logoMegan Delanoire vs. Evonne Carmikel - Ladder Match

Garry: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match has a lot of history. A while back, in a different league, Ms. Evonne Carmikel had the "opportunity" to relieve Ms. Meagan Delanoire of her wedding band.

Sandra: Nevermind Evonne's cohort in that league, Nikki Foxx, had releaved Meagan's husband of his vows.

Garry: And tonight, Meagan's fighting for at least the ring, and her dignity!

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, our next match is a ladder match. Whomever wins the match walks away with the wedding band suspended 20 feet above the ring. Let me introduce the combatants. First, from Dover, New Hampshire, standing at 5'10" and 159 pounds - Meagan Delanoire!

[The houselights flicker and then wink out plunging the arena into darkness.]

Speakers: "The world is a vam-pire..."

[Billy Corrigan's nasal whine skulks from the sound system as the thrumming beat of the baseline thunders throughout the auditorium. A roar fills the air as an explosion goes off at the top of the entrance ramp leaving a ring of blue flame that licks hungrily at the darkness. As the flames die, Meagan Delanoire steps into view with a scowl on her pretty round face. The buxom beauty wears hip hugging, black leather bikini briefs and a matching leather bikini top. Knee high black leather boots adorn her normally bare feet and her fire gold hair is done in a bun. Meagan struts down the ramp and rolls into the ring to await Evonne]

Announcer: Her opponent this evening, from Beverly Hills, California, standing at 6' and 145 pounds - Evonne Carmikel!

[The lights dim down as the theme to GOLDFINGER begins to play. The thousands boo and jeer as the gold spotlights start wandering around the arena. Only the Carmikelholic�s are cheering as the gold lights converge on the wrestlers entrance. Then an explosion of white light blinds the audience as thousands of diamond shapes shards of light explode. The curtain slowly parts and out step 10 large men in riot gear. All of them wear black helmets that hide their faces, jet-black night sticks in their hands. CSF is written in white across their chests, the logo of Carmikel Security Force. The take up flanking positions around the entrance. Then, out steps the CEO. She is dressed in her Armani Jacket and black Gucci wrestling boots. The guards form a box around Evonne and she takes her time, walking slowly to the ring. The security team take up positions around the ring as Evonne slowly climbs up the steps. She gracefully glides between the ropes and walks to the middle of the ring.. She smiles as she undoes the buttons on her jacket, revealing her gold singlet. She holds her arms out and glares at the ref. He pauses for a moment and then walks over, peeling the jacket off of her. She smiles and takes a $100 bill and stuffs it into his shirt.]

Sandra: Hey, hey HEY! Let's keep it fair, okay?!

Garry: Oh, come off it. We both know all the referee is going to do is set on the rules and watch from outside the action. He'd have to be a fool to even consider getting involved in this.

Sandra: [annoyed] Still, it's the fact she dared....

[The referee frowns and hands Evonne her bill back. He then summons both women center ring to remind them of the rules as the announcer sneaks from the ring. The referee pats both women down. Meagan stares hard into Evonne's grinning face. The referee gives an okay sign to the time keeper then steps back. The bell rings.]

Sandra: Let the excitement begin! The women are circling. My, but Evonne looks smug tonight.

Garry: It's easy to be smug when you're going to win.

Sandra: You don't know-

Garry: Evonne's already more of a winner than Meagan. Meagan's lost her husband, Sherry Ann and the Body Slop - after this match, she'll be a three-time loser!

Sandra: Ow! Evonne puts a high kick to the throat of Meagan that knocks the busty heroine back.

Garry: See? It's already begun.

Sandra: Evonne advanced and grabs Meagan for a choke slam! Ow! Followed by a - whoa!

Garry: Kicked straight up Meagan's chimney, follows by an elbow drop to the mouth of Meagan.

[Meagan rolls over, momentarily stunned. She grabs for the ropes to pull herself up, but Evonne reacts.]

Sandra: Evonne rips Meagan's face across the ropes - Meagan's poor eyes! Why doesn't the ref call this?

Garry: Because there's no DQ in a ladder match.

Sandra: Yeah - but... uh.. oh no.

[Meagan clutches her eyes. Evonne spin kicks Meagan in the back of the head and drops Meagan back to her knees. Evonne backs up a bit as Meagan thrusts herself to her feet and looks back at her, seething with anger.]

Sandra: The women are circling again. Meagan lunges at Evonne - but Evonne jumps past her! Meagan catches ropes! Meagan is losing her patience.

Garry: And Evonne's having a ball. The women are circling again. Meagan lunges again -

Sandra: No! A fake!

[Meagan fakes starting a leap at Evonne. As Evonne attempts to jump past her, Meagan grabs Evonne's arm and spins her around and around, before flinging her, front first, into a ring post.]

Sandra: A leap and kick into Evonne's back! Ha! How's that turnbuckle taste, honey!

Garry: [irritated] Be professional, for God's sake.

Sandra: [cringes] Meagan hits Evonne where the sun don't shine, from behind even.

[Meagan cups her hand around Evonne's chin and yanks the taller woman backwards, slamming her neck across her knee. Evonne lets out a gasp and thumps to the mat.]

Sandra: That's a nice one! Meagan jumps and lands, knees firm, in Evonne's nose.

Garry: No! That perfect, perfect nose! No!

Sandra: Oh yes! And - oh my God, Meagan's choking Evonne!

Garry: She's a murderer! She shouldn't even be allowed in this league!

Sandra: What about Cyra Min?

Garry: Er, she had different circumstances - and looks good in rubber.

[The referee tries to get Meagan to stop choking Evonne. Carmikel turns blue and coughs and sputters as Meagan, sitting astride Evonne's chest, clutches her neck in both hands, tightning and crushing harder and harder.]

Referee: [pulling at Meagan] Damn you, Delanoire, just because I can't boot you outta here doesn't mean you can kill her! Leggo!

Sandra: Meagan's ignoring the referee and continuing the choke hold!

Garry: [painfully] No! No! It can't end like this!

[Evonne desperately slaps at Meagan, hitting her in the face. A loud slap echoes through the arena. Meagan doesn't even flinch. Evonne scratches at Meagan's face, but Meagan remains determined. Finally, Evonne plants her fingers into Meagan's eyes.]

Garry: That'll do it! Evonne's broken the hold.

Sandra: But only angered Meagan. Evonne is still on the mat helpless, but Meagan's already recovered! Meagan swipes at Evonne's face with a scratch and takes a souvineer!

Garry: Oh, God, I hope that doesn't leave a scar!

[Evonne rubs the cat-like claw scratch across her cheek, seeing a bit of red on her hand as she retracts it. Evonne looks to Meagan in time to see an elbow falling towards her.]

Sandra: Another elbow smash to Evonne's little nose!

Garry: Which just got a bit littler.

Sandra: Meagan lifts Evonne - bodyslam - and into the ladder!

[Meagan clumsily drops Evonne, whom smacks into the ladder. The ladder topples, barely missing the referee. Meagan walks over to the ladder and sets it up right again, under the ring. She looks at the ring, as if in thought, then returns a cold stare to Evonne.]

Sandra: Evonne's trying to gather her wits, but I don't think in time to - oh, no! Evonne saw Meagan coming and managed to yank her legs from under her!

Garry: She's back in this, and mad too!

Sandra: I don't know I'd say that.

[Immediately, Meagan places her foot in Evonne's face in a rapid succession of three stamps. Meagan jumps to her feet. Evonne immediately scuttles behind the referee, cowering behind him.]

Evonne: [making a "T" with her hands] Time out! Time out!

Referee: [infuriated] Don't give me that crap, Carmikel! There are no time outs! Now get your butt back in this fight!

Sandra: Oh! The referee is letting Evonne know what's what in his ring!

Garry: I hope he gets fired for that, the jerk.

Sandra: And he steps aside. Evonne stares, horrified, at Meagan! This is great!

[Meagan's glare intensifies as she tries to clear her mind of revenge and focus on the match.]

Evonne: [quivering voice] Please stop, Meagan. It was all Nikki�s idea!

[Meagan's eyes widen, enraged at what she's hearing from Evonne.]

Evonne: [still cowering] Go climb the ladder. I won�t stop you.

[Meagan ponders this, and slowly turns and starts towards the ladder. Evonne smiles evilly and gets to her feet. She begins to make way towards Meagan.]

Sandra: Ow! Meagan spins around and thrusts her knee into Evonne's gut! The Rotten Little Rich Girl underestimated Meagan.

Garry: This is crap! Someone must have tipped her off! She couldn't have figured that out on her own.

Sandra: Cut the crap, Grimmoire. Meagan slings Evonne into the ropes and catches her in a arms-pinned down bearhug! Meagan squeezes and lifts Evonne - Holy Moly! Meagan's bitting into Evonne's shoulder!

Garry: I am not seeing this.

Sandra: I'm stunned as you are! Evonne's flailing and sobbing like a baby, though!

Garry: [angered] Come off it! If someone was biting into you, you'd scream as well!

Sandra: Good point. Meagan drops Evonne, but rips out a little snack-sized bit to chew on!

[Evonne again scoots behind the referee, nursing the bleeding wound over her clavicle. Evonne looks to the referee, as if wanting him to say something. He looks to Meagan.]

Referee: [nervously] At least cook it first, Meagan. We're a civilized society.

[Evonne stares, open-jawed. The referee shrugs at her.]

Referee: What do you want me to do? I can't disqualify he-

Sandra: Meagan interrupts the fire-side chat with a missile-dropki- no! Evonne dodges! Meagan's down!

Garry: And Evonne's not wasting anytime, either! Evonne begins stomping in the oh-so-pretty face of Meagan Delanoire! Again! Again! Again! And once more! Yippee!

Sandra: [annoyed] Try to cheer up there, Garry. Evonne grabs Meagan's arms and legs and takes her for an airplane spin -

Garry: Wham! Right into the ladder!

[Meagan slams head first into the ladder, again spilling it over. Meagan rolls around, clutching her head.]

Garry: Oh, I think we're about to see some Carmikel inventiveness! Evonne grabs the ladder and opens it!

[Evonne lays the ladder flat on its side. She walks towards Meagan and kicks her once in the face. Taking Meagan's right leg, she pulls her opponent towards the waiting ladder. She places the leg, at the knee, in the ladder, and...]

Garry: [winces] Jeez! That was sick looking!

Sandra: Evonne is jumping up and down on the ladder, crushing its wooden maw down on Meagan's leg!

Garry: Don't give me that you feel sorry for Meagan crap, either! Meagan's been cheating all night.

Sandra: [sadly] Turnabout is fair play.

[At the seventh jump, Meagan is fighting back tears from the pain. She reaches to her knee and tries to pull it out, but Evonne cruelly leans her wait into it. Evonne crouches down, putting even more weight on the knee. She clutches Meagan's cheeks, squishing her face, and forcing Meagan to look her in the eyes.]

Evonne: [hissing] Beg, bitch. Beg for Evonne�s mercy, and maybe she will grant it to you.

[Meagan's face turns to anger and she opens her mouth to respond, but Evonne leans just a bit more on the ladder and Meagan instead howls. Meagan steps off the ladder, fighting back laughter as Meagan, pulling her leg to safety, pulls it close to her.]

Garry: She gave her an option at least!

Sandra: Evonne picks up the ladder - I think she's going to - Jesus!

[Evonne spins and tosses the ladder carelessly from the ring. It crashes into the commentators's table. Garry yanks Sandra out of the way before it nails Sandra in the face.]

Sandra: [shocked] I - Bu- Garry - you -

Garry: [blushes] Knee-jerk reaction. Sorry.

[Evonne's security team grabs the ladder. One pulls out an electric screw gun and begins removing the screws. Meanwhile, in the ring, Evonne has piledriven Meagan into the mat and is propping the injured Meagan Delanoire up in the ring corner, draping her legs and arms over the ropes. Meagan, barely "with it" from all the pain. Evonne tauntingly slaps Meagan to "wake" her. Meagan stares wearily at Evonne as a fist finds its way into Meagan's gut. Meagan groans painfully as a kick follows it. After a few punches into Meagan's chest, Evonne begins repeating the steps. The referee, meanwhile, has jumped from the ring and is trying to get the security men away from the ladder, but two of them are standing in the frantic man's way.]

Sandra: This is an insult to the league! Evonne is abusing the guidelines of the match for her own sadistic pleasure!

Garry: Not to mention abusing Meagan's body for her own sadistic pleasure!

[Fans begin shifting excitedly as one of the entrances open. Into the arena steps a blatantly infuriated Electra van Driesal. Electra makes her way towards Evonne's security team as the man with the screw gun removes the last screw from one of the ladder's legs. Immediately, he hurls it into the ring.]

Garry: [looking back] Crap! It's the boss!

Sandra: Huh? [snaps up] It's Ms. van Driesal! She's come to get things back on track!

[Evonne picks up the ladder's leg and smirks at Meagan. Meagan looks at Evonne, and struggles to free herself. She does not do so. The piece of wood slams across Meagan's face. Laughing, Evonne grinds the beam's corner into Meagan's gut.]

Sandra: This is one of Carmikel's most detestable acts ever.

Garry: Keep your panties on. Boss woman will set everything right!

[The two security men are still refusing to let the referee near the remains of the ladder. Electra pushes past one of the guards, reaching for the man with the screw gun. Instinctively, one of the security men grabs Electra by the arm, latching tightly on to her shoulder as Electra is tapping the man with the screw gun on the shoulder. She looks back at the one holding her, but yanks away, just as the other man is turning around. Not thinking, the man squeezes the "trigger" on the screw gun as he turns, slashing the screw gun's bit along Electra's left cheek, down past her ear and grazing down her lower neck.]

Garry: [jumping up] Watch it, you idiot! She's my bread and butter!

Sandra: [not noticing what has happened] Oh, another hit over the head of Meagan Delanoire! Evonne nearly broke the beam that time! Meagan's slinking down a bit. I fear this isn't good at all. Evonne tosses the beam aside and grabs Meagan in a headlock! She rips the limp Delanoire off the ring post and bulldogs her into the mat!

[Electra jumps back from the screw gun, clutching her cheek. The security guard looks down at the screw gun, then stares at the screw gun. As he recognizes what he's done, and to whom, he drops the screw gun. Electra catches the gun before it can hit the ground. She stares at the guard, whom backs off. The rest slowly return to their posts. Electra walks to the referee, who attempts to wipe the blood from Electra's neck. She hands him the screw gun.]

Electra: Fix the ladder. Now.

Sandra: Whoa! She's bleeding! A lot!

Garry: [nervously] Almost as much as Meagan.

[The referee pulls the missing beam from the ring. Meanwhile, Evonne has already put Meagan through her 24Karat Clutch. Instinctively, Meagan reaches for the ropes, trying to pull away. Evonne releases the hold and pulls Meagan to her feet.]

Evonne: [into Meagan's ear] Do you understand now, Bitch? You can never beat me.

Sandra: Meagan's taking a - Meagan eye gouges Evonne! She shouldn't be gloating!

Garry: Yup - I agree.

Sandra: You what?

Garry: [nervously staring at Electra] Let's say I saw the error of my ways.

Sandra: Meagan's hobbling away from Evonne - but Evonne legsweeps Meagan. Meagan's down again! Evonne applied a figure four!

Evonne: [leaning back] I wonder if Kyle would like a real woman to lie in his bed tonight?

Sandra: Whoa! I don't know what Evonne said to Meagan, it lit her fire!

[Screaming angrily, Meagan forces her body upward, standing, and pushing Evonne on her back. Evonne, stunned by the "roar," loosens the hold and stares, horrified. Meagan slams her fist into Evonne's eye, then begins pummelling Evonne in the head.]

Sandra: Meagan's acting like a woman crazed! Meagan's beating Evonne for all she's worth! Evonne's trying to scuttle away again!

Garry: [glancing at Electra] Man, she's pissed.

Sandra: She sure is, but Meagan's got reason to be! She's fighting for her honor! Meagan picks Evonne up for a bodyslap - oh no! She crumples! Her knee hurts too much!

[Evonne stands. She looks down at Meagan, who is in pain. Evonne pulls Meagan up and whips her, face first, into the opposite turnbuckle. Meagan slides to her knees. Evonne begins to rush towards Meagan, but stops as a ladder clatters in front of her. She looks outside the ring and sees Electra, still bleeding. Electra's blouse is turning red as her hair, and her face. The woman clutches the ropes and growls at Evonne.]

Electra: [through clenched teeth] It's a ladder match. People paid to see a ladder match. You have to have the damn ladder.

[Evonne looks at her, then looks at Meagan, who is on the mat. Evonne picks up the ladder and slowly begins to climb it towards the dangling ring. Meagan looks up at Evonne, her eyes widening to saucers.]

Sandra: Meagan leaps to the ladder! Meagan knocks it over! Down goes Evonne!

Garry: [still staring at Electra, nervously] ....

[Evonne stands up, shaking it off. Meagan forces herself up, still wobbly. She can stand on her leg now, but the beating she's taken is showing its course. Evonne walks towards Meagan slowly. Meagan wearily swings, and Evonne blocks it. Evonne uppercuts Meagan, then sucker punches her. Meagan collapses to her knees as Evonne drives her elbows into her shoulders. Meagan slumps to the mat. She watches as Evonne picks the ladder up again. She tries to rise, but Evonne stomps her in the back of the head. By the time Meagan can get up to a crawling stance, she hears the bell ring. She looks up and sees a ring held in her face. Evonne had already climbed the ladder, grabbed the ring, and jumped down.]

Sandra: [deafened by the fans' booing] This is horrible! Evonne Carmikel has won the match!

[Meagan lowers her head, unsure what to do.]

Evonne: [slipping the ring on, admiring it] You're garbage, Meagan, a piece of trash. Your husband doesn�t want you, the Shop doesn�t want you. You�re a loser and you always will be.

[Evonne raises her hands in victory. Meagan remains on the mat, croutching. Electra, still enraged, glares at Evonne's security team. She walks to the opposite side of the ring as Evonne's team help the winner from between the ropes. Electra climbs into the ring, dripping blood. She walks towards Meagan and bends down to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She helps Meagan stand and walks her to her dressing room.]

Garry: [still shocked] Well... this was a match to remember.

Sandra: Yes, it was. Sickening, too. Hey, isn't that Buffy Lawrence?

[Buffy Lawrence runs in from the opposite entrance and towards Evonne. She leaps towards her nemesis from behind, but it caught in midair by one of Evonne's security agents. Evonne turns around and stares at her. She shrugs, and turns to leave. The guards release their hold on Buffy slightly, just as Evonne spins around with a kick across the jaw of Buffy. Evonne "beats feet" towards the exit as BRA security appear on the scene to attempt to prevent another fight.]
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