logoSakura Ito vs. Lindsey Locke vs. Laura Parker vs. "The Ninja" Missy Jones

(The BRA arena is buzzing with excitement, the last and perhaps most important match of the evening is about to begin. Thousands of eyes are focussed on the entranceway, waiting, watching and hoping that their hero's will soon appear. Some fans wave homemade signs, "BRING BACK PEGGY!", "I DEMAND A RECOUNT!" and "HELLLLO NURSE!" are just a few of the lucky ones caught on screen. The lights dim down slightly and the crowd explodes as another shot shows the announcer's table.)

Ken: "Well, here we go folks! The match to determine who will face Tiffany Lane at the PPV!"

Cari: "Last woman standing match! God I love these!"

Ken: "Four of the top stars in Battling Ring Angels will be going for broke."

Cari: "And don't forget the stipulation. Everyone must fight everyone. Sakura and Lindsey can't team up to attack Laura. I bet they were really upset when they heard they had to fight each other."

Ken: "I doubt it. They've fought each other before. In fact it went to a double-countout!"

Cari: "See, they didn't want to beat each other, so they just went outside the ring and intentionally got counted out."

Ken: "Yeah-that's it. Missy Jones is in this match as well. The ninja is always a dangerous competitor and she's had some great matches against Lindsey in the past."

Cari: "And let's not forget the eventual winner of this match, Laura Parker."

Ken: "I think Laura's got her work cut out for her. Lindsey and Sakura have no love for the Sisterhood and well, the rules allow for teaming up, if everyone is in the ring."

Cari: "What -umm -.er-..Well, I'm sure Willie's got a plan."

Ken: "Oh he's got a plan alright, but it involves cooking in one too many kitchens, if you catch my drift."

Cari: "Huh?"

Ken: "He's eating at two tables."

(Blank stare from Cari)

Ken: "Never mind."

(The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain. In what seems to now be customary, Sakura is followed by a large powerful African-American man, bald and obviously in his mid-30s. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is colored a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink knee savers and short pink wrestling boots. The large black man, recognized by those in the know of the boxing world as former heavyweight contender Mack 'Mack Truck' Fontaine, is 6 feet 4 inches tall and almost as broad, dressed simply in a grey sweat suit with the faded logo for 'Mack's Place Gym' on it. The pair makes its way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. Sakura takes a moment to get some last-minute advice from Mack, who then takes a position in her corner. The Little Mountain slowly stretches out her thick, muscular body against the turnbuckle, then raises an arm to the fans, who let out a cheer as she smiles at them, her eyes showing her burning desire to win this match tonight. )

Ken: "The Little Mountain looks ready to erupt tonight!"

Cari: "Yeah, she should squeeze those pimples before they burst."

Ken: "Those are muscles!"

Cari: "Sure-.."

(The lights dim again as strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning. Lindsay walks to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a "T", palms down. As pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a "V", palms up. Lindsay stands in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face. "Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin hits as Lindsay, accompanied by Janus and Angela Downey, makes her way to the ring. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver knee-pads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. The crowd cheers wildly as the fan favorite walks to the ring, smiling and slapping hands with fans. Lindsay and Janus enter the ring. Lindsay offers a hug to Sakura Ito, as Janus looks around the ring. Then the Dark Angel walks over and shakes Sakura's hand and then Lindsay's before leaving the ring. Lindsay stretches on her corner, waiting for the match to start. )

Cari: "See! See! They're going to team up against Laura!"

Ken: "Don't forget the Ninja, Missy Jones is in this as well."

Cari: "Never, ever trust a Ninja."

