Sandra: It's time! It's finally time to crown that one lady who deserves to stand above the rest! It's time to give the Battling Ring Angels the icon it has been waiting all this time for!

Garry: And it's about time! At least it's not that has been Sherry Ann! I mean...who old is she anyways? She needs to check into a retirement home! I heard she was going to be using a walker to get to the ring tonight!

Sandra: She does not! She is still at the top of her game and going to prove it in this Rumble! 11 of the best and brightest ladies from the Battling Ring Angels will try and come out on top to be the Celestial Champion! Sherry Ann, always a top performer wherever she goes, speaks for herself and is in this competition!

Garry: Yeah and don't forget her flavor of the month is in there too! Sweet Misty will fight again tonight! This may be a little more than she can handle. She may be agile...and I would love to find out...but she is not suited to be in such an iron woman event!

Sandra: Well we'll see about that... Lisa Dream is ready to mix it up again and try for greatness. She represents one half of the Evonne Carmikel stable tonight. Always sneaky and ready to take the "low" route...Lisa will be a force to be reckoned with.

Garry: Yeah! And you said it! One of my favorite wrestlers of all time is in there...Evonne Carmikel! This talented executive may pull out all the stops to get on top! She deserves to be up there. Her deep pockets alone are enough to make these girls swoon!

Sandra: There is no doubt that Evonne will bring all her resources to bear on this one. Tiffany "The Wrath" Epitaphine has, strangely enough, been added to the list at the last minute. I wouldn't think the Wrath would be interested in an event like this. She likes to make points to individuals at a time...not to groups.

Garry: We'll see if she has the gall to even step out here with Evonne in there! Nina LaRue represents the Sisterhood of Seduction. One of the top competitors who is also part of the Sisterhood...and one of my personal favorites...didn't even enter this event. She said she found it beneath her to grace this match with her presence.

Sandra: Yvette Malreux did not enter even though she was invited to attend this event. Perhaps she feels confident that Nina LaRue can bring home the gold for her team! That would certainly boost the Sisterhood's morale and influence in this league!

Garry: What are you talking about!? Yvette already practically owns this league just from her sharp wit and intelligent thinking! Alexandria Parker is here too. The elite of society has choosen their warrior...and Alexandria is not going to let them down!

Sandra: A strong competitor Alexandria Parker. She will also be joining the ranks of these great ladies. Now...maybe you would like to give some highlights for the next few ladies Garry?

Garry: Me!? I hate them! They shouldn't even be in the same ring as people like Evonne, Lisa, and Alexandria!

Sandra: From my "esteemed" associate, you can tell that the Body Shop has a very strong presence here. They are known for taking the belts home more times than any other stable and dominating the competition in the federations they choose to enter.

Garry: But not here! They are falling apart at the seams! Sherry Ann has been a mess lately, Meagan Delanoire broke free from her treachery, and the rest of the Shop is left confused and losing ground to talented stables like the Sisterhood.

Sandra: Samantha Page joins the Shop in reaching for the belt! She was invited to this match after upsetting Yvette Malreux a few weeks back handing the the Marquise her first defeat. The more than a little strange Zantara Underworld will make her presence known as well. She is well suited for this don't you think Garry?

Garry: Yeah yeah...I give Zantara that! Her Hades Hazard will do a lot of damage AND can be used to throw people over the rope. The hand picked rookie Sherry has been grooming into her own image also comes to mind when I think of the cheating Body Shop. Veronica Millions will be here in all her non-glory as usual. She should just pack up and go home right now!

Sandra: She has a great chance to prove something here and she will! Crowd favorite Princess Peggy Christian....

Garry: Oh God! And I thought Sherry was ancient!

Sandra: ...will put in her bid for the Celestial Title. I think Peggy can win this. She has a firm grasp for the basics and that is all you really need for this event. Put away all the fancy gimmicks and power moves for this one! She has all you need to win this one!

Garry: Yeah she's got it all! She even knits her own quilts! HAHA!

Sandra: Looks like Mike Roberts, head referee for this match, is in the ring and ready to explain the rules...


Ladies and Gentlemen. These are the rules for the Rumble. Each participant will come down to the ring from the special "Heaven's Gate" on the left of the arena. They will leave down the normal entrance to the right of the arena. There are 11 participants and no time limit. The match will continue until 10 of the participants are eliminated. An elimination occurs when a participant falls over the top rope and both feet touch the arena floor. This is the only way for a competitor to be eliminated. Now for the lady who drew the Number 1 slot...

The "Gate to Heaven" slowly opens and a light pours out blinding all who try and look through them. The light slowly fades revealing a fiqure in the aisle. "Know Your Enemy" blares out of the speakers as the fans realize it's Samantha Page making her way to the ring. She does not look happy at all at being picked first. Climbing the steps, Samantha steps into the ring wearing her black sports bra and black spandex shorts. Her hair is tied back out of her face in a ponytail. She does a few bounces in the ring to get the blood flowing as she is going to be in for a rough night.

And the participant that drew the Number 2 slot...

The "Gate to Heaven" creaks open again and again the light blinds anyone from seeing who is coming out prematurely. The light fades and some people look around at the little gold dollars falling lazily in the air. "Goldfinger" starts over the sound system and Evonne Carmikel, with a scowl on her face, walks to the ring. She gets to the steps and stares up at the Shopper in the ring. Samantha just keeps warming up using the ropes ignoring the Body Shop nemesis as she steps through the ropes.

Sandra: Wow! A Body Shopper and the Shop's Number 1 rival! What a start!!

Garry: Evonne was cheated! That Sherry Ann somehow rigged the drawing!

Sandra: Well the drawing area was not disclosed to anyone except Bianca Dupree. She obviously didn't even share that information with Evonne...

The referee Mike Roberts steps from the ring and signals the bell.


The match starts but not the way everyone though it would. Both ladies look across at each other then move out to meet each other in the center. Evonne, looking confident and superior, starts talking to Page rubbing her fingers together.

Sandra: Looks like Evonne is looking to handle this rumble the easy way.

Garry: Easy way? She is the number 1 lady to enter this poor excuse of a Rumble! This may hurt her bank account more than it would hurt herself!

Samantha looks out to the crowd then points to her chest rubbing her fingers together. The fans hout and hollar as if to say "No!" Shrugging, Samantha turns back to Evonne shaking her head. The response was shocking nonetheless as Evonne's foot sinks into Samantha's belly! Page doubles over and "Uphhh!"s loud enough for everyone to here.

Garry: Haha! Evonne doesn't like her offers turned down!

Sandra: Apparantly not! Evonne hooks Samantha in a reverse headlock and heaves her over!

Pulling Samantha over, Evonne executes a snap suplex. Page grunts and slides a little along the mat after her back painfully makes contact with the mat. Holding her back, Samantha gets to her knees. Evonne is not ready to take anything from the upstart Body Shopper and launches a dropkick to her head. Both feet connect squarely with Samantha's nose! She goes down holding her face rolling on the mat. Evonne smiles and holds her hands up just to get the crowd booing at her. She smirks at Samantha Page before "helping" her to her feet via her hair.

Sandra: Looks like Evonne isn't taking any chances at all.

Garry: Take a chance? There's no risk involved! Evonne has Samantha right where she wants her and is about to send her back to the Body Flop wrapped up neat with a little red bow on top! Haha!

Holding her head firmly, Evonne runs with Samantha to the nearest ropes and starts to try and heave her over. Both of their bodies bend dangerously over the top rope looking as though it will give way any minute and flip one of them over.

Garry: She's got her! Goodbye Page!

Taking hold of Evonne's lovely locks, Page pulls her back and off her. Evonne screams and shifts her arms to try and break the hold. Twisting Evonne around, Samantha clasps on a reverse headlock of her own. She kicks forward with her left leg and drops back dumping the Executive's head into the unforgiving mat. Evonne stays down and unmoving as the move has really stunned her. Samantha, though, is not so patient as to wait for Evonne to get back to her feet. She hoists her up with her hair roughly getting a squeel from the Golden One. A knee lift...and then another bends Evonne over and down to one knee. Reaching down to pick Evonne up one more time, Samantha gets her hand slapped away by Evonne who then pleads on one knee.

"Samantha! I never wanted this! Let's just wait for the next prey and be a team! WE can win this!

"One problem Evonne...only one can win!"

"That's right..."

And with that, Evonne throws her locked hands up into the exposed crotch of the Body Shopper! Samantha bends over a little, her mouth a perfect "O". She falls to the side and curls up into a ball as the cheap shot takes it's full effect. Evonne smirks and starts throwing the boots into Samantha as she tries to recuperate. Taking one arm, Evonne locks on an armbar and keeps the pressure on. Samantha screams and slaps the mat with her free hand enduring the pressure as best she can. Evonne twists and turns the arm into ways it was never meant to go.

Sandra: Evonne is grounding Samantha it seems. An unusual tactic in a rumble I have to say.

Garry: No no! It's beautiful! She can't get eliminated this way and she can rest while little Page has to grit her teeth and take the punishment!

Sandra: What happens when the next person comes down hmm?

Garry: Ummm...get her up Evonne! Over the rope! Hurry!

Pulling on the wrenched arm, Evonne gets Samantha up and on her feet. She yanks it a few times making Samantha gasp in pain each time. Swinging her around, Evonne throws Samantha into the nearest corner and follows up with a vicious clothesline that rocks Samantha's head back. Pushing back on her head to arch her back over the rope, Evonne takes hold of one leg and straddles it over with little resistance. Samantha clears the cobwebs and realizes her predicament as Evonne takes hold of the other leg. Pulling her leg in, Samantha bucks and squirms trying to get away from her tormentor's grasp. Gritting her teeth and roughly pulling at the leg, Evonne pushes and tugs trying to keep Samantha off balance and hopefully tobble over the top. Samantha suddenly lashes out kicking Evonne off of her. Evonne, forced to take a few steps away from her opponent, regains her balance and charges back in to finish the job. Pulling her leg in once again, Page kicks Evonne squarely in the chest! Evonne gasps and falls to the mat right on her butt. She looks up and curses seeing Samantha untangle herself from the corner. Falling to her side, Evonne rolls along the mat and out of the ring igniting the boos and hisses from the fans clearly unhappy at this predicament. Screaming at the officials, Samantha demands that they force her back into the ring. Evonne walks around holding her head and gathering a new plan of attack while, of course, wasting time.

