s ref!!!!"

Gary: "What? He is doing his job, Buffy should go back to her corner like a good little girl. "

( Buffy heads back to her corner under protest. Both Babe squad member have they’re feet pushed down onto Page’s throat. Sam is thrashing on the mat as the ref runs over and calls for a break. Nina waits until the 4 count before ducking under the ropes. Tiffany smiles as she bends down to grab Sam by the hair. )

Garry: "The Babe squad is dominating ,as I predicted."

Sandra: "Don’t count your chickens before their hatched, this match is just getting started."

( Tiffany hauls Page up and scoops her up in her arm and then slams her back down to the canvas. Sam bounces once and flops to her side, clutching her back.)

Tiffany: "Is this the best the Shop has to offer?!"

( Nina claps her hands and Tiffany parades around the ring. Buffy slaps her hands together and yells encouragement towards her partner. Tiffany picks Samantha back up and throws her into the ropes. Sam rebounds and comes stumbling back across the ring, Tiffany lashes out her arm to clothesline her opponent, but Page ducks under the arm and continues running. Tiffany turns as Page hits the other ropes and charges back in. She leaps forward, driving her shoulder into Tiffany’s midsection. )

Sandra: "**Spear**! Page is back into it!!"

Garry: "Minor set back."

( Tiffany is driven backwards and into the mat. Page quickly climbs on top of her and begins to slam punches down into her head and chest. Tiffany tries to cover up, blocking the blows for her face. Page is relentless and slams some brutal blows into Tiffany’s ribcage, it causes "Miss BRA" to squeal in pain. Sam rises to her feet, dragging Tiffany up with her. She grabs Tiffany’s leg around the knee and lifts her up. Tiffany struggles in Sam’s grip, but Page quickly drops to one knee, slamming Tiffany’s bent leg against the top of her thigh )

Garry: OUCH!!!!

Sandra: KneeBreaker, that will slow Tiff down.

Samantha: "How’s that feel bitch!"

( Tiffany wails in agony and falls to the mat clutching her knee. Sam grabs her by the leg and drags her over to Buffy. The Slayer tags in and quickly jumps up to the second turnbuckle as Sam holds Tiff in place. Buffy jumps over, extending her elbow and smashing it into Tiffany’s leg. Tiff’s scream echo’s off the walls . Buffy quickly gets to her feet and hauls Tiffany up. The Slayer scoops Tiffany up in the air and places her in a fireman’s carry. She then runs a few steps before leaping into the air. )

Sandra: "**Big Time Powerslam**!!! Buffy’s going for the cover!!

Garry: "1…2 Kickout by Tiffany. It will take more than that to put the reigning Miss Bra away."

( Buffy cracks an evil grin as she hauls Tiffany back up. She puts her in a side headlock and then grabs the waistband of Tiffany’s outfit. Buffy bends her knee’s and with a grunt, lifts Tiffany up in the air. Buffy holds Tiffany vertical in a show of strength. )

Sandra: "Great power shown by the Slayer….HEY!!!"

Garry: "Incoming!!!"

( Nina quickly ducks under the ropes and leaps into the air, slamming her feet into Buffy’s chest. The Slayer falls backwards as Tiffany falls on top of her. Samantha ducks under the ropes and chases after Nina who slides under the ropes. The ref turns to yell at Nina , but she has already left the ring with Page in hot pursuit. Tiffany is laying across Buffy as the ref drops to the mat to count. )

Garry: "1….2..SLOW COUNT!!!!"

( Buffy kicks out forcefully and pushed Tiffany off. Outside the ring, Nina is still running from Page. She turns the corner of the ring and is hit in the face with a splash of water. Nina scowls at the insolent fan and then her eyes open in surprise as Meagan Delanoire stands with the fans, a smile across her face. Nina scowls at her and then is sent flying into the guardrail as Sam plows into her. )

Sandra: "hehehe, drinks are on Nina".