(The lights go down on the arena. Duran Duran's "Girls on film" begins to play through the speakers. A spotlight picks up Laura Parker. She wears a strapless floor length, Alexandria Parker original, gown. Her hair is worn up in a twist with a tiara in it. She is accompanied by her agent, William Wienersnitzel. Laura smiles to the crowd with that perfect beauty queen smile of hers, the spotlight reflects in little gleams off her teeth. She bounces along with the time of the music to the ring. She walks up to the ring and enters it alone. She walks around the ring posing and waving to the fans very much the Beauty Queen. Laura stands with her back to Willie and he removes the tiara from Laura's hair. Willie unzips her dress and removes it to reveal her wrestling costume. She wears a white bikini top with matching white spandex pants. The white of her costume shows off her perfectly tanned body. She completes the ensemble with white knee high wrestling boots and white elbow pads. There are silver threads in each so that they reflect the lights of the arena. Laura stands in her corner, smiling at the ringside fans. She looks across the ring to see two members of the Threesome staring back at her. Laura turns and waves Willie over and bends through the ropes to talk to him, eliciting a cheer from the boys of "I TAPPA KEGGA" )

Cari: "You're new number one contender! I can't wait for a Sisterhood vs Sisterhood championship match."

Ken: "Yeah, what a bitch fest that would be."

Cari: "HEY!"

(Suddenly, the entire arena goes dark. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears on the Angeltron, and a hush comes over the crowd. Lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning far in the distance. All is dark again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder, followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with the Doors, singing �Riders on the Storm' and the lights pulse dimly. A figure clad head to toe in all black flies out of the crowd and over the guardrail, to �oohs' and �ahhs' from the fans. Missy removes her mask, circles the ring and grabs a microphone. )

Missy: "I bet you're all wondering where the New York Poet is right now. "

(The crowd grumbles.)

Cari: "Not really" Missy: Well he ain't here, 'cause last match he had they stripped him down, and he's sensitive. but in his absence, he wanted me to read a... on the other hand, that can wait until later."

(Big crowd pop)

Cari: "Thank god."

(Missy walks towards the ring steps. Janus is looking across the ring at Willie and Laura as Missy passes by her.)


(Without warning, Missy fires a snap kick to the back of Janus's leg. The Fallen Angel drops to the ground as Missy fires a roundhouse punch, slamming her fist into the back of Janus's head.)

Missy: "You think I was done with you? I pay back all my debts, with interest!"

(Missy begins to land a series of kicks as Janus tries to recover.)

Ken: "Sweet Jesus! What is Missy thinking?"

Cari: "I guess she's still a bit miffed about that flaming table thing. Janus did bring that up on her show a couple nights ago."

Ken: "She's throwing away a title shot!"

Cari: "She's getting some payback!"

(The ref watches from inside the ring, as do Sakura and Lindsey. Both Threesome members start to climb out of the ring. But the ref calls for the bell, causing both of them to stop for a moment.)


(Laura crouches in her corner, watching as Sakura and Lindsey look at each other and then climb out of the ring. Laura's eyes open wide with excitement as the ref yells at Sakura and Lindsey to get into the ring. Janus is trying to rise to her feet, but Missy's fury is quite a sight. Roundhouse, backfist, snapkicks, all in quick succession.)

Missy: "Put me through a burning table! You think I'd just forget!"

(Missy goes to land another kick, but Janus blocks it and shoves her back. The Dark Angel rises to her feet, her eyes filled with flame. She sees Sakura and Lindsey coming to her aid and yells at them not to worry. Inside the ring, Laura is helping the ref with his count by rubbing up against him.)

Ref: "4-.5-6-.7.."

(Sakura and Lindsey slide into the ring as Laura curses under her breath and backs away. The ref continues to count out Missy, who seems more intent on injuring Janus than getting a shot at Celestial title.)

(Inside the ring, all three competitors glare at each other, walking around in a circle, each waiting and watching to see who makes the first move. After a moment, Lindsey makes a move towards Laura. Parker moves to the side, reaching her arms out and locking up with Lindsey. The two ex-champions push and strain against each other.)

Ken: "Incoming!"

(Sakura charges forward, lashing out her big arms.)

Cari: "Double clothesline!"

(Lindsey and Laura are knocked to the mat. The blow sends Laura through the ropes and onto the floor, although Parker did roll quite a bit compared to Lindsey. Sakura wastes no time and grabs Lindsey by the arm and pulls her up. She whips her friend into the ropes and watches as Lindsey bounces off the strands. Sakura takes a step forwards, but Lindsey jumps into the air, extending her legs out and nailing Sakura with a dropkick that staggers the little mountain.)

(Outside the ring, Janus and Missy are still going at it. Janus has struck back, punching Missy in the face. The Ninja has lashed out with an open palm, slashing it against the healthy side of Janus's face. The blow draws blood, leaving a cut on the Dark Angel's clean side.)