Garry: She's so smart! Slide out under the bottem rope and get your thoughts together. Evonne knows how to win these things!

Sandra: But listen to the disapproval of this crowd! They are clearly unhappy at the lack of action in the ring compounded with their dislike of Carmikel.

The clock ticks down to 1 minute remaining before the next lady enters the ring. Evonne scowls and continues to pace around the ring before taking a seat next to the guardrail. Not really wanting to get out of the ring, Samantha steps to the center and folds her arms tapping her foot. Evonne looks up at her and smiles. Gesturing to her, Samantha tries to coax Evonne back into the ring. Pointing to her head, Evonne shakes her head knowing that as long as she is out here she can't be beaten. Finally Samantha gets fed up with it all and runs toward the ropes. She slides under the ropes and runs toward Evonne who just takes off in the opposite direction. Both girls chase each other around the ring a few times until Evonne slides back under the ropes and into the ring. Samantha follows suit but is met by an unwelcoming comittee. Evonne stomps down once...twice...and a third time onto Page's back. Samantha groans and holds her back. Evonne pulls the Shopper to her feet before standing beside her. She hooks one le with her own and drapes her arm around Sam's neck. Bending forward slightly to prepare for the move, then flips back sweeping Samantha's hooked leg and driving her back and neck into the mat with a russian legsweep.

Sandra: Good move by Evonne. Samantha is in real trouble. Hopefully she can hold out for the next person to arrive.

Garry: With so many Shoppers in this event it is in her favor for one of her cheating sister's to be next! I hope it's Alexandria Parker or even better Lisa Dream!

Sandra: That would definately tip the scales in favor of Carmikel.

Evonne sits up next to Samantha smiling. Things are definately going her way and she feels she can throw the annoying little Shopper out soon. She gets to her feet before taking hold of Samantha's hair. She pulls Samantha to her feet but is surprised when her arms are slapped away! Rearing back, Samantha throws one punch to the face of Evonne before starting with chops to the chest. Evonne steps back defensively trying to fend off the vicious and unforeseen attack. Samantha just steps forward with her and keeps the chops coming. She backs Evonne into the corner, then switches to boots to the gut launching one right after the other!

Sandra: And Samantha Page starts to make a come back! Evonne has her back to the corner and things are looking worse and worse for her!

Garry: Oh...OH NO! Come on Evonne! You had her! Look! She's cheating! Look at those cheap shots! I'm telling you the Body Shop can't do anything but low blows!

Sandra: Oh shut up Garry! You just can't stand to see Evonne being beat!

Sinking to the mat, Evonne's eyes glaze over as blow after blow connects to her battered body. She sits with her legs straight out and her back to the turnbuckle before Samantha throws one final blow in revenge right between Evonne's legs! Shrieking before bending forward holding herself, Evonne folds on the mat as an energized Sam throws her arms up and screams to the crowd! The fans pop and start chanting her name as the clock hits 10 seconds! Everyone starts to count down with the clock as Samantha turns her attention back to the downed Executive.

Sandra: Sam and Evonne are about to be joined! Who will the next lucky person be!?

Garry: Lisa! LISA! Be LISA! Evonne needs you!!!!

The buzzer sounds and "The Gate to Heaven" opens slowly as the light of judgement shines outward. This catches the attention of the fans and the two combatants who turn to look at who is coming. A scratchy version of Irving Berlin's "Cheek to Cheek" starts over the loudspeakers but is soon overtaken by Patti Smyth's "The Warrior Starts Up". The light fades and the gate closes showing a furious Zantara Underworld kicking and screaming at the golden gate!

I rule Hades! Your kingdom is nothing before me! Do you hear me!!! I spit upon your holy gate!

Zantara throws her head back before shooting a spitball forward onto the gate. Satisfied she has shown "Heaven" who is truly more powerful, she turns to the aisle and makes her way to the ring. The fans scream and reach out to slap hands with the Mistress of Hades but she ignores them and keeps a constant scowl on her face. She wears a tattered black black suit with purple pin stripes. The sleeves are torn at the forearms and a purple shirt can be seen beneath the suit. She pulls on her fingerless glove on her left hand menacingly. Her boots catch the eye of a few fans as the steel tips reflect light which will definately be a factor in this match.

Garry: No! NO!!!

Sandra: And Zantara Underworld makes her way to the ring to join the action and her stablemate Samantha Page! This can not look good for Evonne!

Garry: What do you mean it doesn't look good!? It's a total disaster!!!

Zantara climbs to the top of the apron and enters the ring through the ropes. Her attention turns immediately to Evonne still slumped in the corner. Gesturing to Samantha, they both approach the Shop rival pulling her to her feet. Evonne finally clears the cobwebs and shrieks at the sight of two Shoppers on her...especially at the sight of Zantara Underworld! She kicks and bucks but being in the corner there is no where to go and they have a firm hold on her. Each woman takes an arm and throws it over her neck, then they both headlock the struggling Evonne. Pulling her up by her golden tights, the Shoppers double-suplex Evonne into the middle of the ring. Evonne's body convulses and she rolls her head from one side to the other dazed. Zantara smiles and steps forward to inflict more damage.

Sandra: And Evonne looks like all the energy in her body is gone. That's not a good sign since we still have 8 partcipants left to come.

Garry: Would you shut up a minute! Evonne is fighting for her life! 'That's not a good sign...' Of course it's not! How can anyone do that to such a sexy body like that! The Shop should be ashamed!

Sandra: Oh you pig! The Shop is doing exactly what anyone else would be doing! Taking advantage of their numbers!

Garry: They ALWAYS take advantage of their numbers! I tell you they're experts! And anyone with any sort of smarts would have taken Evonne's money and run! This will come back to haunt Samantha and Evonne!

Stooping to pick up Evonne again and finish her off, Zantara falls to her knees in surprise as a blow connects with the back of her head. She snarls but another blow nails her again. It could only be one other person. She turns to glare at Samantha but has her head wrapped and then pulled forward in a snap mare. Landing on her back away from Evonne, Zantara feels the anger grow in her as her own stablemate has attacked her! Samantha looks over the situation before her and hooks her legs around Evonne's body in a body scissors and slaps a headlock on Zantara pulling her back close to her chest. Both women squirm and gasp as Sammy pours on the pressure keeping both women grounded.

Garry: Oh look at this! Samantha Page, loyal Body Shop member, has turned on her own friend and stablemate! Evonne is still in trouble, but look at the evidence that the Shop is coming down! This is great! Haha!

Sandra: It looks like Sammy would rather make no friends at all. A wise and bold tactic in this match. She'll have to watch herself better, but Samantha Page is an expert in this area.

Pulling and jerking her legs Evonne screams wanting the pain to just go away! Zantara has stopped her struggling preserving her strength. Her immobile form looks like she is completely dead. Samantha throws Zantara's head down and pulls her legs out from around Evonne. Wrapping her arms around her body, Evonne rolls onto her stomach slapping her legs on the amt as the pain throbs. Samantha stands and turns her attention to her stablemate instead seeing that Evonne is very much grounded for a while. Pulling the limp body that is Zantara Underworld, Samantha gets her to her feet, lifts up on her chin to get the underworld mistress' face into position, and rears back with her fist ready. Springing to life, Underworld wraps her fingers around the neck of the woman who she feels betrayed her. Samantha opens her mouth and claws at the glove Zantara has own as it chokes her. Snarling at Sammy, Zantara picks her up and slams her back down into the mat with a well-done choke slam. Page's eyes roll back in her head as it bounces off the mat a few times from the force of the blow. Zantara just smiles down at her looking at her work. Lifting a boot into the air, the fans gasp and scream as if to prevent what they are seeing from happening.

Sandra: Those boots could cause some permanent damage! Don't do it Zantara! For the Shop's sake!

Garry: Yes! Do it! DO IT! This is beautiful! Oh Oh! Poor Shop! I cry for them! It's done for! Finished!

Sandra: Shut up! The Shop has endurred more than this!

Garry: I'd like to say if any of the Shoppers are heartbroken about the disbanding of their lovely stable they can come talk to me. My address is 341...

Sandra: Like anyone would come to you! Your tender heart and compassionate mind right?

Garry: Of course! I care! I care!

Sandra: Let's just get back to the action...

Viciously striking over and over with her steel-tipped boots, Zantara lashes out with a smile on her face enjoying the pain she is inflicting. Samantha curls into a ball trying to protect herself as best she can covering her soft gut and face. The blows keep coming and become more rapid. Zantara screams down at her prey before stopping her attack. Samantha groans and rolls onto her back sensing the attack is over. Zantara steps back letting Samantha catch her breath and use up her own energy getting to her feet. Zantara throws another boot into the gut of Samantha before hooking both her arms in a double armbar. She lifts getting a scream of pain from her stablemate. Holding her for a second longer, she lets the double armbar do maximum pain before piledriving Sammy into the mat. Zantara sits up and quickly gets back on her feet as though expecting an attack from behind.

Sandra: Zantara is giving Samantha her full attention after those two double axe handles to the back of the head.

Garry: And not giving an inch to her! She's beat the snot out of her stablemate and is still not done.

