logoSamantha Staffer with Peggy Christian vs. Amanda Starr with Angela Downey

At long last after months of lobbying, bribery attempts and thinly veiled threats BRA had still not come to San Diego.

Then someone said please and well...

Look out San Diego! The legion of ladies, loonies and lost souls that is BRA readies itself for a night of mayhem on the shores of the Pacific!

Kenny: Welcome San Diego!

Cari: And welcome world!

Kenny: Tonight promises to be one of the wildest nights of wrestling in a long time!

Cari: Three of the four titles on the line tonight including the incredible Tiffany Lane defending the Celestial title against Sakura Ito.

Kenny: This could be Miss Lane�s toughest challenge yet! The little mountain will be tough to move!

Cari: Lesley Magnus managed it easy enough. I wonder if the big girl has recovered from that beating the Viper laid on her yet!

Kenny: She survived a four-way match to get to this match against three tough women!

Cari: Time will tell, and speaking of tough women Lesley Magnus will have to be at her toughest as she faces both Janus and Sasha for the Fallen Angel title!

Kenny: This will definitely not be for the squeamish!

Cari: So you�ll be at the hot dog counter then?

Kenny: If my contract will allow me!

Cari: Double relish on mine please! The other title on the line tonight has the future of BRA; Twilight Zone Jennifer Christian defending against the loser she won the title from!

Kenny: Angel Dust is a tough competitor and I would not count her out of this match. Christian is a better wrestler but Angel is bigger. It could go either way I think!

Cari: More matches as well coming up!

Kenny: Starting us off tonight is a very interesting match with a lot of bad feelings between the different sides!

Cari: Such as?

Kenny: Research is a valuable tool Cari! It has shown me that both sides of these teams are fighting over...men!

Cari: Give me a break!

Kenny: Yep! Amanda Starr is the girlfriend of our statistician...

Cari: I wondered how she got here!

Kenny:...and Angelo was recently seen at Jennifer Christian�s housewarming with Samantha on his arm! No Starr in sight!

Cari: So what about the other two?

Kenny: Laura Parker�s agent Willi Weinerscnitzel has been dating them both! Research tells me Peggy nearly beat little Angela up in a disco recently!

Cari: I always knew she was a coward as well as a lousy wrestler!

Kenny: Well, this is a manager�s match! Either the two wrestlers or the two managers can be in the ring! If a tag is made both teams have to tag! So if Angela is smart she should tag out as fast as she gets tagged in! This could be a very tactical matchup!

The lights go dim and Samantha struts out to Queens �Another one Bites the Dust�. She is dressed in a skintight short suit in shiny black with tall black leather boots; her hair is braided in a single braid down the back to keep it out of the way. She wears a baseball cap with Thirtysomething on the front. She looks cool and confident and greets the crowd with a wave and a smile. Behind her on the Angeltron are glimpses of her past fights, both as a tag team and solo fights. With her is her manager for the night, former BRATT holder and crowd favorite Peggy Christian. She wears wrestling attire of a lavender one piece suit, sheer tights and white wrestling boots as she accompanies Samantha Staffer to the ring. As the women get to the ring Samantha does a little hip grind as she removes her cap before tossing it into the crowd!

Kenny: Crowd favorites and my research indicates the clear favorites as well! Samantha is getting to be a top class wrestler and Peggy has a wealth of experience in the ring!

Cari: That may be, but you can never predict the wild card!

The lights dim again as the sound of "Bad to the Bone" starts to pump up over the loudspeakers. To a chorus of booing and hissing Amanda Starr splits the curtains and walks toward the ring with attitude. She wears a leopard print one-piece suit and black wrestling boots beneath her jean jacket. As she approaches the ring she snarls as she flips the crowd the finger before sliding under the ropes. The moment she enters the ring the music changes. "I want to take you higher" by Sly and the Family Stone begins to play. Angela Downey walks out and stands defiantly at the entrance. She smiles and gives a few waves to the fans. The short and tiny girl wears powder blue bikini bottoms with a Superman logo on the back, a powder blue bikini top and a Superman T-shirt over that. She completes her outfit with red wrestling boots. Her dirty blond hair is tied in pigtails.

Kenny: David and Goliath teamed up together!

Cari: Same when she gets in the ring against Samantha�s manager. The Titanic vs. a rowboat, and a leaky one at that!

Kenny: As much as I like Peggy, Angela stood up bravely against a lot tougher person in Lesley Magnus and I admire her courage doing it again! Despite what happens tonight she won�t lose in the eyes of the crowd!

The bell sounds and Peggy and Angela both clear the ring as Amanda and Samantha start to circle. They go for a lockup and Samantha quickly seizes Amanda in a side headlock that has the heavier woman squealing. The redhead rolls and hip tosses Starr down to the mat. As Amanda rubs her back Samantha drags her up by the hair and propels Starr to the ropes, meeting her with a clothesline that nearly flips the big woman completely over! The redhead does not let up and once again drags the leopard clad woman up before doubling her over with a well placed knee to the mid section. Then, grabbing her in a front headlock Samantha snap suplexes Amanda over hard to the delight of the crowd!

