Princess Peggy Christian
Nina Larue

A hush falls over the the fans as the comercial break comes to a close. One of their favorites was ready to come out...and they wanted to help her all the way to another victory! A few guys just got back from bathroom breaks or a refill of cold brew while some of the girls, holding hands with little children, come back with BRA souveniers and the such to remember the occasion.

"Nina, I abhore rulebreakers, but when you mess with my family, you mess with us all! Brynn, honey, this is for you!" flashes over the jumbotron as Peggy makes her intentions clear tonight. The crowd, feeling the match is starting, look toward the back hoping to catch a glimpse of the Princess.

"She's a Lady" by Tom Jones starts over the speakers. The fans jump to their feet and cheer loudly! With a nervous smile, Princess Peggy Christian peeks out from the back looking to the fans. She steps out and starts to make her way down the aisle. Wearing a black spandex unitard, black kneepads, and black soft leather wrestling boots. A black silk thigh length kimono completes her outfit. Peggy climbs up the corner steps then through the ropes as she prepares for her opponent to come down.

The fans calm and the arena seems to go back to normal. Pyros suddenly explode as fireworks fill the air above everyone in the arena. "The Goddess" Nina Larue steps out from behind the curtain to a series of boos and hisses. "Miss BRA" Tiffany Lane comes out behind her and both prance down the aisle toward the ring as "Sexy MF" by Prince blares over the loud speakers. The light shines on Nina's long black hair that falls to the small of her back. She smiles to everyone even though they give her the thumbs down showing off her pearly white teeth as she makes her way to the ring in her sexy pink thong bikini and matching thigh-high boots. Tiffany clones Nina's performance in her pink Dior Original Gown, Miss BRA tiara and red sash. Amongst the boos and hisses can be heard catcalls and whistles from some of the men. There female companions bonk them on the head or glare at them for making such advances on the two beauties. They step into the ring, pose and preen as flashbulbs go off, and ignore the fans around them as they are above them. Tiffany steps out of the ring and to the concrete as Nina stares Peggy down.


Peggy steps out with her hands up in a defensive position. Nina leans in the corner, throws her head back, and laughs at her advances. She pushes off of the turnbuckles and steps toward Peggy ready to meet her. They lock up in the middle of the ring pushing and shoving on each other for the advantage. Peggy steps forward and throws Nina into her corner. Nina looks shocked as she slides up in the corner to glare at a smiling Princess Peggy.

"Old woman...I am going to send you running back to your household chores!"

Nina extends her claws and leaps from the corner with blinding speed. Peggy is ready for her though and hooks one of her outstretched arms tossing Nina to the mat with a hiptoss. A small amount of pain shoots through Nina's back but her gasp is more of shock and humiliation than anything else. She sits up on her knees and shoots daggers at the confident Peg. She gets back to her feet and cautiously steps forward this time. Peggy meets her happily and the two again ensue a power struggle. Nina gets the better of the rookie this time and hairmares her over her shoulder. Peggy lands on her butt sitting up as Nina kicks her in her back to capitalize on the opportunity. Leaning forward, Peggy holds her back before standing again.

The two combatants circle the ring as the fans hoot and hollar. Nina steps forward to take the initiative and locks her arms with Peggy's. She sends a kick to Peggy's gut which foraces the Princess to take a step back before catching a spinning heel kick in her face. She falls back crashing to the mat as Nina advances and Tiffany cheers her stablemate on. Peggy holds her reddening right cheek in her hand and tries to recover but Nina just kicks her under the bottem rope and out to the floor. She looks to the ref and holds her hands up. Stepping to her, the referee questions Nina if she did that on purpose which she just shakes her head. The damage has already been done as Tiffany throws two high heel kicks right into Peg's soft gut. Peggy gasps and feels the air leave her as she falls into a heap next to the ring. She pulls Peg to her feet and throughs her back in the ring to her friend. The ref looks to Tiffany who also throughs her hands up smiling to him.

Nina looks confidently to Peg as she uses up her energy trying to get to her feet. Nina helps her up the rest of the way with her hair, then pushes her shoulders down so Peg has to kneel.

"Kneel...KNEEL before the GODDESS!!!"

Peggy looks up to the beauty queen and throws a quick punch to her stomach doubling her over. Peg gets back on her feet and takes Nins by the head. Turning Nina around, she locks her arms around her ahoulders and her fingers behind her head. Nina squeels as the full nelson is locked into place firmly. She squirms and bucks trying to free herself but to no avail. The Princess has the nelson locked on firmly with her fingers locked in tight. Peggy feels the ropes press against her back and suddenly they slip past her as Nina backs her through them. Both of them tumble out to the floor and hit hard! The fans jump to their feet to get a better view of the action.

Both women get to their feet wobbling still from their tumble. Nina throws a wild right hook that just misses Peg's bruised right cheek. Peggy grabs a hold of Nina and shoves her into the apron of the ring. She shrieks and holds her back as the force of the blow makes it's way up her back. Tiffany watches the action from behind a corner in safety not wanting to mar her pretty original Dior gown or prized tiara. Peggy steps forward and grabs Nina's head once again. She pulls Nina to her feet and locks an armbar on with a growl.

"This is for Brynn!"

Nina screams and falls to the mat holding her strained shoulder. She shuts her eyes and tries to fight the force to get to her feet but with no success. Nina, using the force in her shoulder, twists her body around and thrusts out a leg sweeping Peg to the concrete. She lunges forward on top of the middle-aged wrestler trying to rip her eyes out out of frutration with how the match is going. Peg catches her arms and holds her back but both roll around on the concrete trying to gain the upperhand. Suddenly the last thing on their minds is heard....


"Ladies and Gentlemen...both combatants have been counted out!"

Both ladies release the other and get to their knees. Tiffany runs over and tries to help Nina to her feet but the Goddess lunges forward looking very much out of her mind and wanting Peg's blood! Tiffany holds her back and Peg backs away with a smile on her face seeing that she has done the damage she intended to do.

"Old woman!!! This is not over! How dare you!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!"

Peg just bows slightly as if she just gave a great performance. Tiffany pulls at Nina and guides her down the aisle as the woman screams and hisses at the Princess. Peg follows behind at a distance but slaps the hands of her fans and waves to them as she sees this as a victory. Pushing Tiffany away, Nina straigtens her hair as best she can and holds her head high in defiance. She walks on her own to the curtain with Tiffany closely behind before disappearing behind. A BRA security guard steps out from behind the curtain and asks Peggy to wait a moment before going to the back. She nods and turns back to the crowd blowing kisses and waving to all of them. Soon the guard taps her on the shoulder and both disappear to the locker rooms.

Winner: Double Count-out


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