logoTiffany Lane vs. Sakura Ito (Celestial Title)

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(The moment was finally upon the crowd. They cheered with anticipation as the final match of the PPV was about ready to begin. The matches at Naughty and Nice had been filled with energy and an almost raw sexual excitement. Banners and signs were clear to the cameras and the screaming and cheering was at almost inhuman decibels. The lights swirled around and flashes from the cameras were blinding. Cameras cutting to various people in the audience showed their dedication to the event of female athleticism. The final cut went down to Kenny and Cari, perched on the edge of their seats, ready for their opinionated commentary.)

Cari: And folks, this is the time you have all waited for. This is the real payoff for your $24.95. Settle back, grab your favorite drink and let's get ready for our main event.

Kenny: How well spoken, Cari. Nothing snide or hateful from you.

Cari: The fact of the matter is, Kenny, that you have simply not spoken in the past five minutes, giving me little ammunition. But something tells me that you'll give me plenty to work with.

Kenny: Both Tiffany and Sakura have been in their respective lives the past two weeks, no doubt preparing for the match.

Cari: Tiffany, the current champion is relaxed and ready, I promise you. However, I can also assure you that as soon as she sees Sakura, that will all change. Tiffany and Nina hate her. Of course, I can see why. Sakura is classless and a serious rube. Just you wait as Tiffany crushes the life out of this upstart.

Kenny: I disagree, Cari. Have you seen the sheer power of Sakura!? That woman is incredible in every since of the word. Beauty. Strength. Stamina. She has EVERYTHING.

Cari: Yeah. Everything except for the Celestial Title. Tiffany has it now and she will leave here with it.

Kenny: The Babe Squad seems awfully distracted these days. Nina's wedding came right before her first loss in singles in over a year. Tiffany does not seem like she has the drive that she once did.

Cari: Oh really? I would wager you would not say that to her face.

Kenny: And that is what I am talking about. The cruel Babe Squad is more interested in being vicious and petty than they are gaining victories. People like Sakura typify everything that is right with the federation - or what should be. She helps people and is always smiling.

Cari: And therein lies my problem with her, Kenny. That is a sign of weakness.

Kenny: You would have been a Sisterhood member wouldn't you?

Cari: Any doubt about it?

(The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain. The look in her dark brown eyes alone speaks of the focus, the energy, and the raw tension of the battle to come and it's importance to her. Right behind Sakura comes by a large powerful African-American man, bald and obviously in his mid-30s, right alongside Sakura's older mentor and manager, John Nanakami. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is colored a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. The large black man, recognized by those in the know of the boxing world as former heavyweight contender Mack 'Mack Truck' Fontaine, is 6 feet 4 inches tall and almost as broad, dressed simply in a grey sweatsuit with the faded logo for 'Mack's Place Gym' on it. John is dressed rather reservedly, his older face still showing the strains of his recent heart attack, but his eyes seem just as intent and focused as Sakura's. This first trio is followed not a moment thereafter by another trio: the remainder of the Threesome . . . the head of the stable, Lightning Lindsay Locke, with Angela Downey beside her, and right behind, the Dark Angel herself, Janus. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver knee-pads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. Janus wears her traditional black leather pants, black velvet shirt and blue and black cowboy boots.)

(The whole group makes its way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. As they reach ringside, Lindsay, Angela, and Janus each take the time to give a last hug and word of support to their stablemate before taking a position outside the ring. Next, Mack gives her thick shoulders a quick rub and slap.)

Mack: Remember, Miss Sakura, issall in da footwork! Knock her head off!

(Finally, she turns to John. The older Japanese man simply smiles slightly and nods. Sakura gives a quick bow back, then leaps into the ring, stretching out her thick muscular limbs against her corner, preparing for the match of a lifetime.)

Cari: Disgusting. I can't believe that she would even come out looking like that. Does she have no shame at all? She needs to cover up that toadish body.

Kenny: Actually, Cari, I think she may be the most beautiful woman in the business. I really go for that sort of look.

Cari: Stop! Not another word!