Cari: She may be sickeningly nice but I am liking her wrestling style the more I see of Samantha Staffer. She is giving up twenty pounds to Starr but is handling her like a rag doll!

Kenny: Amanda Starr is big and slow and has always been a marginal wrestler. If Samantha keeps up this pace the match may be over soon.

Samantha continues the assault as she springs off the ropes and lands a thigh across Amanda�s chest! Peggy stomps her foot in support in her corner as her partner drags Amanda up and whips her to the ropes again before planting her with a dropkick to the chest! Quickly she dives across for the cover as the referee counts...




Kenny: Kickout by Starr, and only just in time!

Cari: Samantha�s not going to finish her just yet. It looks like she is letting Peggy have some fun time!

Samantha kicks Amanda under the ropes to the floor and with a wink at Angela Downey tags in Peggy. Peggy comes in quick but finds Angela already circling with fire in her eyes. Peggy comes right in and moves to lockup but the small woman ducks away to the side. Again Peggy turns and tries again but again Downey easily darts away from the big woman.

Cari: This is ludicrous! Once Piggy gets her hands on the shrimp not even she can mess this up!

Kenny: Angela Downey has been working with Lindsey Locke, but you can�t make a wrestler in a couple of weeks! I have to agree, Angela�s only hope is to get Peggy dizzy by avoiding her and tag back out.

Cari: Samantha knew what she was doing. Starr is taking a long time to get back to her corner! Downey can�t run forever!

Some of the crowd gets restless as the game of cat and mouse continues. Every time Peggy tries to get a hold of Angela the smaller girl easily keeps away. Frustration was starting to show in Peggy as she backs Angela into a corner and lunges at her but slams into the turnbuckles as Downey steps away. This time though Angela turns and starts to pound her fists onto Peggy�s back as she hangs over the corner. The crowd roars as the little Supermom leaps onto the bigger woman�s back and wraps her arms around Peggy�s neck! The crowd loves the aggression shown by Angela but it�s short lived as Peggy spins around and backs into the corner hard causing a groan of pain from the little woman! Again and again she does it before pulling away and letting Angela slump to the mat.

Cari: Hard not to feel sorry for the Supermom! All that weight crushing her in the corner like that has to hurt!

Kenny: Peggy is not following up though! She�s going back to tag! Did Angela hurt her?

Cari: I think she sees Amanda getting back to her corner and wants to see Samantha do more damage to her than she was doing to little Angela!

Samantha enters the ring fast and runs over, dragging a reluctant Amanda through the ropes and slamming her back into the corner. Angela rolls back under the ropes as Samantha continues to punish the faltering Starr with a few knees and chops to her mid section! She follows by scooping up the big woman and bodyslamming her hard! Amanda tries to roll for the ropes, her face twisted in pain but Samantha does not oblige her! Grabbing her legs the redhead drags a struggling Starr to the middle of the ring and stands over her, spreading her legs wide! Then, with Amanda covering her eyes and shaking her head, Samantha leaps up and brings her legs crashing down inside of Amanda�s, spreading them painfully!

Cari: I don�t think fatty Starr�s legs were meant to spread that far apart!

Kenny: She may not be able to walk for awhile!

Samantha drags Amanda up but it�s on to wobbly legs! She signals to the crowd before lifting her opponent up and with a show of power spins her and drops her across an extended knee in a tilt-a-whirl back breaker! Amanda rolls off and to the mat, her face twisted in agony as she lies on her side! Angela Downey watches anxiously from her corner as her partner succumbs to the talented redhead.

Kenny: Samantha again has Amanda on a platter and again goes for the tag!

Cari: Let�s see if Supermom can get back into this again after the crushing she took.

Angela sees the tag being made and springs through the ropes and sprints across the ring as Peggy climbs in. As the former BRATT holder straightens up she is driven hard into her corner gasping as Angela digs her shoulder full tilt into the surprised wrestler�s stomach! Samantha looks on in shock as the Supermom starts to stomp her foot repeatedly into her partners stomach, screaming abuse with each boot and gaining momentum from the cheering crowd!

Kenny: This is amazing! Angela Downey is attacking like a house on fire and she actually has Peggy in trouble!

Cari: All credit to the little fireball! She may not be a wrestler but she is starting to think like one! She is already gotten a lot farther than I thought she would!

Peggy finally manages to bring a boot up and shove Angela away but she is in obvious pain as she pulls herself up in the corner! Just as she moves out she is met again with another shoulder that bounces her hard into the corner! The crowd is on their feet now as the tiny scrapper again drives foot after foot into a faltering Peggy's stomach! As the big woman slumps achingly to the mat Angela turns and struts around the ring with her arms in the air enjoying the moment! Suddenly she turns and rushes to the side of the ring and leans over the lower rope where a beaming Willi Weinerscnitzel puts his arms around her and with the crowd cheering enthusiastically plants a kiss on the heroic mother!

