logo"Viper" Lesley Magnus vs. Rose Red and Angela Downey

Among the crowd packing the BRA arena people were trying to track down the hard working food and beer vendors or just waiting in line in the concession booths between matches. Beer, hot dogs, popcorn and official Peggy Christian tollhouse cookies (sold individually or by the dozen) were being consumed in copious quantities by the hungry and bloodthirsty crowd! Still the camera catches a few banners as it pans the audience. "The Sisterhood are examples of model behavior", "Becca Blush is such a rush!" and "I�d belly crawl thirty miles over broken glass with my fly open to have Malibu pin me!" are a few of the ones still in evidence.

Finally the camera once again shines on the radiance of Kenny and Cari.

Kenny: Ready for our next match, and handicap hardcore match of all things!

Cari: Kind of like me working with you all these times.

Kenny: Hardcore?

Cari: Handicapped!

Kenny: Uhhh�yeah.

Cari: Lesley Magnus will have a stroll in the park tonight despite having to work two people over.

Kenny: On paper it looks pretty bad. Red Rose looked pretty good in her debut but is really not in Viper�s class, and Angela Downey is not even a wrestler!

Cari: Red Rose is bad enough but to put a puny civilian in there with absolutely no idea of wrestling is just another example of how our leadership has slipped!

Kenny: Normally I would agree with you, but Viper threatened to hurt Angela�s son and I applaud her courage in answering back.

Cari: I applaud her medical coverage is up to date!

(The sound of hissing slowly fades up, filling the arena. On the Angeltron, the image of a pit viper, curled up against a wall, slowly shifts its head side to side ready to strike. In a flash it strikes, opening its gaping maw, showing two long fangs before engulfing the lens. At the same time, green and white pyro explode from the wrestler entrance as the sound of George Thorogood and the Destroyers blasts over the loudspeakers. )

I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire; I got a cobra snake for a necktie,
A brand new house on the roadside, and it's a-made out of rattlesnake hide
Got a brand new chimney put on top, and it's a-made out of human skull
Come on take a little walk with me baby, and tell me who do you love?
Who do you love?
Who do you love?

(The crowd rises to its feet as the "Viper" Lesley Magus steps out from behind the pyros, dragging a garbage can filled with assorted tools for mayhem. She is dressed in a green spandex sports bra and black martial arts pants, her hair tied tight behind her head in a ponytail. Her hands are partially covered by black finger less gloves. A tattoo of a Viper curls up her arm and around her shoulder. As always, a long link of bike chain is wrapped around her neck and down her torso. Jet black wrestling boots cover her feet as she stands glaring into the ring. Behind her she drags a garbage can filled with assorted devices of mayhem. Around her waist, the Fallen Angel Title. Immediately the fans notice the bandage covering Lesley�s left arm. A gift, courtesy of the Dragon Lady, carnage from last week�s title defense.)

Kenny: It looks like the balance might be swinging a bit the other way now! I wondered how she would feel after that brawl last week!

Cari: Lesley is as tough a competitor as they get! I don�t think a little bandage is going to slow her down a lot! The arena turns light red and at the entrance a loud explosion is heard around the arena. Then red fireworks explode from the entrance and from there Red Rose jumps out and raises her arms to the crowd! Oasis' "Don�t look back in anger, I heard you say" booms loud over the sound system as Red Rose walks about on the entrance ramp! Several roses drop from the ceiling showering the entranceway with their fragrant blooms. She skips down the ramp and up the aisle slapping as many hands with the fans as she can. Stopping just before the ring she picks a few of them off the floor and hands them all to a few fans that are lucky enough to be near by. Continuing on she high fives some more before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope and leaping onto the middle turnbuckle. As she waves to the crowd a few red lights cast the ring in a rosy glow before she steps down and picks up some roses in the ring and throws them into the crowd.

Kenny: Looking very confident tonight!