Garry: "These Shoppers breed like Rabbit’s , they’re everywhere!!!"

( Inside the ring, both women have gotten to their feet. Buffy moves in on Tiffany, Lane quickly side steps and slams her leg into Buffy’s toned gut, the Slayer grunts partially bending over. Tiffany quickly leaps in the air, placing her leg across the back of Buffy’s throat and then falls to the mat. Buffy is forced down, face first into the mat.)

Garry: "Famouser!!! That will ruin your nose job".

Sandra: "Impressive move by Tiffany, you know , she has great skills, if she wasn’t such a spoiled brat, I could grow to like her."

( Back outside the ring , Sam has whipped Nina into the guardrail. Larue slumps down to the concrete clutching her back. Page smiles at Meagan and moves in on Nina. The Goddess suddenly kicks out her foot, crunching it into Page’s knee. The Shopper squeals and falls backwards clutching her leg. )

( Between the ropes, Tiffany has locked Buffy into a Scorpion Deathlock. The Slayer is screaming as her legs and back are bent in awkward positions. The ref asks if Buffy wants to quit. She shakes her head and screams out her defiance. Buffy starts to crawl towards the ropes. The crowd cheers her on as the struggles to pull herself and Tiff towards the safety of the strands.)

( Meanwhile, Nina has gotten to her feet, and after giving Meagan the finger, she has grabbed Page by the leg and is kicking her in the hamstring. Suddenly there is some commotion in the crowd as Veronica Millions appears. In her hands is a wooden rod. Meagan screams insults at Nina, attracting her attention. Veronica goes to climb over the guardrails, but suddenly a hand grabs her by the shoulder and spins her around. )

Garry: "What the hell is going on here…It’s a freaking Shop Fest!!!"

Sandra: "Hmmm, what’s Sherry up too?"

( Sherry and Veronica both look tired and bruised after their contests. Sherry is saying something to Veronica as Meagan moves over towards them. Nina stops her kicking for a moment and watches as Sherry holds a meeting. )

Sandra: "I wish I could hear what’s she’s saying?"

Garry: "Probably up to no good."

( The camera picks up on part of the conversation )

Sherry: " Look, enough of this. We’re Shop, we don’t attack from behind and we fight our own battles…..I know that those two bitches deserve it, but we’ve got to get back to our old ways. No more of this kinda crap. We fight fire with fire when needed, we don’t do this ambush crap., at least not anymore Buff and Sam can handle themselves, if the Sisterhood shows up to interfere, then we will react."

( Meagan and Veronica nod in semi-agreement You can see the look in Veronica’s face that she really wanted to nail the "goddess" The three shoppers turn and head back through the crowd.)

Garry: "Thank god, they are leaving."

Sandra: "It’s good to see Sherry taking charge. The Shop has lost its way lately and hopefully she can get them all back on track."

( Inside the ring, Buffy is nearing the ropes. Tiffany screams at the ref to ask for a submission, but Buffy refuses and inches closer towards the side of the ring. The crowd cheers as Buffy reaches out and grabs the ropes. The ref calls for the break, Tiffany refuses, holding onto the painful hold until the last second before breaking it. )

( Nina has climbed back onto the ring apron and yells at her partner. Tiffany turns and smiles and grabs Buffy by the legs, dragging her across the ring. Nina climbs up to the top rope and reaches her hand down to tag her partner. Tiffany slaps her hand and turns to hold Buffy in place. Samantha Page suddenly leaps up onto the ring edge and grabs Nina by the ankle, pulling her foot off her ropes. Nina falls straight down impaling herself on the turnbuckle. A collective ‘Ouch" is heard throughout the arena. Tiffany turns to see her partner wailing in agony. She is then hit in the face with a fist as Sam steps through the ropes. Tiffany squeals and clutches her face as Sam kicks her in the midsection and then shoves her out of the ring. Buffy slowly rises to her feet and Sam helps her up. Nina is still straddled on the top rope. Her mouth in a semi-permanent "O". Buffy slowly climbs up the ropes as the ref tells Page to get to her corner. Samantha backs off slowly as she watches her partner hook her arm around Nina’s head. The crowd rises to its feet as Buffy lifts Nina up off the top rope and falls backwards into the ring.)

