The Cheerleaders

{ The camera reopens after a commercial break, and pans over the capacity crowd inside the Battling Ring Angels Arena. The fans leap up form their seats, and begin to cheer loudly, as the know great match is soon to come. }

{ The shot then goes to the announcers table, where Sandra Allistar, and Garry Grimmoire are seated. }

Sandra: Hello again everyone!

Garry: Yes, hello everyone, and welcome to another great night of wrestling action here at Battling Ring Angels.

Sandra: Wow, you seem to be in a good mood Garry.

Garry: Yup, Miss Van Driesal set me up with an extra large pitcher of Bud for this show, so it's all good. PLUS! I did quite well at the tables today, that always puts me in a good mood!

Sandra: Glad to hear it, now let's see if you can act like a human being today. Well folks, first up we have one of the matches in the tag team tournament. The winner of this bout, will face the winner of the other tag match later tonight, and they'll meet at the big upcoming ppv, and battle it out for the tag team championship. First up is the Cheerleaders, which consists of Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson, and Tina Dream. They will be facing The Motherhood, which consists of Americana, and Princess Peggy Christian.

Garry: The grannies vs. the kids!

Sandra: Umm..yea, whatever! Anyways, it's gonna be interesting to see if Jenny acts like a teammate to Tina. She has been on an anti Body Shop campaign as of late, and Tina is in the Shop. There's no question that Peggy and Americana will function as a team, as they have been busy training very hard together for this event.

Garry: Ummm are you forgetting that Peggy is Shop too? Jenny can take out her agressions on her ya know?

Sandra: Oh, now that is a good point, and Jenny is a tag team specialist, so maybe she will work well with Tina afterall, we'll soon see.

Garry: Hey I just got word the Motherhood is backstage with BRA interviewer, Rebecca Blaze, let's go see what the old gals have to say. hehehe they remind me of Moolah, and Mae....Wonder if one of them is a drunk like Mae? I bet old Peggy can really belt em down.

Sandra: I don't think so. Let's go to the back now, take it away Rebecca.

{ The shot goes backstage, where Rebecca stands with Americana, and Peggy. }

Rebecca: How do you feel about the upcoming match against the much younger Cheerleaders?

Peggy Christian: We are ready to prove that as a team, The Motherhood is unbeatable!

Peggy and Americana raise their joined hands in a show of commraderie.

Rebecca: The Motherhood? But I thought your team's name was Menopause?

Americana: That was just someone's idea of a bad joke. Peggy and I are both mothers.... HI KIDS!!!... we're both proud of that... and so we decided to call ourselves The Motherhood. So remember that name... 'cause it will soon be the name of the new Tag Team Champs!!!

Peggy and Americana again raise their joined hands before walking off camera.....

Rebecca: Well Garry and Sandra, those sound confident, and ready for action. Well back to you two now.

Sandra: Thanks Rebecca. Yes they do sound ready, and I'm glad they got rid of that stupid name too!

Garry: I liked the old name!

Sandra; Figures!

{ "I'll Always Love My Mamma" by the Temptations begins to play over the sound system. }

Sandra: Here comes the Motherhood!!! It's still fun to see the excitement on Peggy's face everytime she walks the aisle, and hears the fans cheer for her.

Garry: She'd smile more if she shredded about 30 pounds, sheesh look at the size of her wagon!


Sandra: How dare you say such a thing!! Peggy has been working her butt off training!

Garry: What? Umm look at her butt, it's hardly missing, that thing has it's own zip code!!


{ The Motherhood is escorted to the ring by Pia Ling, who is be wearing a red cape and carrying an American Flag in one hand and a Canadian Flag in the other. Americana and Peggy each wear a red cape with the words THE MOTHERHOOD written on the back of it. Americana is wearing a red, white and blue, American flag one piece outfit, and Peggy is wearing a red one piece with a white Maple Leaf on the front of it, just like a Canadian Flag. }

Sandra: They look great, and the fans ae really giving them a nice ovation, and cheering loudly for them.

Garry: They are shouting the phone number to Jenny Craig........."


Sandra: I guess Electra didn't give you enough beer, you're back to acting like a pig. Well these two look extremely focused, and ready for action as the climb into the ring.

{ Sweet Virginia Breeze by Robbin Thompson begins to play over the sound system. Two muscular bodyguards appear dressed as Lifeguards, on their shoulder is a surfboard with Tina laying on her side waving at the fans. As they clear the entranceway Tina throws off her coverup, stripping down to a leopardskin thong bikini. she stands up on the surfboard riding it like she is surfing down the aisle to the ring. As they reach the ring Tina performs a forward vault off the board over the top rope into the ring. }

Garry: Now that was an entrance!

Sandra: Yes it was, but where is Jenny? Not a good sign of being a team player coming out seperately like this.

Garry: Pfft...who'd want to come to the ring with a Shopper anyways?

Sandra: Well she should, Tina is wearing the cheerleader outfit that Jenny insisted she wear to team with her.

{ The Techno version of the Ohio State Fight Song blares over the sound system, and the fans react with mixed emotions, as Jenny comes out. She seems acustomed to the boos she's recieving, and goes into her cheer routine. Jenny then sprints towards the ring and does serval cartwheels and then drop into a split. Jenny then waves her pom poms as she sits in the split. She then bounces to her feet and moves around the ring and hands her pom poms to a lucky young girl at ring side. Jenny then leans over and kisses the girls cheek and smiles at her parents, then bounces into the ring where she meets up with Tina Dream, and the two of them go into a cheer routine together. }

Sandra: Ya know, shades of the OLD Jenny are still shining through, maybe there's still hope for her after all?

Garry: I like her as the mean ole cheerleader!

Sandra: Well...I remember her as the sweetest thing around, and one who'd do anything for her friends. I just hope she isn't setting Tina up here.

Garry: What the hell is Tina doing? She's shaking Americana and Peggy's hands...Sheesh! Now she and Peggy are hugging each other!

They're stablemates jackass, and are showing good sportswomanship here.

Garry: Pfft..!!

{ The ref calls all four women to the center of the ring, and goes over the rules with them. The Motherhood and Tina listen to him, but Jenny just wanders around the ring, not caring for what he has to say at all. }

Sandra: And the brat comes out in Jenny.

Garry: Brat? Hell what does she need to hear? This is a Texas Tornado match. All four get in the ring at the same time, and beat the hell out of each other, what's to know about that?

Sandra: Well rules still apply!

Garry: I hope not!

{ The bell sounds, and Jenny points Tina to Americana, as she wants Peggy herself. }

Garry: Jenny wants this Shopper bad, look at her eyes, she's really focused on Peggy!

Sandra: Yes, she knows going after her, will anger her mother.

Garry: WOW! These four are really going at it!!!

{ Jenny and Peggy are going at it, and Jenny drops Peggy with a standing dropkick. }

{ Americana, and Tina exchange a series of forearm smashes with each other, now Americana scoops up Tina, and slams her to the mat. Now Americana follows up with an elbow drop, but Tina rolls out of the way, and Americana misses, and crashes to the mat. }

Garry: To slow!

Sandra: Nah, Tina is just to quick!

{ Jenny now has a hold of Peggy foot, and twists away at her knee. Peggy pounds the mat in pain, and then finally kicks Jenny off with her free leg, and Jenny falls over the downed Americana, and then crashes into Tina, then they both fall to the mat. Peggy and Americana both get to their feet, and Americana points Peggy to Tina and Jenny. They walk over and each grab their opponents by the hair, and bring them to their feet. Americana takes Tina to the far corner, and Peggy holds Jenny up where she is, now they both whip them by the arm towards each other, but The Cheerleaders both reverse the whip, and send The Motherhood towards each other, and they collide in the middle of the ring hard. }

Garry: DOH!!! That measured about 5.9 on the richtor scale!

Sandra: Oh hush!

{ Jenny points to the turnbuckles, and she and Tina then climb up them, though Tina seems to think this is a bad idea, she goes anyway. Jenny starts playing to the fans, doing a cheer routine, Tina trys to get jenny to focus on their opponents, but to no avail. Finally Jenny looks at Tina, and gives the nod, and they leap off the turnbuckles, and do flying cross body presses, but with Jenny jerking around so long, the Motherhood was ready for it, and roll out of the way, and the Cheerleaders crash hard on the mat. }

Garry: Sheesh, sure is a lot of missing going on!

Sandra: Well you have two newly formed teams in there, there's bound to be some timing problems at first.

Garry: Dang, this Peggy really wants Jenny bad!!!

Sandra: Well Peggy knows the pain she has caused her friend Sherry, and she wants to take matters into her own hands it seems.

{ Peggy stomps away on the downed Jenny Anderson, and Americana goes to work on Tina once again. }

{ The crowd reacts with boos, as Evonne Carmikel makes her way down to the ring, to support Jenny. Peggy sees this, and a look of concern crosses her face, but she quickly goes back to work on Jenny, but keeps an eye on Evonne at the same time. Pia walks up to Evonne, but she is just thrown aside like a rag doll by the bigger woman, and stands at the ring apron coaching Jenny on. }

Sandra: It's never good when this wicked witch shows up!

