logoTina Dream vs. Lisa Dream - Hell in a Cell

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match is another Hell in a Cell match, showcasing a bitter brawl between the most notorious sisters in women's wrestling today! First, from Virginia Beach, Virgina, standing at 5'4" and 124 pounds - Tina Dream!

[Ribbin Thompson begins singing "Sweet Virginia Breeze." A display of colorful fireworks explodes around the entrance. Through the smoke and haze, the shapely outline of Tina Dream, the older Dream Sister, appears. She pauses, scanning the area, then steps from the clouds and shadows. She is wearing a pair of red, white and blue shorts with a matching halter top, and black boots. Her fans are very outspoken, as are her detractors. Tina cartwheels and flips down the aisle as a cheerleader, stopping occasionally to glance about. She blows a few kisses here and there. Upon arriving to the forboding cage, she looks up at the chain links. Slowly, she enters, taking a place center ring. She turns, quietly watching the entrance.]

Sandra: At least on Tina's part, we're looking at a fair fight.

Garry: Ha! You're kidding, right? If Tina was planning on a fair fight, why's she got the gruesome squad here? [Gestures to Samantha Page and Veronica Millions, both of whom are sitting up front.]

Sandra: Hey, she's got to protect herself. There are a lot of cheating, scheming wrestlers in BRA.

Garry: But they're all in her stable.

Announcer: Her opponent this evening, the younger Dream sister, from New York City, standing at 5'6" and 115 pounds - *Perfection* herself, Lisa Dream!

[The lights dim as the words 'the DREAM', written in gold letters, shows up on the Angeltron above the exit from the dressing room area. The sounds of twinking stars and awe music fill the arena. Smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of light. The music changes to Limp Bizkit's "Nookie." Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area. She is wearing some black leather pants and a black leather halter top, and arrogantly surveys the crowd. Her own screaming fans reach out to touch her, while Tina's fans throw food. Lisa makes her way down towards the ring, walking like a supermodel on the entrance ramp. She brushes the announcer as she enters, yanking the microphone from his hands. She glares at Tina as she speaks.]

Lisa: [addressing fans] Hello, all my little DREAM-o-phobics! That�s right, *perfection* in the flesh has decided to grace her with her flawless presence, and all of you can feel so very much better about paying such extravagant prices for those tickets you hold! And, not only do you get to feast your eyes on the All American Sweetheart, you get to see her in one of the most deadly matches available in this league. A hell in the cell match�no way in or out of this cage, going until only one of us remains standing. I hope to put on a good show for you all, but I can make no promises. After all, you know, just as I do, exactly how much of an imposter my older sister is!

[Tina's fans heckle Lisa. Tina herself begins flushing red in the face.]

Lisa: [to Tina] Tina, you have run from me, and avoided me, ever since I came into the Battling Ring Angels. I tried to get you to work things out with our poor darling mother, who could not be here today�regrettably, all you could do was send out an imposter to deal with her. Well, you half-wit, there will be no escape from my wrath now we've stepped into that cage, and I am going to toss you around like the pitiful rag doll we all know you to be! I have lost all respect for you, Tina�.attacking people from behind like the coward you are, sending other people out to do your own work. This will be for our mother�my poor, darling mother�cause she knows that I am the true DREAM! Just like we all know that you�.your are just a NIGHTMARE!

[Done with her speech, Lisa tosses the microphone down and seats herself on a turnbuckle, arrogantly waiting for the match to begin. The announcer grabs the microphone and slinks out of the ring. The referee closes the cage and locks it from the inside. He tries to explain the rules to both women, but neither seem interested. Lisa sheds her ringside attire for her wrestling garb: the familiar skimpy white bikini.]

Sandra: That mother comment was a shot bellow the belt!

Garry: One of many to come tonight, I'm sure!

Sandra: Probably so. [Bell rings] And the match starts now! The women circle around. Tina offers up a test of strength. Lisa looks to accept.

Garry: No! Don't do it, Lisa!

Sandra: Lisa drives her knee into Tina's midsection!

Garry: Thank God.

Sandra: Thank God? Lisa kneelifts Tina! [*THUMP*] Whoa! Lisa kneedrops her sister in the crotch!

Garry: Hell in a cell - gotta love these matches!

[Lisa struts around the ring, raising her arms to the fans. She blows a few kisses to the fans, then notices Tina starting to rise. Once Tina's on her feet, wobbly at best, Lisa backhands her sister across the face, followed by another knee to the groin. Lisa turns back to the fans, blowing more kisses.]

Sandra: That rotten bitch! How dare she!

Garry: Apparently, pretty easy.

Sandra: Well, foolish of Lisa to turn her back to Tina. Tina grabs Lisa's legs and takes her down! Tina's up and stomping her little sister up and down the back!

Garry: Lisa's had worse.