Sandra: "** SuperPlex*!! That’s it!!!"

Garry: "Not yet, that move winded Buffy as well!!"

( Both Buffy and Nina are on the mat. Nina lies on her back, her chest slowly rising with each breath. Buffy rolls onto her side and flops her arm across Nina’s chest. )

Sandra: 1….2….3.!!

Garry: NO!!! NO!! Last second kickout by the Goddess!!!

( The crowd cheers and then gasps as the ref holds two fingers in the air, Nina lifted her shoulder up at the last second. Sam slams her fist down on the turnbuckle and cheers her partner on. Tiffany meanwhile has climbed back up onto the ring apron and is standing in her corner. Her head resting on the turnbuckle. Nina rolls onto her gut and starts to crawl towards her corner. Buffy also gets to her knee’s and starts to head for her partner. )

Garry: "Oh look who’s coming."

( A series of cheers and boo’s emanate from the crowd as Zantara Underworld walks down the ramp. She scowls at some of the fans as they boo’s her. Her patented ripped Black and purple outfit a striking difference to the normal Shop attire.)

Sandra:" I don’t know what she is doing here. I know that she has a tag match coming up soon and Page is her partner. Maybe she’s here to watch?"

Garry: "Watch?. Zantara is a freaking Nut Job and that is a compliment."

( Buffy slowly crawls towards her partner, as does Nina. Both of them reach their goals at the same time, Bringing their partners into the fray. Sam ducks under the ropes and quickly charges across the ring. Tiffany carefully moves away, keeping her guard up as Page rushes in. Tiffany lashes out with her legs and fists ,keeping Page at bay. Sam tries to move in, but is met with a kick to the chest. She stumbles back as Tiffany takes a step and then leaps into the air, dropkicking Page to the mat. Zantara pounds her hands on the ring edge.)

Zantara: "Come on Page, get with it!!"

( Tiffany quickly rolls to her feet and moves in as Sam tries to rise. Tiffany grab Sam by the hair and pulls her up shoving her head between her thighs. Tiffany quickly wraps her arms around Pages waist and goes to lift her up. Samantha reacts quickly and wraps her leg around Tiffany’s. Miss Bra grunts and tries to invert Page, but Sam blocks it. Suddenly Tiffany yells out as she feels herself lifted off the ground. Page starts to stand up and Tiffany tumbles over her back in a backdrop. Samantha turns around as Tiffany lies on the match clutching her back. She quickly grabs Tiff by the hair and pulls her up. Sam slams her knee up into Lane’s midsection, doubling her over.)

Samantha: " Is this what you were trying to do bitch?!"

Page quickly rises and shoves Tiff’s head between her thighs. Samantha quickly bends forward and wraps her arms around Tiffany’s waist. With a yell Page pulls Tiffany up in the air. Her long legs shoot skyward before flopping down over Samantha’s back. Page bends her knee’s and then leaps backwards, kicking her legs out in front of her. Tiffany’s head is driven into the mat. Page releases her on impact, and Tiffany bounces into the air before flopping down onto her side.)

Samantha:" Now that’s a piledriver…you Slut!!!"

( Sam crawls over and lies across Tiffany’s chest.)

Sandra: "1….2…Dammit!"

Garry: "Foot on the ropes"

Zantara: "Jesus Page, if you had hooked the leg, this match would have been over…Wake up Geez, I gotta tag with you?!!"

( Sam shoots Underworld a dirty look and rises to her feet. She picks Tiffany up and whips her into the ropes. Lane bounces across the ring in a semi-daze and rebounds off the ropes. Sam stands waiting for her and shoots out her hand.)

