Evonne Carmikel
Tina Dream


Enter the realms of treachery...

~^~ Flesh torn upon a scattered pile of jagged metal as the face of Tina Dream contorts to horrific pain. Slow, slower... her body succumbing to the numbing reality, only seconds later to find herself punctured to the extremes of her back...

Dollar bills fall from nothing, fading from whence they came... a glance into the eyes of the devil herself, each twitch bred with devious cunning and cold calculation. Even upon the screen, one could never be convinced those eyes weren’t willing to deal for your soul...

Lisa Dream smiles against the backdrop of her angered sister, Tina, forcing movement from the still weakened feet. There are no words, only visions... Sadistic pleasure born in the eyes of the envious, the other looking to make another week pass in the loneliness that has become all too common. ~^~


Sandra) "Well, this promises to be a unique experience here at the Battling Ring Angels, as the former IFWF World’s heavyweight champion makes her debut appearance here. We’ve already seen the debut of her supposed partner and our commissioner, Bianca Dupree and that of another of the Body Shopper, Veronica Millions."

Garry) "Well Sandra, it’s impossible to spawn without male fish..."

Sandra) "What is that supposed to mean?"

Garry) "When you can’t breed, you assimilate!"

Sandra) "I am not getting into this!"

Garry) "I have the inside knowledge and my sources tell me that every one of her shoppers were adopted by the Body Shop Corporation and secretly given to foster families that would raise them with the brainwashed ideology that Sherry Ann was a competent leader and wrestler. It’s a conspiracy!

Now, we have one of her longest standing members, crippled from getting brutalized last week, coming out against admittedly one of the Shop’s biggest rivals of all time. Has there been any mention? No, Tina is being sent out the Most Dangerous Woman in the world! A sacrifice! How noble..."

{Garry removes a brown paper bag from the ground beside him and places it over his head, small eye slits leaving only the minimal glimpse of the rotund face of the announcer.}

Sandra) "If you’re going to wear a bag on your head every time this woman comes out to wrestle, I might even end up liking her."

Garry) "Bow to the messiah!"

{The arena lights fade away into absolute darkness as the theme from GOLDFINGER begins filter from the speakers. Some instantly recognize the sounds and reply with loud audible jeers for one of the vilest women in recent wrestling history. An explosion fills the entryway with a thick smoke, enhanced with the brilliant flashes of golden light. The musical accompaniment trembles with new life, crashing the arena with its shattering sound.

Time splits the density of the fog as a silhouette stands in the mists. The form clarifies as the smoke moves on and the camera zooms in to find the six foot frame of Evonne Carmikel. Her gold singlet glitter in the light and her black boots and knee pads shimmer when reflections of silver dollar signs "$$$" catch the spotlight. Her hands are furled around a pair of black martial arts gloves and her hair is tied into a neat ponytail. }

Sandra) "Well, it looks like even though she’s knew in our organization, Miss Carmikel isn’t being offered a warm welcome from our crowd. Listen to them..."

{The crowd begins with a slow, repetitive chant of "Mi-Key" that draw glares of displeasure from the face of the newcomer}

Garry) "How disrespectful! Greatness eludes these people. What can I expect? This was the same crowd that cheered for Sherry Ann earlier. Did you know I saw her and her "Body Shop" outside passing out T-shirts and free beer? Even to children! No wonder Sherry’s kids are out of control. Hell, even I would have liked them if they were supplying the beer. Buying support that’s what it is! "

Sandra) "Are there any wrestlers out there that will cause you to put a muzzle on?"

Garry) "Americana! Neeeigh! Did you hear about her announcement of making a stable? How fitting for that cow!"

{Insert Gratuitous Slapping Noise with Sound of Wrinkled Paper Here}


Garry) "Yo’ brogg’d m’Chaw..."

Sandra) "Don’t I wish..."

{Evonne walks slowly towards the ring, largely ignoring the jeering crowd but still pleased that a few remember her. A few of the fans at ringside are dressed in cheap suits, paper bags hiding their features and briefcases in their laps. One of them holds a sign saying "CARMIKELHOLICS ANONYMOUS". Evonne casts them a wayward glance, causing them to erupt in cheers.}

Garry) "The future leaders of the free world are under those bags... you just don’t know how proud I am to be one of them. I have it under strict confidence that Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Larry Flynt, and Heidi Fleiss are some of the unnamed bearers of the bag."

