logoMissy "The Ninja" Jones vs. "Lightning" Lindsey Locke

(The scene opens inside the San Diego arena. The seats are filled with screaming fans, thirsty for more wrestling action. "MOP THIS!!". "FEAR THE BEAST", "I SNUCK IN" are just a few of the hundreds of signs.)

(Another camera shot appears, zooming in on the announcer's table. Ken and Cari are having a heated debate as the camera gets closer.)

Ken: "No way!"

Cari: "Oh yes way!"

Ken: "You can't be that ignorant!"

Cari: "Oh yes I can!"

(Ken notices the camera and turns his attention to it.)

Ken: "Welcome back to Naughty or Nice 2000!"

( The "Brat" turns and smiles for the camera.)

Cari: "Sorry about that little display folks, seems Ken here doesn't know his history."

(Ken grumbles under his breath and glances at his laptop.)

Ken: "Folks we have a great match up next. The "Ninja" Missy Jones against "Lightning" Lindsey Locke."

Cari: "A loser match!"

Ken: "What?"

Cari: "Luuuuuhhhhhhhssseer match"

Ken: "Come off it! Lindsey's an ex-Celestial Champion! And Missy has always been a great competitor."

Cari: "That's in the past bucko, lately all Lindsey's been good for is being the third player in the Threesome. I mean , they can't do that pose thing without her."

Ken: "That's totally uncalled for. Lindsey is a great wrestler. She gives 110% in every match. She's a hero to thousands of little girls."

Cari: "She's also lost most of her matches lately. She wasn't even able to beat Sakura two weeks ago to get a title shot at Tiffany."

Ken: "Umm, Laura Parker wasn't able to beat Sakura either!"

Cari: "Laura was sick that week, I have it on good authority that she was fighting a serious illness. But, being the true competitor that she is, Laura still wrestled in that match."

Ken: "Sure. Anyway, this match is a repeat contest for these two wrestlers. Missy and Lindsey have fought before, with Locke getting the win in that match."

Cari: "They should just save us a bunch of time and flip a coin to see who wins this thing."

Ken: "Well, I'm looking forward to this. I know Lindsey's going to be coming out like a bolt of lightning. She wants to show everyone, including annoyingly bitter female announcer's, that she's still got it!"

Cari: "Hey, I'm not bitter!"

(Suddenly, the entire arena goes dark. A yin-yang with a sword through it appears on the Angeltron, and a hush comes over the crowd. Lights flash on and off quickly, as if there were lightning far in the distance. All is dark again, and nothing can be seen or heard but a low roll of thunder, followed by the sounds of an electric organ. Jim Morrison joins in with the Doors, singing �Riders on the Storm' and the lights pulse dimly. A figure clad head to toe in all black flies out of the crowd and over the guardrail, to �oohs' and �ahhs' from the fans.)

Cari: "That stupid poet better not be hanging around here."

Ken: "Well, being he's continuing his studies, and being it's exam time. I doubt we will be graced with a poem tonight."

Cari: "Whew!"

(Missy slides into the ring and gracefully moves to her corner. She removes her mask, while before a few Kata's.)

Ken: "Lindsey's going to have to watch out for Missy's quick strikes. The ninja's feet a lethal!"

Cari: "Hence the name�Ninja! Idiot!"

(As strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning, Lindsay walks to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a "T," palms down. As pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a "V," palms up. Lindsay stands in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face. "Immigrant Song" by Led Zepplin hits as Lindsay, accompanied by Janus, and Sakura Ito, makes her way to the ring. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver kneepads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. The crowd cheers wildly as the fan favorite walks to the ring, smiling and slapping hands with fans. All four women enter the ring and the members of the Threesome hit the now well-known "Threesome Pose." Sakura drops to one knee and flexes her two powerful arms. Lindsay stands right behind her, holding three fingers up. Janus stands behind both of them and holds her arms in the air. Angela Downey points at them. The crowd is cheering like mad for their favorites. They split up and Lindsay gets a hug from Sakura. Then, she walks over to Janus and gets some last minute advice. The ref clears the other members of the Threesome out of the ring and Lindsay stretches in preparation for the match. Janus and Sakura patrol the outside of the ring, making sure that no outside interference will take place. )

Cari: "See! Look how stupid that pose would be without Lindsey, she's a vital part of their opening."