Garry: Wicked? She's cool, I love this woman! hehehe did you see her toss that pip squeak aside?

Sandra: Yes that was bull, Pia just didn't want Evonne to interfere.

Garry: Hey, what is the crowd cheering about now????

Sandra: Oh look, here comes your favorite wrestler!

{ Sandra points to the aisle and shows Garry that Sherry Ann is making her way to the ring, and does she ever look upset. }

Garry: Oh geez, now why in the hell is she out here???

Sandra: Well Tina is Shop as well as Peggy, and she's concerned for their well being with that witch out here!

Garry: Yes Sherry is a witch!

Sandra: NOT SHERRY!!!!

{ Sherry shakes her head as she walks by Pia, and walk right up to Evonne. She taps her on the shoulder, and when Evonne turns around, Sherry just points to the back. Evonne just laughs at Sherry, and goes back to cheering on Jenny. Sherry is livid that Evonne is ignoring her, and just stands next to her, to make sure she doesn't interfere. }

Sandra: You know Sherry wants to beat Evonne's ass right now.

Garry: Pfft, Evonne would kick her ass!

Sandra: Yea whatever. Who is Sherry waving down here now?

Garry: Oh lord, it's that whacko Zantara Underworld!

Sandra: She's the Shop enforcer, and I think Sherry is gonna have her keep an eye on Evonne, so she can coach on Tina and Peggy.

Garry: Ummm hello, those two are on different teams!

Sandra: Hmmn good point, this is all kinda confusing!

{ Back in the ring, Peggy is on the recieving end of a Jenny attack, as the Cheerleader has her up in the corner, and pounds away at her body with punches and chops. Americana, who has Tina in trouble, sees her partner in trouble, and goes to her aid. She grabs Jenny, and puts her in a full nelson, and now Peggy lays into the Cheerleader with a series of punches and chops. }

Garry: Now the old gals have their act together!

Sandra: Seems that way, but they best look out for Tina, here she comes!

{ Tina charges across the ring, and goes for a dropkick on Americana, but she telegraghs it, and steps aside, Tina NAILS Jenny with the kick, at the sends her crashing into Peggy who slams hard into the turnbuckles. }

Garry: hehehee DOH!

{ Sherry can't beleive her eyes, and shakes her head in frustration. Evonne missed it, as Zantara has chased her to the back. }

Sandra: I think Peggy got the worst of that. She's rolled out of the ring, and Sherry is checking on her.

{ Americana goes back to work on Tina who is down, and now Jenny goes out after Peggy, but instead of hitting Peggy, she nails her mother in the kidney with a punch, that drops Sherry to her knees. Now Jenny hops up on the ring apron, and leaps off nailing Peggy with a moonsault splash, and that hurt Peggy. Jenny gets up, and stomps on Sherry, now she grabs Peggy by the hair, and brings her to her fee, then whips her into the guardrail. Jenny now hops back into the ring, to help out her partner, who is in trouble with Americana, who has Tina in a figure 4 leglock. Jenny kicks Americana in the back of the knee, and that forces her to release Tina, she then falls to the mat. }

Garry: OUCH!!

Sandra: No doubt, that had to hurt. Here comes Peggy!

{ Peggy is back in the ring, and running up behind Jenny. She grabs Jenny, and puts her in a side headlock. }

Garry: Not exactly the move I'd of chosen there.

Sandra: Well Peggy is still learning, and doesn't have a lot of moves in her arsenal yet. She's really cranking on Jenny's head though.

Garry: Yup, and Tina is finally on the offense, she just dropped Americana with a legsweep faceslam!

Sandra: Oh, impressive move there by Tina!

{ Tina grabs Americana, and brings her to her feet, then drags her to the corner, and begins smashing her face into the turnbuckle. Peggy just layed Jenny out on the mat with a hip toss, and follows that up with an elbow drop to her midsection. }

Garry: Sheesh, so much action, I can't keep up.

Sandra: Me either! Peggy is lighting it up now, and the crowd is cheering her on, as Sherry started up a Peggy chant, that has Jenny furious!

Garry: Sooo umm is she gonna have them do a Tina chant next?

Sandra: Good question, buy look, she's now on the other side of the ring, and giving Tina instructions.

{ Tina stands Americana up in the corner, then turns around, and does a handspring, and brings both her feet up, nailing Americana with a mule kick, that almost takes her head off. The impact sends Americana through the ropes, and onto the floor. Sherry steps away, and doesn't mess with her, and bites her nails as she now knows Peggy is gonna get double teamed. }

Garry: Ok, now things get good, I just love the double teaming!

Sandra: Gee, imagine that. Come on Peggy, look behind ya hun.

Garry: Who you rooting for here?

Sandra: I dunno, I like both teams, though I really don't care much for Jenny with the things she's done lately. Hey I wonder where Evonne and Zantara went?

Garry: I dunno, I hope that sweet Evonne was able to get away from that nut!

Sandra: Hey, if anyone in the back sees them, get a camera on it please.

{ Tina drops Peggy to the mat with a flying lariot, then helps Jenny to her feet. Now they both lift Peggy up off the mat. }

Garry: Now that is something that definately takes two people to do!


Sandra: Be nice!

Garry: I was, it really takes like three to four to pick her up.


Garry: OUCH!!!!!

{ The Cheerleaders now whip Peggy into the ropes, and lay her out with a double clothesline. }

Jenny: Sheesh, look at them Tina, they are older than America itself. Why do they give us these old ladies to wrestle that should be retired???

{ Tina just shrugs her shoulders, and Jenny points to the turnbuckles, and they go up top. Tina leaps off, and nails Peggy with a Hurricana, and rolls out of the way, and Jenny follows up with a Frog Splash that nails Peggy. }

Garry: WOW!!!!

Sandra: Oh poor Peggy, get in there Americana!

Garry: She's trying, but that fall took a lot out of her it seems.

Sandra: UT OH, Jenny is going for the pin.

{ The ref jumps down into postition, and starts counting. }




Sandra: Kickout by Peggy, just in time too!

Garry: Well they're bringing Peggy back up to her feet now. Wonder what punishment they have in store for her this time?

Sandra: Dunno!

{ They stand Peggy up against the ropes, and take off running to the opposite ropes, and bounce....No Americana reached in, and tripped both Cheerleaders up, and saves her partner. Now she climbs into the ring, and checks on Peggy, who is shaking off the cobwebs. Peggy nods that she's ok, and the Motherhood moves in on the Cheerleaders. }

Sandra: This is one hell of a see saw battle!

Garry: Sure isn't boring, that's for sure!

{ The Motherhood moves in on the Cheerleaders, who are getting to their feet, and help them the rest of the way up. Now they Irish Whip the Cheerleaders into the ropes, and lay them out with a double clothesline, that levels both of them, and follow up with elbow drops to their downed opponents. }

Garry: Weird, these two seem to really be on the same wave length now.

Sandra: Yes, almost as if they are reading each others minds.

Garry: Must be something about them both being prehistoric I guess.

Sandra: Oh be nice!

{ Americana drags Tina over, and throws her on top of Jenny. Now she takes off running, and bounces off the ropes, she heads back towards the Cheerleaders, and leaps into the air, and lands hard on top of them with a Giant Splash. She rolls off of them, and Peggy takes off running to the ropes... }



Sandra: You're such an ass! Go Peggy!

{ Peggy preforms the same move as Americana, and all of the air can be heard quickly exiting the Cheerleaders bodies. }

Garry: DAMN!!! Stick a fork in the Cheerleaders, nobody can get up from the impact they just went through!

Sandra: I'm impressed with the Motherhood, let's see if they can finish this up now.

{ Americana pulls Tina back off of Jenny, and she rolls Tina up for the pin, as Peggy does the same to Jenny. The ref gets between them all, and starts his count. }




Sandra: THEY DID IT!!!

Garry: They sure did, and that was a hard earned victory.

Sandra: Sure was, both teams did great, but something kinda happened between the Motherhood, and they really turned it up a notch in the end.

Garry: Jenny still isn't moving, that avalanche really took it's toll on her, she was on the bottom of that.

Sandra: That was one hell of a finisher they did. Sherry is checking on her daughter. She still loves her, even though they are at odds lately.

Garry: HAHAH LOOK!!!!

{ As Sherry is leaning down, checking on her daughter, Jenny comes to, and begins choking Sherry. The other three ladies in the ring, try and pull Sherry free, but Jenny is like a women possesed, and wont let go of the choke. Peggy finally gets her to let go, as she kicks Jenny in the ribs. Sherry rolls away holding her throat. Tina congratulates Americana and Peggy on their win, as BRA security escorts Jenny from the ring, but she's fighting them, as she wants at her mother bad. }

Sandra: Jenny is freaking nuts!

Garry: I love it!!!

Sandra: Well folks, the Motherhood is now just one match away from being the first BRA Tag Team Champions. We find out who they'll be facing at the big ppv later on tonight. It'll either be The Babe Squad, or the voted in team of Laura and Alexandria Parker.

Garry: Well, time for a commercial break now. Your winners of this bout, The Motherhood!!


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