Sandra: "**Iron Claw**"

Garry: "Owies!! That’s gotta hurt!"

( Sam locks her hand into Tiffany’s face. The Model squeals as Page’s strong hand squeezes into her head. Sam drives Tiffany to her knee’s and grips her wrist with her free arm, adding to the pressure of the claw. Tiffany screams as her head is being squeezed like a grapefruit. Nina tries to duck under the ropes, but the ref stops her. As his back is turned and in desperation, Tiffany shoot her arm up between Sam’s thighs. Page cries out before slumping to the mat, clutching her nether region. Tiffany falls backwards clutching her head, the red imprints of Sam’s claw on her face.)

Sandra: "Nasty Low blow, and the ref never even saw it!"

Garry: " Of course he didn’t , because it was a blow to the abdomen"

Sandra: "What? You need to re-take those Biology classes"

( Tiffany crawls on her knee’s and tag’s in her partner. Samantha is still on the mat, clutching her groin. Buffy is screaming at the ref about the infraction, but he shakes his head, saying he never say it. Nina grabs Page by the hair and hauls her up. The Goddess whips her into the corner, Samantha impacts into the turnbuckles. Nina quickly follows up and performs a handspring before driving her elbow into Page’s chest. )

Garry: "Acrobatic move by the Goddess!!"

( Nina takes a step back and smiles as she looks over her prey. The Goddess takes a step forward and climbs up to the second turnbuckle, with Samantha trapped under her. Nina holds her hands in the air.)

Nina: "Who’s the Diva?!"

Crowd: "NINA"

Nina: "Who’s the Goddess?"

Crowd: "NINA"

( With that Nina slams her fist down onto the top of Samantha’s head. The crowd starts to count in time with each blow )

Crowd: "7….8…9..10!"

Garry: " Why does everyone always stop at Ten? I’ve never understood that"

Sandra: " Because that is how high certain overweight, balding , male announcers can count."

Garry: "oh….OH!!! HEY!!"

( Nina smirk and she slowly grinds her hips as she holds Sam in place.. She goes to slam her fist down again, but squeals as Page wraps her arms around her waist and walks forward. Samantha suddenly drops to one knee, violently slamming Nina’s groin into her outstretched leg)

Sandra: "**Atomic Drop**"

Garry: "owowowow, that’s twice tonight the Goddess had been…ummm..impaled"

( A hint of a smile comes across Zantara’s face as Nina hobbles around the ring. Sam takes a step and drops the Goddess with a short arm clothesline. Page drops across Nina, hooking the leg.)

Sandra: 1….2…grrrrrrrrr

Garry: " Save by Tiffany…Lookout!!"

( Buffy charges across the ring and nails Tiffany as she breaks up the count. The Slayer shoves Tiff back into the corner and begins to work her over. Samantha lifts Nina up and pushes her into the opposite corner. The Slayers look at each other and nod, They both get their opponents into side headlocks and then take off across the ring. They all meet in the middle where the Babe squads head clank together like billiard balls. Buffy and Sam high five each other as Nina and Tiffany slump to the mat. The ref yells at Buffy to get out of the ring. She snarls at him and slowly walks back to her corner. Samantha bends down and grabs Tiffany by her hair and waistband and drags her across the ring to her corner. She then heads back to deal with Nina.)

Sandra: "The Babe squad in trouble here, Sam’s looking to put Nina away."

Garry: " Hah, it’s all a ploy, the Babe’s are lulling the Slayers into a sense of overconfidence"

Sandra: " By getting they’re ass’s kicked?"

Garry: " It’s gotta be a ploy, it’d better be a ploy!"