Sandra: You'd not know it from the look on Lisa's face! She's blubbering and trying to scramble free.

Garry: She's just trying to make Tina over confident.

Sandra: R-i-i-i-ght. Tina slams herself into a sitting position on Lisa's back - camel clutch!

Garry: I don't recall camel clutches involving biting!

[Tina sinks her teeth into Lisa's forehead, scraping her teeth side to side until a sizeable gash appears. Blood begins dripping down Lisa's face as she flails and cries in pain.]

Garry: What a disgusting display! I knew Tina was a lowlife, but a cannibal? Does the Shop have no shame in whom they align with?

Sandra: Tina follows with an eye gouge! I felt that one! Tina runs up the ropes and jumps back - elbow smash into the small of Lisa's back!

Garry: That poor little girl!

Sandra: Yeah! I hope Tina didn't hurt her elbow - oh, wait! Lisa's no spine to hurt it on!

Garry: You're a wretch! Back rake by the nefarious Tina! Tina slams *Perfection's* face into the cage by the hair! Oh no! She does it again!

[Tina rakes Lisa's across the chain links, from one post to the other. She growls in her ear:]

Tina: Perfection? Ha! You're going to be a perfect mess after I'm through!

Sandra: Oh, no, Tina! Don't stop to gloat!

Garry: Too late! Lisa's gouges at Tina's eye nicely! A punch across the jaw by Lisa Dream!

Sandra: But Tina retaliates!

[The two women begin exchanging blows. Finally, Tina cocks Lisa hard enough to roll hear head back. Tina roundhouse kicks Lisa in the stomach. Lisa tumbles backwards.]

Sandra: An eblow smash by - oh!

Garry: A missed elbow smash by Tina Dream! Lisa is up and kicks Tina square between the shoulder blades!

Sandra: But Tina misses most the force by rolling! Both girls are up and circling! Tina runs at Lisa -

[Lisa grabs Tina by the shoulders and falls back, kicking her sister up and away. Tina slams into the ropes and cage, plopping in a heap on the mat.]

Lisa: [rising; brushing herself off] You dare lay a hand on *perfection*?

Garry: Lisa throws herself back into the ropes and jumps! Boom! Missile dropkick catching Tina under the chin! Lisa is now back in form!

Sandra: Tina rolls away, though, and gets to her feet. Lisa grabs Tina in a reverse headlock! Lisa punches Tina in the belly!

[For good measure, Lisa grinds her knuckle into Tina's belly, then lifts her and places Tina on her shoulder.]

Garry: Brainbuster! Tina's down! If she's smart, she'll stay down!

Sandra: Are you kidding?

Garry: Yes. We know she's not smart. Lisa backing off her sister and letting her stand for some reason.

Sandra: There's your reason! A flashkick from Lisa! Tina falls again! Hey, what's Lisa doing?

Garry: [wincing] That's what's known as a "crotch claw" hold!

Sandra: That's horrible!

[Tina writhes and grabs the bottom rope, pulling herself to it and yanking herself away from Lisa and Lisa's hold.]

Sandra: This match just went downhill.

Garry: It went downhill when Tina entered the league.

Sandra: I have to admit, I'm beginning to yearn for a match with some sort of rules.

Garry: Because your girl is losing. Lisa closes in -

Sandra: Headbutt from Tina!

Garry: Backhand from Lisa!

Sandra: Knee to Lisa's stomach!

Garry: Lowblow to Tina!

[Tina's grunts from the pain, but grabs Lisa by the face. She places both of her fingers in Lisa's eyes and raises the squirming woman up. Tina headbutts Lisa, dragging her thumbnails as Lisa flies back. Before Lisa is too far off, Tina slams her elbow down on top of Lisa's head, and her knee under Lisa's chin.]

Sandra: A lethal combination of attacks from the real Dream Sister, Tina! A spinning kick lays Lisa out - followed by a falling fist to Lisa's midsection!

Garry: This is disgusting!

Sandra: Tina's behind Lisa - bodyscissors - and an ear clap! Ouch for Lisa!

[Tina stands, letting Lisa moan and groan babyishly on the mat. Tina sneers down at Lisa, then kicks her up the nose. Lisa flies back, squeeling as more blood pours down, trickling into her mouth. Tina places her boot against Lisa's throat, choking her.]

Sandra: That referee looks so bored.

Garry: He should be pulling Tina off Lisa.

Sandra: No rules, honey. Tina's playing fair.

[Lisa turns blue under Tina's black boot. Finally, Tina releases the hold and struts back a bit. Seeing the opportunity, Tina soccer kicks Lisa between the legs.]

Sandra: Damn it, would they stop doing that? [crosses legs uncomfortably]

Garry: Another falling fist, to Lisa's poor soft, and seductive belly. Poor thing!

