logoAngel Dust vs. Jennifer Christian (Featherweight)

(The scene returns to the crowded arena, the throng of excited wrestling fans cheering enthusiastically. The camera pans the crowd before landing on the BRA announce team of Kenny Harbor and Cari Trammell, both wearing identical headsets.)

Kenny: Fans, tonight's PPV has been extraordinary and the action only promises to get better. The next match is for the Featherweight Title, placing former champion Angel Dust against the woman who took that belt away from her, current champion "The Twilight Zone" Jennifer Christian! These two women should bring down the house if their last match is any indication.

Cari: Well, before those two go at it, I would like to take the time to introduce a good friend of mine and former stablemate.

Kenny: (groans) Oh no! Not another one! Wasn't Catty enough!?!

Cari: Oh hush! This woman is a former CAT Skyweight champion so she should be able to add a little insight to this cruiserweight battle. I would now like to introduce "The Little Geisha" Midori Inoue!

(Ceremonial drums play as the curtains part, revealing a diminutive, Asian woman clad in a pink and white kimono. Her silky, black hair is fashioned in a French braid, diamonds glittering from her ears. With a smirk, she makes her way to ringside, the fans greeting her with polite applause. As she nears the announce table, she greets Cari with a hug before sitting beside her, the BRA crew producing an extra head set for Midori.)

Cari: Midori! It's great to see you again!

Midori: Likewise, Cari! We had such wonderful times in CAT!

Cari: Agreed! We had some of the greatest matches that women's wrestling has ever seen. So, what brings you to BRA tonight?

Midori: Well, as the queen of cruiserweights, I felt that it was my duty to check out two of the United States' best lightweight wrestlers. Call it scouting if you will although I am already quite familiar with both women. Angel and Jennifer are both talented but still aren't as good as me.

Cari: Amen to that!

Kenny: (clears his throat) Cari, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?

Cari: (rolls her eyes) Oh, yeah, Midori, this is BRA's resident geek boy, Kenny. Kenny, this is Midori Inoue.

Kenny: (smiles) Pleased to meet you, Miss Inoue.

Midori: (sniffs) Cari, please tell this ragamuffin that I don't speak to trash!

Cari: (laughs) I guess you lose out again, Monkey Boy!

(The camera shifts to the ring where Angel Dust stands, microphone in hand.) Angel Dust: "Hey little girl, I hope you shined my belt for me"

Kenny: Angel must be referring to Jennifer Christian.

Cari: No, duh, Sherlock!

(Suddenly, across the loudspeakers comes the haunting first few bars of the theme from “The Twilight Zone, then simultaneously with flashpots exploding Golden Earing’s song of the same name belts loud out around the arena.)

Midori: Well, it looks like the champion is about to make her entrance.

Kenny: Oh boy! Business is about to pick up!

(The name "Jenn" flashes big on the screen in a way that starts her fans chanting the name in unison. Images of deep space and celestial oddities interspersed with the images of every member of the current Sisterhood of Seduction flash across the Angeltron. The curtain parts and Jennifer Christian sachet’s out dressed in a black two piece swimsuit, black tights and black wrestling boots. Gone is the Yvette Malreaux leather jacket and S and M suit. She looks every bit a sweet innocent little girl, despite the frown that seems permanently affixed on her face these days.)

Kenny: Well, as Jennifer enters the ring, the referee, Vicki Task, is checking her for weapons.

Midori: So, I guess the rumors were true. Task is still around, looking as haggard as ever!

Cari: (laughs) That's the Midori that I know and love. Looks like this match is about to start.

Midori: Finally, I'll get to see the great Jennifer Christian and Angel Dust in action! Let's see if either are worthy of facing "The Little Geisha"!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

(As the bell rings, Jennifer races across the ring and surprises Angel with a drop kick to the chest, knocking the larger woman to the canvas. Jennifer quickly bounces to her feet and follows by dragging Angel to her feet and tossing her towards the ropes.)