( Sam grabs Nina by the hair and pulls her up into a fireman’s carry. She walks over to Buffy and tags her in. Page then takes a step , and then slams Nina to the mat. Buffy quickly jumps up ,extending her leg and dropping it across Nina’s throat. The goddess’s body convulses on impact. Buffy quickly goes for a pin , Hooking the leg. The ref drops to the mat and counts)

Garry: "1…2…..YES!"

Sandra: "Nuts, Kickout by Nina."

( Buffy yells at the ref about a slow count. Zantara walks around behind Sam and yells at her )

Zantara: "Come on Page, what is taking you guys so long, this match should have been over hours ago"

Samantha: " I’d like to see you do better"

( Zantara cracks a wicked smile )

Zantara: "You will"

( Buffy lifts Nina up and goes to scoop her up, suddenly Nina locks her foot around Buffy’s legs causing her to roll over )

Sandra: "Small package!"

Garry: "1..2..3..YEAH!!!"

Sandra: " No!!! Idiot, the ref didn’t even reach two!"

Garry: " He’s a slow counter!!"

( Buffy rolls to her feet as Nina slowly rises, both women are sweating profusely as Buffy goes to grab Nina. The Goddess twirls her body around and launches her foot out in a roundhouse kick. The blow catches Buffy on the chin and drops her to the mat. Nina stumbles across the ring and tags her partner. Tiffany quickly runs over to the downed Buffy and grabs her by the hair, pulling her up. Tiffany bends Buffy over and hooks her arms . She then lifts Buffy up and then falls to the mat, driving the head and neck of the Slayer into the mat )

Garry: "Tiger Driver!!!, that’s over!!!"

Sandra:" Tiffany grabs the leg,…1…..

Garry: "….2….."

Sandra: "….NO…"

( Somehow Buffy kicks out, Tiffany can’t believe it and slams her fist on the mat She rises slowly grabbing a handful of Buffy’s hair and pulling her up. Tiffany drags Buffy to her corner and then scoops her up in a body slam position and then throws her to the mat. Miss Bra tags in her partner who scales the ropes. Tiffany climbs through the ropes and goes to one knee to catch a quick break. Nina crouches on the top turnbuckle waiting for Buffy to rise. Sam screams for her partner to watch out, but Buffy is in a daze. She slowly pushes herself up and gets to her feet. Nina leaps off the top, extending her feet and slamming them into Buffy. The Slayer is sent flying across the ring.)

Garry: "Missile Dropkick!!!"

( Fortune favors Buffy as she is sent tumbling close to her corner. Page leans in and taps Buffy on the back. Nina rises up from her high impact move and moves in on Buffy )

Garry: " Why isn’t Page getting into the ring, didn’t she….."

Sandra: "hehehe…watch and learn"

Garry" Nina…Look…Arrggg!!!"

( Garry screams as Sandra slams her foot into his shin. Nina moves in on Buffy and bends down to grab her, Sam waits till Nina is bent over before leaping over the ropes and catching Nina by surprise)

Sandra: "Sunset Flip!!!"

Garry: "owowo..No!!"

( The ref leaps to the mat and slaps his hand down Zantara turns and starts walking back towards the dressing rooms.)

Sandra: "….1.."

Garry: "..kickout.."

( Tiffany looks up from her corner and quickly ducks underneath the ropes )


Garry: " no."

( Tiffany rushes across the ring leaping into the air )

Sandra: "…3…"

( The crowd cheers as the ref slaps his hand down for the third time. Tiffany slams into Sam a second too late )


( Tiffany punches Sam in the side of the face as Buffy rises and moves in on her. The ref tries to get the teams to break apart, but he is quickly shoved through the ropes. All four women are exhausted as the blows they try to land are off target and lacking any real power. A group of security personal run to the ring and dive in to break up the fight. Page seems intent on attacking Tiffany and is trying to get a hold of her as a large security guard grabs her. Buffy is smiling as the announcement is made )

Announcer: ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, the winners of the match, at the 28-minute mark….Samantha and Buffy…The Slayers!!!!"



































































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