Buffy "The Slayer" Lawrence


Evonne Carmikel

Sandra: What an exciting show we have had for the fans of the Battling Ring Angels so far! That's not all as we still have many exciting matches to come!

Garry: Oh yeah! We got plenty of girls still to come to rough it up and show their...assets. Mmmm...I can't wait for this one though!

Sandra: Ugh! Why can't I get a partner with some class? Well Evonne has been showing us she still has what it takes to go all the way in this business. Her unusual hit and run tactics leave opponents confused on what to do.

Garry: Evonne is a woman who knows how to take control of any situation. This is an insult to her to have to face Buffy Lawrence instead of her rightful opponent Samantha Page!

Sandra: Sam was scheduled to originally be here but was unable to attend. Her partner, the Slayer, volunteered to take her place in this match. I think the thought of getting at Evonne also appealed to Buffy as well.

The lights in the arena dim and "Goldfinger" plays throughout the arena. A gold spotlight shines on the entrance ramp while a glittering ball is lowered from the rafters. It's sparkles dance around the arena like little diamonds shining in the light. The curtain parts and out steps Evonne Carmikel in a black armani jacket. Her hair is tied back in ponytail and she lowers her sunglasses to peer out at the fans. It seems like everyone in the arena is united against her as the boos just keep coming. A few Carmikelholics can be seen at ringside near the aisle screaming trying to have their voices heard. Evonne smiles and turns back to the back curtain. Jenny Anderson steps out in a perfect black Armani suit. Both women walk down the aisle ignoring the fans. A few try to give high-fives to Jenny but she just gives them a little smile before continueing to follow her employer. Stepping up the steps and onto the ring apron, Evonne waits for Jenny to open the middle and top rope for her. Sitting on the middle rope, Jenny pushes up on the top making more than enough room for Evonne to step through which she does. Walking around the ring and glaring at the crowd, Evonne smiles taking in all the boos and hisses coming her way. The lights come back up and the sparkling ball raises out of sight as Jenny steps in front of Evonne to unbutton her jacket. She removes the jacket revealing Evonne's gold singlet. Evonne's black boots rise up to her knees and have silver dollar signs painted along the sides. Wearing a set of martial arts gloves, Evonne turns and has Jenny massage her shoulders while she waits for Buffy.

Sandra: Evonne comes to us in her usual fashion of glitter and sparkles.

Garry: Mmmm! I can never get enough of her in that gold suit! Evonne is always a peak physical speciman!

Sandra: Perhaps you would like to tell her that personally?

Garry: Ummm....I'm sure she knows that already. I wouldn't want to bother her anyways...

The Slayer symbol flashes with a boom over the Angeltron. "Enter the Sandman" starts over the speakers in the house and the Slayer symbol shines down onto the ring from above. Buffy "The Slayer" Lawrence steps out from behind the curtain and runs down toward the ring. The crowd goes wild cheering and screaming for the veteren Body Shop member. Sliding under the bottem rope, Buffy raises her arms to the crowd getting them even more riled up! She glares at Evonne who smirks at the Slayer not looking uimpressed at all.

Sandra: The Slayer looks like she is ready to explode and that would be fine with her as long as Evonne is close by!

Garry :Evonne sees past all those symbols, names, and booming pyros! She sees the Shop for what it really is like. A bunch of cowards!

Sandra: They have shown they are anything but that!


Jenny steps out of the ring as Evonne looks to Buffy from her corner. The Slayer steps out and to the center of the ring waiting for Carmikel to join her. Evonne, taking a few steps forward, taunts Buffy.

What's the matter Buffy? Sam send you to fight me because she is too much of a coward to face me?

Buffy screams and lunges forward her claws outstretched to grasp Evonne. Her taunt worked perfectly as Evonne ducks under Buffy and latches onto her waist from behind. She pulls back on her and executes a german suplex. Evonne follows up the suplex with a bridge as the ref slides into position.

Buffy is shocked at her predicament early on but kicks out strongly from the pin attempt. She rolls around and gets to her feet facing Evonne who is already up herself. Both women circle the ring looking for an advantage. As they near each other, Evonne lashes out with her black boot kicking Buffy in the gut. The Slayer doubles over and is pushed to the mat by Evonne. Now on her knees, Buffy feels her arms being draped over two legs as her chin is pulled back harshly. Buffy screams and pounds her feet on the mat behind her as the pressure is put on her lower back and neck. Evonne bends forward and whispers into her ear.

Do all you Shoppers squeel like that? If so, I'm going to have to buy some earplugs.

Buffy screams in defiance and refuses to give in. Evonne rears back and pulls Buffy back one lsat time which gets a gasp of pain from the Slayer before letting go. Buffy flops to the mat and Evonne looks down at her opponent with a smirk. Moving to the ropes, Evonne steps out of the ring and starts up the ramp with Jenny following her pointing to Buffy still in the ring.