{Sandra rummages through her purse while the blabbermouth continues, drawing forth a magic marker. As much as she’s been labeled the nice one, her features dictate a devilish streak is about to ensue.}

Garry) "Whoah! Wait, There’s Tina! She’s coming out now? It’s not her turn!"

{And Evonne never saw it coming, a limping Tina Dream bringing a crutch across her back, shattering the wooden tool and sending her into the guardrail. The stripe shirt stared on from the ring, then looking further up the aisle where Bianca Dupree stood, leaning against the entryway. A flicker of her fingers said it all and the referee called for the bell, despite the injury to Miss Carmikel. The match had begun.

Lisa came out quickly from the back glaring coldly at the HellRaiser, who continued to watch the fray with Tina and Evonne. Tina had by now drug Evonne back to her feet and threw her headfirst into the guardrail, bouncing her back towards the floor. Tina fell to her knees over her fallen foe, pummeling away at the form of her former employer and rival. Lisa watched quietly, circling around the fight with more than an abundance of caution.

Tina pulled herself back to her feet and held to the railing, easing the weight on her weakened feet. A deep breath later, she reached down to pull Evonne from the ground, dragging her towards the ring. Lisa closed in; helping her sister put Evonne into the ring. Tina stared at Lisa, then followed her "Scheduled" opponent back in, hoping for a quick pin.}



Garry) "And a kick out! What resilience from "Most Dangerous Woman in the World" How despicable when the supposed girls in white have to resort to such tactics to win a fight. She blatantly blindsided her, hit her with a foreign object! This match shouldn’t even be happening!"

Sandra) "Mmmmhmmm..."

{Tina threw another barrage of punches at Miss Carmikel and struggled to her feet, maintaining a loose composure. Evonne slowly rolled from the ring, thumping soundly on the ground to count the birds circling her head. Short heavy breaths punctuated her attempts at regaining reality. Tina crouched and waited, watching for her opponent’s brunette endowed visage to appear above the safety of the apron.

Evonne slowly worked her way back to her feet, shaking the remainder of the cobwebs from her head before looking back into the ring at a charging Tina, soon flying lengthwise over the ropes in a suicide attempt. Her observations came too late as Tina brought her down hard atop the padded concrete surface. Lisa slipped around the corner to catch a better glimpse of what was happening, her lip bit in nervous anticipation. If Tina were to win this match, it would be one the biggest in her career and definitely bolster the reputation of the Body Shop.

Tina swept again to her feet and sat on the apron, watching as Evonne stirred on the ground. Patiently, she stayed off her injury until the opposition had gotten back up, then buried a foot in the midsection of the shaken Carmikel. Snatching the head of the doubled opponent, Tina pushed off the apron with a hurricane DDT and snapped Evonne down, bouncing her soundly on top of her head.

Lisa came over quickly to encourage her into the ring, voice drowned out by the cheers of those who liked to watch the "Chosen One" get her ass kicked. Tina crawled back in the ring and waited on her knees, again placing as little pressure as possible upon the wounded feet. Lisa grasped an arm of Evonne and coerced her towards the ring. Tina accepted her quickly into her domain with a falling headbutt.}

Garry) "Now it’s two on one! Can’t anyone fight fair?"

Sandra) "Mmmmhmmmm.... "

Garry) "What in the hell are you up to Sandra, you’re not arguing with me."

Sandra) "No-thiiiing."

Garry) "You’ve finally accepted that I’m right.!?"

{Tina crawled quickly for a cover, hooking the leg of an injured Evonne.}



{Lisa points to Evonne’s foot resting casually along the bottom rope, and subsequently the count gets broken. A sigh of protest from a rapidly tiring Tina, and then back to the business of making everyone forget the spectacle from the week before. Tina pulled Evonne back to her feet and whipped her towards the ropes, driving a knee to the midsection, again doubling the taller woman.

Tina smirked and hastily, even with her limp, bounced off the ropes and took a couple wobbly steps, and fell to the ground with a thud, revealing Lisa Dream’s smiling face with a dented metal chair... She stared in amazement at the smooth dent, rubbing it mockingly before the camera’s eye. Evonne crawled for a corner, using the ropes to pull her way back to her feet... eyeing her Syndicate member with definite approval.

Evonne stood a moment, taking her definite time with this one. Methodical would be a good assessment as she watched Tina shake off the shot and eye a prepared opponent. Tina snapped a quick glance at her sister who shrugged innocently, then pointed deftly to the chair as if it had jumped up and whacked her by itself. Evonne lashed out with her first sign of offense, a quick strike to the midsection of the preoccupied dream, folding her at the waist.