Missy: "Now, I'll make both sides of your face a disgusting mess!"

(Missy goes to claw again, but Janus blocks it and charges forwards, taking Missy down with a shoulder tackle.)

Ken: "We need some security here! Missy's been counted out of this match! Not that she seems to care."

Cari: "How can she be counted out? It's a Last woman standing match? Isn't it anything goes?"

(Ken checks his laptop.)

Ken: "Hmmm, the match needs that stipulation to be added. It's regular rules, with pins and submissions and count outs. Last one standing after a pin or submission is the winner. Which is going to be hard with three competitors in there."

(Back in the ring, the ref is telling Laura to get back into the ring. Willie is over helping her up from her "tumble" out of the ring. Laura seems in no big rush to get into the ring. Lindsey and Sakura are standing a few feet from each other, circling. Sakura takes a step forwards, Lindsey holds her arms up and fires a roundhouse punch. Sakura blocks it and kicks out her leg, stabbing it towards Lindsey's stomach. Locke quickly grabs the foot and smiles. Sakura's eyes open wide as Lindsey smiles at her. Locke then twists and falls, forcing Sakura to fall to the mat. Lindsey traps her legs around Sakura's limb and pulls on the ankle. Ito yelps and pounds the mat as Lindsey traps her ankle.)

Ken: "Nice takedown by Lindsey. She's got Ito in trouble here."

Cari: "Sakura's left knee isn't 100%, if Lindsey focuses on that leg, Sakura will be in big trouble."

(Laura eventually climbs into the ring and watches her opponent's struggle on the mat. The ref stands in the corner watching. Lindsey keeps her grip on Sakura's ankle and rises to her feet. She begins to pull the leg up, but is sent flying across the mat as Laura runs across and nails her with a dropkick. Sakura rolls clear, and rubs her ankle as Parker decides to go to work. The brunette grabs Lindsey by the arm and whips her into the ropes. Lindsey rebounds into Laura's awaiting arms. Parker grabs Lindsey around the waist and lifts her up, spinning her into the process and then dropping to one knee. )

Ken: "Twilt-O-Whirl Belly buster!"

(Lindsey lets out a gasp as belly is impaled against Parker's toned thigh. Laura slams a double axe handle blow into the small of Lindsey's back before shoving her off her knee. Laura rises to her feet and goes to grab the curled up Locke. Suddenly she feels a strong hand on her shoulder, spinning her around. Laura yelps as Sakura grabs her in a front bearhug and then lifts her up and over.)

Cari: "Belly to belly Suplex!"

(Sakura slams her weight into Laura, causing the brown haired beauty to cry out in pain. Sakura quickly rises to her feet and pulls Laura up. Scooping Laura in her arms, Sakura lifts her opponent up onto her shoulders and then in a show of raw power, lifts her up in the air.)

Ken: "What strength! She going to-.."


Ken: "Gorilla Press Slam!"

(Laura is slammed to the mat with sickening force, she bounces up on impact, clutching her back and then rolling to her side. Sakura moves in on her, but catches a glimpse of a shadow. She turns in time to see Lindsey's legs wrap around her head before she feels herself flipping over.)

Cari: "Flying Headscissor takedown- Into a pin!"

(Lindsey rolls Sakura into a pinning position. She holds the Little Mountain down for a two count, before Ito powers out. Lindsey quickly grabs Sakura in a headlock, before rising to her feet. Lindsey clamps on the pressure while Sakura wraps her arms around Locke's waist.)

Ken: "Look out!!!"

(Outside the ring, Janus has regained her bearings and has lifted Missy up for a slam. The Ninja escapes by sliding down Janus's back and flipping to her feet. The Dark Angel turns, only to feel Missy's foot slam into her jaw.)

Cari: "Superkick! She nailed Janus with that one!"

(Missy staggers the big woman and bends down to grab something from under the ring. Janus rubs her jaw and scowls, before moving in.)

Missy: "Here Freak! Cool off with this!"

( Missy pulls out a fire extinguisher and sprays Janus with the freezing foam. Missy watches as Janus stumbles back, close to the timekeepers table. With a gleam of vengeance, she runs towards the blinded Janus and leaps into the air. Missy's feet slam into Janus's chest, sending her up and backwards, smashing through the table.)