Ken: "Can't you give her an ounce of credit?"

Cari: "��."

Ken: "We have to work on your people skills. Although I am a bit surprised to see Janus and Sakura out here, they both have very important matches later tonight and being out here makes them potential targets for sneak attacks."

Cari: "Puuuuhhhlease! First off Tiffany Lane doesn't need anyone to do her fighting for her. Secondly �well, ummm, Viper or Sasha might take advantage of this. But I think both of them are getting ready for the Hell in the Cell."

(The ref checks Lindsey over and then Missy.)

Cari: "Yeah, like he's going to find anything on miss goody-two-shoes."

(Janus is glaring at Missy and the Ninja gives her a dirty look at the bell rings to start the match.)

Ken: "Remember two weeks ago? Missy threw away her chance at the Celestial Title, just to get a piece of Janus."

Cari: "I remember that she gave Janus a couple of good shots, before security dragged them both from the arena."

(Both wrestlers step out from their corners. Lindsey dances around the ropes like a boxer, keeping her arms up near her chest. Missy walks slowly around, her body always turned towards her opponent. Missy starts to close the distance. As she gets in range, Missy launches a forward kick, lashing her foot towards Lindsey's head. Locke backs off, blocking the kick with her arm. Missy steps forwards quickly, launching a quick series of kicks and strikes. Lindsey manages to block the assault, deftly using her arms to block the incoming blows.)

Ken: "Some good defensive moves by Lindsey."

Cari: "Yeah that's great, but we came here to see offence!"

(Lindsey waits for Missy to launch another kick, before quickly stepping forwards. Lindsey takes the blow on her side, while getting in close to the Ninja. Both women lock up, Lindsey starts to push Missy backwards. Jones suddenly rolls backwards, kicking her feet up into Lindsey's belly. Locke is pulled forwards and flipped over, but she rolls with the move, flipping her body in the air and landing on her feet.)

Ken: "WoW! Nice reaction!"

Cari: "I suppose.."

(Missy is on the mat as Lindsey turns to face her. The Ninja quips up to her feet as Locke fires a kick of her own towards Missy's belly. The Ninja grabs the foot, holding Lindsey's leg in the air. Locke leaps, spinning her leg around, trying to smash it into Missy's head. The Ninja ducks as Locke's foot sails over her head. Lindsey then falls to the mat on her belly as Missy falls to her knee's still holding and twisting Lindsey's foot.)

Ken: "Nice reaction by Missy! Both these ladies are extremely quick!"

(Lindsey pounds her hands on the mat as Missy lifts and twists her ankle. The ref asks Lindsey for a submission, but she shakes her head in defiance and reaches her hands out towards the ropes. Missy clamps on a claw hold around Lindsey's Achilles tendon. The move causes Lindsey to yelp out in pain and she quickly drags her body closer to the bottom rope, her hand grasping it. The ref calls for a break, which Missy complies with immediately.)

Cari: "Lindsey sure looked to be in pain from that claw hold."

Ken: "Missy knows all the pressure and pain points, the back of your ankle is filled with nerve receptors. Missy knows just how to make you feel each and every one of them."

(Lindsey starts to rise to her feet, when Missy steps in and grabs her by the arm, flinging her across the ring. Locke hits the opposite strands and bounces back in as Missy strikes her arm out. Lindsey ducks the clothesline and continues across the ring, bouncing off the other ropes as Missy turns to face her. Lindsey launches herself into the air, planting her feet into Missy's chest.)

Ken: "What a drop-kick! Nobody, I mean nobody does that better than Lindsey Locke!"

(Lindsey jumps up to her feet quickly and runs to the ropes as Missy rises. Again Lindsey drops the Ninja with a dropkick. Lindsey pushes herself up and races to the ropes as Missy rises to her feet.)

Cari: "Another drop-kick! Three in a row!"

(Missy goes flying into the corner as Lindsey jumps to her feet. Locke races towards the corner and leaps into the air, performing a handspring, before slamming her elbow into Missy's chest. The Ninja staggers forwards as Lindsey jumps up to the second rope. Locke then leaps off, grabbing Missy around the head and driving her down to the mat.)