Zantara pulls Page up this time before grasping one arm. Slinging Samantha into the ropes, the Mistress of the Dark follows quickly stretching her arm out. Zantara connects solidly with the neck of Samantha pushing her over the top rope! Falling backward Samantha hooks her arm on the bottem rope bouncing dangerously above the concrete!

Sandra: And.....NO! She hasn't gone done yet! Zantara hasn't noticed either!

Garry: What luck! I have never seen someone get so lucky! Samantha Page should be sprawled on the concrete out cold! Luck of the Shop...

Pulling her legs up first, Samantha rolls under the bottem rope and into the ring again. Looking around for Evonne, Zantara has already turned her back to Page thinking she is gone for the night. Laying on the mat, Sammy takes a quick breather then forces her exhausted body to stand using the ropes. The clock ticks down to one minute just as she gets back to her feet. She stumbles forward toward Underworld threatening to tip over any minute, but she manages to stay on her feet. Pushing her body forward to tip over, Samantha throws her shoulder into the back of the knee of Zantara chopping her down. Surprised from this sudden attack, Zantara throws her arms up and falls onto her knees, then to her hands holding her up from hitting the mat face first.

Garry: And the Shop continues to show it's loyalty and compassion for each other. God I love this!

Sandra: Samantha gets to her feet and...OHHH!!! A bow and arrow! Zantara screams in pain but the smile remains on her face. I can't believe she can hold that smile in this pain!

Samantha pulls back pumping the bow and arrow to cause the most strain. Slapping the mat with her free hand, Zantara shrieks throwing her head back with her eyes shut. Yanking back farther, Samantha feels in control once again of the Rumble. 'Maybe...', she thought. 'I should just keep this hold on until the next person comes....' No. She had to get Zantara out and get back to Evonne. The Golden Executive won't stay on the mat forever! Where did Carmikel get to anyways?

Just then Zantara yanked her arm free from Sam's grasp and throws a stiff low blow into her stablemate softening her up. Samantha screams out and falls to her knees releasing Zantara's leg on the way down. Flinching from the bow and arrow, Underworld stretches her leg and pushes off the mat to her knees. Yanking Samantha forward by her black sports bra, she drapes Samantha over her shoulder. Using her superior strength, she heaves up onto her feet with the weight on her shoulders. Zantara walks around the ring once showing her prize as the fans implore her not to do it!

Sandra: Things are looking bleak for Sammy now!

Garry: More like things are looking grey! Concrete grey that is!

Stepping to the middle of the ropes, Zantara whispers something to Samantha with a smile, then she simply leans forward and dumps her over the top rope from her shoulder. She watches this time as Samantha hits the apron hard and grasps the bottem rope out of desperation. Lifting one of her steel-tipped boots, she pounds it into the side of her stablemate. Samantha shrieks and wraps her arms around the bottem rope. Zantara just keeps the boots coming. She shifts her aim and nails one in the face of Page which dazes her. Just as she is ready to put in the finishing blow a blinding light catches her attention as "The Gate to Heaven" opens again. She screams at the light as though she was looking right at her ultimate nemesis.

Sandra: All the commotion has left everyone forgetting about that timer!

Garry: Maybe we'll get lucky and finally get someone with some class in there!

Sandra: Evonne isn't classy? I must be hearing things...

Garry: Ummm...of course she is! I just meant MORE class.

The light dims and twinkling stars are heard in the background. Gold letters spelling out "THE DREAM" flash on the Jumbotron.

Garry: Yes! YES!

"Nookie" blares throughout the arena as Lisa Dream in a black blazer and skirt combination. Taking her time she looks to the crowd arrogantly with her hands on her hips. Smoke pours out of the gate and swirls around her feet as though there is no floor where she stands anymore. Just like a supermodel, Lisa walks down the runway slowly taking her sweet time as Zantara stares her down. As she gets to the ring she removes her blazer and skirt to reveal her skimpy white bikini underneath. Raising her arms above her head, she does a little bump and grind for the crowd letting them get a look at what they can not have. With that done, she turns to the ring and climbs to the apron. Zantara grabs at Lisa trying to take the upperhand early. Lisa ducks under the slower Underworld and grabs her outstretched arm. Dropping back to the concrete, she stretches the arm on the rope and wrenches it forward as she drops. Zantara screams and falls back holding her injured shoulder! Lisa smirks and shakes her head at what she sees as someone that is beneath her in every way...especially in intelligence. Rolling under the bottem rope, Lisa stands and steps forward to take control of the stronger Underworld and keep her in that control. Samantha rolls back in under the bottem rope after the furious beating she took at the hands of Zantara.

Sandra: Looks like things have evened up quite nicely now. Lisa Dream comes in and makes a quick impression on Zantara Underworld.

Garry: She might have caused permanent injury to that shoulder. She is so perfect! Mmmm...and look at that ass!

Sandra: Ugh! You're not supposed to say that out loud!

Garry: Oops!

Lisa takes Zantara by the injured arm and pulls her forward into a shoulder block to keep the Mistress of Hades off balance, then turns her back and pulls the arm over her shoulder flipping Zantara onto her back. Lisa locks on an armbar which gets an initial gasp of pain from her prey. Samantha rolls to a corner in the mean time and leans into the turnbuckles gathering her breath. She watches intently at the action on the other side of the ring in case it suddenly shifts against her. Smiling confidently as she is fresh, Lisa pulls Zantara to her feet and grasps her hair in a firm hold. She pulls Underworld to the ropes.

Garry: She's going to throw her out! YES!

Sandra: Zantara hooks an arm around the ropes...but No! Lisa drapes Underworld's throat across the top rope and puts her weight on top of her! This could put Zantara out if she can't break it!

Wrapping her arms around Lisa's waist, Zantara tries to find some sort of leverage to break the choke. Lisa hops into the air and comes down on Zantara bouncing her up and down on the rope. Locking her arms around Lisa, Zantara pulls up and falls back with a makeshift suplex planting Lisa into the mat on her back. Lisa shrieks in surprise more than anything as she slides a little along the mat. Leaning on the ropes, Zantara tries to regain her breath. Suddenly, the French National Anthem starts to play...then becomes a little more evil and twisted.

Sandra: Uh Oh...

Garry: That could only be one person! I knew she couldn't stay away from this!

Coming from the regular entrance, Yvette wears a black armani suit and carries a large duffel back with her. She smiles at the fans while waving as they boo and hiss at her. She ignores them after a while and steps to the announcer's table. Taking a headset and dropping the bag next to her feet, Yvette sits down.

Garry: Now we're going to get some good announcing! Welcome Marquise!

Sandra: Yes we have been joined by the Marquise herself.

Yvette: Thank you. I have decided to give this match my own special touch.

Garry: You always bring something special to anything you are involved in. What's in the bag?

Yvette: Mind your business Garry. My affairs are none of your concern.

Sandra: Well...let's get back to the action...

Zantara slumps back to the mat again as the chops from Lisa connect to her chest squarely. Placing her hands on the back of her head, Lisa does a little bump and grind exciting the crowd.

Who's your Sweatheart!?!?

The light reflects off of Lisa's 'perfect' teeth as she takes a handful of Zantara's hair. A forearm falls across the back of her head heavily pushing her down into the Mistress of Hades. Touching the back of her head, it throbs with pain as she catches a glimpse of Samantha Page over her shoulder. Lisa screams in horror as Sam grabs the top rope and drapes her legs around Lisa's back and shoulders. Pulling herself up, Samantha uses the ropes to slingshot her body weight back into the two participants. Both let out groans and grunts of pain as Samantha continues to keep up the makeshift bronco buster up increasing the rhythum and force with every second.

Sandra: Good moves by Samantha Page! She got a two for one sale.

Garry: That must be horrible for Lisa! Think of it! The middle of a Body Shop Oreo Cookie! Then again...the middle is always the best part!

Stepping back and getting her balance back, Samantha takes a look at her handy work with a smile. She looks to the mat then under her foot for a second, shrugs, and grabs Lisa by the hair pulling her off Underworld. She snaps her over her shoulder and onto her back on the mat. Samantha then looks to Zantara slumped in the corner gasping in air. She is going no where for a while and is too heavy for Sam to throw out on her own. Samantha turns back to Lisa who is already getting to her feet on wobbly legs. Hooking a front facelock, Samantha does a quick reverse DDT spreading Lisa nicely out on the mat grabbing for air. Her head rolls from side to side as confusion sets in.

Garry: Looks like Samantha is just looking to ground people right now. Zantara is so is poor Lisa! Come on Lisa!

Sandra: Samantha does seem to be in total control at the moment. Two under her power at the moment. I thought there were more?

Yvette: Mon Dieu! Look at what she is doing to the smaller girl!

Garry: That would be Lisa. Leave her alone!

Sandra: Samantha clamps on a reverse facelock again and wraps her legs around Lisa's waist.

Lisa bucks and struggles trying to unlock the manuever placed upon her. As the clock ticks to one minute remaining, Samantha screams and pulls her body taut getting a grunt then scream from Lisa. Her body twists and turns attempting to escape in some way. Zantara starts to get to her feet leaning heavily on the turnbuckles. Lisa struggles toward the side of the ring sticking one arm out the side and grabbing onto the apron. Yvette stands and scowls at the situation. Lisa pulls and tucks inching to the side more and more as Samantha keeps her grip tight. Throwing her headset down, the Marquise walks over to Lisa and shakes her head at the pathetic attempt to survive. Leaping onto the apron next to her, Yvette glares down at Samantha Page, the woman that handed her her first defeat. She holds one hand up revealing a simple leather whip twirling it and snapping it expertly. Samantha looks up her eyes wide at the possibilities for that whip. The fans leap to their feet and scream as they sense what is about to happen.

Garry: The Marquise is going to give that little Shopper the spanking of her life, then she'll go Wee Wee Wee all the way home! HAHA!

