Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson
Buffy "The Slayer" Lawrence

{ Fade in after a commercial break }

{ The camera pans over the capacacity crowd inside the BRA arena. The fans are still cheering from the Peggy and Nina match. The shot the goes to the announcers table, where Garry and Sandra are seated. }

Sandra: Hello and welcome back everyone. Well the first match of the evening certainly was exciting, and that was just the begining of an action packed evening. So hold on tight, another great match is about to happen.

Garry: It is? I thought this was another of those damn Jenny against a Body Shopper matches.

Sandra: It is, Jenny is............

Garry: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO SHE'S FACING!!!! Still boring, get me another beer.

Sandra: Oh ok Rock, I'll get right on that.....NOT!!!! As I was saying before the human beer gut so rudely interupted me, Jenny is going against Buffy "The Slayer" Lawrence, and this should be an exciting matchup.

Garry: Pfft....wake me when it's over! Oh, and if Mommy Dearest comes out, just let me sleep. I'm a tad hung over still from last night, and the site of her would make me blow chow.

Sandra: GROSS!!!

Garry: Yes, Sherry is just that.....


Garry: OUCH!!!! Don't start that crap again.

Sandra: Keep your trap shut, and I wont.

The lights in the arena slowly dim, and colored spotlights swirl around the arena as "Enter Sandman" by Metallica begins to play over the sound system.
The stage then blazes up.

Garry: Oh dear, call the 911!!! This place is on fire!

Sandra: This is cool, shut up!

The jumbotron then comes to life........

Buffy then comes into view, as she emerges from a hidden elevator on the stage, that lifts her up to stage level. Fireballs shoot up to towards the ceiling as this happens....

Buffy then takes off towards the ring. The ring is lit up with the Slayer symbol in the center of it, and once again, the Jumbotron comes to life........

Buffy stands in the center of the ring, and holds her hands high in the air, and then drops them to her side, and a concusion grenade explodes, letting out a deafening tone, and the arena goes dark, then the entire stage bursts into flames........

Then the lights pop back on, and Buffy is found standing on the turnbuckles, with her arms waving in the air, and the fans cheer her on.

Sandra: WOW!

Garry: What happened, you sit on a tack? No that can't be, you'd never feel it through all the cargo you sport back there.


Sandra: One of these days, I'm draggin your sorry ass into that ring, and giving you the beating you so richly deserve!!!

Garry: OK, but go get me a beer now, I'm almost out.

Sandra: Prick!

Sandra: No No No Budweiser! I've never heard of Prick beer.

Sandra: Your hopeless!

Garry: No, I'm thirsty!

Sandra: I give up.

The lights in the arena slowly dim, the spotlights around the arena start blinking red and white colors. and the new version of the Ohio State fight Song sounds through the arena sound system. The crowds turns to the entrance and Jenny Anderson comes out from the back holding two pom poms at chest heigth. she smiles brightly and starts waving her arms slowly starting a pom pom routine at the entrance ramp. Jenny ends it by doing a split on the ramp leading down from the entrance. Jenny then bounces to her feet and starts making her way towards the ring throwing pom poms into the crowd as she moves towards the ring. At the half way Jenny will pick up speed and start doing several cartwheels and ends it with a sommersault a few feet from the ring. Jenny waves her arms to her fans. Jenny then turns and climbs into the ring jumping over the top rope. she then points towards the entrance and Jenny�s music stops, and Goldfinger starts blaring through the sound system. }

Sandra: UT OH!!! I know that music!

Garry: You do?

Sandra: Yup, and you can bet your last buck, that Sherry is furious right now. This is Evonne Carmikels music!

Garry: Oh cool, I like her!

{ Evonne comes down to the ring, and is greeted with boos and hisses from the fans, she stops outside of the ring, and Jenny then hands her pom poms to Evonne who puts them away. }

Sandra: Buffy knows Evonne well, and is not at all pleased with her presence here.

Garry: Awww poo baby....Umm DEAL WITH IT!!!

Sandra: I really can't beleive that Jenny has sunk this low. She has brought out was has to be the Shops biggest nemisis to the ring with her. Oh look, Buffy is yelling at jenny, let's see if we can pick it up.

Buffy: I really don't understand you Jenny. You know Evonne is nothing but trouble. How many times will she hurt you, before you realize that???

Jenny: Oh Buffy, why don't you just make this easy on yourself, just lay down, and we'll end this right now.

Buffy: Get real runt, I don't lay down for anyone!

Jenny: Fine, don't say I didn't give you a chance then.

Buffy: Sheesh Jenny, what in the hell have you been smoking?

{ The ref steps in between the two ladies, and makes them go to their corners, and wait for the bell. }

Garry: Damn refs, always stop things when they're getting good.

Sandra: He's doing his job fool, now do yours!

Garry: Looks like the ref is signaling for the bell.


Garry: And here we go! Jenny comes charging out of her corner, and nails Buffy with a drop kick, that sends The Slayer to the mat. Now Jenny runs and bounces off of the ropes, and does a cartwheel, and she comes down with a legdrop across Buffy's throat.

Sandra: Oh my, what a move that was!