Ken: "Ooooh boy. Janus is really going to be pissed."

Cari: "Bah, she's always angry."

Ken: "But now she's going to be really, really angry."

(A smile comes across Missy's face, but it quickly turns to a frown as Janus is already pushing herself up from the broken table. The look on Janus's face is rage uncontrolled, Missy holds her ground, unafraid and ready to do more. Unfortunately, the arrival of KillDozer and his crew put a temporary end to this part of story. Dozer himself has to restrain the enraged Dark Angel, as she spits forth a spew of venomous words, all about what she's going to do the Ninja when she gets a hold of her.)

(Inside the ring Lindsey still has her arms wrapped around Sakura's head. The Little Mountain is forcing Lindsey back into the corner. Across the ring, Laura catches her breath and watches the action. She sees Janus and Missy being escorted from the ring. A devilish smile comes across her face as she runs across the ring. The ref orders a break as Sakura forces Lindsey into the turnbuckles. Lindsey releases her headlock immediately and Sakura backs off as well. Unfortunately, Laura didn't hear or at least pretends not to hear the break call and leaps into the air. She slams her feet into Sakura's knee, propelling her forwards, smashing Lindsey into the buckles. Locke lets out a gasp and slumps down as Laura grabs Sakura around the neck from behind hooks her into a reverse headlock. Parker quickly drops to the mat, slamming the back of Ito's head into the mat.)

Cari: "Reverse DDT! Beautiful!"

Ken: "Laura came from behind during a break, that was not very sportsmanlike."

Cari: "She didn't hear it, see -she's telling the ref she didn't hear a break call."

(Laura is fluttering her eyes, claiming not to have heard the call for a break. She spots Lindsey pulling herself up and Laura steps over towards her. Parker fires her knee up into Lindsey's belly, causing Locke to bend over. Laura quickly hooks her arm around Lindsey's shoulder and grabs a handful of tights. Laura takes a step back and lifts Lindsey up for a suplex.)

Ken: "Big Suplex coming-..oh no!!"

Cari: "Ouch!"

(Laura stumbles, for some reason. She turns and drops Lindsey down across the ropes. Lindsey's legs straddle the strands and she lets out a gasp, her mouth in a giant "O" as the crowd gasps in shared agony. Laura sees what's happened and she puts her hands to her head.)

Laura: "Oooops, I'm sorry Linds."

(Laura goes to "help" Lindsey off the ropes. She grabs Lindsey by the arm and tries to pull her off. Instead it just causes Lindsey to bounce up and down on the ropes.)

Ken: "Stop helping her!"

(The ref calls for a break and Laura looks at him innocently.)

Laura: "I'm jus trying to get her off the ropes."

(Laura goes to grab Lindsey again, but she "trips" pushing into Lindsey and sending Locke tumbling to the floor.)

Laura: "ooops, I'm all thumbs today."

Ken: "Yeah right!"

Cari: "It happens!"

(Sakura is rising to her feet as she sees Laura shove Lindsey off the top rope and to the floor. Ito moves in behind Laura who turns to see a large forearm smash into her chest. The blow sends Laura into the ropes. She bounces off and Sakura nails her with another forearm, dropping Parker to the mat. Sakura quickly grabs her opponent by the legs and lifts them up. She then turns Laura over and squats down.)

Ken: "Boston Crab! Laura is in pain!"

(Parker lets out a yelp as Sakura puts on the pressure. Ito leans back, pulling Laura's body up. The ref turns from counting Lindsey out and drops to the mat, asking for a submission. Laura shakes her head no and reaches her hand out for the ropes. Sakura stands up slightly and then drops down, causing Laura to scream out in pain. Her manager turns from getting a snack from a vendor and yells some encouragement as Laura reaches for the ropes again. Her fingers barely reach the bottom rope, but she manages to grab a hold. The ref calls for a break and Sakura lets up immediately. Outside, Lindsey is pulling herself up. She grabs the bottom rope and starts to pull herself back into the ring. Sakura has rises to her feet and grabs Laura by the arm and lifts her up. She hoists Parker across her broad shoulders. Sakura then takes a couple of steps towards the middle of the ring and with a yell she jumps up and drops to one side.)

Ken: "Death Valley Driver!"

(Laura's head and shoulders are driven forcefully into the mat, her body crumples like a felled tree and Sakura quickly lies across her, hooking the leg. The ref drops for a count, but Lindsey breaks it up at two. Locke grabs Sakura by the arm and lifts her up. She thrusts her leg forward attempting to kick Sakura in the belly, but Ito blocks it, catching the leg. A smile comes across Sakura's lips as she holds her friend's foot. Lindsey then leaps in the air, spinning her free leg around. Her foot slams into the back of Sakura's head.)

Cari: "Enzuguri!"

(Sakura slumps to the mat, landing on her knees. Lindsey quickly jumps up and fires another kick into the back of Sakura's head. This time Ito slumps down to the mat. The ref starts to count as Lindsey stands in the ring, both her opponents down.)

Cari: "Come on Laura! Get up!"

Ken: "The ref's at 5, Sakura or Laura have to answer the 10 count or it's over!"

(Laura pushes herself up off the mat. She starts to rise and Lindsey, seeing that Laura's going to beat the count, grabs her by the air arm and goes to whip her into the corner.)

Cari: "No!! Reversal!"

(Laura reverses the throw and whips Lindsey into the buckles. Locke hits back first and slumps down, her arms hanging over the top rope. Laura quickly chases after her and leaps into the air, doing a handspring, before slamming her elbow into Lindsey's chest. Laura keeps up her attack and grabs Lindsey in a side headlock before racing out of the corner. At the halfway point, Laura leaps up into the air.)

Ken: "Brutal Bulldog!"

(Lindsey's face is driven into the mat. Laura rises to her feet and raises her arms in the air. She smiles as she looks towards Sakura, who is now on her knees. Parker races over and grabs Sakura in a side headlock. She forces Ito back into a corner and then takes off running across the ring.)

Cari: "Another Bulldog coming --"

Ken: "No!"

(Laura goes to jump up, but Sakura grabs her around the waist. As Laura rises Sakura keeps her grip and steps forward, dropping to one knee. She slams Parkers butt down on top of it. Laura lets out a squeal, but much to her dismay, Sakura lifts her up again and repeats the move.)

Mack: "That's the way kid! Hit'em hard, hit'em twice, let them know your trainer ain't so nice!"

(Sakura lets Laura go after the second Atomic Drop. Laura bounces off the knee and walks on her tip toes, her hands covering her shapely posterior. Sakura crouches and waits for Laura to turn. As Parker dances around, Sakura rises and spins her body, lashing out with her fist. It connects with the side of Laura's face, dropping her to the mat.)

Cari: "What a blow! What was that?"

Ken: "Its called the Uraken, Well known Japanese star Aja Kong uses that move. Laura is in lala land."

(Sakura drops across Laura for the pin. She hooks the leg and the ref slaps his hand down. The crowd cheers as it hits the mat three times. Sakura rises to her feet and turns to see where Lindsey is. Locke's foot slams into Sakura' knee, buckling the little mountain. Sakura lets out a yell and drops to the mat. For a moment there is a look of concern on Lindsey's face. But it quickly goes away as she knows she's got a job to do. Lindsey quickly grabs Sakura by the legs and twists her into a spinning toe hold. Sakura's left leg is in agony and her face is a visage of pain. Lindsey spins around, twisting the leg even more. Sakura forces her body up, grabbing at Lindsey, but Locke kicks her back down and spins again. Sakura yelps as Lindsey grabs the leg and jumps up, dropping her knee's against it.)

Mack: "Come on kid! Get to the ropes!"

(Lindsey grabs Sakura by the legs again and stands up. She looks over to see Laura still dazed on the mat. Lindsey quickly places Sakura in a figure-four and drops to the mat. Ito's arms flail in agony as her knee feels like its going to explode. The ref asks for a submission, but Sakura ignores him, and keeps pounding on the mat.)

Cari: "She should just give up, that flailing's doing nothing for her."

Ken: "Don't be so sure, look!"

