Samantha Page
The Marquise Yvette DeSade Malreaux

( The Camera fades up from commercial. The BRA arena is once again jammed packed with thousands of screaming fans. Hundreds of homemade signs turn the crowd into a sea of multi-colored cardboard. “ WHY JENNY WHY “, “USA, the Americana Way” are just two of the many signs. The camera pans across the arena, slowly zooming in on the announcer’s table. Sandra and Garry sit side by side. Garry gulps down his complimentary hotdog as Sandra takes a sip from her bottled water.)

Sandra: “Welcome back folks, this next match up is bound to be a great one, considering that both combatants have a real dislike for each other.”

Garry: “Yeffss, boffus thezzes lavies…..”

Sandra: “Can’t you at least swallow that piece of pig’s foot before talking?!”

( Garry gulps down the rest of his meal and smiles. ) Garry: “ahhh, as I was saying, both of these ladies hate each other. But really, it comes down to jealousy. Page is jealous of the Marquise.”

Sandra: “What?”

Garry: ”You see, it’s really quite simple. The sisterhood is in perfect order. They are a cohesive unit. The Shop is falling apart at the seems and Samantha can’t deal with it. So she has to lash out at Yvette. It’s a shame.”

Sandra: “ yeah right, look the Shop might be having some troubles, but The sisterhood isn’t doing to well either, Tiffany and Laura have been at each other’s throats over the “Miss BRA” incident.”

Garry: “Hah, minor squabble. It was easily dealt with. Unlike the Shop, the Sisterhood settles it’s matters in private and for the good of the stable. The Shop airs it’s dirty laundry out in the open and believe me, nothing is worse than seeing Peg’s panties…they must be at least a size….”


Garry: ”Owww”

( Suddenly the arena lights dim down. “ Know your Enemy “ begins to play. The crowd cheers as Samantha Page steps out from behind the curtain. She is dressed in her two piece Blue Bikini with matching boots. Her face has glitter on it and her hair dangles down around her shoulders. Behind her walks her tag partner, Buffy the Slayer. In her black spandex top and jean shorts. ) Sandra: “ Samantha has been on a tear lately. And she has been a thorn in Yvette’s side for a couple of weeks now. Last week, Sam and Buffy pulled off a great win against the Sisterhood’s tag specialists, but now she faces the head honcho.”

Garry: “That’s right, Yvette is through playing around and she will teach Page a lesson that she will never forget”

( Samantha climbs into the ring and waves to the fans as the ref checks her over )

Garry: ” That’s a great job, I should be a boob….I mean illegal devices checker”

Sandra: “Sure, we’d have to delay each match to wipe all your drool off the mat.”

( Suddenly the first few bars of the French National Anthem begin to play. Suddenly it cuts off. The lights go out and explosions, fireballs and spotlights go swirling. The Angeltron shows scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and explosions followed by the Lords of Acid's 'Out Comes the Evil.' Yvette appears from the curtains, clad in her white S&M style outfit with white crop and cape, then throws her head back, laughs and extends both arms, forming a 'Y' )

Sandra: “ Hmmm, she brings the whole crew with her?”

Garry:“ Of course she does, she is the Marquise, she needs to have her servants…I mean stablemates around to take care of the meaningless work.”

( Yvette stands at the wrestlers entrance , a microphone in her hand )

Yvette: “Samantha, it is unfortunate for you that tonight is phase two in Bastille's Reign of Terror. You are to be the second victim of many, to suffer my wrath."

( In the ring Samantha shows her displeasure by raising her middle finger and pointing it at Yvette. The crowd cheer’s as Yvette scowls. )

Garry: “ How rude!!! That is no way to treat royalty.”

Sandra: “ That’s how American’s deal with arrogant members of nobility.”

( Yvette starts to walk down the aisle. She gets to the ring and holds her arms out as Merci removes her cape. She then gracefully steps into the ring. The ref walks over to check her and is immediately chastised by Yvette )

Garry: “ That peasant!! To even question the Marquise’s honor like that!”