Kenny: Great start by the champ, keeping the challenger on her toes.

Midori: Jennifer is quite quick...yet she still isn't as quick as (dramatic pause) The Little Geisha!

(As Angel rebounds off of the ropes, Jenn surprises her with a lightning fast hurricanrana, pinning her shoulders to the mat.)

Kenny: Jennifer trying for a quick pin but only gets a one count.

(Angel quickly escapes the pin attempt as Jenn again rises to her feet. As Angel slowly rises, Jenn charges with another dropkick only to catch hard canvas, Angel moving out of the way. Angel grabs a handful of Jennifer's hair, dragging the teen to her feet. Angel Dust tosses Jennifer into the nearby corner and charges, crashing into the smaller woman with a splash. Jennifer gasps as she slumps to the mat.)

Midori: Well, looks like Angel Dust is in control now. That splash was brutal!

Cari: That's the one thing about these cruiser matches. The action is fast and furious!

(Angel places a few boots and stomps to Jenn's midsection before dragging her to her feet again and performing a perfect suplex. Angel grabs another handful of Jenn's hair, tossing her to the mat with a hair mare. She delivers a kick to Jennifer's back before dragging Miss Christian to her feet, doubling her over with a kick to the stomach. As Jenn bends at the waist, Angel grabs her by the head and plants her into the mat with a DDT.)

Kenny: Ouch! That's got to hurt!

Cari: Looks like Angel is ready to win her gold again. She's really showing Jennifer what she's made of.

(Angel rolls the downed Jennifer up and hooks the leg, Task counting the pin attempt.)



Midori: It isn't enough as Jennifer kicks out. I am seeing a lot of great things from these two cruiserweights. Maybe they could indeed pose a threat to (dramatic pause) The Little Geisha!

(As Jennifer kicks out, Angel yanks her to her feet and whips her towards the corner. As Angel charges, Jennifer surprises her with a spin wheel kick to the face, stunning the bigger woman. Jenn follows with a flying headscissors that sends Angel skidding across the canvas.)

Cari: Looks like Jennifer is back in this fight as she pulls one out of her hat! She seems really confident and sure in this match.

Kenny: Indeed. A far cry from her last encounter with Angel Dust.

(As Angel slowly gets to her feet, Jennifer again charges her, surprising Angel with a cross body block, hooking the leg as her body crashes with that of Angel Dust.)



(Angel Dust gets her shoulder up before Task can slap the mat a third time. While Angel slowly gets to her feet, Jennifer mounts the top turnbuckle. She measures Angel before flying off with a missile drop kick. Angel groans as Jennifer's feet smash into her chest.)

Midori: Excellent move by The Twilight Zone. The elevation was perfect.

(As Angel again struggles to her feet, she is sent crashing into the mat again as Jennifer sends her face first with a bull dog. Jennifer again covers Angel Dust, hooking the leg.)



Kenny: No! Angel Dust manages to kick out of another pin attempt. Jennifer has to do more than that if she hopes to put the former champion away.

(Jennifer slaps the mat before bringing Angel Dust to her feet again but she groans as the bigger woman surprises her with a quick low blow. The ref admonishes Angel for the illegal tactic as Jenn slumps to her knees. With a grin, Angel Dust grabs a handful of hair and lifts Jennifer, rocking her body with a body slam. Jenn winces as her body crashes with the hard canvas.)

Cari: Angel resorting to a little extra help to get the advantage. Now, it looks like Angel's going to the top rope.

Midori: I wonder what the girl is planning.

(Angel Dust quickly mounts the top turnbuckle and flies off. But she only finds the mat as Jennifer rolls out of the way of the attempted splash. Angel moans in pain as she slowly makes it to her feet. Jennifer races towards her and quickly grabs her by the head, dropping her to the mat with a DDT. As a stunned Angel writhes in pain, Jenn grabs her by the legs and turns her on her stomach, putting the woman in a Boston Crab.)

Kenny: Looks like Jenn is trying for a submission with that Boston Crab. i can hear Angel's cries from here!