Garry: Not bad. Jenny seems proud of it, as she keeps her foot pressed down on Buffys throat, and waves her arms to the fans.

Sandra: Yea, but the fans aren't giving her the reception she was looking for, and you can see the confusion on Jenny's face from that now.

Garry: She doesn't need fans. Jenny now gets to her feet, and brings Buffy up with her, she Irish Whips her into the ropes. Buffy bounces off and heads towards the waiting Cheerleader, who nails Buffy in her already aching throat, with a clothesline, that nearly decapitates Buffy.

Sandra: Come on Jenny, knock it off!

Garry: She is, she' trying to knock Buffy's head off!

{ Jenny goes over and gets some advise from Evonne, then heads back towards Buffy. }

Garry: Here comes that mean ole Cheerleader again. She leaps into the air, and comes down on Buffy with an elbow drop, but Buffy telegraphed that one coming in, and rolled out of the way at the last second, and Jenny lands hard on her elbow on the canvas.

Sandra: Come on Buff, crank it up now!

Garry: The Slayer groggily gets up, and makes her way to Jenny. She grabs Jenny's arms, and applies a Surfboard hold on her.

Sandra: Wise choice of moves by Buffy, she needs to wear Jenny down some, and this is an effective move for doing so.

{ Jenny screams out in pain, and Evonne hops up on the ring apron, and is demanding that the ref make Buffy release Jenny. }

Sandra: What a nut! That move is perfectly legal!

Garry: She's just keping the ref on his toes. These Shoppers love to cheat, and she's making sure he's ready for when it happens.

Sandra: Oh get real!

Garry: Well, Jenny just got her foot on the ropes, so the ref is making Buffy break the hold.

Sandra: Yep, and she does so CLEANLY!

Garry: Miracles do happen I guess. Jenny has rolled herself out of the ring, and is now getting advise from her manager, Evonne.

Sandra: Uh huh, I doubt it's good advise. The kid is probably learning how to kill Buffy, and get away with it.

Garry: Oh get real! Anyways, Jenny best get back in there before the ref counts her out.

{ Jenny starts to get back in, and Buffy runs over, and grabs her by the hair, and begins helping her in, but Evonne reaches up, and pokes Buffy in the eye, causing Buffy to fall to the mat, holding her eye. Evonne just walks away with a sinister look on her face. }

Sandra: There we go, typical Evonne tactics come into play.

Garry: Wrong! Evonne was helping Jenny back in, and her hand slipped...Yea, that is how it happened!

Sandra: Yea right, drink another beer fatty.

Garry: I would, IF I had one dammit!

Sandra: Well go get one!

Garry: Can't, the Cheerleader is back on offense now. Jenny grabs Buffy by the hair, and brings her to her feet. Now Jenny Irish Whips Buffy into the ropes, and then nails her with a clothesline as she bounces off of them. Buffy lands hard on the mat, and rolls over close to the ropes.

Sandra: What in the hell is Jenny doing now?

Garry: I dunno, looks like she wants to have a little chat with the ref. Seems she showing him her shoe, she must have a problem with it.

Sandra: BULL!!! It's a cover!!! Look at Evonne, she's choking the life out of Buffy!!!!

Garry: Oh no no, she trying to revive her, that was a nasty clothesline she just took.

Sandra: What the?? The crowd is cheering like they aprove of this, I don't get........OH Now I get it, LOOK!!!!!

Garry: Oh geeeezz! It's that old cow Sherry Ann making her way...umm quickly to the ring. Look out Evonne!!!

{ Sherry runs up to Evonne, taps her on the shoulder, when she turns around, Sherry NAILS her in the face with a punch, that drops her to the floor. }

Garry: This is an outrage, she has no buisness being out here!!!

Sandra: WRONG! Sherry is a licensed manager, she has every right to be out here!

{ Sherry talks to Buffy, and gives her some advise, then she walks over, and stomps on Evonne. Jenny sees this and is furious, and takes her mind off of Buffy, and goes to the ropes to yell at her mother. Buffy takes advantage of this, and grabs Jenny, and rolls her into a sunset flip pin. Sherry runs back to the ring apron, and cheers Buffy on, but Jenny kicks out at two. }

Garry: That wench knew Jenny would do that!!!!

Sandra: Nobody knows Jenny better than Sherry. She let this match go without getting involved till Carmikel interfered, now it's Sherry's turn to help out Buffy. Funny thing is, Jenny has forgotten what Sherry preaches most to her girls, and that's to remain focused. Just look at Jenny, she's still only worried about her mother being out there, and once again, has taken her mind off of Buffy.

Garry: Nope, Jenny knows what she's doing this time, look!

{ While Jenny and Sherry exchange pleasantries, Evonne gets back up, bloody nose and all, and nails Sherry with a kidney punch, that drops her to the floor. }

Garry: heheheh I love it!!

Sandra: Well Buffy remains focused on Jenny, and nails her the same way Evonne nailed Sherry, and Jenny slumps over the ropes, in pain.

Garry: The Slayer now grabs Jenny, and lifts her up, and nails her with a side saddle suplex....Nice move by Buffy there, but Jenny rolls out of the ring, and Buffy follows her this time.