(Sakura inches closer to the ropes with each movement of her arms. Her face is torn with pain, but she keeps pounding and reaching back. Lindsey leans up on her elbows, putting tremendous pressure into the hold.)

Ken: "Almost -yes!"

(The crowd cheers as Sakura reaches the ropes. Lindsey immediately breaks the hold and rolls to her feet. The ref looks around as Laura is slowly pushing herself up. Lindsey turns and runs towards her. She grabs the still semi-dazed Laura by the head and runs towards the corner. Lindsey jumps up, placing her feet on the top turnbuckle before pushing off and spinning back. Laura is forces along with her.)

Ken: "Tornado DDT! Lindsey just planted Laura with that one!"

(Lindsey jumps up to her feet and runs to the corner. She quickly scales the ropes and perches on the top turnbuckle. Willie yells out a warning, but quickly shuts up as Mack Fountaine gives him scowl.)

Cari: "Look out Laura!"

Lindsey jumps off the top rope, extending her leg out. Somehow, someway, Laura rolls clear and Lindsey lands butt first on the hard canvas, rather than her softer opponent. Lindsey rolls across the mat, rubbing her bum as Laura crawls towards the ropes. Willie runs over to that side as Sakura tries to stand up. There's a sigh from the crowd as Sakura drops to the mat, clutching her knee.)

Ken: "Uh oh! That could be it for Sakura. That knee wasn't in great shape and it's taken a pounding in this match so far."

(Mack runs over to that side of the ring to check on his girl. Sakura's eyes are welled with tears. She's fighting back the pain, but for the moment, it's too great. Laura takes a moment and pulls herself up, she turns to see Sakura lying on the mat clutching her knee. She also sees Lindsey lying on the mat, catching her breath. Laura quickly moves towards Lindsey and jumps up in the air.)

Cari: "Knee drop!"

(Lindsey legs fly up in the air as Laura drops a knee across her chest. Parker rises up and grabs Lindsey by the legs. She spreads them apart and with a wicked smirk she jumps up and kicks her legs forwards. As she falls, Lindsey's legs are spread out to the sides, stretching them to the limit of her flexibility.)

Ken: "Ouch! Double leg spread drop!"

(Laura rolls to her feet and grabs the wounded Lindsey by the arm. Laura lifts her up and puts on a standing sleeper hold. Her arm dangerous wrapped around Lindsey's throat.)

Cari: "Sleeper!"

Ken: "Choke!"

Cari: "Sleeper!"

Ken: "Choke!"

(Lindsey's arms flail and flap as Laura tries to choke her out. The ref checks the hold and calls for a break.)

Laura: "Why? It's just a sleeper hold?"

Ref: "It's a choke!"

Laura: "No silly, it's a sleeper!"

Cari: "See!?"

Ken: "It's a choke!"

Ref: "It's a choke!"

(Meanwhile Lindsey's face is bright red. The ref begins to count and Laura continues to argue, but drops the hold at the last possible instant.)

Laura: "That was a legal Sleeperhold!"

(Lindsey lies on the ground, sucking in much needed air. Laura turns to see what Sakura is up to. The Little Mountain is trying to stand up again, but falls back down to the mat. Laura smirks, knowing she can focus on Lindsey. Laura turns and grabs Lindsey by the arm. She pulls Lindsey up and shoves her head down between her shapely thighs. Laura raises her hands in the air, and shakes her booty. Willie claps his hands as Laura smiles for the camera's as she wraps her arms around Lindsey's waist.)

Ken: "Look who's coming down the ramp!"

Cari: "Who's that?"

(An older Japanese man walks slowly down the ramp. He walks up to ringside and bows to Mack Fountaine. He then smiles at Sakura.)

Ken: "It's Sakura's mentor, John Nanakami! He's still recovering from a serious heart attack."

Cari: "Well, his hearts going to break again, cause his girl ain't getting up."

(Sakura sees her mentor and forces a smile through the pain. He smiles and bows at her, whispering in her ear.)

Cari: "Oh no, he's not going to do that Karate kid thing, with the leg and hands thing!"

Ken: "No, that was in a movie, this isn't a movie."

(John pats Sakura on the head. Mack smiles and nods as Sakura forces her the pain away and tries to rise.)

Ken: "Come on Sakura!"