Cari: Looking like dinner for Magnus, which says even less for desert! "I want to take you higher" by Sly and the Family Stone begins to play. Angela Downey walks out and stands defiantly at the entrance. She smiles and gives a few waves to the fans. The short and tiny girl wears powder blue bikini bottoms with a Superman logo on the back, a powder blue bikini top and a Superman T-shirt over that. She completes her outfit with red wrestling boots. Her dirty blond hair is tied in pigtails. She is flanked by Lindsay Locke and Janus. They follow her, keeping their eyes open for trouble. Lindsay wears her usual wrestling attire of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver kneepads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. Janus wears black leather pants and a black long sleeve LaCoste polo shirt. She has on her signature black and blue cowboy boots. All three of them enter the ring. Janus takes the microphone.

Janus - I have three things to say. I will address my words to people in turn. First, Lindsay. I want you to go to the back and wait. You have a match tonight and I don't want you distracted or harmed here. I have this situation under control.

Lindsay looks concerned. She speaks with Janus a bit and finally decided that Janus has a point. She hugs Angela and Janus, and then goes to the back. Janus: Red Rose. I put the safety of my friend in your hands. If she is harmed by your actions, or inaction, you will pay me with your blood.

Janus takes a long look at Angela, who is doing all she can to hide her fears.

Janus: Viper. I want you to note that I will be right here watching. I will not be leaving ringside. Just keep that in mind.

Janus hands the microphone over to Angela.

Angela: Lesley, this is sooo my chance to show you that you made a big, big mistake when you hurt my son!

Janus assumes her position at ringside while Angela stretches in the ring for the match.

Kenny: A lot of big words! I just wonder where it is all going to lead!

Cari: Having Janus at ringside for any of Viper�s matches is an invitation to disaster! I�m wondering how far this match will go before something happens!


Kenny: We�ll soon find out!

In the ring Red Rose smiles and splits the ropes for Angela to exit the ring. Then, dancing lightly on her toes she circles the ring, eagerness written all over her face.

Lesley: OK hero-wannabe, time for your lesson!

Red Rose seems to ignore the comment and locks up with Viper but is doubled over painfully with a kneelift! Before she can react another kneelift drops the rookie to her knees gasping. In her corner Angela jumps up and down shouting encouragement to her partner as she is dragged by her red hair to a corner. Viper raises the rookie�s head, sneering before slamming it brutally into the turnbuckle, two, three, four times!

Cari: It�s school time for Red Rose, and Viper is going to be the teacher!

Kenny: Early days yet, but the rookie needs to find a way into the match fast.

Viper drags the reeling rookie from the corner and throws her back solidly. Quickly she follows up with a volley of forearm smashes that rock Red Rose with each blow, driving her into the turnbuckles! Grabbing the red hair again, Lesley takes a couple of steps and slams the smaller girl�s face forward into the mat.

Lesley: T&A works on the fans little girl, inside the ring, you�d better have what it takes to survive. Let�s find out!

Dragging the suffering rookie again to her feet Lesley scoops her up and brings her down hard to the mat with a powerslam! Red Rose rolls over and over with agony written across her face as Viper gets to her feet with a snarl! Angela winces in sympathy as she watches Lesley start to stomp her hurting partner.

Kenny: Janus was watching intently but now it looks like she has her head buried in her hands!

Cari: Looks like she can see the future and the way the Viper is going the future is coming soon!

Kenny: If I were Angela Downey I would be hoping that Lesley would pin Rose before she starts on me! The rookie has a ways to go before she can manage the likes of Lesley Magnus in the ring!

Cari: Which spells instant doom for the little mommy in the corner!

The crowd starts to pick up the volume as they watch the ring. Viper hoists Red Rose to her feet but doesn�t see Angela finally step through the ropes, finally plucking up the courage to venture in. With Viper�s back turned she creeps up and slams a fist down onto Lesley�s hurt shoulder! Magnus winces in shock which allows Red Rose to break free and stumble away. As the Viper turns she sees Angela bringing another arm down but reacts quickly and grabs Angela�s wrist with her good hand before it makes contact. Angela can only stare in fear as Lesley smiles, then drags her to the ropes and easily tosses her through the ropes to the floor.

Lesley: Stay out of the ring! You�re starting to make me mad!

Janus runs over to Angela but the gallant mom is already getting to her feet. Janus turns her attention to the ring and Lesley Magnus, fuming! This manages to distract the Viper long enough for Red Rose to come running over and drop a double axe handle on Lesley�s injured shoulder! Magnus winces and drops to her knees in obvious pain. Janus smiles and waves as Red Rose plucks her stunned opponent up by the hair and grabs the hurting arm and slings her across to the far ropes and greets her with a dropkick that sends the hardcore champ dropping to the mat. Red Rose sees the weakness and drags Lesley up and cranks a painful armbar on the bandaged arm! The crowd roars as Rose puts on the pressure, forcing a look of anguish from the Viper. Angela climbs back up to her corner and sees her partner beckon her in. Angela looks to Janus who nods her head before climbing through the ropes and moving up to Magnus. With the crowd cheering her on Angela winds up and smacks Lesley across the cheek that brings a loud roar from the crowd!

Kenny: That had to hurt more than just her face!

Cari: That was either very brave or very stupid, and I�m going with the latter!

Lesley seemed shocked for a moment, then seemed to recover herself fast. Taking her boot she shoves Angela back solidly watching as the tiny woman thumps into a corner. Then she spins slightly and brings her boot up sharply again, this time to the stomach of one Red Rose who drops gasping to her knees. Lesley snarls and with her good arm drags the rookie to her feet and launches her over the top rope to the floor where she falls heavily! Angela shakes her head in the corner as Magnus follows the rookie out of the ring and drags her up again by her bright red hair. Not wasting time Viper drags her to the guardrail and slams the rookie�s head hard into it! Rose falls back to the floor stunned and groaning softly. Leaving her victim senseless Viper empties a garbage can and drags it to where Rose still lay.

Kenny: Does not look good for Red Rose right now!

Cari: It will look even less good for her partner! As long as Janus stays out of it!

Kenny: Don�t you think she will not risk getting her friend disqualified for interference?

Cari: Like she�s going to have a hope in hell against the Viper! I think she just might do something to stop her getting hurt, something the old Janus would never have done!

Magnus grabs the rookie and shoves her unceremoniously in the garbage can before rolling it on its side and giving it a kick along the floor!

Cari: What manners!

Kenny: Whatever do you mean?

Cari: Isn�t it nice of Lesley to take out the trash!

Having disposed of Red Rose Lesley rolls back into the ring and stands facing the corner where Angela Downey stands with a mix of anger and trepidation!

Lesley: OK mom, let�s see what you got!

Angela surprised even herself and charged out of the corner to her waiting opponent and somehow leapt into the air, thrusting her feet out! Lesley just stood her ground as the semi successful attempt at a dropkick connected with her chest and managed to make the hardcore champion stagger back a couple of steps! The crowd went wild but soon changed as Lesley easily picked up the gallant mother and locked an arm bar on her. Outside the ring Janus fumed, dragging herself up to the apron in a threatening way.

Cari: Viper is blind-sided, she can�t see Janus!

Kenny: This will be close!

As soon as Angela cries out from the pain Magnus eases the hold. Waiting a moment she again applies the pressure and again as Angela cries out Lesley amazingly relaxes the hold.

Kenny: I�m seeing something here in Lesley Magnus I doubt anyone has seen!

Cari: And that is?

Kenny: Compassion!

Cari: I know the name of a good optician! I think you need one!

With Angela helpless, Lesley yanks her close and pulls her into a front facelock. She leans down and whispers into Angela�s ear;

"I wouldn�t have really broke his arm. I just needed an edge and Kevin was it."

Whatever the reaction it was lost as Lesley suddenly drops back to mat and sends Amanda reeling into dreamland with a DDT! The crowd starts to jeer and get wild, as the gallant mother lay on her back on the mat, stunned. Then amazingly, instead of going for the sure pin Viper starts to pull the lifeless body of Angela up but barely gets started before she is driven down by a cowboy boot to the head!

Cari: It was just a matter of time! Janus reacted to the DDT and is furious! She�s stomping Viper like a mad woman!

Kenny: The ref is signaling the end, but I don�t think Janus saw what was really happening!


