logoRose Red vs. Patricia Flex (Bikini Match)

(The flashing lights of the San Diego arena spin in a brillant blaze, illuminating the packed-to-capacity crowds of rabid Battling Ring Angels fans here to see their favourite champions compete in the squared circle at the Naughty or Nice Pay-Per-View. People wave and scream at the cameras that pan the arena, hoping to be caught on international television. Others wave their usual compliment of outrageous signs, ranging from 'Why Nina, WHY?!?', 'For God, Queen, and the Sensational One!', and 'Dragons Eat Snakes!'. After one last pan, the cameras settle on the ever-faithful announcing team of Kenny Harbour and Cari 'the Brat' Trammel.)

Kenny: Welcome back, fans, to our holiday extravaganza! We've seen alot of action so far tonight, but it will keep right on rolling!

Cari: After this match, anyways.

Kenny: Why do you say that? Quite a few of our fans are especially eager to see this match between the Red Rose and Patricia Flex!

Cari: It's just the testosterone talking. Men and bikinis. Eesh! It's not like they are going to see one of the Babe Squad or, dare I say it, myself up there . . .

Kenny: Well, whatever you think, I don't think anyone will be disappointed by this match.

Cari: *sigh* Men.

Kenny: . . . But before the match, both of these beautiful young ladies had something to say just before the match . . .

(The cameras switch to the back locker rooms and focus on Red Rose, just a few moments earlier . . . )

Rose: Hi, fans! Well this is my first PPV match up and I hope all you fans will get behind me tonight! Patricia, I have no problem with you so I hope me and you can have a good match up! I hope you fans like what you see in that ring tonight! And I hope that my personal probs I've been having at the moment don't come into my match up. I wont talk about any of that as tonight I have to stay focused and hopefully I'll get the win! I will forget everything that's happened to me over the last week or so and give you great fans my best efforts! Keep smelling the roses, my fans!

(The fans give up a cheer at the enthusiasm of the rookie. After a moment, the cameras switch to the private dressing room of Patricia Flex, her form covered in a white robe as she gives her statement.)

Patricia: Rose Red, Red Rose whoever you are...I'm sure you're a lovely girl, nice to animals and the scourge of school bullies everywhere. But the one thing I've learned in the BRA is that it is no place for do-gooders. You have no future here, go back to Derby and bake cookies for everyone in your flowery apron, and leave the wrestling to a real woman. You don't have my talent, my looks, or my style. Enjoy my show.

(The cameras flash back to ringside as the lights begin to dim.)

Kenny: Rose is such a nice young woman . . . she has some real potential to be a true fan favourite around here. Like another Lindsay Locke.

Cari: Oh, yeah, she might be a real saint and all of that, but Flex has the right idea. The BRA is no place for saints . . . only sinners!

(The arena turns light red and at the entrance a loud explosion is heard around the arena. Then red fireworks explode from the entrance and from there Red Rose jumps out and raises her arms to the crowd! Oasis' "Don't Look Back in Anger, I Heard You Say" booms loud over the sound system as Red Rose walks about on the entrance ramp! Several roses drop from the ceiling showering the entranceway with their fragrant blooms. She skips down the ramp and up the aisle slapping as many hands with the fans as she can. Stopping just before the ring she picks a few of them off the floor and hands them all to a few fans that are lucky enough to be near by. Continuing on she high fives some more before rolling into the ring under the bottom rope and leaping onto the middle turnbuckle. As she waves to the crowd a few red lights cast the ring in a rosy glow before she steps down and picks up some roses in the ring and throws them into the crowd. She is clad in a rather skimpy 2 piece red bikini her breifes are higly cut exposing her thigh and her bra exposing the busty maidens cheast! Her head is still bandaged up.)

Kenny: And the Rose takes to the ring! The fans are already in love with her . . . she is especially beaut . . . er . . . charismatic after all . . .

Cari: Not again. You might want to take note of the bandage on her head. She took a pipe upside that empty little noggin just a short time ago . . . I say it'll cost her harshly in this match.

Kenny: Quite possibly . . . and now, here comes Patricia!

('West End Girls' by the Pet Shop Boys begins to play over the loudspeakers as Patricia Flex makes her way to ringside. Flex starts to make her way to the ring, clad in a pain white dressing gown, the crowd booing and whistling at this sight, feeling they are about to be robbed of what they all came here for. Then halfway to the ring, Flex lets the gown fall away, revealing of course...that she is wearing a �10,000 designer Leopard skin Bikini! The crowd immediately goes crazy, some of them fainting dead away at such a jaw dropping sight. Flex smiles seductively and gets in the ring.)

Kenny: Whew! That was a close call . . . I almost thought . . .

Cari: Stuff it, nerd boy! You get to have your fantasties for tonight at least! Now, pay attention to the match!

(Referee Oni Malenko makes a quick check with both wrestlers, and, after a hearty nod from Rose and an apathetic sneer from Flex, Oni signals for the bell.)

Cari: And they're both off for a fast start, meeting up in the center of the ring with a collar and elbow tie-up . . .

Kenny: *blank stare* Uhm . . . well . . .

Cari: Oh that does it! I'll just announce this one by myself!

(The two women struggle for a long moment before Flex pushes through with her height advantage to take control, whipping Rose into the ropes, lashing out with a Clothesline at the buxom red-head . . . )

Cari: A little telegraphed there . . . the rookie uses that speed and agility of hers to duck the move and . . . off the rebound . . .

(The Rose bounces off the ropes and leaps into a perfect dropkick, nailing Flex in the chin and knocking her back. However, when Rose hits the mat, the jarring bounces her head, causing her to grimace in pain, eyes narrowing.)