Sandra: The Marquise is poised like a scorpion over her prey! Her eyes look unmerciful! Come on she's not even in this match!

Whipping downward at her intended prey, Yvette wraps the whip perfectly around Samantha's neck! Sammy lets go of her front face-lock and grabs at the tight cord around her neck. The officials finally grab the Marquise from behind and pull her down. She screams as she drops the end of the rope draped over the top rope and at the officials ushering her to the exit ramp. They point to the exit and Yvette smirks at them as she sees her mission was accomplished anyways. Lisa has grabbed the end of the whip andyanked down on it strangling Samantha but pulling her to her feet and toward the ropes at the same time. Gurgling and choking, Page is pulled to her feet and her back arches unnaturally over the top rope as Lisa keeps the choke going. Everyone looks on helpless as this is legal according to these rules. Suddenly her leg is yanked up viciously and pushed over the top tobbling the Shop Beauty to the concrete floor! Only one person has that kind of strength to do that so easily...

Sandra: And Samantha Page has been eliminated!

Garry: Yeah! And by Zantara Underworld! Chalk up an assist to Lisa and the Marquise though! Haha!

Zantara glares down as a smile crosses her features. She then turns her attention to Lisa and wickedly puts the steel-tipped boots to her. Lisa screams as she is attacked again and wisely rolls out under the bottem rope to the concrete. She isn't eliminated, but she is in the worst shape out of every in there. Zantara steps back from the ropes watching Lisa for a moment, then turns to find more prey in which to destroy. No one is there...

Sandra: It looks like Zantara is all alone. Lisa is sprawled out...wait a mimute where did Lisa go?

Garry: She pulled a quick disappearing act!

The apron moves and Lisa rolls out from under the ring. She sticks her head back under then falls back from there as if forced out. Lisa moans and gets to her feet. She stumbles around the ring not quite ready to get back in there. Zantara yells at Lisa to get in but doesn't want to go get her for fear of getting close to the ropes at all. Time ticks away slowly as Lisa catches her breath and holds her body trying to realize a little of the pain. Soon the crowd counts down with the clock and the buzzer sounds signaling another competitor about to come down the entrance ramp. "The Golden Gate of Heaven" opens and the light glares out from the background.

Sandra: Samantha may be out but she is about to be replaced. I can't tell who it is yet...

Garry: Garry: It's that damn light! I can't see they're....suits! This is an outrage!

"She's a Lady!" can be heard throughout the arena. The crowd goes nuts as the light dims and reveals Princess Peggy Christian coming down the ramp! She wears a black skin-tight spandex unitard and matching black soft leather wrestling boots. She waves to the crowd and timidly makes her way to the ring.

Garry: Oh God! Please! Why did it have to be her? I don't want to look at her!

Sandra: The fans love Princess Peggy! She is exactly what this industry needs! You should show some respect for the courage she has shown by just being here!

Garry: Yeah yeah yeah...

Peggy steps down to the side of the ring and eyes Lisa crouched over catching more breath. She grabs her by her hair with a smile and rolls her into the ring.

You belong in there. That's where the action is!

Peggy rolls in after Lisa who is already on her feet and glaring down at the new arrival. She is about to strike when her arms are wrapped up from behind and her chest stretched open for an attack. Zantara turns Lisa to Peggy as she gets to her feet helping her fellow Shopper take the upperhand early. Peggy smiles to Zantara then wraps her arms around Lisa's head before taking her down and holding on wearing Perfection down. Zantara, in the mean time, climbs through the ropes and hops down to the concrete. Walking around the ring, Underworld checks everything. She looks into the crowd who reaches out to just touch one of their ideals. She looks behind officials and around chairs. She even looks under the ringbell before spying the apron. Pulling it up she scrambles underneath disappearing. The officials yell at her and pull the apron up to try and find her. A scream is heard from underneath and the apron shifts on the otherside. Evonne crawls out quickly and runs away from that side of the ring as Zantara is right behind her. Carmikel easily stays ahead of the bigger stronger Underworld. Seeing that Lisa and Princess Peggy are both still on the mat and in no position to attack, Carmikel slides into the ring and turns to meet Zantara. Zantara stops in her tracks and glares up at Evonne who taunts and yells at Zantara to come and get her.

Garry: Evonne was under the ring the whole time!?

Sandra: Not a bad tactic. She may be fresher than Princess Peggy by now. Zantara was wise to her tricks and never forgot that she was still supposed to be in this match. Call it experience dealing with Evonne Carmikel. Zantara has had more than one run in with her.

Garry: She should have left well enough alone. Evonne is gonna kill her!

Evonne keeps her eyes on Zantara but inches her way over to Peggy and Lisa. She bumps into the two of them getting a look from Peggy at who this is. The boot right in her nose gets Peggy a view of stars! Rolling off of Lisa, Peggy holds her face as she feels blood running down her cheek. She snorts trying to keep anymore of her precious lifeforce from running down her face. Evonne grabs her by the arma and roughly pulls her lackey to her feet. Lisa wobbles unsteadily but Evonne faces her to focus on Zantara. Feeling that Lisa will stay on her feet, Carmikel turns quickly and snags Peg from the mat putting her between herself and Lisa. She points to Peg's face showing the blood off specifically to Zantara. Both Evonne and Lisa then drape one arm each of Peggy's over there shoulder and perform a double atomic drop. Peggy shrieks and holds her lower back as she drops to her knees then to her hands. Infuriated, the Mistress of Hades climbs the apron and steps through the ropes charging at the dastardly duo. Evonne and Lisa clasp hands and run forward to meet their attacker with a double clothesline. Zantara arches back dangerously but doesn't fall. Frustrated that she didn't go down, Evonne hooks her leg around Zantara's and steps to her side. Grabbing onto Underworld's black hair, Evonne falls forward driving her face into the mat hard. Lisa follows up with an elbow smash to the back of the head making sure Zantara stays down.

Sandra: Good moves by the Syndicate. It's amazing what a whole stable can do when they can fit all in the ring at once!

Garry: That is uncalled for! The Syndicate will grow and prosper as it always does. Hey they have Evonne Carmikel! Their resources are limitless!

Princess Peg crawls on all fours to the nearest corner to pull herself up. Meanwhile, the Syndicate have pulled Underworld back up and Lisa has her arms holding her for Evonne. Carmikel slaps Zantara in the face and starts jawing her hard...mostly about how the Shop is finished and that the Syndicate has triumphed. Peggy holds her gut and slides up the corner watching the two, then Evonne throws a gut slug squarely into Zantara that bows her forward. Zantara coughs and hangs limply in Lisa's grasp but everyone can see Lisa strain a little to hold the big woman up. Tilting Zantara's head back, Evonne chops her in the throat dropping the Mistress of the Underworld to her knees gurgling and sputtering. A kick to the back of the head from the Dream puts her flat on the mat face down. Evonne smirks at the Shopper and orders Lisa to pick her up. Protesting at first since she is a little heavy and Lisa despises any physical work whatsoever, Lisa catches a look from Evonne and pulls Zantara first to a seated position. Using her hair, Zantara is forced to her feet as Evonne takes a larege clump of her hair in hand helping the Dream guide Zantara to the middle of the ropes. The stars clear and Zantara looks down in horror at the concrete below! She latches onto the top rope as if her life depended on it. Evonne and Lisa feel the resistance and start to push and shove hoping that their combined efforts are enough to topple the sadistic Mistress.

Garry: Zantara's comin' our way! Come on Evonne! Push!!! PUSH!!!

Sandra: Zantara is in trouble! If she can't get off those ropes she may just go over them instead! Wait a minute...!

Peggy soars through the air and lands a clothesline along the back of Lisa Dream's neck forcing her to lose her leverage. Snatching her prey by the neck, Peg slaps on a reverse headlock pulling Lisa out of the fray. Flailing her arms in the air and kicking with her feet, the Dream tries to fight her way out but the Princess rolls the headlock a few times. Lisa starts to become lightheaded and her flailing lessons quite a bit. Evonne continues to push and struggle with the body of Zantara but she is just so exhausted that she could never get her over the top.

Sandra: Evonne is just wasting her own energy. She needs to get back on Zantara with a wear down hold.

Garry: Zantara is just resting there. Come on Evonne! Get her in the middle of the ring and do a Goldnight! Plant her!!!!

As if hearing Garry, Evonne roughly tugs Zantara away from the ropes and puts her head between her legs. Evonne steps over and turns so her body is in position. She grasps both of Underworld's arms and smiles to the crowd as they yell encouragement to the Mistress. Evonne feels a lifting suddenly and screams as she is suddenly on Zantara's shoulders! Raining down punches, Evonne desperately tries to escape the clutches of Zantara Underworld. She is successful...sort of. Zantara falls back under the assault and Evonne screaches as she falls over the top rope! Her hand finds the middle rope and grasps it as her feet swing dangerously close to the concrete!

Garry: NO!!!!!

Sandra: Now Evonne is in trouble! All Zantara has to do is get over to her and surely she can beat her off those ropes!

Looking up, Peggy eyes the Golden Warrior swaying outside the ring and a nearly unconcious Underworld layed out. Smiling and seeing her opportunity, she let's go of Lisa and moves toward the side of the ring with Evonne. Carmikel grabs at the top rope to pull herself farther up but it is just out of reach. Her knuckles start to turn white as she refuses to let go submitting to gravity. Looking over the rope, Peg reaches over the top and goes for Evonne's lovely locks! Suddenly, she is pulled back and dropped down as Lisa takes the unsuspecting Princess down with a double leg takedown. Peggy looks up in surprise eyeing Lisa but can only watch as Lisa slaps on a fiqure-four leglock to keep Peg away from her employer. Peggy pounds the mat and screams! Her body bucks and her arms flail as she tries to break the manuever!

Sandra: Peggy needs to flip that fiqure-four over to put pressure on the Dream quick!

Garry: Quiet Sandra! I'm trying to hear Peggy scream!

One minute remaining ticks down on the clock. Pushing her butt into the air, Lisa adds more pressure to the already excrutiating manuever! Peggy opens her mouth but nothing comes out as her lungs ache from the work they are being forced to do. Lisa smiles and "mercifully" unwraps her legs from Christian. Massaging her wounded legs, Peggy sits up and tries to get the blood flowing through them. Leaning through the ropes, Lisa pulls Evonne in over the apron. Carmikel collapses onto the mat and pulls in air trying to rest up to take on the rest of the match.

Garry: Yes! I knew Lisa was in there for a reason!

Sandra: And Evonne lucks out this time! She was going to surely fall out if it hadn't been for the Dream coming to her rescue.

Garry: And the Syndicate takes control again!

Increasing the rhythum with each stomp, Lisa makes sure Zantara is going to wake up sore the next morning! Evonne, plotting as always, rolls out under the bottem rope again and stands leaning over still trying to catch her breath. She kneads her fingers and tries to get the stiffness out of them from holding onto the ropes. Finished with the Hades Mistress, Lisa turns her attention to a rising Peggy who is using the ropes to get to her feet. Grasping Peg's hair, Lisa pulls her over to the middle of the ring and lays her flat. Lisa lays ontop of the squirming Peggy and grapevines her smiling.

Feel honored! Being allowed this close to *Perfection*!

Grunting and trying to find a way out, Peggy twists her body to no avail. She looks up into Lisa's smiling face and suddenly it hits her! Then it hits Lisa...right in the face! Peg rears back and headbutts Lisa right in the nose again! Lisa scrambles away on her butt then plops down in a corner holding her nose trembling!

My...My face!!!! You...YOU!!!!

Peggy gets to her feet and follows Lisa quickly taking her by the head. Lisa flails and bucks trying to avoid the Princess and what she intends to do. Seeing her weakness, Peggy slaps on a face claw to Lisa and pushes her fingers into her temples. Lisa shrieks and flails even more but slowly her flailing starts to decrease. The move takes hold and the screams tone down to groans and moans from the Dream. Peggy has no trouble holding Lisa up in the hold as she is smaller than her. Lisa's body goes limp in the claw and the Princess releases it letting an unconcious Lisa drop to the mat. A hand falls on her shoulder getting a jump out of Peggy. Zantara picks Lisa up and motions for Peggy to help her at the ropes.

Garry: Oh no! Come on Evonne! Can't you do something!?

Evonne: She has served her purpose. She will be well rewarded...

Sandra: And Evonne has pulled on a wig and joined us here at the table...

Evonne: Quiet fool or I'll have your job!

Sandra: Ummm...let's get back to the ring shall we?

Suddenly a light blinds both ladies as they drop Lisa's form to the mat. The "Gate to Heaven" opens. "Thunderstruck" plays throughout the arena as the fans leap to their feet! The light fades and Sherry Ann stands in the middle of the aisle with her hands raised in the air! She wears black gloves on her hands and a black bikini. Her trademark thigh-high black leather boots complete her wrestling attire. She slowly makes her way to the ring slapping the hands of the fans and even signing some autographes.

Garry: Geez! The way Sherry Ann is moving the next participant will be out here when she gets in! She really is getting old!

Sandra: She is not old! Sherry Ann is just showing her appreciation to her fans! She loves them!

Garry: And she can have them! you think...

Evonne: Of course I do. And yes I think she will...

Evonne, sensing Sherry will know it's her at the table, throws her wig down and slides under the ropes behind the other competitors. Hooking in a reverse headlock, Evonne falls backward pulling Peggy down in a reverse DDT! Peggy slumps to the mat not really ready for such an awesome event. Zantara pulls her arm back and slaps her gloved fingers in a face claw around Evonne. Lifting with her superior strength, Zantara picks the Golden Executive up before slamming the back of her head down to the mat. Evonne gasps once and falls limp at Underworld's feet. Groaning, Lisa starts to sit up and remember where she was in all of this. Sherry Ann finally gets to the ring and leaps to the apron. She screams to the fans which gets a huge pop from the crowd before climbing through the ropes. Zantara glances over at her stable leader before turning her attention back to Evonne. Moving to Peg, Sherry Ann checks on the exhausted housewife before helping her get back to her feet. Lisa snarls as she sees the disadvantage her and Evonne suddenly have. Sherry eyes the Dream and sees her chance to finish this issue once and for all.

Sandra: Sherry is moving toward Lisa Dream! Seems there is still bad blood between them from Lisa's dismissal from the Body Shop.

Garry: Bad blood!? Lisa was thrown out for no reason other than Sherry saw her as a threat to her position as leader!

Sandra: Lisa tried to tear the Shop apart using her own sister as an instrument of that destruction!

Garry: Sherry would have donw the same...

Sandra: Sherry throws a hard punch to the head of Lisa...and Lisa retaliates with one of her own! Sherry comes back again...then Lisa...Sherry...Lisa...SHERRY....LISA!!!!

Lisa feels her head jerk back from the last punch but she will not bow to this woman! Rearing back, the Dream throws another punch to Sherry Ann's head. Sherry jerks back a step then comes back with yet another closed fist punch. Lisa sees the stars dance in front of her eyes as she wobbles unsteadily on unsteady legs! Sherry's punches feel very much like metal hitting her! Another slug again connects with Lisa's head dropping her to her butt dazed. Sherry snarls at Lisa and shakes one leg out before throwing the boot into her cranium. Lisa groans and rolls to her side trying to evade the attack but another foot in her chops stops her from going any farther. Princess Peg rolls onto her stomach and shakes her head trying to clear the cobwebs. Evonne struggles to get away from the dominant Underworld as she is oce again thrown face first back into the turnbuckle. Her body slumps in the corner but she arches her back painfully as a steel-tipped boot finds her exposed spine.

Sandra: It's pandemoniam in the ring! Sherry Ann drops a bid elbow onto Lisa! Zantara grabs Evonne out of the corner by the hair! And Princess Peggy Christian is starting to get to her feet trying to get back in this thing!

Garry: If Peg was smart, she'd play dead and maybe..just maybe...she'd have a shot in this! Maybe I should throw her a walker and she'll stay on her feet then! HAHA!

Sandra: That is uncalled for! Peg's courage is a great example to us all! You should learn from her sometime!

Garry: Blah blah blah...

Sherry grabs one of Lisa's legs, places a foot on the back of her knee, pulls the leg up, then smashes her foot down hard! Lisa shrieks as her body spasms on the mat from the pain! SHe doesn't get much rest as Sherry heaves her to her feet. Zantara steps aside as the Body Shop Leader slings Lisa into her boss in the corner. Both ladies gasp and groan before starting to slump to the mat. Zantara puts her back to the women and shove backwards closing the space and squeezing the two beautiful ladies together. Evonne squirms and gasps trying to get out of her predicament, but suddenly Sherry Ann adds her weight to the blockade pushing against Zantara with all her strength!

Sandra: Good moves by Sherry and Zantara!

Garry: Oh no! Come on Evonne! Come on Lisa! Peggy is coming there too! You don't want to be squashed by her!!!

As the two Shoppers heave back to give the Syndicate another squeeze, Evonne seizes the opportunity and throws Lisa through the middle ropes to get her off of her so she can escape. She then starts to dive through the ropes but is too late! Zantara grabs the squeeling millionaire and pulls her to the side along the ropes. Sherry bends down and holds Evonne's feet as Zantara steps back a few steps. Carmikel struggles and Lisa stays well away so as to not be drug back into that mess. The Mistress of Hades nods to Sherry who nods back. Running forward, Underworld nails Evonne across the neck with a clothesline but follows up leaning into Evonne arching her back over the ropes. Sherry scoops up Evonne's legs and pushes them up! Evonne screams and does the only thing she can do...grab something...anything!!! Sherry smiles as she watches Evonne tumble over the ropes hopelessly, but gasps as Zantara follows suit trapped by Carmikel's need to survive in this event! Sherry is too late...and both ladies crash to the concrete as Lisa moves to another side of the ring to avoid the flailing limbs.


Sandra: And the Shop eliminates Evonne Carmikel! But at such a price! Zantara tumbled out with her!

Garry: They...they can't do that! Evonne is still in there! Get back in and get that old witch Sherry!

Sandra: No no no! Evonne is gone!

Zantara is the first to get to her feet. She looks up at Sherry who is trying to console her furious friend. Evonne stands and shoves the nearest official out of her way as he tries to push her to the exit. She rubs her fingers together and smiles at the referee...but he shakes his head and points to the exit.

Fool! You'll be on the street before the night is over!!!

In the meantime, Lisa leans back on the guardrail and rest herself. She knows she will have to get back in sometime but for now her fans awaited! Turning to them, Lisa does a bump and grind for the fans. A few men in the front seats start to drool and reach out. Lisa is sure to stay just out of reach. None of them are worthy to even touch perfection! Sherry checks on Peggy who nods to her good friend with a smile, then she turns to Lisa and points trying to coax her into getting back in the ring. Peggy finds a corner and leans back into it. No one is interested in leaving their "nests". Lisa is safe outside, and Sherry Ann and Peggy are better off together inside. When they try and leave the ring, Lisa is sure to attack!

Sandra: Stalemate. No one is going to go anywhere. We might as well wait until someone comes out.

Garry: Hey! What's going on back there!?

Zantara throws a heavy fist into the gut of Evonne! Evonne retaliates by shoving Zantara into the guardrail. Arching her back, Undreworld lets out a gasp but smiles as she always loves getting her hands on Evonne...or around her! Stepping forward and under Evonne's wading arms, Zantara grasps Evonne's waist and german suplexes her to the hard wooden ramp! Rolling to get away, Carmikel moans before getting back to her feet. She takes one look at Zantara coming toward her and stumbles back toward the curtain. She holds her recently kicked gut and disappears behind the curtain. Shoving the curtain aside, Zantara contnues the pursuit into the locker rooms.

Sandra: Well...a little extra action for everyone! What a brawl! I'm sure we'll see more of them again together!

Garry: Security better keep that maniac away from Evonne! She pays our salaries you know!

Sandra: Looks like someone is about to join us...

As the light grows bright and the "Gate to Heaven" opens, everyone looks down to see if it is a friend or foe of Lisa Dream that comes to the ring.

Sandra: I..I can't make her out yet...

The light fades and a slim body can be made out standing at the top of the ramp. Veronica smiles and blows a kiss to all the Body Shop fans in the arena. They cheer glad to see the odds stacked so badly against Lisa Dream. Lisa groans and moves away from the side of the ring near the entrance to think of her options. Veronica moves to ringside very slowly and eyes Lisa. Sherry leans over the ropes and whispers to Veronica who nods a few times. Taking off running, Veronica races around the ring trying to get to a slippery Lisa. Lisa smirks and runs the other way keeping well out of reach of Millions. Suddenly Sherry slides out in front of Lisa from the ring. Gasping, Lisa puts on the breaks just in time and thinks quickly...then slides into the ring. Keeping her pace she gets to the other side of the ring and bumps into someone. Turning slowly, Lisa comes face to face with Princess Peggy Christian. Peggy is quick to take advantage of the sitaution, slaps on an armbar, then uses her weight to pull the smaller Lisa to the ground. Lisa screams and slaps the mat trying to inch her way to the side. Sherry Ann climbs onto the apron to reenter and Veronica slides her lithe body under the ropes as Lisa did. Screaming, Lisa holds her strained shoulder with her free hand.

Sandra: Veronica came into this competition with a bang! She got slippery Lisa Dream back in the ring.

Garry: What a crock! That body of Lisa's should be used in...other ways. My room number, Lisa, is...

Sandra: She isn't going to come to your room much less have anything to do with you!

Garry: Look at that! The Shop isn't going to let her even get up!

Moaning as her limbs fall lifeless to the mat, Lisa is pounded by boots and elbow smashes from both Sherry Ann and Veronica Millions. Peggy holds Perfection down easily in her armbar keeping her set up as well for the beating. Looking to her stablemates, Sherry yells a few things to Veronica then to Peggy on the mat. Slowly, Princess Peg raises off the mat with Lisa in tow. Lisa hangs lifelessly in Peggy's grasp but a strong jerk from the Princess encourages her to get to her wobbly legs. Veronica moves in front of Lisa Dream and puts her head between her legs. She lifts with a grunt as Peggy let's go of her painful armbar. Sherry then moves in...and with her strength added pushes down on Lisa's feet spiking her into the mat! Lisa's neck crumples under the force of the assisted piledriver then rolls onto her back spread eagle.

Garry: Oh come on! This is just so one-sided!

Sandra: It's part of the match! Lisa is again taking a beating as Sherry Ann drops a leg over her neck!

Looking to each other and nodding, the three women pull Lisa up and guide her to the ropes. Lisa puts up no resistance and slumps over the top rope. Her body, slick with sweat and heaving for air, slides off the ropes and lays on the mat at the feet of the Body Shop. Looking a little confused, Sherry Ann steps forward and grabs a handful of the Dream's hair. Pulling her up, Sherry drapes Lisa over the ropes again...and again Lisa slides off. Every muscle in her body is totally exhausted and failing her in even the simplest tasks.

Sandra: Lisa just can't even stand on her own now. Oh now Sherry is upset!

Garry: She's holding Lisa up this time and telling Veronica and Peggy to pull her legs up! NO!!!

Heaving up, Peggy and Veronica pull Lisa's legs up. Suddenly, Lisa comes to life and shakes one leg away from the grasp of Peggy Christian. Kicking up, Lisa slams her foot between Sherry Ann's legs getting a scream of surprise from the ring veteren! Using Veronica's grip on her other leg, Lisa shoves herself backwards, wraps her arms around the top rope and does a bicycle kick! Sherry Ann flies up and over the head of the Dream landing hard on her upper back! Rolling on the concrete in pain, Sherry Ann gasps in air after it being knocked out! Peggy Christian and Veronica start to kick at Lisa hanging just above the concrete, but her entangles arms in the top rope keep her from even inching toward the eliminating concrete. Lisa arches her back from the force of the blows but holds on for dear life! Getting to her feet slowly, Sherry Ann glares at Lisa before throwing a right into her face! Lisa screams and sits onto the apron before falling back into the ring! Sherry is outraged and pulls Lisa out of the ring! She pummels her with her fists until Lisa in no more than a heap of flesh lying on the ground.

Garry: Lisa did it! There's going to be a bonus for her from Carmikel Inc. for this one! I can't believe it!

Out of utter determination, Lisa used the other Shoppers to launch a bicycle kick into Sherry and gravity pulled the legend of the ring the rest of the way. She is not happy at this turn of events at all! I can't blame her!

The officials finally surround Sherry and pull her away from Lisa. Threatening to punch them as well, Sherry snarls at the interfering referees for stopping her vengence! Looking at the useless Dream on the ground, she makes her way to the exit followed by a few security. The buzzer sounds and, on the opposite side of the arena, the "Gate to Heaven" creaks open.

Sandra: Sherry leaves the Rumble but another is about to come in.

Darkness falls upon the arena as the crowd screams in anticipation, awaiting the next combatant. Suddenly, the entrance ramp explodes with pyrotechnics and "Rich Bitch" appears on the Angeltron. "She's a Bitch" by Missy Elliot begins to loudly blare across the arena's speakers. The black curtains part and long shapely leg sticks out of the curtain. The men of the crowd erupts in whistles and catcalls. The crowd's cheers turn into boos as out steps the "Rich Bitch" Alexandria Parker accompanied by Miss Vanity carrying a large mirror. Dressed in a gold one piece catsuit, matching boots and black kicking pads with "Rich Bitch" written on the front of her kicking pads. Miss Parker arrogantly saunters down the aisle. She turns to the crowd smirking at the booing arena patrons. She looks to the mirror which Miss Vanity is holding and puts on a few finishing touches to her hair. Turning to the steps, Alexandria lifts on leg high before taking her first step and does the same for the rest of the steps showing off her shapely legs to the crowd. Veronica and Peggy wait in the center of the ring whispering to each other.

Sandra: The Rich Bitch herself, Alexandria Parker, makes her spectacular entrance into the BRA Rumble!

Garry: Oh God! I could wear those legs wrapped around my neck!

Sandra: Oh shut up!!! Get your mind out of the gutter and call some of this action!

Charging across the ring, Veronica holds an outstretched arm out to catch the fresh Alexandria off guard. The Rich Wrestler smiles and runs towards Millions, ducks underneath, and throws an elbow into the waiting Peggy Christian. Vernonica turns around only to be clotheslined by a charging Parker to the mat. Veronica lands hard and starts to get up slowly feeling the effects of the clothesline and fatique in this match. Turning to the only other standing opposition, Alexandria locks up with Peggy before taking hold of her hair to snap her over. Peggy gasps and lands sitting up, but a well placed kick to the back from Alexandria arches her back before she slumps to the mat as well. Now on her feet, Millions defensively makes her way to the waiting Parker. Locking up, the fresher Alexandria shoves and puches Veronica into the ropes. Struggling even harder from feeling the ropes at her back, Veronica feels that Alexandria is wanting to get her out of the way once and for all! Without warning, a kick to the back lessons the force Alexandria is using to power Veronica over the ropes. Another gets her to slump a little while standing and hold the small of her back as pain shoots up her spine.

Sandra: Well that was bound to happen. Alexandria did a remarkable job handling two opponents at once at the beginning of her start.

Garry: Wh..what!? Oh sorry...Vanity has me overcome. My heart is yours Vanity! Just come over here and get yourself some!

Sandra: Come on there Tiger. You can't win'em all.

Garry: You wanta bet!? I'm the star of the BRA! Everyone watched this thing because of me! The chicks love me!!!

Sandra: Right... Looks like Alexandria is being setup for a double suplex. Veronica is coaching Peggy Christian telling her how to do as they set the hold up.

Peggy watches with interest as Veronica slings one of Parker's arms over her neck. She does the same while hooking on the headlock needed for the move. Telling Peggy what to do, Veronica hooks Alexandria's tights while Peggy does the same. Still dazed from the combination of moves put on her after the kicks to her back, Alexandria feels the predicament she is in and starts to squirm and struggle doing anything she can to keep it from happening. Counting to three, Veronica and Peggy heaves Alexandria up into a vertical position holding her there. The strain on Alexandria's neck increases with each second gravity works on it from her postion! After about ten seconds, both women fall back dropping Parker onto her back with a smack! Sitting up and holding her reddening back, Alexandria screams shutting her eyes tight to keep the tears from flowing from her eyes.

Garry: Wow! The old goat pulled off a real wrestling move...err...with the assist of Veronica Millions.

Sandra: That she did! She helps Parker to her feet and hooks in another one! Vertical Suplex!!! YES!!!

Rolling onto her stomach and slamming her feet onto the mat, Alexandria's back is worse for wear now. Vanity shouts encouragement to her employer trying to get a comeback going, but her cheers are easily drowned out by the crowds enthusiatic cries to Veronica and Peg. Pulling Alexandria to her feet, Veronica drops her down with a drop toehold and Peggy follows up with an elbow smash to the middle of the back. Both girls high-five each other proud of their teamwork after they get to their feet. Pointing to the ropes, Veronica smiles to Peggy who nods in agreement.

Garry: Oh no! They think they're going to get rid of Alexandria right now!?

Sandra: It appears so! They guide Parker to the ropes and she's not putting up much of a fight. Hey wait a minute!!!

Arcing the mirror in a downward smash, Vanity smacks Veronica with the mirror right in the back of the head. Millions falls to her knees with glazed eyes then completes her trip to the mat by falling down face first. Peggy turns just in time to see the shocked look on her face as her reflection crashes into her shattering the mirror! The tiny jagged pieces fall to the edge of the mat and onto the concrete! Vanity drops the shattered mirror and holds her hands up as the officials gather around ushering her to the exit.

Sandra: Vanity may have just saved her boss from elimination but she is done for the night. That little stunt just bought her a ticket to the lockerrooms.

Garry: May have!? Look at those two goody-goodies! They're out like a light! Alexandria is still on her feet using the ropes to hold herself up.

One minute shows on the ticking clock as Parker hoists Veronica to her feet. The stunned Millions has no idea where she is at the moment and her arms dangle lifelessly at her sides. Grabbing onto one leg, Alexandria pushes it up and over tumbling Veronica to the outside and onto the concrete. The little shards of glass scrap against Veronica's skin as she lands and she lets out a scream of pain before being helped up by the officials. Mike Roberts, the head referee, signals to the back producing a security guard with a broom and dustpan to clean up the mess.

Sandra: Veronica landed right on those broken shards of glass!

Garry: Maybe that'll teach her to stay out of Alexandria's way!

Breathing heavily still from the double team, Alexandria Parker leans over and pulls Peggy to her feet. Draping the Princess' body across the top rope, she bends down to flip her the same way over as she did to Veronica. Peggy, using the rope, jumps into the air and hooks a headscissors onto the Millionaire. Using her heavier body weight, Peg drops Alexandria to the ground and stiffens her legs crushing her opponent's head between her thighs. Flailing and bucking, Alexandria instinctively grabs onto the ropes to break the hold.

Sandra: Not in this match! That's no help to Alexandria this time!

Garry: God I wish I was Peg right now! Hey...wait a minute...!

Sandra: Oh really!? After all that critisism you're finally coming around!

Garry: That wasn't fair! I would never want to be THAT old!!!

Parker wiggles her fingers in between Peg's crushing thighs and starts to pull them apart. Jerking her body once, Peg slams her thighs shut crushing Alexandria's head between them. Stars form in front of her vision as Alexandria takes the blow and starts to get lightheaded. The crowd starts to count down as the next participant is about to come to the ring.

Sandra: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!!! How is it!? How's next!?

The "Golden Gate" opens once again and blinds everyone looking directly into the light. "Girl's Just Wanna Have Fun!" can be heard just in the background...then the volume starts to crank the music out into the crowd. Everyone leaps to their feet! Some are overly happy to see this girl! Some are shocked that she is out here! Sweet Misty stumbles down the aisle as the light fades to reveal the Burnette Beauty. Andre-David walks behind her with a hand on her shoulder. Misty just glances back at him every now and then knowing he is here by order of Yvette to make sure she isn't going anywhere. Misty holds her side as her wounds from her last match still show in the form of bruises and tapings.

Garry: No way! How can she even walk after the beating she took!?

Sandra: Misty is a fighter! Her outward appearance and shy nature mask that trait very well but there was no way she wasn't coming back to the ring!

Garry: I wish she just would have stayed home for once... Oh no! Is she coming over here!?

Sandra: To use the steps yes!

Misty takes her time climbing the steps as Andre-David steps to the side of the ring watching her. Stepping through the ropes, Misty smiles to the fans cheering her on. She is happy they are not disappointed in her and still crying out to her with enthusiasm. Eyeing the two on the ground, Misty steps over to Peggy Christian and Alexandria Parker. Peggy looks up to Misty and releases her headscissors while Misty takes hold of Parker's head pulling her up. The dazed Alexandria just tips dangerously from side to side threatening to fall over any minute. Peggy rises as well still looking at Misty. Pulling Alexandria into a headlock, Misty sets her up readying a fisherman's suplex. Suddenly and without warning, Peggy runs forward and clothesline Sweet Misty to the mat! Misty screams and holds her head that bounced off the canvas!

Sandra: What the!?

Garry: Oh yes!!! Peggy is finally coming around! She just laid Misty out! What a great surprise!!!

Sandra: I bet you Sherry Ann is flipping out in the back!

Straddling Misty's stomach, Peggy starts to throw punch after punch after punch into Misty's face. A stream of blood trickles down Misty's cheek as her eyes roll back in her head. Peggy swings her leg over and sits next to Misty, then applies a stomach claw to the already injured stomach of the shy wrestler. Misty comes to and screams kicking her legs and clawing at Peggy's hands. Alexandria, forgotten for the moment, rolls to the nearest corner and sits up to catch her breath. Getting up, Peggy pulls Misty by the hair and hauls her to the ropes.

Garry: Oh this is great! She's gonna do it!

Sandra: Most of these ladies had matches already tonight, but Misty took the worst beating of them all before coming to the Rumble! She just can't fight back the onslaught!

Kicking Misty in the gut to double her over, Peggy ducks her head under Misty's body and pushes her up and over the ropes. Misty lands on the apron and holds onto the top rope standing there. With one strike, Peggy lashes out with a forearm powerful enough to make Misty go flying throw the air and to land with her back hitting the safety guard rail. Curling into a ball, Misty holds her pain-racked body as Andre-David just crosses her arms. He shakes his head at Misty thining how pathetic that was. Peggy looks over her work and smiles finally able to get her cracks in at Misty after she bailed out of their match so long ago.

Sandra: Believe it or not folks! Peggy Christian has eliminated Sweet Misty! I wouldn't call it a fight or a struggle even. Misty just had no chance against anyone in that ring!

Garry: What a story!! Two of the fan favorites going at it!!! Fans are at a loss and divided over who they are for! Haha!!!

Taking Misty by the arm, Andre-David pulls her up and guides her to the exit ramp. Yvette comes out from the back curtain and crosses her arms waiting for her "maid" so she can go back to her castle. Misty looks up and sees Yvette. She steps back suddenly shaking her head with fear in her eyes! Andre-David catched the small girl and pushes her forcefully forward to meet the Marquise. Putting an arm around Misty's shoulder, Yvette smiles cruelly to the burnette. Misty just shivers and tears roll down her eyes. All three disappear behind the curtain.

Sandra: Poor Misty...

Garry: Mmmm...Misty isn't bad at all. I wonder if Yvette would let me "borrow" her?

Sandra: Don't you go near that sweet girl!!!!

Garry: Just a thought...just a thought. I was only kidding...sort of...Ha!

Facing the only other woman in the ring, Peggy waves Alexandria to get up from her seated position in the corner. Staring daggers into the housewife, Parker slides up the corner readying herself for the encounter. Both ladies move to the center of the ring and circle looking for an opening to start their battle.

Sandra: Well here is somethng you don't see in a Rumble! Two ladies squaring off looking for an opening.

Garry: It is unusual! The shapely...mmmm....Alexandria against the physically challenged Princess Peggy Christian! We only have two more people to come down to the ring too!

As quick as rabbits, the two ladies lock up pushing there bodies forward and weaving their arms through the other's to take advantage. Alexandria takes a hold of some of Peggy's hair and pulls back. Peg gasps and arches her back as she is forced to step back until her back leans heavily into the ropes. Jumping back astep, Alexandria lashes out with a chop to the chest! Peggy opens her mouth which forms a perfect "O" shape. Another chop...then another has Peggy reeling! Bringing her arm back for another chop it seems, Parker suddenly strikes out with a thumb to the eye! Screaming, Peg holds her face and blinks her injured eye trying to clear the feeling out of it. A kick to the guy doubles the Princess over and Alexandria hooks in a headlock before dumping Peggy Christian head first with a DDT. Motionless for the moment, Peggy's chest falls and rises in rhythum sucking in the air. Alexandria gets to her feet and raises her arms in the air as a perfect white smile crosses her face. The fans boo and give her the thumbs down as she struts around the ring. Running one hand along an outstretched leg, Parker does get a few catcalls here and there accompanied by whistles. One minute shows on the clock.

Garry: She knows how to show that body off! MMmmmmmmmm!

Sandra: I guess Alexandria feels she's got at least the Princess in the bag...or over the ropes I should say. Don't count Peg out yet! She's put up a tremendous fight for a rookie!

Garry: Don't you get it!? That old bag is done! Stick a fork in her!

Rolling on the mat, Peggy tries to gather herself as Alexandria picks her up by the hair. Hooking in a headlock, Alexandria twists her body to the right taking Peggy with her. Both their backs slam to the canvass but it's Peggy that receives the added force of Alex's body falling ontop of her. Lying on her back, Peg stares up glassy eyed up at the rafters. The face of Alexandria Parker comes into view smirking down at her. Kicking Peggy's arm, Alexandria snorts at the lack of response from the Princess. She is out of it completely right now! Putting Peg into a seated position, Alexandria stretches the Princess' mouth pulling outward on both sides! Peggy shrieks and pounds her legs onto the canvass! Tears start to form in her eyes from the illegal hold as Alexandria screams down at her struggling opponent!

Sandra: What an underhanded move!

Garry: Perfectly legal here! A very effective manuever! That may shut Peggy up for a long long time! Ha!

Without warning, the nice Princess bites down with her teeth into the fingers of Alexandria. Alexandria screams and shakes her head in pain trying to pull he fingers free! Peggy gnashes down on the flesh before letting them go. Holding her fingers and looking at the little welts, Alexandria shrieks with rage at the Housewife! She lunges forward right into a big boot by Peggy Christian. Following up with a knee to the gut, Peggy shoves the smaller Parker into the corner and starts to pummel her into the mat. Alexandria stares up at the Rookie Housewife as Peggy places a boot onto her chest and pushes down denying her the oxygen she needs!

Sandra: Smart move! That'll keep the Rich Snob down while Peggy catches a breath of her own.

Garry: Well she can't keep that up! The Gate is opening for our next competitor!

The blinding light blanks out everyone's sight as the fans wait excited that someone else is coming to the ring! Fading, the light shuts off and no one is in the walkway at all. Confusion sets in, as everyone looks around trying to find the lady who may just be somewhere else in the arena.

Garry: What the? Where is the next girl!?

Sandra: Look! Up there!

Fans point to the rafters in excitement! A fiqure in an overcoat can be seen looking down from the shadows. A voice booms over the intercom...

She who has lost her trust in humans, is damned to be the Wrath.

The fiqure steps back along it's perch and melds with the shadows. A murmur starts throughout the arena as everyone is totally confused as to what just happened.

Garry: Who was that!?

Sandra: I guess that was to be the next participant...but she has declined to enter by that message. That's what I gather. Anyways...back to the action in the ring...

Peggy puts more pressure on her foot by grabbing a hold of the tope rope and pulling her other foot off the mat. Clutching at the boot, Alexandria squirms and wiggles as her face is beat red from trying to somehow get out of this predicament. Seeing the change of color in Alex's face, Peggy steps off her. Alexandria gasps in a huge breath of air and holds her chest. It heaves up and down taking in the much needed oxygen deprived from her body. Wasting no time, Princess Peggy slides Alexandria up the corner by her hair. Turning around, she rams her back into the body of Alexandria who slumps in the corner groaning. Peggy simply leans back and lets her weight do the work. Alexandria screams obscenities at Peggy as she wraps her arms around the Princess' neck looking to choke the life out of her.

Garry: All that weight on Alexandria... I'm surprised she's not as flat as a pancake right now!

Sandra: Miss Parker counters with a choke hold and both ladies are turning blue now!

Not able to take anymore and needing the breath, Pegy steps out of the corner. Alexandria sees her opportunity and leaps onto her back cinching both arms around Peggy's neck again. Peggy gasps and grabs at the arms to loosen them. Her windpipe is completely closed off and the ring starts to spin. Alexandria smiles wickedly feeling the strength of one Peggy Christian start to fade. Her arms drop to her sides first to hang limb, then she drops to one knee. Peg's mouth is wide open trying to suck in the air her body so desperately needs. Finally she falls to the side and the world starts to blacken. Alex yanks her arms tight a couple times but gets no response from the unconcious Peggy. Releasing her hold, Alexandria rolls Peggy onto her back and straddles her stomach. She smirks at the Princess and brings one hand back. A vicious slap can be heard throughout the arena as the Rich Bitch gives Peggy the biggest insult in her arsenal.

Garry: Yes! That was great! Look at her! There's no one home!

Sandra: It was just too early for Peggy. She was determined but she needed to come in from the Rumble later to win this. Alexandria hoists her up and drapes her back first over the ropes.

Being the only other person in the ring, Alexandria confidently runs towards the opposite ropes. She comes back and stretches her arm out...a smile gracing her features. Peggy is helpless as the Rich Millionaire pushes into her and she tumbles to the floor landing with a slap! The officials signal she is out but check on her. Peggy doesn't move even when the referees start to try and talk to her and coax her back to life. Signalling to the back again, Mike Roberts, head official for the Rumble, gets some security down to ringside. They lock there hands and make a seat while the officials lift Peggy up and put her in it. Even though she can't hear them, the cheers from the fans would say it all about the effort put into this event by Princess Peggy Christian.

Garry: Oh shut up! She lost! Loser!!!

Sandra: Maybe so but her effort my well put her in the top candidates to receive a title shot.

Garry: Huh!? No way! I couldn't think of chubby cheeks leading the BRA with that belt around her waist! What an insult! And I didn't mean the cheeks on her face either...

Sandra: Well Alexandria is in the ring by herself now. She gets to kill time and rest while waiting for the final participant.

Sitting in a corner with a good view of the entrance gate, Alexandria pushes the bangs out of her face. Growing bored she starts to strut around and blow kisses to the men at ringside getting boos from the female portion of the arena...and whistles from the men. Finally time expires and the "Gate to Heaven" opens one last time to let the last angel come to the ring. "Sexy MF" by Prince plays over the house speakers as "The Goddess" Nina Larue appears after the light of judgement fades. She saunters to the ring with a cocky smile gracing her beautiful features. Wearing a slinky black mini-dress and matching stilletto heels, Nina kisses at the crowd as she shows off her beauty just as Alexandria did before.

Sandra: This may very well turn into another beauty contest everyone. Look at these two!

Garry: I know what it's going to turn into...a catfight! HISSSSSSSSSS!!!

Sitting on the apron and rolling underneath, Nina holds her arms up before doing a little shimmy getting the crowd excited. Kneeling down, she removes her heels and places them in a corner for safe keeping. Turning in her mini-dress, she just catches a glimpse as Alexandria rams her shoulder into her and takes her down! Rage has driven Alexandria nuts as she sees herself as the only true beauty queen here! Punches to the face dominate at first, then Parker uses her natural weapons and claws at Larue's lovely face. Nina shrieks feeling the nails dig into her cheeks! She manages to puch Nina to the side and get to her feet quickly glaring at her opponent.

Sandra: Well...that was...different...

Garry: That was great!!! I can't believe they stopped though! More! More!

It's a stare down as both women size up each other...then suddenly they lunge forward as arms lock into a furious battle to gain an advantage from the other! Getting her arms under Alexandria's, Nina shoves Parker away. Leaping into the air, "The Goddess" spins before thrusting her foot out nailing Alexandria squarely in the face! Stepping away holding her precious face, Alexandria just wants to get away and make sure she isn't bruised. Nina, however, has different plans. Stepping foward again, Nina throws a palm thrust into Alexandria's soft belly getting an "OOOOOOOHHHH!!!" from the Millionaire and doubling her over. Keeping her momentum going, Nina latches a headlock on, spins Alexandria around, then hops into the air pushing her body weight back. The leaping DDT does it's work perfectly as Alexandria lands heavily onto the canvass. She rolls her body on the sweat-stained mat holding her head. Nina smiles at what she accomplished and stands ready to perform yet another move to her opponent.

Sandra: Vicious moves by Nina Larue! She is really using her martial arts background to her full advantage tonight!

Garry: I'm really in heaven! Look at those gorgeous things in the ring! They can bearhug me anyday!

Sandra: Nina sets Alexandria up and...OHHHH!!! What a backhand! Alexandria is once again slumped in the corner but slowly slides down to have a seat.

Nina shakes her head at this pathetic excuse for competition. She moves toward the opposite corner of where Parker is and bends down. Retrieving one of her heels, Nina points to the shoe getting the crowd to leap to their feet!

Garry: Oh they sense blood! This could do it!

Strutting back to Alexandria, Nina slams the shoe across Alexandria's neck choking her with it! Alex gurgles and bucks as her eyes widen fearing that her fate will be the same as Peggy's before her. Almost mercifully, Nina releases the hold and blows a kiss to her fans. They cheer just wanting to see either one of these two get hurt! Rearing back, Nina gets ready to clobber Alexandria with the heel point this time but suddenly her face goes white and her knees collapse from under her. Alexandria smirks as her fist finds the mark between Nina's legs! Dropping the shoe to the mat, Nina gasps as she kneels on the mat her arms between her legs. Using the ropes, Alexandria pulls herself up. Eyeing the weapon that was to be her destruction, she scoops it up and looks at it. Holding the shoe away from her, Parker sticks her tongue out showing what she thinks of Nina's tastes...then slams it hard across the back of Larue's head!

Sandra: Oh God! Nina just took a vicious blow! She is out of it! Look at her!

Garry: Alexandria has her up already and over at the ropes! This may be over!

Semi-concious still, Nina wraps her limbs around Alexandria to keep herself from falling out. Screaming and seeing victory, Alexandria bends both their bodies over the top rope each trying to push the other over first. Suddenly both ladies topple to the floor and land heavily still entangled!


Both ladies struggle to their feet. They yell and scream trying to be heard over the other saying their feet touch the ground second! They both lunge forward and take hold of each other by the hair and yank vicously as the officials break them up. They all point up to the ring...and to Lisa Dream resting her arms on the ropes with her head in her hands. Both beauties are in shock! Lisa points to the apron and smirks to both of them.

You should really learn to play "Hide and Seek". Of course, you just didn't stand a chance against *Perfection*.

Stepping back to the center of the ring, Lisa points to her head and nods. She looks perfectly fresh as though she just got to the ring and she should after being under the ring all that time! Doing her famous bump and grind, Lisa gets the crowd excited as Mike Roberts steps into the ring. He brings with him the Celestial Title and presents it to Lisa. Scoffing at the lowly referee, Lisa issues an order and turns her back to him. He shrugs and wraps the belt around her waist buckling it in the back. After that is done, Lisa turns back to him and shoves him away.

Don't even think of touching Perfection!

Lisa continues to strut around the ring showing off her newest accessory to the world. She intends it to stay there for a long long time...

Sandra: What an exciting event! So many twists and turns! In the end, the craftiness of Lisa Dream came out on top!

Garry: I bet Sherry Ann is really flipping now after kicking Lisa out! Hey! Evonne will probably be having a party! Yes!!! I love her parties!!!

Sandra: I'm sure you aren't invited...

Garry: Sure I am! I am the BRA! People watch this thing for me!

Sandra: Sure Garry. Until next time everyone! This is the Battling Ring Angels signing off! 1

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