Ken: "Jesus! She's on fire! Handspring elbow smash! Bulldog off the second rope!"

(Lindsey flips Missy over and hooks the leg for a pin. The ref counts to two, before the ninja kicks out. Lindsey rises to her feet, pulling Missy up by her arm. She whips the Ninja across the ring and takes off in the other direction. Missy hits the ropes and bounces in as Lindsey does the same. Both women leap into the air, spinning their bodies around.)

Cari: "ooops!"

Ken: "Double attempted Spinning Heel kicks!"

(The two wrestlers slam into each other in mid-air and then fall to the mat. Missy has better luck and falls on top of Lindsey's back. The Ninja reacts quickly and straddles Lindsey's back while pulling her arms up. Missy puts Lindsey's arms over her thighs and then reaches forward, cupping her arms under Lindsey's chin.)

Ken: "Camel Clutch! In the middle of the ring!"

(Lindsey lets out a yelp as Missy leans back, pulling Lindsey's head and neck backwards. The ref asks if Lindsey wants to give up, but she yells out "NO" which causes the fans to cheer. Janus and Sakura and yelling encouragement from outside the ring as Missy leans back again, stretching Lindsey's neck muscles to the limit.)

Cari: "Missy could do more damage if she rakes the eyes of pulled on the sides of Lindsey's mouth."

Ken: "Yes, but that would also be cheating. Missy doesn't need to do those types of maneuvers to win matches. She's a straight shooter with tremendous talent."

Cari: "I'm just trying to help."

(Missy leans back again. Lindsey lets out a grunt and with a surge of strength, she manages to free one of her arms. Lindsey flops to the mat as she breaks free of the hold. Missy rises up and then jumps, extending her legs out and slamming one of them down across the back of Lindsey's head.)

Ken: "Ouch! Brutal leg drop by Missy! She's going for the pin!"

( Missy rolls Lindsey over and hooks the leg. Locke kicks out after a count of one, much to the delight of some of the younger fans in attendance. Missy wastes no time and hauls Lindsey up, scooping her in her arms and then slamming her down to the mat with a powerful bodyslam. Missy then jumps up in the air, to perform another leg drop by Lindsey rolls clear.)

Cari: "Ouch! Kinda like giving yourself an atomic drop!"

(Missy grimaces in pain as Lindsey rolls to her feet. Jones starts to push herself up as Lindsey moves in on her. She grabs Missy around the head and then jumps backwards.)

Ken: "Jumping DDT! Missy's gotta be seeing stars after that one!"

(Lindsey continues her attack and lifts Missy up off the mat and hoists her onto her shoulders. In one quick motion, Lindsey jumps and falls to her side, planting Missy's head and shoulders into the mat with devastating force.)

Cari: "Nice move."

Ken: "Spiccoli Driver! One of Lindsey's favorite moves! Wow! She seems to pull these high impact moves outta nowhere!"

(Lindsey jumps to her feet and points to the ropes. The crowd rises to its feet as she races to a corner and vaults up onto the top turnbuckle. Lindsey rises to her feet and raises her arms above her head. She pushes off the top, launching her body into the air.)

Ken: "Big Frogsplash�.NO!"

Cari: "Owwww, now that's gotta hurt!"

(At the last moment, Missy brought her knee's up. Lindsey impales herself on impact and bounces away, clutching at her midsection. Missy rolls to her knee's taking a moment to catch her breath.)

Ken: "Lindsey's in big trouble! She went for the big high risk move when Missy wasn't quite put away yet. Lindsey doesn't usually make those kind of mistakes."

Cari: "Maybe �s she got something on her mind? Like the fact she's in a dark match."

Ken: "This isn't a dark match!"

Cari: "Suuuure, keep believing that."

(Missy rises to her feet and hauls Lindsey up. The Ninja lifts Lindsey into a cradle carry and then drops her down, belly first against her outstretched knee.)

Ken: "Gourdbuster! Missy is attacking Lindsey's sore belly."

Cari: "Smart move, Lindsey has been putting on a little weight."

Ken: "What?! She's got 6 pack abs!"

Cari: "More like she's been drinking 6 packs."