Evonne circled to the side and brought her boot clad foot solidly down upon Tina’s grinding it into the canvas mat and producing shrieks of pain from a flailing Tina, too entranced with her injury to mount an immediate comeback. Sneering in true fashion, she leached onto a handful of Tina’s hair and threw them both forward, driving Tina down face first.

Getting back to her feet, Evonne smiled sincerely to the referee...}

"Miss Dream is in no condition to continue this, you’d best save her from herself. Those feet are in no condition and if you knew how to do your job properly..."

{The argument started as she knew it would. Circling slowly, the referee looked away to continue telling Miss Carmikel how she might have had power where she came from, but not here! He couldn’t be bought or manipulated... Lisa slid into the ring at her leisure, carrying the same dented chair from the earlier encounter. Tina looked into the eyes of her own sibling and winced in pain as Lisa crashed the chair down across her foot repeatedly driving the steel spine into the foot.}


Garry) "YES! That’ll teach her! Tina won’t be keeping down Lisa anymore!"

Sandra) "How could anyone do that to their own family?"

Garry) "Not everyone had the Beaver Cleaver upbringing you did... "

{Lisa lifted the chair and blew a light stream of air over the bent spine, running a finger along the spine with wide eyes, obviously impressed at how hard Lisa’s foot was. Tossing the chair out, Lisa soon followed suit and posed happily for the press, snapping off one picture after the other. She knew her name would be in the headlines for sure.

Evonne continued to roll her eyes from the verbal assault of the referee, but it had served its purpose. She was all confidence now, strolling casually to the form of Tina, clutching her foot in bleeding agony. She circled, kicking lightly, forcing a primal lashing that could never hit. There is such power in the pain of others and if there was anything in the world that Evonne loved, it was power. She backed away and watched, waiting patiently now that the game was on her terms.

Tina was prideful and stubborn, no doubt a trait of any Body Shopper... She wouldn’t say die, she wouldn’t let go, she wasn’t going down without a fight. With the aid of the ropes, She jerked her way back to her foot, the second trailing a bit and unused. Evonne faked forward, backing off the shopper a bit as she protected the foot.

Evonne stepped to the center of the ring and waited, arms open, for Tina to make her move. Tina strayed from the ropes a bit, feeling the ominous presence of her sister and that metal chair. Tina stumbled forward, swinging wildly. Evonne glanced away and stuck her foot out to trip the oncoming Dream, sending her sprawled out on the mat. Miss Carmikel followed quickly and snatched up the injured left foot, wrenching down in an ankle lock style submission hold.

Tina stretched for the ropes, screaming out in pain... so close, inching ever closer to the break. Lisa slapped the back of her hand playfully once, then coldly the second time drawing even more heat into that fire. Tina finally locked her fingers around the rope, and the break was made... Evonne forcing a final wrench into her motion before letting go. Lisa folded her hands beneath her head and stared at her injured sibling... hatred had no bounds.}

Sandra) "All right, this is going too far! Where are the other shoppers? Anyone with any decency?"

Garry) "Maybe someone should have thought about this before bum rushing with a crutch! You didn’t have any problems then."

Sandra) "I was uhmmm... busy then..."


{Evonne backed away, waiting patiently for Tina’s next move. She came slowly, still favoring the heavily bruised ankle. Evonne signaled for the end, sensing a kill in her beaten prey. Evonne leveled a kick into the midsection again, and whirled around, pulling Tina into position for her end, the GoldNight. A small jump, then the drive, forcing Tina down and into unconsciousness. Evonne rolled her over, lying arrogantly across her body. }




{And it was over, Evonne rising back to her feet and signaling for Lisa to enter as well... Evonne raised her arm and moved with utmost confidence around the ring while Lisa strutted over the body of her downed sister and now, Enemy....

Back to the booth, Sandra shaking her head sadly at the scene, while Garry still proudly displayed his bag headed persona, even if it has all kinds of little pictures now drawn on it. The forehead marked with "Body Shop #1" "I’ve got no balls" and "Sandra is more woman than I can ever handle" Sandra smiles happily, tapping the marker up and down on the desk.}

Garry) "The savior has come... let the message be read by all."

Sandra) "Somehow, I doubt this is over... and I for one, cannot wait to see Tina Dream get back at her sister..."

{Fade to GoldBerger’s Commercial.}















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