Kenny: Uh . . . wow . . . sorry there . . . using a high-flying move like that must jar that head injury quite a bit . . . this could be bad for the Red Rose.

Cari: Just what I would have said. Welcome back, geek . . .

Kenny: Aw, thanks, Cari!

Cari: You thought I meant that? How monumentally naive . . .

(Patricia gets back to her feet as Rose regains her bearings and moves to painfully sit up. An evil smile plays across Flex's face as she moves in on the dazed Rose.)

Patricia: Oh, this'll hurt you far more than it hurts me . . .

(With that, she drags Rose to her feet, giving first a savage rake of the eyes, then a jarring headbutt right to the bandaged temple of the Red Rose. Oni Malenko is right there, instantly admonishing Flex for her rules infraction, to which Flex just sneers. The hard blow to the head sends the young rookie falling back to the ground, clutching her head, water welling up in her eyes.)

Kenny: And bad goes to worse . . . Flex is a very fine technical wrestler . . . and she's just seen Rose's weak point.

Cari: This may be more than just a loss for Rose when it's said and done.

(Languishing on the mat, Rose tries to muster the strength to crawl to the ropes, her injured head whirling in pain. The fans are on their feet, as much booing Flex as they are cheering for Rose. Just before Rose reaches the ropes, Flex snatches her foot and yanks her back, sending her red hair flying. She kneels down, planting her knees in the Red Rose's back, clutching her ankles in one arm and her chin in the other, before rolling over and pushing up with all of her leg strength, trapping Rose in an agonizing Bow and Arrow Hold, eliciting a pained yell from the young rookie, her body stretched out on display for the crowd.)

Kenny: *glazed look again* Oh, wowzers . . .

Cari: Not again! Oh well . . . Patricia Flex is showing a brutal killer instinct here . . . not letting Rose have a second to recover from that dizzing headbutt earlier . . .

(The referee checks with Rose, asking if she wishes to submit. Rose lets out a yell of 'No!' and shakes her head. Flex puts one last punishing squeeze into the hold, then kicks Rose off of her, sending her into a bedraggled heap in the center of the ring, body in agony.)

Cari: In my professional opinion, Rose had better submit now. She could really get hurt like this . . .

(Patricia slowly and seductively slinks around her battered foe like a predatory cat, elciting both wolf-whistles and a round of boos from the fans, as Rose tries to fight off the pain and stage a comeback. Flex finally moves to finish off the Rose, pulling her to her feet from behind, about to slide her arms around for a Full Nelson, when, with one last burst of energy, Rose slips her arms away, planting an elbow deep into Flex's gut.)

Kenny: *shakes his head* That's so strange . . . I don't know what happened . . . but it looks like Rose is fighting back . . .

Cari: She better, or she's done for!

(Flex staggers back, the blow luckily finding the exact middle of her breadbasket. On pure instinct, the Red Rose grabs Flex by the arm and Irish Whips her into the ropes, suddenly leaping at her on the rebound with . . . )

Kenny: Superkick, right into the face!! Flex falls back like deadwood!

Cari: But can the rookie have the sense to make the pin??

(As Flex languishes on the mat, clutching her face, Rose drops to her knees, trying to gain her bearings. After a second or two, she makes out Flex's form on the mat through a bleary haze of pain and leaps to make the pin.)

*3 . . .

Cari: That delay cost her! Flex manages to get a shoulder up, slowly getting to her feet . . .

Kenny: That last effort was alot for Rose . . . she seems totally spent on the mat.

(Patricia gets to her feet with the aid of the ropes, looking angrily down at the Red Rose, who lies on the mat, trying to muster herself to stand. Shaking her head one last time to shake off the Superkick, Flex moves over as Rose pushes herself to her elbows, grabbing the long red hair roughly and standing her.)

Patricia: Every Rose has it's thorn, remember . . .


Cari: Major pain as Flex spikes Rose down with a hard DDT right on that injured head . . .

Kenny: The Rose has got to be completely out by now . . .

Cari: But I think Flex wants to make sure . . .

(True enough, the continued abuse to her injured head seems to have left Rose completely out in the ring. Flex stands back up, sizes up the fallen foe, and, with no regard for mercy, latches on the Face Lift. Malenko rushes to Rose's side, tries to make her answer to a submission, then raises her arm three times, each time, the arm goes limp.)

Cari: Unnecessary violence . . . now that's my kind of girl!

(Oni calls for the bell, as Flex keeps on the hold. After a second, Malenko is back down to the mat, yelling at Patricia to let go of the hold or she will be disqualified. With a disdainful glance, Patricia relents, letting Rose slump to the mat as the fans begin to boo . . . except for most of the male ones, who drool at the seductive winner.)

Kenny: Too unncecessary if you ask me! She might have injured the Rose very badly . . .

Cari: Those are the risks we wrestlers take in the ring, you know . . . Don't come in if you can't stand the heat!

Kenny: Wait, what's she doing now?!?

(As one final insult to the beaten Rose, Flex grabs Rose by the Bikini top, dragging her without mercy round the ring, before forcing her head down into her foot, making as if Rose's unconscious form was kissing it. As the crowd begins to let out a chorus of boos and hisses, Flex makes one last pose to the crowd, basking in their calls of infamy, before making her way back to the locker rooms, just as the medical staff enter the ring to attend to the Red Rose.)

Kenny: What an utter show of indiginity and malice! I doubt she will get away with that for long!

Cari: Why not? The Sisterhood gets away with it all of the time, and do it with style . . .

WINNER - Patricia Flex, by submission
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws