logoHell in a Cell - Viper vs. Janus vs. Sasha

The arena sparked with sudden life.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer began, "we direct your attention to the ring as we begin our second event of the evening - a Hell in the Cell match to determine the rightful owner of the Fallen Angel belt."

The crowd swelled. Whoops and screams poured through the air. The announcer smiled out to the masses, waiting for their sudden burst of energy to die down. As the clatter faded, he put the microphone to his lips. "First, from Deadwood, South Dakota - standing at 5'8" and 138 pounds - the current owner of the Fallen Angel title - Leslie Magus," he paused for a moment as the screaming began, then growled the rest into the mic, "the Viper!"

And the familiar sound of hissing slowly began to fade up, filling the arena. On the Angeltron, the image of a pit viper, curled up against a wall, slowly shifted its head side to side, ready to strike. Fans yelped as, in a flash, the viper struck out at the monitor, opening its gaping maw, showing two long fangs before engulfing the lens. At the same time, green and white pryo exploded from the wrestler entrance as a new theme is heard for the Viper. Tool's "StinkFist" blared over the loudspeakers.

It's not enough.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I don't want it.
I just need it.
To feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive.

The crowd rose to its feet as the "Viper" Lesley Magus stepped out from behind the pyro, dragging a garbage can filled with assorted tools for mayhem. She was dressed in a green spandex sports bra and black martial arts pants. Her hair was tied tight behind her head in a ponytail. Her hands were partially covered by black fingerless gloves. A tattoo of a Viper curled up her arm and around her shoulder. As always, a long link of bike chain was wrapped around her neck and down her torso. Jet black wrestling boots covered her feet as she stood, glaring into the ring. Around her waist, the Fallen Angel Title.

Lesley walked around the cage, glaring back at the entrance to the arena. A ring attendant, a young Asian girl, smiled at her and held the gate to the cage open. As Viper passed her, the girl reached to help Leslie with the garbage can, but a stern look from the champion made her rethink her action.

The announcer nodded to Viper, but did not pay her enough time to see if she returned a greeting. Too much else to do.

"Her first opponent this evening," he purred into the mic, "hails from Helena, Montana. Standing at 5'10 and 155 pounds, she is Janus!"

The Chamber Brothers' "Time" piped into the arena, and again the loyal fans rose to their feet, but not just for Janus, but Lindsey Locke and Sakura Ito, who trailed close behind her. While her two comrades seemed a bit more friendly towards the fans, Janus's eyes were trained on the ring, and the Magnus.

Viper returned a long hateful glare, standing beside her garbage can of "goodies," and waiting.

Janus entered the cage and climbed the steps to the ring, but Sakura and Lindsey were stopped by a referee and the young ring attendant.

"And the final combatant for this event," the announcer rattled on," calls Philidelphia, Pennsylvania her home. Standing at 5'8" and 154 pounds, she is Sasha... the Dragon Lady!"

The arena fell to darkness. The usual hoots from the fans came, but all died down quickly. Two female figures could be seen by the entry.

Suddenly, a fireball seemed to appear from one of the figure's mouth and erupt outward.

"Problem Child" from AC/DC hit the arena speakers. Sasha the Dragon Lady appeared at the top of the stage. Behind her wass the Oakland Enforcer, Brenda Busley. Sasha wore black leather pants and a blue velvet shirt, finishing the outfit with her customary turquoise and yellow cowboy boots. The blonde's shirt sleeves were rolled back to show off her tattoos. She strutted towards the ring, showing her disdain for the fans.

They were all too happy to show theirs for Sasha, as well.

Brenda strode behind Sasha, arms folded in front of her chest. The Enforcer wore black leather pants, black biker boots and a black "Hit Squad" t-shirt. Her large arms were covered in biker tattoos.

Brenda followed slowly behind her boss, carrying a black leather bag.

Sasha continued to argue with the fans. Finally, she reached the ring and entered, with Brenda moving to follow her in the ring, only to be stopped by the referee. The begins to heatedly argue with the referee, who spouts back at her his own feelings. The Enforcer drops the bag momentarily to gesture with her hands as she berated the referee. As she does, the young ring attendant snatches the bag up and carries it toward the ring.

Sasha stood in the center of the ring and held her hands up, smiling and waving for the fans to show more dislike towards her.

The did not let her down.