(The fans hop to their feet as "Oops! I Did It Again!" blares over the speakers, announcing the arrival of "Blonde Bombshell" Tiffany Lane. Pyro pots explode and pink, fire works soar through the air as The Angletron flashes to life, showing various images of the lovely Tiffany Lane. Suddenly, "The Goddess" Nina Larue steps from behind the curtain. The busty beauty wears a sleeveless, backless, black gown, a dangerous slit offering a tantalizing glimpse of her long, shapely legs. She completes the look with black heels and her raven tresses are fashioned in short, sexy bob. With a smile, she steps aside as Tiffany exits the curtain. Tiffany wears a pink, satin bra and matching, pink panties, trimmed in white fur. The ensemble showcases her sleek, curvy figure. She completes the look with pink, vinyl boots and her luxurious, blonde hair graces the small of her back. Draped over her arm is the BRA Celestial Title. The two seductive beauties pose for a moment atop the entrance way as fire works soar overhead. They finally sashay to ringside, slapping hands with the cheering fans. As Tiffany enters the ring, she holds her championship belt aloft and proceeds to do a sensual bump and grind, eliciting massive catcalls and wolf whistles from the fans. Nina looks on at ringside, cheering Tiffany on. Tiffany hands her belt to the referee before performing a few stretches, giving the male fans quite a visual display.)

Cari: And how can you not think that Lane or Larue is not the most beautiful woman on the roster? I mean, if it was not for me, they could be number one and number two.

Kenny: Hmmm. Where is the official tonight? We're supposed to have Max Polk out here.

Cari: Knowing Max, maybe he is still looking through peep holes in the women's shower room.

(Suddenly the camera cuts back to behind the arena. Max Polk, seen in his stripped shirt is exiting the door to the official's lounge. Like two harbingers of erotic dreams, Angelique and Celeste - a brunette and a blonde - both assistants to Gabrielle, round the corner. Both are wearing skimpy fantasy outfits, making them look like naughty angels, complete with broken halos. They both look at him, then to each other, with a stare of desire.)

Angelique and Celeste: Hiiiiii, Max. Got somewhere to be?

Max: (gulp) Well, ladies, I DO have the match tonight.

Celeste: Someone's been naughty all year, Max.

Angelique: And someone's been nice. Care to guess which one of us was which?

(With a carnal glare, they push him back into the lounge and slamming door behind them, giggling. The fans begin to boo, knowing something is up. The cameras cut back to the curtains as fire explodes from the ramp. The ghost-like and imposing image of Gabrielle appears from behind the curtains. Draped in a black robe that comes down to his feet and a black cowl covering his head, he gives off a feel of eerie evil. The gold mask which covers his face completes his attire. His gloved hand reaches back and pulls out referee Lynette LeBrie, dragging her in front of him. She wears a stripped bikini top and black cycling shorts with matching boots. The crowd jeers and screams, fearing something is afoot. However, Gabrielle, pushes the corrupt official forward as he follows, drawing the microphone near his golden mask.)

Gabrielle: Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that Mr. Polk, the scheduled official for the evening is suddenly . . . unavailable. Fear not. There will be a match, but we have another official with whom we can replace him with. Isn't that right Lynette?

(Seeing the screw-job underway, the crowd screams and throws items but not coming near Gabrielle and Lynette as they come closer to the ring.)

Gabrielle: You see, dedicated fans, I fear that my absence was too long. Too many terrible things occurred while I was away. I have left the shop unattended. I virtual floodgate of talentless nobodies have managed to come through. But tonight there is a symbolic feature event underway. The old guard - represented by Ms. Lane, facing off against this new breed, represented by this so-called Mountain. Shall we see, dear fans, which one of them succeeds - under MY terms . . .

(Gabrielle cackles as Lynette approaches the ring, staring down Sakura's gang, as if daring them to interfere. Gabrielle folds his arms across his chest and watches, as if intently interested in the outcome. Finally, he speaks again.)

Gabrielle: And if either Lynette or I see anything that we do not care for, we shall end the match immediately and assess some rather . . . serious penalties.

