logoMeagan Delanoire vs. Pia Ling

[Fade in]

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to BRA. And now, onto the next match up for the evening. First, from Dover, New Hampshire, standing at 5'10" and 159 - Meagan Delanoire!

[The lights of the auditorium dim slightly and an excited hum buzzes throughout the arena. The Angeltron blazes to life as BlackStreet's " No Diggity" thrums soulfully from the speakers. A golden laser slices across the darkened Angeltron screen leaving in its wake the words "Ms. Delanoire". Ms. Delanoire struts from backstage with a devilish grin. The buxom beauty wears a clingy white tanktop with the words "Body Shop Bitch" scrawled across the front. The tight-fitting shirt ends just above her tummy and a pair of wine colored, high-cut briefs. Her hair is done up in a tight bun and she is barefoot.]

Garry: "Body Shop Bitch?" Like that's going to help us tell her apart from the rest?

Sandra: [enraged] Mind your mouth!

Garry: Besides, she's no Shopper anymore.

Sandra: Unfortunately. I fear differences of opinion on Jenny Anderson may have driven a wedge between Meagan and Sherry Ann.

Announcer: Her opponent this evening, from Brussels, Belgium, standing at 5'5" and 102 pounds - Pia Ling!

[Meagan's music ceases and the arena goes dark. The music of Canes Vena Tice by Underground Zero starts playing. The audience is waiting for Pia to come out.]

Garry: Uh...

[They wait.]

Sandra: Er... do you see her?

[And they wait.]

Garry: Nope.

[And finally, Pia shows up, walking slowly. She is nervous. She is very nervous. She is obviously trembling. She looks to the floor, too scared to look up. Then, suddenly, she does look up, and sees her opponent standing in the ring and...]

Garry: I can't believe I'm watching this.


Garry: That's the first wrestler I've seen who needed training wheels to get into the damn ring.

[... she runs back to the dressing room, obviously scared.]

Garry: What the ---?

Sandra: Oh, this doesn't bode well for Pia.

[The music of Canes Vena Tice by Underground Zero stops playing.]

Garry: So on to the next match!

[Meagan is obviously annoyed by this show, as is the referee. While Pia's fans cheer for her return, many fans voice their disdain for Pia's retreat. Meagan walks to the announcer, who merely shrugs and takes his microphone again.]

Announcer: Uh... Pia Ling!

Sandra: Pia best come out here if she wants a win.

[Pia comes out a second time. And the music of Canes Vena Tice by Underground Zero starts to play again. This time she looks more confident. One of her managers must have talked to her. She is all smiles now and she looks happy. Then she looks up at her opponent and she is standing perplexed. She doesn't move. Her eyes are wide open. She is staring at Meagan. Staring at her opponent from sheer admiration.]

Garry: Oh, jiminey, not another love connection!

[Pia, normally an energetic girl, stands in awe, her mouth gaping. One of her managers comes out of the entrance way and tries to restrain her. He takes her back to the dressing room. He wants to talk to her.]

Sandra: Okay, now I'm getting irritated.

[Meagan's face flushes with anger as she turns to the referee, furiously demanding some sort of action. The ring announcer, almost as angered as most the fans, holds up his microphone.]

Announcer: [irate] Pia Ling!

[Pia comes out a third time. She has this cute little smile on her face.]

Garry: Great. What're we going to get outta her now?

[ Canes Vena Tice by Underground Zero starts to play a third time. This time, Pia Ling brings flowers to the ring. She is all smiles. She uses the ringsteps and starts talking to Meagan.]

Sandra: What's she saying?

Garry: Hell if I know! Give her a microphone, someone!

[The ring announcer steps over and quickly in hands Pia the mic. She looks into the audience and starts to stutter.]

Pia: I......I......I......want to say to A.....I want....I want... I want .....I want....I want.....I want....I want.....I want....I want to say to Meagan she is a great wrestler and I always admired her. I want to give you these flowers as a token of admiration and sportmanship.

[After these words Pia Ling gives Meagan the flowers...]

Sandra: That... that's so sweet!

[...and starts crying.]

Garry: It would be more touching if Pia didn't say it to every wrestler she came across.

[Meagan stares at the flowers, then at the crying girl, a bit perplexed by everything. Then, shockingly, Meagan gives a warm smile. She smells the flowers, and holds them out to Pia, gesturing for her to do the same.]

Sandra: [trying not to cry] This is so... different. This could be a wonderful new trend.

[Many of Meagan's fans, however, seem to disagree, as they begin to heckle the gesture. Pia, excited, tries to wipe away her tears pushes her face closer to the bouquet. She closes her eyes and inhales deeply. About that time, Meagan slams her clenched fist across Pia's nose, spiralling her into the ropes.]

Garry: [sobbing] You're right. That was beautiful.

Sandra: I hate you with every ounce of my being, fat boy.

[The announcer dives form the ring as the bell rings. Meagan tosses the flowers angrilly from the ring and closes in on Pia, who is picking herself up, stunned by the attack.]

Garry: Meagan's starting her Shop-Free life out right! She scoops little Pia up and wham-o! Bodyslam! Pia shouldn't have kept Meagan waiting.

Sandra: Those were such pretty flowers! How mean of Meagan!

Garry: How idiotic of Pia. Meagan pulls Pia up by the hair - oof! Pia slams her open palm into Meagan's belly! A little fire in this one.