Sandra: “ Hardly, it’s common knowledge that Yvette comes from a long line of cheaters and thieves. Although my bet is that Merci and the others are packing all her hidden goodies.”

( Yvette scowls as the ref checks her boots and gives her the once over. He turns to the TimeKeeper and points


( Samantha steps out from her corner as Yvette gets into a savate stance. The two women close the gap on each other, each looking for the opening move. Yvette lashes out her foot and then steps back. Page backs off, holding her hands up for protection. Again , the gap closes, Yvette lunges forth with a kick, Sam sidesteps and grabs Yvette in a side headlock. The Marquise screams as Sam tightens her grip. Page suddenly grunts in pain as Yvette slams her fists up into Sam’s ribcage. Page quickly flips Yvette over in a hip toss sending her to the mat. Yvette lands on her butt and rolls quickly to her knees. Page charges in and slams her foot into Yvette’s chest, sending her back down to the mat. Sam quickly leaps up, and tries to ram her elbow into the Marquise’s midsection. The French warrior quickly rolls away and Sam hits canvas. Both woman quickly roll to their feet and glare at each other )

Sandra: “ Fast pace to start off this match. These two women are well matched. Sam being slightly larger and heavier “

Garry: “ Yeah, Silicone weighs more than….”


Garry: “ow..quit it!!”

( Sam and Yvette come together in a clinch. Yvette quickly rakes her hands across Sam’s eyes. The crowd boo’s as Page stumbles away, clutching her face. The ref warns Yvette about the infraction, but she pushes him aside and moves in on her blinded foe. Yvette grabs Samantha by the hair and snap mares her over. Page flips and lands on her back, Yvette maintains her hair hold and forces Page to her feet , again she forces the pretty blonde into a flip, slamming her back onto the canvas. The ref starts to count for a break as Yvette pulls Page up again. The Marquise lets go of the hair and takes a step back. )

Garry: ‘Ouch!!!’

( The Marquise lands a roundhouse kick to the side of Sam’s head. Her blonde hair whirls in the air as she is sent crashing to the mat. Yvette cracks an evil grin and looks down at her foe )

Yvette: "Your bloody, bruised carcass will be shipped back to the Body Shop in a bag, care of Yvette DeSade”

( Yvette bends down and lifts Samantha up by her hair. She whips Page into the ropes and takes off running in the other direction. Sam rebounds in and the Marquise leaps into the air, rotating her body and extending her leg. Her heel slams into the top of Samantha’s head, knocking her to the mat. )

Sandra: ** Spinning Heel Kick **

Garry: “ Yvette goes for the pin….1…2…Booo!!”

( Sam kicks out at 2, Yvette screams at the ref about a slow count. Merci and Kayla also scream at the ref. Laura Parker has her attention on Buffy. As the Slayer slams her hands on the mat, encouraging her partner on. Yvette pulls Sam up and whips her into the ropes again. Sam hits the strands and bounces back in. Yvette goes to grab her, but looks up in horror as Sam leaps into the air, extending her legs in front of her )

Sandra: **Dropkick**!!!

( Yvette is sent flying as Sam’s feet slam into her chest. The crowd cheer’s as Sam rises to her feet. She wipes her hair from her eyes and storms across the ring as Yvette starts to rise. She grabs the Marquise by the hair and pulls her up. Sam quickly lifts her opponent into the air and then slams her down on the mat. Yvette hits and bounces up quickly clutching her back. Page wastes no time and grabs Yvette by the arm and pulls her up once again. She goes to pick the Marquise up again, but Yvette’s knee rams up into her groin. A collective gasp is heard from the crowd as female fans boo, and males cross their legs in a shared agony. Sam doubles over, clutching her injured area. The ref screams at Yvette as she proclaims her innocence. She points at her lower midsection, informing the ref of where the blow landed. )

Sandra: “ Low Blow by Yvette!”

Garry:” Hardly, it was a gut shot”

Sandra: “Really?, The belly doesn’t go down that low”

Garry: “ Yours does….


( Yvette grabs Sam by the back of her head and then falls to the mat, slamming her face first into the canvas )

Garry: “ **Face Buster Slam**…and stop hitting me!!!!

Sandra: “ Yvette goes for the quick pin…..1…Kickout by Page. And I will hit you every time you say something stupid, which means I am going to be hitting you a lot!!”

Garry: "You are lucky that I am a gentleman , and that I won’t strike a woman, although you don’t really qualify…”

( Yvette quickly wraps her hands around Sam’s throat and begins to choke her. The ref starts to count for a break. Yvette waits until the last moment before breaking her hold. Immediately she wraps her hands down again, cutting off Sam’s o2 supply. Again she breaks the hold at the last second. She sneers at the ref as she hauls Page to her feet. She goes to lift Sam into a suplex position.. )

Garry; “ NO!!!”

Sandra:” Inside Cradle….1….2….Damn.”

( Sam catches Yvette by surprise and hooks her into a pinning position. Yvette powers out and immediately resumes her attack on Page. She begins to slam open palm shots into Sam’s chest and head. Page covers up as best she can and tries to squirm away. Yvette rises to her feet and starts landing kicks on her downed opponent. )

Yvette: “ That’s it worm, .crawl..crawl back to your Shop….”

( Yvette goes to stomp down on Samantha, suddenly Page lashes her foot out, smacking into the back of Yvette’s heel and knocking her off balance. Yvette stumbles backwards in a attempt to stay standing as Sam quickly pushes herself up. Sam smiles and puts her hands up in a boxer pose, Yvette scowls and goes into her savate stance. Both women circle each other once again. )

Sandra: “ As I said before, these two women a well matched. It’s going to come down to who makes the first mistake.”

Garry: “Hah! Page made the mistake of agreeing to this match.”

( Yvette steps forward and thrusts her leg towards Sam’s gut. Page hops backwards, grabbing Yvette’s leg in the process. The crowd cheers as Sam holds Yvette’s foot. The Marquise hops on one foot , a look of concern on her face. She reacts quickly and leaps into the air spinning her free leg around. )

Garry; **Enzuguri**!!!

Sandra: “NO!! Sam ducked!”

( Yvette's foot flies harmlessly past Page’s head as she ducks the blow. The Marquise is sent spinning and crashes to the mat, Sam maintains her leg hold and twists it into an ankle lock. Yvette howls in pain and scrambles towards the ropes. Sam twists violently on her ankle as the screams of the Marquise are heard above the roar of the crowd. Yvette reaches for the ropes but is inches away. The ref asks her if she wants to quit. )

Yvette: “Couchon!!! Jamais!!”

Garry: “ I think that was a no.”

( Yvette stretches out her arms , reaching for the safety of the ropes. Sam smirks and twists the ankle again, trying to complete a rotation. Kayla runs over and reaches her hands though the ropes and pulls Yvette closer. Samantha screams out in protest, but the deed is done before the ref can react. He yells at Kayla about the infraction but she just ignores him and steps away. Yvette grabs onto the bottom rope and screams for a break. The ref turns to Page and tells her to break. She smiles at him and waits for the 4 count before releasing her foe. She suddenly grabs Yvette by the legs and tries to pull her off the ropes. The Marquise holds on tight and Sam pulls her legs high into the air. The ref calls for a break as Yvette is lifted off the canvas. Sam lifts the legs up as high as she can, before slamming them down on the mat. Yvette yelps as her body slams into the canvas. Sam quickly reaches down and lifts Yvette up by her arm. She scoops Yvette onto her shoulders and then takes a couple of running steps…” )

Sandra: ** Big PowerSlam **!!!

( Yvette bounces on impact as Sam leaps into the air and slams Yvette down to the mat with all of her weight on top of her. Sam quickly hooks the leg…)

Garry: “..1…..2…..YES!!”

( Yvette kicks out at two, Buffy had her hands up in the air in celebration, but slams them against the mat and yells more encouragement to her partner. Page gets a wicked look on her face and pulls Yvette up by her hair. She suddenly rams her knee upward, slamming it into Yvette groin )

Garry: Foul!!! Cheat!!!

Sandra: “ Paybacks are a bitch, but I think Sam is going to get a talking to from Sherry for that move."

Garry: “ Why? This just goes to show that the Shop is a group of Hypocrites. They always cheat.”

Sandra: “ Sam is just getting some payback for Yvette’s earlier blow. But I do think she doesn’t need to lower herself to the level of her opponent.”

( Inside the ring Sam looks down at a gasping Yvette as the ref scolds her and warns of a DQ. )

Sam: “ How’d that feel Frenchy?”

( Sam ignores the ref and pulls Yvette to her feet. She lifts her up in a horizontal carry and then drops quickly to one knee, slamming Yvette’s back across her outstretched thigh. Yvette’s head and legs seem to impact into the mat as her body is viciously bent. )

Sandra: ** Back Breaker **

Garry: “Ouch…”

( Sam shoves Yvette off her leg and the Marquise falls to the mat , clutching her back. Sam rises to her feet and grabs a handful of the blonde locks of the Marquise DeSade. Sam lifts Yvette to her feet and whips her into the corner. Yvette crashes into the turnbuckles and stumbles out , only to be knocked to the mat by the charging Page. )

Sandra: “Short Arm Clothesline, sends DeSade to the mat”

( Sam quickly drops onto her opponent and hooks the leg. )

Garry: “1…2…heheeh..”

Sandra: “Booo..get her outta here!!!”

( The crowd boo’s as Kayla reaches into the ring and puts’ Yvette’s boot on the bottom rope. The ref stops his count when both Sisterhood members scream at him about the boot. Buffy walks over towards the sisterhood members, she screams at them about their “interference” Sam continues her assault in the ring. She lifts Yvette to her feet and goes to whip her into the opposite corner. )

Garry: “Reversal!!!!”

( Yvette reverses the throw and sends Page crashing into the turnbuckles. Sam crashes in chest first, her throat ramming into the top turnbuckle. She stumbles back into the middle of the ring. Yvette grabs her in a waist lock from behind and with a grunt lifts her up and then falls backwards )

Sandra: **Belly to Back Brainbuster……into a bridge!!!**

Garry: “ 1….2….SLOW COUNT!!!! “

( Yvette slams Page’s head and neck into the mat and then bridges up, holding Page to the down.. The ref slaps his hand down, but Sam kicks out at the last second. Yvette rises to her feet quickly and moves in on her opponent. She quickly wraps her arms around Samantha’s throat in a sleeper hold. )

Garry: “Sleeper!!”

Sandra: ”Look’s like a choke to me….”

( The ref goes to check the hold , but Yvette quickly turns away from him, keeping her arms locked around Page’s throat. Merci leaps up onto the ring edge and waves at the ref. He immediately runs over to her and yells at her to get off the apron. Yvette clamps on the choke as Sam splutters and coughs. Buffy is incensed and runs around to the ref , screaming at him. She pulls Merci off the ring apron and shoves her down onto her butt.. Kayla quickly comes over and glares at the Slayer. Buffy gives her the finger and then backs off as Merci rubs her pride. The ref turns his attention back the wrestlers and moves in as Sam’s face is turning red. Page slowly starts to rise to her feet, fighting through the choke. Yvette squeezes with all her might, Samantha reaches her hands up and wraps them behinds Yvette’s head before suddenly dropping to her knees. The Marquise jaw slams into Page’s shoulder. Her body tenses and then she falls backwards clutching her jaw. Page slumps forward, her body sucking much needed air)

Sandra: ‘Sam with a stunner move, but she’s unable to react”

Garry: “Both women are down on the mat!! “

( The ref starts to count as Sam slowly begins to rise. Yvette pushes herself to her knees and rubs her jaw. Samantha gets to her feet first and charges towards her opponent. Yvette gets to her feet as Sam comes running in….) Garry:” WOW!! SuperKick!!! “

( Yvette thrusts her foot into the air and catches the charging Page right on the chin. Sam’s head snaps backwards and she stumbles a few steps before falling to the mat. )

Sandra: “Right on the kisser…Sam’s out..she’s gotta be.”

( Yvette takes a moment and rubs her jaw again before moving in on her stunned opponent. She grabs Sam by the arms and drags her towards one of the corners. Yvette then begins to scale the ropes. )

Garry: “French Tickler Time !!!”

( The crowd gasps as Yvette climbs to the top rope and stands up. She holds her arms high in the air and then jumps off the top. She lands feet first onto Page’s gut. You can almost see all the air rushing out of Sam’s body. She convulses on the mat as Yvette steps off her and smiles. )

Sandra: “ Top rope foot stomp!!! That’s gonna leave a mark.”

( Yvette holds her hands up in a “Y” position as her faithful fans follow suit. She grabs Sam by the hair and pulls her into the middle of the ring. )

Garry: “Bastille time “

( Outside the ring , Merci has pulled out Yvette’ riding crop and is sneaking up on Buffy as Laura Parker distracts her. )

Sandra: “ Yvette is going for her submission finisher her, if she locks it in….”

Garry: “ Yes!! “

( Yvette digs her knee into the small of Sam’s back and pulls back on her arms. Page screams out in pain as Yvette howls with delight )

Yvette: “ Say you quit…say my name..say it and your torment will end..”

( Sam shakes her head in defiance as the ref asks her if she wants to quit. )

Garry: “she can’t hold on for long, especially after taking the “Tickler”

( Outside the ring Merci is about to smash the crop into the back of Buffy’s head. )

Garry: “That’s it!! Page is out…!!!”

( Sam’s head slumps forward as Yvette pulls on her arms. )


Sandra: “What was that..?”

( Merci goes to strike at Buffy, but the Slayer quickly leaps away. The crop slams into the bell.)

Garry: “ wait , was that the…oh no..Yvette!!!”

( The Marquise releases her hold and holds her hands high in victory. )

Sandra: “ She thinks it ‘s over?”

Garry: “ The bell went, Sam was out…..”

( The ref grabs Yvette’s arm and lowers it. She scowls at him as raises her arm up again. She turns and watches as Merci runs around the ring with Buffy in pursuit. Kayla just stands watching the ring as Laura Parker joins the chase. )

Garry: “Yvette ..Look out…it’s not…. “

( Sam rises to her feet and turns to see the Marquise’s back to her. She quickly moves up and wraps her arms around Yvette’s legs, sending her tumbling backwards to the mat… )

Garry: “over”

Sandra: ”Small Package!!”

( The ref leaps to the mat , slapping his hand down )

Garry: “ No …..”

Sandra: "1…2……..3…..YES!!!!!!!!”

( The crowd cheers as the ref slaps his hand down three times. Yvette kicks out a moment too late. She rolls to her knee’s and glares at the ref. )


Sandra: “Three dings end a match…”

Garry: "This is an outrage!”

( Yvette goes ballistic and jumps on top of Sam, slamming her fists down in anger. Buffy tries to slide into the ring to help her partner but is stopped by Laura who grabs her in a full nelson from behind. Kayla shakes her head and grabs the ropes to aid her into the ring. Yvette is screaming in French as the ref tries to pull her off of Samantha. Kayla shoves the ref away as Security run down the ramp. Yvette manages to get a few more hits in before she is forcefully pulled off by security. Kayla grabs Yvette and steps in front of her as ref’s and security tell the Sisterhood to leave. Yvette is furious as Kayla has to drag her from the ring )

Garry: “What a crock!! Yvette had Sam out cold!”

Sandra: “Maybe, I guess we will never know, but one thing is certain.”

Garry: “Yeah? What’s that?”

Sandra: “Samantha Page is the winner”

***writers note..: Sorry for the Tardiness. *** 1

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