(Missy shoves Lindsey off her knee and then clamps a claw hold on her opponents belly. Lindsey gasps in pain as Missy's hands, knead into her chiseled stomach. Lindsey's face is contorted in pain as Missy moves her knee across Lindsey's chest, holding her down for a pin, while keeping the claw on. The ref slaps his hand down twice, before Lindsey raises a shoulder off the mat. Lindsey raises her arm and punches her fist into Missy's side, causing the Ninja to shift away. Missy breaks the claw hold and rises to her feet, before stomping her boot down into Lindsey's stomach.)

Ken: "The ninja is vicious once she locks onto a weakness."

(Missy grabs Lindsey by the arm and pulls her up, only to slam her knee up into Lindsey's belly. Locke lets out a whimper as Missy repeats the knee lift three more times. Missy then shoves Lindsey back into a corner, before moving to the opposite side.)

Cari: "Lindsey is out of it, she's just a piece of meat hanging in the corner."

(Missy reaches the opposite side of the ring and then races across it. She jumps up into the air to perform a flying bodysplash, but nobody's home.)

Ken: "Lindsey moved!"

Cari: "Ahhh nutz!"

(Missy's head slams into the turnbuckles as Lindsey moves out of the way. Locke rubs her belly and with a weird gleam in her eye she grabs the dazed Missy and hooks her for a suplex. Lindsey lifts Missy high into the air, holding her vertical for a moment.)

Ken: "Big Suplex coming up�.NO! My god! Brainbuster!"

(Instead of falling over backwards, Lindsey sits down, driving the top of Missy's head into the mat. Missy's body bounces up and then slumps over. Lindsey rises to her feet and lifts her now semi-conscious opponent up. Lindsey hoists Missy onto her shoulder before slipping her body down, so that Missy's head is against her belly. Locke then falls straight down to the mat.)

Cari: "Ouch Rikishi Driver!" Missy is in Lala land!"

(Sakura and Janus cheer from the outside Lindsey plants Missy's head into the mat.)

Ken: "Lindsey has the pin now, Missy isn't moving."

Cari: "Yeah, but she's not going for it, she's picking Missy up again."

(The crowd watches as Lindsey lifts Missy up, before setting her up for a piledriver. Lindsey lifts Missy into the air and the grabs Missy around the waist and leg. Locke leaps up into the air, driving Missy's head down again.)

Ken: "Cradle Piledriver! Wow! I guess Lindsey wants to make sure Missy can't kick out"

(Janus is all cheers as Sakura watches on with a slightly confused look on her face. Lindsey then points to the corner as her fans cheer. Locke climbs the ropes and stands on the top turnbuckle. For a moment ,she staggers, as if losing her equilibrium, much to the dismay of the crowd. But she recovers quickly and then leaps off the top, somersaulting through the air, before slamming her elbow down across Missy's chest.)

Ken: "Lightning Strike! Missy isn't getting up after that one."

Cari: "She wasn't getting up after the Rikishi Driver!"

(The ref slaps his hand down three times, as Lindsey covers Missy for the win.)


(Janus and Sakura slide into the ring to congratulate their comrade as the ref raises Lindsey's arm.)

Ken: "Quite a display by Lindsey, Missy had a few moments, but Locke wasn't going to be denied."

Cari: "She almost fell off the top rope at the end there."

Ken: "Yeah, I noticed that. She also went for a high risk finishing move way to early in the match. She wouldn't normally make silly mistakes like that. I'm sure it's nothing serious though, just a mental lapse."

Cari: "Well, she certainly put the hurt on Missy, Lindsey nailed her with three big driver shots in a row. Then the "Lightning Strike", that's a rare kind of viciousness from Lindsey."

Ken: "Missy did get up from the Spiccoli Driver and nail Lindsey when she jumped off the top rope. I'm sure Lindsey was just making sure she had put Missy away before she tried another big finishing move."

Cari: "Well, I'm not so sure, Lindsey has a weird look in her eye. Like she wasn't here for a moment, not that the airhead is here all the time anyway."

Ken: "Well, what ever the result, it's a big win for Lindsey. A much needed win after some big losses. Folks, we'll be right back after some words by one of our new sponsors."

(The image changes to a commercial for Pembroke Tobacco.)

***Winner of the match: Lindsey Locke***
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