November 29, 1999

Pia Ling
Kayla Vandergiff

by djmh

This is a BRA arena. People are cheering with their placards and banners. The commentators take their positions.

Sandra: Ladies and Gentlemen. the following matchup is between the woman who is known for her, um, belly, and cute chinese girl Pia Ling.

Garry: Yawn. Just wake me up when its over. NO. Wake me up when Kayla is thumping bellies.

Sandra: Well Garry Pia is a very talented girl and she has been under the wings of a very experienced wrestler lately.

Garry: Granny, you mean.

Sandra: No I mean the woman who is right into the title picture in this fed. Ok folks here comes Pia Ling.

As CANES VENA TICE by Underground Zero hits the speakers, Pia Ling comes out. Pia is dressed in her usual one piece suit.

Garry: Is that boots that I see.

Sandra: Well I ve heard that instead of wrestling barefoot she will be wrestling with white wrestling boots on. Her manager insisted that she should wear boots like a real wrestler. Her kicks will be more effective with boots on.

Garry: yeah yeah!

Pia is a bit shy coming over to the ring. Fans cheer to support her. This brings out a shy smile on her face.

Garry: And now!

The Loud strains of Gothic Rock blare through the arena, and raise to an almost ear drum rupturing level. Smoke billows out of the entrance to the dressing room and as the curtains are drawn back to reveal Kayla, the music suddenly stops. In the silence, slowly at first but building quickly, is the sound of flesh slapping against flesh. And the pale seductive Kayla "The Ab-dominator" Vandergriff, steps out.. her black nailed hands seem to endlessly roam her flesh as she stalks toward the ring. Once there she rolls under the bottom rope and does
a very erotic bump and grind.. almost a mocking version of of Lisa Dreams Dance.. Then without warning she shouts "Go Team" and does a very mocking cheerleader jump landing in the splits.. As the Crowd shouts "Jenny, Jenny, Jenny" Kayla hold her finger up like a gun, and puts the finger to her head and pretends to shoot herself.. Laughing the whole time..

Pia laughs and smiles at Kayla and sticks out her hand. Kayla looks at her surprised but then smiles and points to her belly.

Kayla: Welcome to your worst nightmare, tramp.

Sandra: Aw, that wasnt nice.

Garry: Are you kidding? I love that.

The bell rings. The two women lock up. Pia quickly changes her position and sticking her leg into Kayla's, tries a Leg sweep. But she didnt hook her leg quite enough and falls backwards her self. As Kayla looks at her, Pia quickly stands straight and tries to smile nervously, saying sorry. Kayla rolls her eyes upwards and hisses,

Kayla: "You should have stayed with the Circus girl.. ?"

Garry: What the heck is this girl doing in this ring?

Sandra: Aw c'mon Garry. She is learning.

The women lock again. Kayla plants a punch into Pia's chest. Pia's mouth forms an 'O' and she holds her chest. Kayla punches her into her belly. To herutmost surprise, her fist connects with something hard. Pia stands straight and smiles. Then she hits Kayla with a drop kick. Kayla stumbles. Pia quickly spins and hits Kayla in the belly with a spinning heel kick. This had little effect at Kayla. Pia grabs her hands and using all her strength, whips her into a turnbuckle. Kayla's back connects but there wasnt much power in that move. Pia starts in one corner, runs to the other doing a double backflip, finishing with a low dropkick to Kayla's stomach. Kayla lets out an 'ungh'. Fans are now cheering Pia. She stands and smiles at the fans.

Sandra: Her confidence is building up.

Kayla walks two steps away from the corner. She is still stumbling. Pia quickly nails her with another spinning heel kick to her throat. Kayla goes down and rests on her belly. With the cheers of the crowd, Pia climbs her back and sits on the small of her back. Trapping her arms between her thighs and Kayla's sides, Pia grabs Kayla's chin and pulls backwards with a CAmel Clutch.

Garry: Holy Oogly Moogly! She actually applied a wrestling hold.

But this move hasnt the proper strength behind it. Kayla begins to stand and then stands straight with Pia rising her back and clutching her chin. Kayla drops backwards with Pia. Pia shrieks as she crashes down on her back. Kayla moves away the cobwebs and stands. She quickly torns into Pia and tears her off with her nails, clawing and screeching badly. Kayla gets her hand under Pia's outfit from down under and pulls out a protective gear from her belly. She gets mad realizing that she was tricked by the little girl and throws it away as the crowd laughs. Kayla pulls Pia onto her feet, scoops her up and slams her down with a body slam. She picks her up again and lifting her up, drops her down crotch first on her ou stretched knee. Pia's eyes roll upwards and she starts to fall backwards slowly but Kayla holds her with her back and laughs, she shouts,

Kayla: Time to flatten you Little Circus Freak.

Kayla wraps her arms powerfully around Pia's back. She pulls Pia into a standing face to face bear hug. Pia shrieks and claws and gnaws at Kayla as she is lifted in the air. Kayla leaps into the air, and falls forward with all of her weight now landing hard on the girl. Pia lands all flat. Kayla keeps up the hug, and grapevines Pia's legs to prevent her rolling out of the hold. Then she begins to raise her belly up and slam it down over and over on the girls seeming to relish every time their flesh slaps together. Pia cries badly, trying to get out but there is no way oput for her as the stronger woman has her firmly in the hold. At last, Pia taps out to announce her submission.

Garry: That decides the winner of the match: Kayla.

Kayla stays in "The Ab-Dominator" position and continues adminstering the hold.

Sandra: OW that girl might get hurt badly. Stupid ref do something.

Kayla finally slides forward until her belly is pressed to Pia's face
and bear hug the girl's head to her belly, cutting off all air.Pia's legs kick weakly under her but dradually stop.

Garry: It seems that Kayla made the girl pass out to her patented Belly smother called "BEHOLD THE GLORY." I love this name.

Kayla finally stands straight and raises her arms smiling.

Sandra: Ugh! Ok guys thats all for now. Lets take a break and we will return with our next match.

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