Sandra: Jenny takes off running, and Buffy is in hot pursuit, and UT OH!!!!!

Garry: Hehehehehe they run right up to Evonne, and she has Jenny's pom pom in her hand, and a spray comes out, and nails Buffy in the face.

Sandra: It's that damn pepper spray again, poor Buffy!!

Garry: oh yes, poor dear, listen to her cry in pain, I feel sooo sorry for her....NOT!!

Sandra: Shut up asswipe!

{ Jenny notices the ref counting them out, she signals to Evonne to help her get Buffy back in the ring, as she isn't finished with her, and doesn't want to win by count out. Evonne and Jenny throw Buffy back into the ring, and then Jenny quickly follows her in. Evonne then gets nailed from behind by Sherry, who just got back up.}

Garry: Nice Pearl Harbor by Sherry...sheesh!

Sandra: Oh and Evonne wasn't deserving of that???

Garry: Nupe!

Sandra: Yes she was, and is she ever paying for it now, Sherry is going balistic on Evonne. WOW! She just whacked her with a chair!!! I've seen Sherry go nuts, but she is flat out going wild on Evonne now!!!

Garry: Yea, well look in the ring, Jenny is putting Buffy in the Sherry Crab!!!

Sandra: Oh crap, Sherry will really be pissed when she sees this!

{ Jenny really lays into the Crab, and Buffy howls in pain. Jenny then yells out to Sherry, "Hey mom, cool move! Now I'm gonna snap her spine!" Sherry looks up, and has fire in her eyes, "Alright Jenny, let her go dammit!!" Jenny just laughs, and leans back into the hold, causing Buffy to scream out her submission, but Jenny doesn't let go, and just sticks her tongue out at her mother. }

Sandra: Oh come on Jenny, enough is enough! Let her go!

Garry: Oh wow, Sherry is getting into the ring. Holy crap!!! She just slapped Jenny in the face!!!

Sandra: I never thought she could get herself to do that to jenny, though the little brat sure as hell has been in need of it for a long time, but DAMN, Jenny still wont let go of the hold. UT OH!!!!

Garry: UT OH is right, here comes Bianca, and the Hellion is not looking to pleased that her mom slapped her little sister.

Sandra: Sherry turn around!!!

{ Bianca slides into the ring unknown to Sherry, Jenny sees her, but doesn't let onto it. Bianca takes off running, and dives at Sherry with a spear, but Sherry steps aside at the last second, and Bianca spears Jenny instead, and both land hard as they fly through the ropes, Bianca goes head first, into the guardrail. Sherry turns around, and is in shock at what she sees, she never knew Bianca was in there, and stepped aside just by pure luck. }

Sandra: Oh dear, did you see how Bianca landed?

Garry: Yes I did, and she isn't moving at all. Jenny is stirring, and in the ring, Sherry is checking on Buffy, who seems to be ok.

Sandra: Jenny didn't have that Crab on properly, or Buffy would have a broken back right now. Now what is Sherry going to do? She looks down at her daughters, who are obviously both injured, and just stares at them.

Garry: My advise would be for her to get the hell out, when they come to, they're gonna kill her. Of course now that I think about it, maybe Bianca meant to nail Jenny? It seemed so orchistrated.

Sandra: Oh get real, Bianca is a nut, but she'd never hurt Jenny, Sherry, yes, Jenny, NEVER!

{ Sherry is now down on the floor checking on her daughters. She sees Jenny is moving around, then goes to Bianca, who still hasn't moved. Sherry drops to her knees, and comforts her eldest daughter, but is carefull not to move her, as she is unsure of the severity of her injuries. }

Sandra: This doesn't look good at all.

Garry: No it doesn't. Bianca really hit that guardrail hard with her head.

Sandra: Sherry is signaling for medical help, and the e.m.t.'s quickly make their way to ringside to help out.

{ Jenny gets up, and then grabs Sherry by the hair, but Sherry is in no mood for bullcrap now, and she just shoves Jenny away, knocking her into the ring apron, then gets in her face, "Look ya little brat, your sister is hurt bad, don't be screwing around!!!" Jenny then sees the her sister not moving, and kneels down next to Sherry as they watch the medical team work on Bianca. Sherry holds Bianca's hand, and Jenny rubs her thigh. }

Sandra: This is an emotional moment here folks. I do hope Bianca is alright. All te members of the Body Shop have come down to the ring now, to show their support of Sherry in this, and even Buffy has gotten up, and is standing behind Sherry.

Garry: We umm better go to a commercial break now.

Sandra: Yes, that would be best. They have a neck brace on Bianca, and have her on a backboard now. So they'll be taking her out of here soon. We'll be back with more action in a couple minutes.

Garry: Umm your winner was Jenny by submission, but that really isn't important now I suppose.

{ The camera begins to fade out, as the wheel Bianca up the aisle on the stretcher, with Sherry walking next to it, holding Bianca's hand still, and then just before the camera goes black, it zooms in on their hands, and shows Bianca's hand clench tightly to Sherry's }

{ Fade out } 1

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