Sandra: Which Meagan seems intent on putting out. Meagan scratches across Pia's eyes and scoops her up for another bodysla- no! Meagan dumps Pia out of the ring!

[Meagan tosses the little lady from the ring. Pia lands just near a ringpost, on her back. She stares up, dazed and sputtering. Meagan climbs the ropes and jumps, landing feet first in Pia's midsection. Pia sits up and screams from the jolt. The referee begins his count.]

Garry: Ow, baby, ow! A brutal tactic by Meagan Delanoire! Meagan has Pia up by the hair! Meagan slams Pia's face into the railing! One, two, three, four times!

[Pia pushes away, clutching her forehead. Meagan moves towards her, but ducks and legsweeps Meagan. Meagan stumbles but catches herself by holding the railing.]

Garry: Meagan won't be knocked over that easily!

Sandra: No, but she won't go without a few bruises. Pia kicks up and headscissors Meagan, pulling the beauty to the ground. Pia's up and heads to the ring.

[Pia begins to climb the ropes and enter ringside, but Meagan is already up and upon her. Meagan grabs Pia by the legs and lowers her head, sitting Pia on her shoulders. Meagan yanks back and stands tall, holding the smaller woman up. Pia looks horrified at the turn of events.]

Sandra: Pia's going for a little ride as Meagan takes a few steps back and backdrops - sorta - Pia onto the railing.

[Pia again sputters and she slams, back first, into the railing. She lays there, as Meagan rises and yanks her from the railing. Pia slams on the concrete floor. Meagan knee drops Pia in the midsection before lifting her and tossing her into the ring as the count reaches fourteen. Meagan crawls into the ring, but meets with a surprise - Pia is not only up, but she's whipped herself against the ropes. Pia catches Meagan in a flying headscissor and, falling back, hurls Meagan's body against the mat.]

Sandra: Stunning turn of events for little Pia! Pia attempts a camel clutch, but Meagan latches onto the rope before Pia can come close! Meagan is pulling herself up, but catches a heel kick to the jawline! That little girl packs a wallop, because Meagan's on her back! Pia struggles to lift Meagan - backdrop!

Garry: Yeah, but lifting Meagan took some wind outta Pia - she's not exactly geared towards that sorta thing, y'know?

Sandra: Definately. Meagan is already getting up - Tiger claw strike across Pia's face followed by a whirlwind kick!

Garry: Watch it, Pia! Her face is one of her three best features.

Sandra: Meagan takes a swift kick to the gut -

Garry: [sly] Guess what her other two are.

Sandra: Followed by a legsweep!

Garry: C'mon! Guess!

Sandra: Meagan's trying to stand, but Pia's getting in the opposite corner!

[Meagan, seeing Pia charge, drops on her back and. Pia runs, jumping over Meagan. She lands on the middle rope and does a backflip, splashing on top of Meagan. Immediately, Pia goes for a pin.]


Kick out!

[Meagan, disgusted by the turn of events, rams a thumb into Pia's throat and rolls out of the ring to catch her breath. The referee begins his count. Pia stands, looking at Meagan, very concerned. She tries to entice Meagan back into the ring, shouting comforting phrases to Meagan and re-assuring her of her ability. Meagan glares back contemptuously.]

Garry: Oh, little one, you shall learn when to shut your mouth.

[Slowly, Meagan enters the ring. Pia looks happy to see this, and welcomes her opponent back. Meagan gnashes her teeth.]

Sandra: The women circle - Pia goes for another sweep, but Meagan jumps it and slams a kick right into Pia's inner thigh! Sweet God!

[Pia hops around, rubbing her thigh and rambling about the pain. Meagan strides over to Pia and takes hold of her, draping her over her shoulders in a backbreaker.]

Garry: Look at the expression on Pia's face! Priceless!

Sandra: Meagan drops little Pia in a chest breaker! Meagan rolls Pia over for a pin, but Pia grabs the ropes.

Garry: Chicken.

Sandra: Meagan pulls Pia from her salvation and applies a legbar! Pia brings her free leg across Meagan's face.

[Pia vigorously kicks Meagan across the face three times. After the final blow, Meagan is forced to retreat from her opponent. Meagan turns to the side of the ring and rubs the hit area, collecting her wits. Pia ceases the opporunity.]

Garry: Meagan turns around as Pia goes for a Sommersault dropkick that misses its target!

Sandra: Meagan was expecting something like that, I'll gather, and she looks ready to end this whole affair.

[Pia slams against the mat and is greeted by an elbow drop to the sternum. Before Pia can react, Meagan lifts her and tosses her into mid-ring. Meagan sits abroad Pia's shoulders, wrapping her legs under, then clenching, Pia's arms with her legs. Pia struggles but Meagan wraps her arms around Pia's head, pressing her face against Meagan's stomach. Pia struggles for a bit, but the struggling stops. Meagan smiles wickedly, but then catches a headbutt in the stomach from Pia.]

Garry: Pia must've talked to Peg, because that didn't work on her, either!

Sandra: Maybe not, but it did slow Pia down enough! Meagan beats on Pia's face a bit and goes for a quick and easy pin!



Sandra: That's it for little Pia. She was barely counted out.

Garry: I'm beginning to love this Meagan - now she's free from Sherry's corruption.

[Just as the camera is ready to cut to a commercial, Meagan yanks the referee's belt off and folds it. She glares at Pia and motions for her to come closer. Pia's eyes widen with fear, as she jumps from the ring. Meagan pursues, but is caught by security who allow Pia to escape.]

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