(In the ring, Laura has lifted Lindsey up and is holding her inverted. With a jump, Laura falls backwards, planting Locke's head into the mat. Lindsey bounces up and flops over. Laura jumps across her for the cover. The ref slaps his hand down three times and Laura jumps up in the air. She smiles and waves to the cameras as the ref starts to count. Laura doesn't even bother to look over at the slowly rising Sakura. Willie looks over and sees the Little Mountain rising. Sakura is fighting through the pain, using the sight of her mentor as inspiration. Her face is filled with pride as she rises to her feet. Laura turns and looks at the ref, wondering why the count was stopped. He points at Sakura as Laura turns and sees the Little Mountain leaning up against the ropes. Putting her hands on her hips, Laura storms over towards Sakura. Ito leans against the ropes and pushes against them as Laura comes close. Sakura jumps forwards, driving her head into Laura's stomach. Parker gasps and staggers back as Sakura grabs her and scoops her up for a body slam. Instead of slamming her, Sakura quickly drops to her butt, slamming Laura's head down into the mat.)

Ken: "Mitchinoku Driver!"

(Sakura grabs one of Laura's legs and holds her in place as the ref counts to three. Sakura lies back, releasing the leg. All three women are on the mat as the ref starts to count.)

Cari: "Everyone is down!"

Ken: "First one to rise might just take it!"

(All three women start to rise at the same time. Lindsey is on her knee's first, as Sakura rolls to the ropes to help her up. Laura is still on the mat, rolling onto her belly. Lindsey pushes herself up at the 6 count as Sakura grabs the ropes. The crowd watches as the ref hits 8 -9-.)

Ken: "Sakura's up!"

(Ito barely makes the 10 count and hangs onto the ropes. Lindsey takes a moment and moves towards the now rising Laura. She grabs Laura by the arm and scoops her up onto her shoulders. Lindsey then runs and jumps to the side.)

Cari: "Spicolli Driver! My god, Laura's taken two of those! One from Sakura and one from Lindsey! It's a conspiracy!"

(Laura lies still on the mat as Lindsey rises to her feet. She smiles at her teammate and motions for her to come together. Sakura nods and limps over. They both lock up, straining against each other. Sakura starts to push Lindsey back, even with her injured leg, she's a powerhouse. Lindsey suddenly tries to fall backwards, attempting a monkey flip, but Sakura knows her partner well and lets go. Lindsey falls to the mat and Sakura grabs her legs and lifts them up. Ito then falls backward and slingshots Lindsey across the ring.)

(Meanwhile, Laura has crawled across the ring and is sitting in a corner, with Willie spraying for water on her. She watches as Sakura limps across the ring and lifts Lindsey into the air. Sakura invert's Lindsey, trapping her head between her knee's. Lindsey kicks her legs, furiously trying to get out of the hold. Sakura's knee buckles slightly, causing her to lean back. The motion of Lindsey's legs cause Sakura to start to fall backwards. As she moves, Lindsey's feet hit the ground. With a grunt, Lindsey pulls up, reversing the hold. She then jumps up and drops to her knee's.)

Ken: "My god! Lindsey reversed the hold and hit Sakura with a tombstone instead! What a move!"

Cari: "Bah, she got lucky!"

(Lindsey hooks Sakura's leg for the pin and gets the three count. She rolls to her knee's and rises to her feet. Across the ring, Laura tells Willie to lean forwards, putting his head between the ropes. The ref starts to count as Laura pushes herself up in the corner. Lindsey sees her and races over. In one quick motion, Laura grabs the smelly, wet, sticky mop of goo called a hair piece for Willie's head. She stabs it forwards into the oncoming Locke. There is a large gasp from the crowd as the hair covers Lindsey's pretty face. Locke staggers back, trying to pull the creature from her face.)

Ken: "Oh the -"

Cari: "Don't say it!"

Ken: "Why?"

Cari: "Been done before.."

(Laura grabs the panicking Lindsey and goes to throw her into the turnbuckles. Laura's foot trips Lindsey as she nears the corner and she flies between the second and top turnbuckle, hitting her shoulder on the ring post, before sliding to the outside. The ref is chastising Laura about the Manible Hairball move. Laura feigns innocence, claming the goo stuck to her hand. Willie is scrambling to cover his head, not wanting with many lady friends to see him without his toupee. Sakura is on her knee's, she looks up and stares directly into her mentors kind eyes. Mack shakes his hand in the air.)