(Lynette sneers inside the ring, tossing her head to the side and striking a dramatic pose. She whispers something to Tiffany and then growls at Sakura.)

Kenny: I cannot believe this! This is a sham! This is fraud!

Cari: Put a sock in it, Kenny. Gabrielle is the boss. At least it is better than sleazy Italian mobsters running the show. And I hope that clip gets back to Gabrielle, too. I want a raise.

(Gabrielle watches as Lynette calls for the bell. Sakura and Tiffany seem to stare at one another, preparing for their first move. The agile and experienced Tiffany waves Sakura forward, as if daring her to come closer. Sakura approaches, carefully as her well-wishers cheer her on, as well as the entire crowd. Tiffany dodges and lunges forward in a fake move, Sakura taking the bait. As the Asian comes forward trying to capture the blonde, she inadvertently shows her hand and allows Tiffany to dodge and slam her head first into the turnbuckle. The crowd groans at the sight of the painful impact and Tiffany merely comes at Sakura from behind and offers her a boot to the rear before cackling loudly. Stunned from the shot to the head, Sakura comes up but Tiffany is there, taking her by the hair. Lynette pretends not to see the obvious grapple and the crowd goes wild. Sakura screams out when Tiffany jumps in the air, still holding the Asian girl by her hair and slams her back down into the canvass. On the outside Nina turns to the audience and thrust her arms in the air, as if in victory, calling out as a champion would. Tiffany rises up and slams her boot into Sakura's back.)

Kenny: The champion is showing her resourcefulness as well as her tenacity.

Cari: Well, that is why she is champion, Kenny. Champions do that sort of thing.

(back in the ring, Tiffany Lane struts, further proving her dominance. She looks down at Sakura with a look of sheer disgust. It as if she is looking at a hated creature. As she leans down, she seizes the Asian by the hair, sneering her upper lip as she speaks.)

Tiffany: You pathetic troll! How did you EVER think you could come anywhere near me?!

(As if it were a streak that brought her alive, Tiffany's words seemed to inspire something deep inside of Sakura. Reaching back behind her, she surprised Tiffany with an open handed stiff shot to the face. The resounding smack of her palm against the blonde's face rang out. Tiffany screamed in pain and anger as she stumbled back, clasping her nose and eyes wide open with horror. The crowd came alive, supporting the Asian athlete. As she came to her feet, Tiffany, through words of encouragement from Nina, charged Sakura, but the Asian was ready for her. Catching Tiffany by surprise, Sakura's hand wrapped around the buxom blonde's neck and lifted her in the air, slamming her down on her back on the canvass.)

Kenny: My God! Sakura has just put the champion on her backside! Tiffany's world has just been officially rocked!

Cari: That has to be your dumbest line all night.

Kenny: Maybe. But whatever that line may be, its clear that Gabrielle is not pleased by the turn of events.

(As Sakura converges on Tiffany, Gabrielle watches on with disdain. He inches ever closer. Sakura waits as the stunned blonde gets up. She cleverly allows Tiffany to take another swing, but Sakura catches her in a hip toss, flipping her in the air and back to the mat. Circling the blonde, Sakura slams her foot down on the blonde, driving the wind out of her as her foot gets buried in Tiffany's stomach. As she is about to deliver another move, Lynette grabs her from behind putting a stop to it, clearly lecturing her on some trumped up offense. The crowd in anger, roars with displeasure. Sakura's supporters on the outside of the ring cheer her on, and try to get Lynette to call it fair. However, she merely throws her head back and laughs as if scorning them.)

Kenny: (in disgust) This is a travesty! Lynette is clearly working in Tiffany's best interests, not those of the match.

Cari: Based upon what I imagine Gabrielle told her, I bet she is working in her own best interests.