Cari: You mean those two are fighting over...that!

Kenny: Yep! And it looks like the winner has been declared, no matter the match outcome!

Willi and Angela linger in the embrace but find it cut short! Peggy surprises Angela with a vicious stomp to the supermom�s back! Willi backs away in horror as Peggy, her face red with rage pulls Angela up and runs her head into the turnbuckles! She follows by scooping the tiny woman up and slamming her back to the mat. Angela bounces hard, her tiny frame unused to the rigors of the wrestling ring! Peggy leaps up and sends a heavy thigh crashing into Angela�s chest as she lies on the mat! Peggy gets up and looks to the crowd as they boo her mercilessly.

Kenny: That has to be a first! I have never heard the crowd react negatively to Peggy before!

Cari: I guess all the world loves a lover and Piggy broke up a very romantic setting!

As the big woman drags Angela to her corner she slaps Samantha�s hand in a tag and then tosses little Angela through the ropes to the floor. During all this Amanda lay in her corner trying to recover and with the tag gets to her feet but quickly slams back down the victim of a Staffer dropkick! Outside the ring Peggy straddles Angela�s chest and shouts abuse at the trapped girl. Samantha drags her opponent by the leg to the middle of the ring before flipping her over to her stomach. Samantha grabs a leg of her grounded opponent and again signals to the crowd!

Kenny: She looks like she is going for her finisher! Amanda Starr will not be able to withstand the Scorpion deathlock!

Cari: But wait! Here comes the wildcard!

Kenny: Gina Moore!

Cari: Never bet on a sure thing!

The big blonde moves up to the ring unnoticed as everyone watches Samantha start to apply the coup de grace and without hesitation drags Peggy off of Angela Downey and starts to belabor her with a barrage of punches and kicks! In the ring the commotion finally draws Samantha�s attention. She immediately releases Starr and rushes to ringside but is held up by the referee! During the commotion Angela manages to crawl away as Gina Moore continues her assault on Peggy!

Cari: The ref doesn�t want to let Samantha help Peggy!

Kenny: I think he�s trying to stop her get at Angela, which is plain silly!

Cari: Good break for Supermom though! She�s back in her corner where she belongs!

Kenny: Amanda Starr is too hurt to take advantage of it too! Samantha is not even paying any attention to her!

Cari: She is doing something though, she�s rolling to her corner! She�s going to make a tag!

Kenny: But is Angela in any shape to get back in the ring?

Cari: She has been amazingly tough, but they caught a huge break here with Gina interfering! The match was as good as over!

Kenny: Now what?

Gina finally drags a lifeless Peggy up and rolls her under the ropes back in the ring. The referee turns his head in time to see the tag in the far corner and starts to force Samantha out of the ring! Samantha complains but the ref shakes his head as Angela, to a huge ovation from the crowd enters the ring!

Kenny: Samantha is furious! First the attack on Peggy now the tag that I don�t think she saw!

Cari: This match has taken on a whole new flavor! Can the tyke do it!

Peggy lies groaning on her back, incapacitated from the beating administered by Gina Moore! Angela runs across the ring and leaps into the and sticking her legs out in front of her comes crashing down on Peggy�s stomach that causes the large woman to jackknife before crashing back to the mat! The crowd goes wild as Angela gets up then takes off running across the ring, bounding off the ropes to the other side and bounding off of those before leaping in the air and splashing her whole weight across Peggy�s chest!

Cari: What a cheek! She used Peggy�s own finisher against her!

Kenny: The ref is down, and counting! Angela is going for the pin!






Cari: Supermom has done it!

The crowd is off their feet as the bell sounds! Peggy kicks her legs up but too late as Samantha can only glare in amazement in her corner! Outside the ring Gina Moore pounds the apron with glee as the referee raises the arm of "Supermom" Angela Downey in the air to the utter delight of the crowd! Amanda comes to the scene and stomps Peggy back to the mat before hugging her partner! Samantha just shakes her head in disbelief before dropping to the floor and stalking away.

Cari: What a way to start the night off!

Kenny: Samantha Staffer is furious! She didn�t even go in to the ring to check on Peggy!

Cari: She had the match! She dominated her opponent easily! Gina Moore came in and took it away!

Kenny: Do you think the match would have turned out differently if she hadn�t showed up?

Cari: Staffer was seconds away from victory. Obviously she thought that her partner could overcome a little setback. No wonder she is mad!

Kenny: Gina Moore really laid a beating on Peggy though!

Cari: I have to agree. As much as Downey managed to handle the big woman, I doubt she could have finished it without the help. But it doesn�t matter now!

Kenny: Indeed it doesn�t! We�ll be right back!

WINNER: "Supermom" Angela Downey and Amanda Starr
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws