Tina Dream
Lisa Dream

Haven’t you ever just wanted to knock your little sister down? I know I always did, her little tattletale ways, the way mother always took her side because she was little, those stupid little faces she would make at me when I was getting scolded! Oh, I could’ve throttled her daily! I never did...but wouldn’t it have been fun?

This match was a match for all big sisters around the world, and I for one had no intentions of going anywhere. My butt was glued. Tina Dream and her sister, Lisa... You couldn’t be a fan of a sport like this without thinking their paths would cross eventually, in some capacity. I remember Lisa’s threats and jokes back when she served Zamfir, wondering when Tina was gonna beat some sense into the little girl. Then Lisa stepped out of her mentor’s shadow and into her own limelight... still they had nothing to do with each other save a few choice words now and again.

Lisa joined the shop, we know the details, badda bing badda boom, Lisa steps into Evonne’s shadow and proceeds to try and cripple her own sister, own flesh and blood. This isn’t toy theft. This isn’t stealing her boyfriend for a midnight snuggle session... you should ask MY sister about that one, no, this is about physically trying to destroy her. Wonder who I’m rooting for in this one? This is a Dream match...

My first trip to Vegas, I have to say that I’m not impressed. I’d lost how much money? Let’s not even go there, the one consolation was my hotel had some Battling Ring Angels tickets and were dying to get rid of them. So here I am, third row, trapped between this row of bulbous rednecks with Sherry Ann painted across their guts behind me, and a pom pom-waving psycho with ratty pigtails bouncing stupidly in front of me. I’d already ripped one sign, damn kids... you’d think they’d realize they’re blocking your vision

I was still curious about The FreeStyle’s condition, but glad to move on with the show... Two matches, two wins, time for a little sibling rivalry. Evonne was a remnant from the last match. What a pain. I swear I could kick that woman’s ass. She was just lucky... Then, it began... Tina’s music, that’s all I could call it. I could recognize it; I had just had no damn clue what it was called. It didn’t matter all that much, I could move to it. Out came Tina like a coffee jolted freak, bouncing, jumping, spinning and flipping like the head dancer on the drill team.

I would never have expected her to show that much life in something so serious, but she was a blur of gold and black, showing off her leopard print outfit gracefully, though I thought it just didn’t match her attitude or hair. She even had a piece over her face, I couldn’t figure that one out. As much as she paid for those features, you’d think she’d show the damn things off.

Evonne didn’t take long to start in, standing from her seat by the announcer’s booth and yelling something. I couldn’t hear her, but it was only Evonne, how important could it have been? Just hit her TINA! Hell! I’ll hit her for ya! Tina just ignored her... I was quickly losing respect. Where in the hell was Lisa?

Oh, here she comes... No lights, for some reason the younger Dream thought she was supposed to put on a show. The only show I wanted from her was to see Tina put her foot up her ass. The came her little name, 'the DREAM', written in gold letters on the AngelTron. I could hear the opening theme and quickly started looking around for Dustin Runnels, or GoldDust... before remembering; they shared. I was kind of curious to see if they shared anything else, but that’s just my twisted mind. Sounds of twinkling stars and awe music filled the arena, before shattering into something a little more unique.

Smoke poured the entrance ramp, followed by an explosion of light when the music changed to 'Nookie', byLimp Bizkit. The "Only" Nookie that girl could get. So, there she was... In all her stuck up glory. And out with her was Sherry ANN! Oh, whoops... some other old looking woman. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before, I bet she’s fighting Peggy in a matter of weeks. So anyway, this woman is decked out with a flowery shawl over her head and some old, nondescript pink dress while escorting Lisa, who was wearing some black leather pants, and a black leather tank top. This woman was all over her, I think she’d raised the wrist just a little much. Damn, can’t they just get in the ring? Leave it up to Lisa to prolong the inevitable and talk. Like anybody cared about what she said.

Lisa: "Well, well, well, have I ever got a treat for you, all of my loyal DREAM-o-phobics! And, oh yes, Tina, have I ever got one for you as well! For, not only do you get to gaze upon the beauty of the All-American Sweetheart, you also get to gaze upon the very woman who gave birth to her. That's right! This very lady standing next to me is the very lady who raised me and my sister for so very long."

Can’t someone kill the microphone? Please? Get in the ring Lisa... So there she is, pacing about acting like she owned the damn world. Some people, just wished. Some people, knew. Lisa, well Lisa seemed pretty confident in her place in this world, however with this looming over her head in jealousy, there was definitely a need to prove herself. Looking back to Tina, she was leaned back a corner, giggling at all of this... What willpower.

Lisa: "What's that? You don't recognize her, Tina? Of course you would not. You, who have not gone to see her for so very long. You, who have denied your own flesh and blood in pursuit of your own goals. You make me sick, Tina. Your dearest mother, both of us, and me are very disappointed in you! So all you fans out there, who think that Tina is the greatest woman on the face of the planet, think again! I have flown our dear old mother all the way from where we come from specifically for this occasion, for she wants to see me teach my older sister a lesson just as much as I do!"

If that’s Tina’s mother than I’m Sherry’s illegitimate half cousin on her father’s side. Get on with it... Finally Lisa put down the idiot stick and started towards the ring, limping mother in tow. I still say she was just a lush picked from the roadside for a bottle of bourbon. I was beginning to think there would never be a fight.

Lisa slid in the ring, or maybe I should say slithered what with what she did next... She laid straight into her sister, while the old woman came in the other side. Evonne looked ecstatic and Tina never knew what hit her when the second woman made her presence known. It was downhill from there.

I couldn’t believe it, Tina never got a shot in against these two, Tina and her "Mother". They took turns leveling her with kicks and punches, throwing her around like some rag doll. The referee called for the bell immediately, awarding the win to Tina. It was obvious, that wasn’t the intentions of Lisa.

"You see that? The woman that you ran off on and betrayed so very long ago?!? You make me sick!!!"

Do you know what that arrogant little bitch did next? She strutted! She had her mother beating on her older sister and she did her little turn on the catwalk amidst the flashing bulbs. Do you know what I would do to her if she were MY sister? Periodically she’d look back, but only to kick her downed sister again. The referee couldn’t help, Lisa sent him sprawling over the top.

"You still think you're that much better than me? You insignificant...you are hardly wor..."

Lisa just kinda trailed off as she looked down the runway, and there was Tina leaned back against the entryway, staring silently at the chaos in the ring. Was there a third Dream? Oh hell, I hope not... but I would have given my bank account for a good picture of Lisa’s face, she was... how do I describe it? Stupid? Yeah, that works. What didn’t make any sense, her mother was still beating the hell out of someone behind her.

I thought I was gonna fall over when Lisa pulled her mother off and turned her head up the aisle way, resulting in another batch of bulging eyes. Tina shrugged her shoulders and walked back through the doorway while Lisa and the other woman ripped the veil from the woman in the ring, revealing a face neither had ever seen. They’d been duped. From the sidelines, Evonne stared harshly at her team mate Lisa, who began stomping around in frustration. She had been made into the perfect fool, nobody doubted just how destructive the cage match would be in only two weeks...

Winner by DQ, Tina Dream

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