The bell sounds and the referee rushes to where Janus keeps stomping Magnus in the head and bandaged shoulder as the Viper tries to cover up!

Cari: Janus has got her side disqualified!

Kenny: She didn�t see it! Did you see it? I�m sure I saw it!

Cari: Saw what? What are you blabbering about!

The referee finally pulls Janus away and with the help of a second official keeps them separated. Angela rolls her head side to side while still on her back. Magnus is spitting mad as she gets to her knees, wiping her mouth and checking for blood and Red Rose finally shows back up and rolls into the ring to check on her partner, looking very apologetic.

Kenny: Magnus was not going for the pin! I�m sure of it! She was pulling Angela up! I think she was going to give the mom the win! I told you she had compassion!

Cari: Don�t be an idiot! Viper would have broken her kids arm had Janus not quit the match!

Kenny: Call it a hunch, I don�t think so! I think I see a very different side to Lesley Magnus now!

Before Cari could reply the arena was thrown into darkness causing the commotion to die down. Then, the haunting first few bars of the Twilight Zone bring the crowd to life and as the lights flash on the music explodes and Jennifer Christian strides boldly down the ramp to the ring! Glaring fiercely at Viper she climbs into the ring wearing jeans and a T-shirt and has some type of material slung over her shoulder. Grabbing the mike she moves to the center of the ring and stands with her arms folded glaring at the Viper who has gotten to her feet.

"I know a lot of you are wondering what I am doing here! Well, I�m going to tell you a story!"

Kenny: Oh good, I love stories!

Cari: I don�t think she is going to do Winnie the Pooh for you!

Kenny: Are you sure?

The blonde teen continues.

"It�s a story of a wedding, arguably the happiest day of any woman�s life!"

Loud cheers from the partisan women in the crowd!

"It�s also the story of a monster!" As Jenn gazed directly at Lesley the crowd broke into a chorus of booing!

Kenny: I think I am beginning to see the light here!

"First there was a lovely bride who decided to share the happiest day of her life with her fans!"

Cari: Nina LaRue.

"There was also the select group of women who were to share and assist this wonderful moment�her bridesmaids!"

Cari: The devoted Sisterhood, including our cocky storyteller!

Kenny: Speaking of being brave or being stupid!

Cari: She has guts, never doubt that!

"Then, there was�the monster! A monster who could not handle her foul mood and decided to take out her anger on an unsuspecting target!"

More booing from the crowd with Lesley starting to get a little red in the face.

"Yes, this monster�this�COWARD surprised an unsuspecting young girl just about to go out and help make the brides night an unforgettable experience and attacked her from behind, brutally beating on her until she couldn�t move, and then, she left her! Left her bleeding and bruised, the beautiful dress she was to wear for the wedding torn to shreds!"

The teen dramatically pulls the fabric from her shoulder and thrusts it out in front of her!

"This dress!"

Kenny: Oh dear! I did wonder.

Cari: She�s got the crowd with her!

By now the booing and jeering had reached extreme levels!

"Ruining forever not just her victim�s night, but the night of the young bride as well, and everyone who took part in the wedding!" The young bride, you all know as Nina LaRue! The young bridesmaid, well, even Kenny Harbour has that one figured out!"

Cari: Hahahaha!

"And the monster�was Lesley Magnus!!"

Loud hissing and booing followed at the announcement of the name and Lesley Magnus to her credit just glared back at the effrontery of the young blonde!

"Lesley�I don�t know why you decided to ruin so many people�s night that night. I never thought ill of you; I even fought with you once as your partner! Why you chose to forget that I�ll never know either! What I do know, is that I will never be able to make up to my friend for what happened that night, but know one thing!"

Cari: Here it comes! "Viper, I will never forget what you did and as these people are my witness, I will do everything in my power to try and right the wrong! Magnus!




With that she slams down the microphone and rolls out of the ring to waves of cheering from the crowd, the frown never leaving her face as she disappears.

Cari: Wow! That was unexpected!

Kenny: But enthralling! What a finish! What a match!

Cari: This one is finally over! I�m not even sure I remember who won!

WINNER: Viper Lesley Magnus by DQ.
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