What a waste of my precious time, first Page shows her true colors by ducking me and then I am forced to fight this idiot! That�s it. I�m going home......

Walking halfway up the ramp, Evonne turns to look at the Slayer getting to her feet slowly in the ring. She shrugs and starts back to the ring.

I guess I can kick her butt for 5 more minutes or so....

Evonne leaps back onto the ring apron but is surprised when her neck is grasped by strong hands. Getting snapped back into the ring, Evonne lands on her butt. Grabbing both of Evonne's arms, Buffy puts a knee into her back and pulls back with all the strength she has. Evonne shrieks and lets her head fall back as her back is arched uncomfortably. Buffy smiles and closes the "Y" of Evonne's arms together a little more. Evonne shakes her head and pounds her legs on the mat but refuses to give in to the hold. Buffy lets go and snatches Evonne's ponytail heaving her to her feet. With a shrug, she dumps Carmikel out of the ring through the ropes. Evonne hits the concrete below hard falling awkwardly.

Sandra: Good moves by Buffy. Evonne was too cocky and maybe she should have just kept going to the back.

Garry: Are you kidding? Evonne Carmikel will recover from these amateur moves and Buffy will feel the sweet kiss of the Goldnight as all before her has.

Stepping outside the ring, Buffy turns away from Evonne who is just getting to one knee taking in breaths of air to clear her head. Grabbing a chair, Buffy folds it, turns around, and raises it above her head. Evonne looks up just in time to see the unforgiving metal come down connecting with her forehead. Evonne gurgles and slumps to one side. Her body is lies lifeless as Buffy throws the chair down and scowls at the referee warning her from inside the ring. Buffy slides back in the ring breaking the count but slides right back out the way she came. Picking Evonne up by the hair, she holds her firmly before introducing her face to the pole. Bouncing sickeningly off the metal, Evonne falls to her knees then lands face first on the hard concrete. Sliding back into the ring, the referee points a finger at Buffy and warns her that this is the last time.

Sandra: Harsh moves from Buffy take Carmikel down to the floor! She may be out for good!

Garry: Just more cheating shown by the Shop! They are really showing their true colors as of late! I always said they were nothing but a bunch of backstabbing cheaters!

Jenny scrambles over to her employer and helps her get to her feet at the 7 count. Swinging her arms up onto the mat, Jenny heaves Evonne into the ring under the bottem rope. Buffy yells at Jenny to get away from her followed by something along the lines of "Traitor"! Pulling Evonne by one of her lifeless arms to the middle of the ring, Buffy throws two quick boots before grabbing an arm an leg. She places one foot into the small of Evonne's back then wrenches back pulling the bow and arrow tight. Evonne doesn't even react to the move as the Slayer pulls even harder on her limbs. Frustrated with the lack of reaction from her competitor, Buffy throws Evonne's limbs down.

Sandra: Evonne loks out of it! I don't think she is going to be able to recover from the beating she took.

Garry: Hey! What's Jenny doing? Hey over here with that!

Jenny winks to the ref catching his attention. Climbing onto the apron, she unbuttons her suit halfway getting the official to walk over to her confused as to whether he should warn her or run off with her. Jenny grabs her and plants a french kiss right on him.

Garry: Not him! Me! ME!

Sandra: Forget about Jenny! Look at Carmikel!!!

Finished with her act, Evonne throws a punch right into the nether regions of Buffy Lawrence. Buffy gasps and falls to her knees as her eyes bug out. The breath seems to leave her and no sound comes from her mouth even though she wants to scream. Standing quickly, Evonne smirks and locks a reverse standing headscissors while locking her arms with Buffy's. Leaping into the air, Evonne masterfully performs the Goldnight. Landing in a heap, Buffy is motionless as the mastermind Executive rolls her over and places her elbows on her chest propping her head up mockingly. Jenny points to the scene and the "dazed" referee blinks a few times before running over to slap the mat.




Evonne glares at the ref and yells at him to get back down. He counts three more times to show her superiority over this Shopper. Getting to her feet, the ref raises Evonne's hand in victory. He lowers it but Evonne gives him a scowl and the official wisely takes her hand and raises it again. Evonne struts around the ring with a smile on her face.

Sandra: Evonne pulled it off! She played posum the whole time!

Garry: How? How did she do that? I don't care! This is great!

Strutting back down the aisleway, Evonne and Jenny get to the curtain. She turns and smirks to the crowd once more as they boo her harshly, then the two of them disappear behind the curtain to the shower rooms. Buffy is helped up by the ref but pushes him away when she gets to her feet. She stumbles from the ring and gets behind the curtain feeling a bit humiliated.

Winner: Evonne Carmikel 1

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