Cari: But Angel is holding on. She has to be one of BRAs more resilient wrestlers!

(As Jennifer applies the hold, Angel Dust winces in pain, struggling to reach the ropes. Task asks if she wishes to submit but Angel refuses. Finally, Angel manages to reach the ropes, tagging them and forcing Jennifer to release the hold. Jennifer proceeds to add a few kicks and stomps to the prone Angel as she complies with the ref's orders.)

Cari: Looks like that Boston Crab has taken a lot out of Angel. It won't be long before Jennifer takes the win.

Kenny: I don't know. Angel still has a lot of fight left.

Midori: Cari, tell this cretin not to correct you any longer.

Cari: (laughs) You heard the lady, geek boy. Shut up!

(Jennifer brings Angel to her feet again and tosses her to the ropes. Jennifer attempts a drop kick but Angel holds onto the ropes, Jennifer connecting with air. As Jenn's body crashes to the canvas, Angel leaps into the air and drops an elbow to her stomach, eliciting a small cry from the champion. Angel begins to batter Jennifer with a series of kicks and punches to the stomach as the fans boo. Finally, Angel grabs her by the hair and smashes her face first into the mat.)

Kenny: Looks like Angel is using another strategy.

Midori: Since she can't out fly Jennifer, it looks like she's trying to outbrawl her.

(Angel grabs a dazed Jennifer and sends her to the ropes, surprising her with a clothesline on the rebound. Angel quickly covers Jennifer and tries a pin.)



Kenny: Jennifer kicks out before the three count!

(Angel slaps the mat in frustration as she whips Jennifer to the ropes again. This time, as the teen rebounds, she catches Angel with a hurricanrana! A dazed Angel rises to her feet as Jennifer surprises her again with a spin wheel kick to the chest, knocking the former porn star to her bottom. As Angel sits up on the mat, Jennifer rebounds off of the ropes and drop kicks her in the chest.)

Kenny: Wow! What a move by Jennifer Christian! This girl is the real deal!

Midori: Indeed. I may have finally found a cruiserweight wrestler as good as (dramatic pause) The Little Geisha!

(Jenn grabs a dazed Angel and whips her to the ropes. Jenn follows her in and attempts a cross body block, only to be caught and slammed roughly to the mat.)

Cari: It seems that Angel Dust is still in this match! She must really want that gold back.

(She lifts Jenn for another body slam when the teen surprises her with a small package!)



(Angel barely gets her shoulder up, kicking out of the pinning situation. She grabs a handful of Jenn's hair and tosses her into a nearby corner. Angel charges only to be greeted by a forearm shot to the chest. As the porn star stumbles, Jenn catches her with a stunner. As Angel falls to the mat, Jenn runs to the far corner and does a half somersault, over top Angel, to a handstand on the top turnbuckle. She then pushes backwards, performing a reverse frog splash atop Angel's chest!)

Cari: The Outer Limits! This match is over!

(Jenn hooks the leg as the ref counts the pin.)




(The bell rings and the ref hands Jennifer the belt, raising her arm in victory.)

Midori: A great match by Miss Christian. I can see why many consider her one of the best cruiserweights in the world.

(As Angel slowly gets to her feet, a smirking Jenn grabs a nearby microphone.)

Jennifer: Angel, that’s twice now I’ve beaten you for this belt! Go back to the movies, sweetie, you will never get closer than this again!

(Jennifer tosses the microphone aside and saunters away, the crowd applauding her efforts. Meanwhile, Angel Dust watches her leave, venom in her eyes.)

Kenny: Strong words from the champion.

Cari: But she proved tonight that she can back them up.

Midori: Well, it was a pleasure, Cari, but I must be off. I hope that we can do this again (shooting Kenny a withering glance) without the presence of ragamuffins.

Cari: Sounds like a plan to me.

(Midori leaves as the scene fades.)

Winner and still BRA Featherweight Champion: Jennifer Christian
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