Mack: "Come on One-two-three!"

(Sakura smiles and pushes herself up. She turns to see no sign of Lindsey, only Laura arguing with the ref. Laura turns and faces Sakura as the Little mountain move in. Parker tries to land a kick to Sakura's knee, but it's blocked. Laura spins her leg around for a roundhouse, but it's blocked. She goes to fire a punch, but Sakura grabs her arm and shakes her head.)

Sakura: "You cannot win today Laura-san, this match is for my mentor, my teacher and for me."

(Laura's eyes open wide as Sakura pulls her arm in and fires a palm thrust to Laura's chest. The blow sends Parker staggering against the ropes. Sakura grabs Laura as she bounces off the strands and hoists her into the air with one arm. Sakura then slams Parker down with a huge chokeslam)

Ken: "She's in the zone!"

Cari: "Get out of there Laura!"

(Almost on cue, Laura starts to scramble for the ropes. Sakura grabs her from behind and lifts her up. She slams her knee up into Laura's firm belly, doubling her over. Sakura then stuffs Laura's head between her strong thighs and wraps her arms around her waist. With a grunt Sakura lifts Laura up and then slams her down in a powerbomb.)

Ken: "Could it be!"

(Sakura maintains her grip and pulls Laura back up and slams her down again)

Cari: "Oh no!"

Ken: "Yes, 1-2-3..Little Mountain Drop!"

(Sakura pulls Laura up for the third time and executes a sit down powerbomb. The ref slaps his hand down three times and rises to his feet. Sakura forces her hurting down to rise as he begins to count. Outside the ring, Lindsey is blinded and choking. She's trying to pull the mop of goo from her face. Sakura sees her partner in distress and pauses for a moment.)

Cari: "Laura's down and Lindsey can't see, Sakura's got it!"

Ken: "She does ..what the HELL!"

(The crowd is stunned as Sakura jumps out of the ring. She grabs Lindsey and pulls the mop of hair from Lindsey's face. Locke drops to her knee's, gasping for air. The ref continues to count as Sakura checks on her friend. Lindsey looks up, and sees the ref, she points at Sakura to get into the ring and continues of choke of the residue of Willie's Toupee. Sakura bows and turns sliding into the ring. She forces her hurt leg to rise once more as the ref calls for the bell.)


Ken: "Did she make it up in time?!"

Cari: "No she didn't!"

Ken; "Yes! Yes she did!"

Cari: "Ahhh nutz!"

(The ref raises Sakura's hand as she drops to the mat. Mack helps John into the ring and the both rush over. Lindsey takes another moment to clear the rest of the goo from her face and slides into the ring. Sakura rises to her knee's and hugs her mentor's. Mack helps her up, as the announcer makes the call.)

Announcer: "The winner and number one contender for the Celestial Title-.The Little Mountain Sakura Ito!"

(The crowd explodes with cheers as Willie climbs into the ring to check on Laura. Lindsey and Sakura embrace as tears roll down Sakura's face. Big Mack is full of smiles as John stands quietly, proud beyond words. Sakura motions for the announcer to bring the microphone over.)

(Sakura limps to the center of the ring and faces her friends.)

Sakura: ""It has been the greatest honor I have yet had to face so many honorable and strong opponents. I can only hope to have this chance again in the future. Domo arigato."

Cari: "Mr. Roboto."

Ken: "Oh shut up. She's pouring her heart out in there."

Cari: "Bah, it's some kind of ancient Chinese thing, old man comes down ,gives young pupil the inspiration to win, makes me sick."

Ken: "ummm, Sakura is Japanese."

Cari: "Like it matters."

Ken: "Well, Tiffany's got one heck of a challenger for the title and that was one heck of a match. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if Missy hadn't lost her cool and attacked Janus.)

Cari: "I can't help but wonder what kind of medical plan Missy's going to need once Janus gets a hold of her."

Ken: "Well folks that's it! Another night of great action!

**Winner of the match : Sakura Ito, last woman standing.**
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