(As Tiffany gets to her feet she is met with a surprising flurry of jabs from the feisty Asian, that would have made any boxing camp proud. Then her forearm slams into Tiffany's forehead, stunning the busty blonde. As Tiffany falters backward, Sakura comes alive, seizing the blonde by the arm and throwing her into the far ropes. As Tiffany bounces off, Nina watches in horror. Tiffany stumbles back directly into the waiting arms of the Asian who slams her to the mat following up with a leg drop across Tiffany's neck. She bounces clutching her throat from the attack and kicking about like a fish out of water. Sakura shows no sign of letting up as she leans down and picks up Tiffany by her arm and waist, throwing her back into a suplex.)

Cari: Ugh. Things look horrible for Tiffany.

Kenny: You said it, Cari. We may be looking at a new champion.

Cari: Don't count on it, Kenny. Tiffany is one of the most deceptively clever members of the roster.

Kenny: Huh? Are you saying-

Cari: Shhhh.

(Back in the ring, Tiffany catches Sakura off guard and manages to avert certain disaster. Both women open up a series of attacks on one another. Sakura pulls from her arsenal a series of attacks - tilt-a-whirl backbreakers, power slams and drop toeholds. Tiffany manages to recover and in her series of attacks, places Sakura in peril when she responds with beautiful missile drop kicks, sunset flips and even a perfectly executed hurricanranna from the top ropes, stunning the challenger. Both women put up attacks for over twenty minutes, putting their bodies on the line as the crowd reacts with every shot. Lynette manages to make herself a factor by subtly tipping the scales. Sakura's encouragers cheer her on, throwing out their advice and reminding her of the weeks of training that have given her. Gabrielle, meanwhile, has made his way to the edge of the ring, silently watching but his actions speaking clearly. Kenny and Cari throw comments back and forth each taking their own side and perception of things. The match continues with the intense that the fans have come to expect from BRA - the premier promotion in women's wrestling.)

Kenny: These two women have really been able to go the distance so far. Look at them both! Its clear that they both want this victory and both women have come to win.

Cari: Maybe so, but watch and see Tiffany open up her bag of tricks soon. Sakura will see why she is the champion. I happen to know the Tiffany Lane game plan.

(Tiffany slams her elbow into the muscular abdomen of her opponent. The Mountain reacts by leaning forward, as the stamina of both women has decreased, but not their resolve. Tiffany slams her elbow again then to her opponent's head. The signs of battle clearly printed across their features. Tiffany takes Sakura by her hair and marches her to the far turnbuckle. Slamming the Asian's head down, Sakura bounces off the turnbuckle and stumbles backward, dazed and disoriented. Tiffany takes advantage by dragging her to the other turnbuckle and repeating hr actions. The crowd wants something done about the hairpulling but Lynette again pretends as if she did not see it. Sakura looks nearly demolished from two successive head shots. Tiffany scoops her up and slams her to the mat then points to the far turnbuckle. Nina screams encouraging words as the blonde mounts the turnbuckle and pauses for a mere moment, taking in the glory of the photographers. As she flies off the top of the turnbuckle, she drives her elbow into Sakura's chest, in an effort to finally obliterate the challenger. The crowd comes to their feet wondering how long it will be for the blonde to make the pin. However, she does not, much to the chagrin of Gabrielle.)

Kenny: What on earth is Tiffany doing? She should go for the pin!

Cari: Um, er, well, I know that the Babe Squad detests Sakura. Perhaps she is going to toy with her.

Kenny: No! She's putting her in the Boston Crab. She wants a submission.

(Tiffany is on the back of the Asian, applying pressure to the muscular Asian. As the strain on Tiffany is apparent, it is only a clear showing that she is causing immense suffering through the body of Sakura. Sakura screams in agony and reaches for the ropes. She moves closer, her strength allowing her to take Tiffany with her. Lynette comes over and knocks the Asian's hand away, acting as if it were an accident. Gabrielle lightly applauds the current fight, moving slightly, as Sakura's crowd gives him a leery look. Janus makes her way towards him but the BRA director holds his ground.)

Gabrielle: You would be wise, dear Janus, to stay your distance, unless you would like to have your face have matching sides.

(As Lynette is distracted, watching on as Gabrielle is being bothered Sakura, in a valiant effort, makes her way to the ropes, slamming her hand down. Lynette neither sees nor would she do much, if she did. Instead, Mack comes over to break the hold. As he approaches, Tiffany growls at him but it is enough of a distraction for Sakura to escape. Tiffany begins screaming a litany of insults and angered words at the man as Lynette returns, trying to figure out what happened. Tiffany looks around, wanting some kind of punishment. However, a reinvigorated Sakura comes out like a freight train. Despite her lack of stamina, her sheer force barrels into the blonde, knocking her back and onto her rear. Seizing the blonde by the back of the head, she begins assaulting her with a series of closed fist punches. Tiffany's arms flail about as the pummeling continues, Lynette becoming slightly nervous, torn between following Gabrielle's desires as he stares down at her, and not wanting to suffer the possible assault from Sakura's friends. In a split decision, Lynette comes over and warns the Asian about the hairpulling. Sakura, normally keeping her cool, explodes in anger at Lynette's selective choices of enforcing the rules. As she spins around to confront the French official, Tiffany, wearily makes her way to her feet, using the ropes, stumbling.)

Kenny: Literally, Tiffany is reeling and on the ropes! She is stumbling like a drunken prostitute.

Cari: I would be careful with your choice of metaphors, Kenny. Besides, have you ever actually SEEN a drunken prostitute?

(Sakura returns to her focus when her mentor yells out some phrase. She turns to see Tiffany on the ropes, swatting at air, clearly disoriented. The Asian warrior slams her body into the busty blonde, driving her shoulder into her. As she comes away, Tiffany stumbles forward, choking and gasping for air. As she falls forward, Sakura is there to catch her and lifts the champion into the air. As she slams her down to the mat with a display of strength and might rarely seen in competition, the crowd comes alive to their feet as the flashes of the cameras click for what may be Tiffany's final moments as champion. Sakura buries her own body into that of Tiffany. The blonde's frame convulses from the impact as the crowd screams out. Tiffany is close to being unconscious as Sakura pins her and lifts her leg in a hook. As Lynette is about to reluctantly count, Gabrielle waves to her, calling her over, purposely distracting. Lynette comes forward and everyone in the audience goes wild with anger at the blatant display. Lynette has a small chat with Gabrielle was the crowd counts to three, then four, then five. Sakura's supporters on the outside are livid but know that approaching Gabrielle is signing their professional death warrant.)

Kenny: C'mon! This is ridiculous! Gabrielle and Lynette have just cost Sakura the championship! Sakura should be the new champion!

Cari: Sucks to not be on the boss' good side, huh?

(Realizing that the deck is stacked against her, Sakura leaps up and in a furious stomp, comes over to Lynette and spins her around, pointing. Lynette, with a vicious glare, begins arguing with her as Nina pounds the canvass encouraging Tiffany to get up, move, fight back - anything. Gabrielle motions for Sakura to get back to her job, but the angry Asian has a few words for him as well. Meanwhile Tiffany stirs and with eyes as black and as sinister as she has ever cast, she gets to her feet in a crouching stance and poises herself. As Sakura turns, Tiffany springs into action, thrusting herself forward and slamming into the Asian. Sakura slams into the ropes and is winded as the surprise attack from the resilient blonde takes her. A flurry of wild punches comes from Tiffany, exploring every area of the Asian mountain. Pummeling her with lefts and rights, Tiffany unleashes an amount of angry attacks, showing her drive and passion - either for retaining the belt or due to her personal hatred of the Asian. Within seconds, the momentum has shifted in the busty blonde's favor. As Sakura stumbles and slips down, Tiffany sees her opportunity and wraps the ropes around the Asian's arms, trapping her in the confines of the ring ropes. At Tiffany's mercy, Sakura looks up with forlorn eyes, knowing that she is in dire straits. Delivering a series of cruel backhands to the face, the torrid and tenacious Tiffany unleashes her attacks. Chopping at the Asian's jaw, chest and face, the champion seems to fight with a renewed and vile scorn. With every shot from Tiffany, Sakura's body convulses, knocking her from her feet, showing the power in Tiffany's attack. As Sakura's head slumps to her chest, Tiffany takes a step back and strikes a dominant pose, despite her disheveled look from the beating she has taken. The crowd boos her for her tricky tactics, but deep inside Tiffany is fully aware of their lust and adoration of her, despite her shallow personality. Casting their immediate distaste of her aside, she seizes Sakura's ankles and with all her might, yanks the Asian loose from the ropes, pulling her into the air and allowing her to slam into the canvass. Sakura screams in sheer agony as Tiffany's intended tactic of pulling her arms from the sockets seems to have failed but not without causing intense pain to her opponent. Sakura's pain is apparent as she writhes on the mat. Tiffany, not allowing Sakura even a moment of a breather begins to go to work with vicious stomps from her boots. She works over Sakura's entire frame, slamming her boot down again and again, her desire to decimate Sakura clear from her actions. Nina cheers her on, as Sakura's entourage has the task of trying to inspire her. However, the damage done to the Asian's arms has taken a toll, placing her in a perilous position - all in the struggle for the Celestial championship,)