Sandra: Tina pulls Lisa to her feet and whips her to the -

Garry: Reversal! Lisa shoots her sister into the cage! Tina runs back at Lisa, but Lisa runs up the ropes -

Sandra: Round heel kick from the top rope! Tina ducks it! Tina chokeslams Lisa!

Garry: I don't believe what I'm seeing!

Sandra: Tina bends to get her sister's hair - kick to Tina's stomach! Tina's not budging away, though!

Garry: That face rake seems to have helped, though!

Sandra: Tina backing off - but Lisa locks on a bodyscissor hold around Tina's ...uh...

Garry: Ample gifts?

Sandra: Chest will do, Garry. Lisa throws her sister down to the mat and delivers slaps and punches to Tina's face! Tina's stunned by a chop to the throat! Lisa's up - no, she's sitting! She's face-sitting Tina!

Garry: [gleefully] You don't know how long I've waited for a match like this.

Sandra: Shut up! Lisa pins Tina!

Two -

Sandra: Tina pulls out from under Lisa! Tina's up before Lisa and mulekicks her in the back of the head! Tina's going to the ropes and reaching to her boot - what's she doing?

[Tina reaches into her boot and retrieves a pair of brass knuckles.]

Sandra: Tina! No! Not that! You're better than that!

Garry: Tina! No! Not that! Lisa deserves better than that!

Sandra: Lisa's up - Tina punches her across the jaw! A knee to the stomach followed by brass-knuckle uppercut!

[Lisa staggers back and slumps in the corner. Everything is moving around her. She tries to focus on Tina. She sees the flash of the bloodied knuckles in Tina's hand. The referee sees the knuckles, and asks Tina - borderline telling her - to ditch them. Tina advances towards Lisa.]

Sandra: I don't like this side of Tina! The referee is really powerless to do anything, too!

Garry: Lisa's not! Look!

[Tina bends over her sister, rearing her fist back. Lisa pushes her legs up, wrapping her legs around Tina's neck. She pulls her sister down, tangling the two of them in the ropes. The two struggle, Lisa semi-on top, slamming Tina's fist against the mat and cage.]

Sandra: Lisa's fighting valiantly! She doesn't want another blow from those knuckles.

Garry: Do you blame her? The referee can't help her!

[Lisa rams her thumb nail at Tina's eye, but Tina jerks her head up. Lisa's nail instead catches Tina in the nose and bites deep, causes crimson to gush from a deep scratch. Tina yelps. Lisa wrenches her sister's wrist and slams it into the mat. The knuckles come off, skidding a few feet away.]

Sandra: Lisa jumps for the knuckles!

[The referee, trying to pick the brass knuckles up and remove them from play, is almost knocked over by a barreling Lisa Dream. Lisa snatches the weapon and eagerly places it on her hand. She clenches a fist and stares back at her sister. Through the blood on her face, she smiles devilishly.]

Lisa: [gloating] Here�s some payback for all those years of hell you put me through, bitch.

Sandra: Tina is finally up, but it may be too late!

Garry: No "may" about it! Lisa jumps onto Tina!

[Lisa jumps onto Tina, pinning her in the corner. Lisa wraps her legs around the middle rope, scraping her knees on the rough cage's links. She begins slamming her fist repeatedly into Tina's face, cutting a deep gash under Tina's eye and another across her nose.]

Lisa: [screaming] Let�s see you laugh this one off, big sister!

[Lisa brings her fist across Tina's jaw, then jumps back. She takes Tina by the arm and spins about, flinging Tina into the mat. Lisa rushes and executes a falling fist, with the brass knuckles, into Tina's throat.]

Sandra: No! Tina gagging!

[As Tina struggles to breathe, Lisa stands and switches sitting positions, going for a reverse face sit pin. As the referee counts, Lisa gyrates her hips, adding humiliation to her sister's situation. Lisa's fans cry out in excitement. Shop fans are blatantly disgusted.]

Two... shoulder up!

Sandra: That' was close.

Garry: It's not over! Lisa's not getting up! I don't think she's going for a pinfall.

[Lisa continues to gyrate, much to the pleasure of many of her male fans. Tina continues to struggle, keeping her shoulders from totally touching the mat. Tina's movements slow, while Lisa waves to her fans. Finally, Tina stops. Lisa continues her "show," while the referee nervously lifts Tina's hand. It falls. He lifts it again. It falls. The referee looks to the time keeper, and the bell rings. The referee immediately takes Lisa's hands and pulls her to her feet, raising her arm.]

[The bell sounds.]

Announcer: The winner: Lisa Dream!

Sandra: [broken] This was horrible.

Garry: [dancing in his seat; singingly] Perfect in every way!

Sandra: I can't take this.

[The cage opens. Lisa stares down at her sister, shaking her head. She exits the cage. Tina's friends rush in to help her up.]

Sandra: [trying not to cry] Next match! Dear God, the next match please!

Garry: Next time, she should leave those tactics to the pros!

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