logoShae London vs. Alexandria Parker (Submission match)

We return to the Battling Ring Angels Pay Per View in San Diego and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: "The Pembrokes will smoke you!", "I was the third member of the Babe Squad"; and "Janus needs a plastic surgeon" The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.

Kenny: This PPV has been one of our best ever, and Cari, it's about to get a whole lot better. Up next a member of the famed Sisterhood Of Seduction against an international superstar.

Cari: Keeping in mind that this is a submission match, I have to think that Alexandria Parker is the favorite in this match.

Kenny: Don't count Shea London out.

Pyro displays along the walkway begin blasting their lights as Elton John's 'Made in England' blares over the PA. After a few seconds, Shea London and Tara Sawyer appear, side by side, in the entranceway. Both walk briskly down to the ring, both slapping hands with the cheering fans. Shea smiles and acknowledges the fans, looking about as focused as she has in several weeks. Tara, meanwhile, seems a bit on edge, looking around slightly as they make their walk. It also seems as if she's standing a bit further away from Shea than usual. Maybe just a touch. As they reach the ring, Shea dives through the bottom rope, sliding into the ring, curling up into a ball, then springing to her feet. For her part, Tara stands at ringside, cheering for her friend, but still seeming slightly distant.

Kenny: Shea London looking ready for this match.

Cari: But Tara looks like she'd rather be somewhere else.

Kenny: She's not in the match, though.

Cari: But she may not be too much help to Shea in this match.

The Angeltron comes to life, flashing in large silver letters, RICH BITCH.' Pictures of Alexandria Parker destroying opponents flash onto the screen, showing some of her greatest moves, concluding with a montage` of her scowling at 'fans', and the smashing the infamous mirror over the head of Shea London. An explosion occurs from the back and fireworks falling from the ceiling are the next visual treat as LiL Kim's Queen B*tch blast over the house speakers . Standing poised with the tag title held high in the air are Miss.Vanity and Alexandria Parker. Alex wears a formfitting mini dress with matching stiletto heels. Suprisingly her left foot is taped and under her left shoulder is single cructh aiding her in standing. Miss. Vanity's wrestling attire consists of a black, skintight cat suit with matching boots and kicking pads. Her strawberry blonde hair cascades down her back.)

Cari: Oh no�Alexandria is hurt. This is a huge disappointment.

Kenny: Uh-huh.

The crowd settles down a bit as the enter the ring. Alex is handed a mic by a ring attendant.

Alexandria: Now as we all can clearly see I'm in no shape to wrestle.

The crowd loudly boos.

Alexandria: Now I know that the only reason that any of you are here is to see me, The Rich Bitch demolish Shea London. Putting that miror over the head of Malibu really took alot of me. I'm under the impression that I've sprained my right...

Miss. Vanity lightly shoves Alex's shoulder.

Alexandria: I mean my left. Anyway so intead of me wrestling I'll let Miss Vanity take my place.

Cari: She is always thinking about the fans.

Kenny: By sending her valet to fight in her place?

As Miss. Vanity goes to approach Shea London Alex sneaks up behind Shea and slams the crutch over her head as the ref rings the bell. Shea goes down to the mat, stunned by the sneak attack. Alex kicks off her shoes and starts to kick Shea and stomp Shea.

Cari: Oh great! She's alright. I was worried for her health.

Kenny: Sure you were.

Alexandria scoops Shea up and knocks her back down with a short arm clothesline. Shea lands hard on her back and rolls on the mat in a bit of pain. Alex flattens her out and drops an elbow across Shea's throat that elicits boos from the fans. Shea grabs her throat and gasps for air.

Kenny: Vicious attack by Alexandria Parker. She could have really hurt Shea with that attack.

Cari: That's the idea. As Shea rolls on the mat, trying to get her breath back, Alex scrapes the bottom of her foot on Shea's face. She seems repulsed by the attack.

Kenny: And adding a little humiliation to her attack on Shea London.

Cari: I love Alexandria. A true class act.

Alexandria plays to the crowd as Shea rolls around on the mat. She steps on Shea and walks over her. Shea's knees and legs go up to her midsection and she grabs her stomach.

Kenny: Alexandria is driving the air out of Shea and trying to just wear her down.

Cari: If Shea passes out, Alex wins. I guess that's a type of submission.

Alex drags Shea to her feet and sends a knee to Shea's nether region. The low blow doubles Shea over as she tries to recover from the pain. It also receives boos and jeers from the fans.

Kenny: Cheap shot!

Cari: I didn't see anything.

Alex grabs Shea and whips her to the ropes. Alex goes for a standing drop kick, but she did not notice that Shea grabbed hold of the ropes and was able to stay in place. Alex falls to the mat and is stunned by what happened. Shea tries to get her strength back while Alex pounds the mat and gets back up.

Kenny: Excellent ring knowledge shown by Shea London. She knows where she is at all times and used it to her advantage there.

Cari: Lucky if you ask me.

Alex charges in, but Shea notes this and quickly shoots herself off the bottom rope, hitting Alex with a flying forearm. Both women land in a heap on the mat, Shea on top of Alex. Shea drags herself back to her feet while Alex uses her remaining strength to straighten her mini skirt. The crowd starts to cheer for the resilient Shea.

Kenny: Shea London is back on the attack and she's starting to gain the upper hand on Alexandria Parker!

Cari: Alex has her right where she wants her.

Shea stands Alex up and grabs her around the neck. She gets a running start and hits Alex with a powerful bulldog that drops the Rich Bitch face first to the mat. Again, Alex uses what strength she has to straighten her mini skirt and she rolls over to her back, trying to get her bearings.

Kenny: Shea London is a house on fire right now! She hit the English Bulldog and Alex is on the ropes!

Cari: You have never been more wrong.

Shea waves to the fans and gets their support. Tara Sawyer is leading them in applause as Shea climbs to the middle of the ropes and lands a perfect moonsault on Alex. The crowd goes to their feet as Shea signals for a finish.

Kenny: Perfect move! This could be all!

Cari: Oh no!

Shea quickly grabs Alex's legs and goes for the Boston Crab. She has Alex stretched in it. The ref is trying to check for a submission. Alex is barely hanging on. She is really close to giving up.

Kenny: What an upset we have in the making right now.

Cari: Alex, come on, get to the ropes!

Kenny: You're impartial.

Cari: Oh shut up!

Suddenly, the ref is distracted by the presence of Miss Vanity on the ring apron. He goes to get her off the ring apron. While this is happening, the crowd reacts to what appears to be Alex tapping out. But since the ref is out of position, her can't see it.

Kenny: That's it. Parker tapped out. Shea is the winner.

Cari: I didn't see it. But more importantly, the ref didn't see it.

Shea drops Alex's legs and goes to the ref to discuss this. He turns away from Miss Vanity and back to Shea. Shea is angry and it shows in her manner and body language. Vanity gets off the ropes and finds Tara Sawyer waiting for her. She starts to run, but the larger Tara chases her.

Kenny: Vanity might be in some trouble. Shea really laying into the official right now.

Cari: Vanity did what she had to.

Vanity runs off, chased into the back by Tara Sawyer. Shea is still in the ref's face. This is giving Alex time to get back to her feet. Her legs very shaky from the prolonged crab.

Kenny: Shea needs to stop arguing and turn around.

Cari: Too late!

As Shea turns, she is hit by Alexandria's super kick. It drops her, like a felled tree, to the mat.

Cari: That Fatale Kick! Oh Yes!

Kenny: And now Alex is going for the Dragon Sleeper. Shea is in no position to get out of it. This is a big miscarriage of justice.

Shea can't escape from the sleeper. The ref checks with her, lifting her arm once:

Cari: One!

Lifting it twice:

(disgusted) Twice�

A third time:

Cari: Three! Shea's out cold! It's over!

Kenny: rip�

Alex lets Shea fall to the mat. Shea lays on her back, not moving. Her heaving chest rising and falling, the only motion in her body. Alex takes the title belt and holds it over Shea, yelling at her and showing her the belt.

Kenny: Is this really necessary.

But suddenly, we see some people coming from the back. It's Sasha, Jessica Estrella and Porsha Pembroke. Porsha carries a mirror that Sasha is checking herself in. She is mocking Alex's usual ring entrance. Alex is still taunting Shea, who is starting to stir.

Cari: What's this?

All three enter the ring. Alex notices them and goes to escape. But before she can get away, Porsha slams the mirror down on her head. This drops Alex to the mat.

Kenny: Alex getting a taste of her own medicine right there!

Jessica Estrella climbs to the top rope and delivers a frog splash to the still downed Shea while Sasha produces a can of black marker and paints 'H S' on Alex's forehead. She tosses the marker to Jessica, who does the same to Shea.

Cari: This is awful. The Hit Squad sending a message, but this is wrong.

As members of the Sisterhood appear from the back and enter the ring, Sasha and the Hit Squad goons exit and take off, still laughing as they walk away. The Sisterhood members help Alex up and take her from the ring.

Shea needs a few moments to recover, but she also leaves the ring on her own power.

Winner: Alexandria Parker
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