Kenny: Good Lord! This is a side of Tiffany Lane I don't see very often.

Cari: Oh yes. Tiffany is not just beauty. Her meticulous attacks are a sign of just how driven she is. Once Tiffany gets started and in her grove, she is nothing short of unstoppable. I am not even sure if she hears Nina cheering her on.

(As Tiffany's momentum builds, she begins hammering away at Sakura, unleashing to what amounts to be a torrid flurry of jabs and kicks, displaying her prowess as a competitor. The busty blonde sees Sakura take the punishment over and over and is mystified at how she seems to keep coming to her feet, albeit slowly and shaken. Gabrielle finally comes to the ring and climbs atop the apron, much to the anger and dismay of the fans. He seizes Lynette by the hair, seemingly hysterical.)

Gabrielle: Get Lane to finish this! Now! I don't want my plans-

(As Gabrielle speaks Sakura lands a kick to the unsuspecting Tiffany Lane. It throws her into Lynette whose body slams into that of Gabrielle, knocking him from the ropes and to the concrete in a display of unrefined and uncharacteristic buffoonery. Sakura manages to quickly get up to Tiffany and slam her to the mat, climbing the rope. Frightened about her well being from Gabrielle, Lynette looks around, not knowing what action to take. Thinking on her own, she takes the initiative and charges the turnbuckle on which Sakura sits. The Asian slams forth her foot catching Lynette in the face, knocking her unconscious before she hits the mat, and the crowd is worked into an immediate frenzy of excitement. But the dirty tricks are not over. Swiping the Championship Belt, Gabrielle comes from behind, striking Sakura in the lower back as she is ready to make her move. The crowd now turns their excitement and adrenaline against Gabrielle, booing and screaming. In a desperate ploy, Gabrielle, with belt in hand, leaps from the apron but Sakura gets up and limps toward him in obvious pain. She reaches down as her friends on the outside charge him. She manages to catch the back of his robe and he turns back.)

Gabrielle: Unhand me you pathetic creature!

(Just as Sakura is about to swing down, Gabrielle waves his hands about, as if to give a signal. Suddenly the arena is bathed in blackness as the lights go out. The crowd is stunned, screaming in chaos as Cari and Kenny try to keep things under control. Moments pass and it is unknown what has happened. When the lights come back on, everyone looks around, stunned. Sakura and Tiffany lie in the center of the ring - Sakura bloody from a head wound and Tiffany from some unknown assault. Nina looks on in disbelief, but Lynette and Gabrielle stand at the top of the ramp. Gabrielle holds the microphone in one hand with the title belt in the other.)

Gabrielle: And now it begins! MY reign as director! MY reign as adjudicator! All paths travel through ME now. You ladies will have to play by MY rules or else you'll be in the lowest circuits, so uninhabited that you'll never again SEE a camera at ringside!

(The copyright and trademark information is cast to the bottom of the television screen as Gabrielle quickly backs off, Lynette as his guard, with the title belt in his hand. Cari and Kenny ponder in disbelief as quickly as the night began; there was no champion.)
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