They booed her lustily. Sasha had a controlled look in her eyes, the look of the wrestler/mercenary she was best known as. She stretched in the ring and waited for the match. The ring attendant snuck into the ring quietly behind her and left the bag in Sasha's view, then hurridly followed the announcer out.

The referee snapped the cell door shut.

The bell rang.

All three women attacked.

Janus struck first with missile dropkick, spilling into Viper and wrapping them both into the ropes. Leslie took the opportunity to wrap her chain around Janus's neck and squeeze, but only before Sasha dove and slammed into the duo.

All the women were on the mat now.

Viper was stunned, but not enough to let loose of her chain, which was still wrapped nicely around Janus's neck. She looked over and saw the woman flaily and turning a nice shade of purple. Leslie smirked as she admired her work, but then looked over at Sasha and gritted her teeth.

The blonde was rummaging through her bag, fumbling with lightbulbs and other items. She saw Sasha pull a small, clear box out.

Thumb tacks.


Viper smirked as she stood, dragging Janus up with her. Viper spun around, like she was hurling a discus, and released her grip on the chain. The chain clattered uselessly to the mat, but Janus was sent straight into the Dragon Lady, lifting her off the mat as well and throwing her another six feet, just at the ropes. Viper followed close behind, wading through the hundreds of thumb tacks which were now raining down on the mat.

Both were slow to rise, which suited Viper just fine. She reached down and took both women by their hair and slammed their heads together - twice. After the second knock, Sasha's knees buckled, but Janus fought to pull away. Leslie dropped the Dragon Lady to turn her attention to Janus.

Janus struck out at Viper, but Leslie caught it. She's anticipated the blow. She caught the punch effortlessly and turned the situation to her advantage even more with a wrist lock, followed by a quick jab to Janus's chin. Leslie watched with pleasure as the blow snapped Janus's head back.

But Leslie hadn't anticipated the knee driven into her thigh.

The truth be told, it wasn't the pain - the attack didn't hurt as much as it could have - but the shock at the rapid speed at which Janus had moved to place it that caused Viper to released her hold.

But the forearm smash into her nose - well, that did hurt, although Leslie had no intention of admitting it. The knife hand across her throat, though - well, she couldn't hold back the gasp or gurgle she made from that, nor could she supress the groan as Janusdropve her shoulder just under Leslie's ribcage and lifted her back a few feet and drove her down into the mat.

Right on top of all those thumb tacks.

Leslie felt herself standing up again, but not on her own. Her hair pulled tight in Janus's grip as the taller woman lifted her and slung her against the ropes and then catching her for a power slam.

Right back on top of all those thumb tacks.

Leslie bit her lip to prevent Janus from having the satisfaction of hearing her make a sound - even while Janus stomped Leslie up and down with those damn cowboy boots. The last kicklanded in her temple, and Leslie saw black momentarily. To her, however, it seemed like a lot longer than it had been. When she managed to refocus, though, she was still flat on her back, and what she assumed was Janus was standing above her, holding something

A fork, glinting in the arena lights.

Janus brought the fork back and plunged it at Leslie.

But the fork never reached its destination. Instead, it flew from her hand as Janus was dropkicked by Sasha from behind. She stumbled forward, tripping over Magnus and slamming into the mat.

She rolled over to see Sasha diving down for her, elbow aimed perfectly. But Sasha rolled out of the way, and Sasha missed her target.

The Dragon Lady stirred slowly - too slowly. Janus lifted her to her feet by her hair and administered a suplex, dropping her where Mangus's body should have been, but wasnt'.

Instead Magnus was on her feet, and holding the now emptied trash can over her head. Janus was unable to act before the the Viper hurled the trash can and caught her in the stomach, knocking her back.

Leslie whistled a little as she fished through the dumped weapons at her feet. She picked up a straight jacket and frying pan, then walked towards Sasha. Sasha fidgeted weekly as Viper put the straight jacket on her. She looked up at Viper, only to catch a frying pan in the face. Sasha made a week, childlike gurgle before slumping to the mat.

Leslie admired her work only momentarily before turning to finish off Janus, but she waited a bit too long. The same trash can was slammed over her head, and seconds later she was jolted downwards by a dropkick that dented the side of the can. She struggled to get out of the can as it was lifted upright, then hurled down on the mat. Leslie crawled out, dazed, when a foot caught her under her chin. She stumbled a bit and found herself in the corner - not where she wanted to be. Her focus cleared enough to see Janus above her, wielding a frying pan, then striking with it. Viper ducked between Janus's legs as the pan struck the turnbuckles where her head had been.

Viper kept rolling, like a tumbleweed, towards her weapons. She felt the mat behind her thump, telling her Janus attempted to strike her as moved. Finally, she reached her stash, and grabbed the first thing she could.

Janus lunged, frying pan ready, at Viper, but her opponent was ready.

On the mat, Leslie merely raised her legs and caught Janus under the ribs and kicked her back. Now, Janus was on the mat and Viper atop her, holding something she could quite make out. But the sting as it bit in to her told her it was a stapler. Janus struggled in vainly, shrieking and Leslie punched staple after staple after staple into her body. Finally, she kicked the Viper off and stood, pulling herself up by the ropes. She could feel staples in her face and neck, and she saw them on her chest and shoulders, each dripping blood.

Her eyes clenched and Janus yelped as the stapler was thrown into her head, a direct bullseye.

A momentary blackness sparked, but when Janus came back, she felt cold metal wrapped around her neck - a chain. Again, Leslie slung her with a neck snap and spilled her across the mat, into a now flailing and foaming Sasha. Janus pushed herself up as Sasha frantically bit into her. Janus just stood and kicked Sasha in the face.

She felt the mat rumble and knew it was coming from behind her. Janus delivered a spinning kick, and saw from the shock on Viper's face, it wasn't expected. She took Leslie by the hair and rammed her knee into her face, then placed her head between her legs for a power bomb.

Perfectly placed, she drove Leslie atop Sasha, and both made pleasingly painful groans, and bought Janus enough time to search Sasha's bag of tricks for a new toy.

And she found just what she was hoping for.

Janus wrapped the barbwire tightly around her hand. It didn't hurt much, really. Not many things did.

Viper still wasn't up yet, which suited Janus fine. She pulled the woman up herself, and drove her fist, barbwire and all, into Viper's face.

Viper ripped free after the hit and cupped her right cheek. It was pouring a steady red stream now. Janus struck again, on the opposite side. The barbwire ripped skin from Viper's neck, exposing the delicate pink beneath the skin.

And for a moment, all of Janus's rage frothed to the top.

Janus felt herself losing control as she clamped her hands around Viper's neck and began crushing her throat.

She was so angry, so uncontrolled, she hadn't noticed Viper had done the same to her.

And both women stood there, bleeding and choking each other, each trying to force the other down. Janus's eyes widened with the realization she was in as much trouble as Viper and her grip loosened. Both women released the other's neck. Viper stumbled and fell next to her pile of toys. The choke had pushed the barbwire into her neck, and she felt the blood pouring. She wouldn't be awake much longer, and she knew it. Odds were, Janus new it, too. She fumbled through the pile, coughing and fighting to stay awake.

But she felt her hair being pulled up, being lifted by the bigger woman. Janus was looking her in the eyes, and smiling like a demon. She slapped Leslie across the face with the barbwire and spun Leslie around. She drove her knee deep and hard into Leslie's crotch. Viper murmurred as she slumped to her knees, too tired to cry out.

Again, she felt herself being raised by her hair. Everything was shifting now, fading in and out. She saw the gore covered hand of Janus preparing for one more strike. She knew this was her only chance. Viper gulped.

The fist flew at her, but she ripped free, leaving a patch of hair in Janus's fist. Viper struck up at Janus's forearm and latched the open maw of her handcuffs around it, snapping them shut. Viper stood up quickly and headbutted Janus as hard as she could, almost knocking herself out in the process. Janus was stunned long enough for Viper to drape the other end of the handcuffs under and over the top rope, and snap them shut on Janus's other hand.

Janus was caught on the rope. She couldn't break free.

She couldn't finish the match, which left only Viper.

Viper heard Janus wailed and roar in fury at her, screaming obscenities Viper couldn't hope to make out. She crawled towards the center of the mat and laid down. Leslie was tired. Bleeding and tired. She could barely hear the bell ring. She heard her name mentioned, and felt a belt thrust into her hands, and then a pair of warm hands lifting her up and onto a stretcher. Her vision cleared enough to see the young ring attendant, and the shadows of medical techs. The girl was holding onto Viper's hand and telling her it was all right - she'd be okay in no time.

Viper smiled a little, and thought of how if Janus were to get free in the next few minutes, she'd probably kill her. Viper laughed a little before she slipped into unconciousness.
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