Sherry Ann
Jenny The Cheerleader Anderson


{ The camera pans over the sell out crowd inside the Battling Ring Angels Arena. "Cowboy" by Kid Rock plays in the backgroud during the brief intrermission between matches, and the fans who are still on their feet cheering from all the action they have seen thus far tonight, roar with cheers, and hold up their homemade signs, and display their BRA merchandise proudly, all in hopes of being put on camera. }

{ The shot briefly goes to Garry and Sandra, but they aren't ready yet, and Sandra points to the back. Another camera opens backstage, and finds BRA reporter Rebbeca Blaze with Sherry Ann, who has a very confused look on her face. As she is just moments away from facing her daughter Jenny Anderson in the ring. The shot then zooms in on Rebecca, who lifts up her mic. }

Rebecca: Hello everyone! We are just moments away from the big mother and daughter showdown, featuring Jenny Anderson, and my guest at this time, Sherry Ann.
Sherry, how do you feel about having to fight your daughter tonight?

Sherry: I'll be quite honest Rebecca, this sucks, and I really don't know if I can go through with this.

Rebecca: As a mother myself, I can sypathize with you Sherry, but Jenny seems to just be out of control lately, and perhaps she is in dire need of a good butt kicking by you?

Sherry: Perhaps, but I was so hoping that she'd come to her senses before it came down to this. I'm almost to the point of wishing I'd never of adopted her, and just of let her live in an orphanage somewhere. Guess I'll just never know what I did wrong to lead her to act like this. Ever since the day I met her, she always looked up to me, and even idolized me, but now she just sees me as some monster, and where in the world she is getting this stuff about me turning down homeless people is beyond me. Oh well, enough about that, it's about time to get this over with now.

Rebecca: Well Sherry, you're famous for your grand entrances, and go all out these pay per view events. What do you have planned tonight for the fans?

Sherry: Sorry to disapoint everyone, but with this match at such a personal level, I just couldn't get into a big entrance this time. I hope everyone understands.

Rebecca: I'm sure they will understand Sherry. Good luck out there tonight.

Sherry: Yea, seeya Becs.

{ Sherry just walks away with her head held low, and the shot goes back to Rebecca. }

Rebecca: Well folks, I've known Sherry a long time, and I've never seen her this down before a match before. It's gonna be interesting to see if she can actually get into the ring with Jenny, and even more so, if she can fight her. I saw Jenny earlier, she wouldn't give an interview, but I can tell you all this, she is ready, and pumped up for this match. So Sherry really is gonna have her hands full tonight it seems. Remember folks, Sherry has taught Jenny everything she knows, and Jenny has youth on her side. Nothing against Sherry, but she has been around the ring a long time, but maybe her experiance will pay off for her tonight, time will tell, as we are about ready to find out. Ok Garry and Sandra, back to you.

{ The shot goes back out to the arena, and closes in on the announcers table, where Sandra and Garry are seated. }

Sandra: Thanks Rebecca. Wow, this is really gonna be interesting to see I think.

Garry: Sure will, cause Jenny is gonna stomp a new mud hole in that old hag mother of hers, and I'm gonna enjoy every second of it!

Sandra: I don't know, this is all just so weird. Plus while Rebecca was talking with Sherry, I was watching one of the monitors that had a live shot of Jenny watching that interview, and Jenny was frowning while watching it. Something is going on inside her head, and maybe we'll finally see this fued end tonight?

Garry: Hell no, Jenny can't stand Sherry anymore. She was frowning cause she feels sorry for her mom, cause she knows that she's gonna kick the snot of her soon, and destroy her perfect record here. Poor Sherry boo hoo!

Sandra: You're such an asshole!

{ The houselights dim, and a hush falls over the crowd, as they wait to see who is coming out first. A lone spotlight then shines down on the entranceway, and Sherry Ann emerges from the back, but no mucic plays, nor do any special effects go off. The crowd cheers loudly for Sherry, but she pays them no mind, and just slowly makes her way to the ring. }

Sandra: DANG! This is very unike a normal Sherry entrance!

Garry: Yea, it's boring as hell, almost as bad as that jabroni she faced a few weeks ago...What was her name? Maxi pad or sumpin?


Sandra: Grow up!!

{ Sherry arrives at ringside, and slowly climbs the steps leading to the ring. After stepping through the ropes, she slowly raises her hand, and aknowledges the fans, then just goes to her corner, and stretches out. }

Sandra: I never thought this would all come to this, and I don't think Sherry did either. Sheesh she's looks bummed out. The crowd doesn't quite know what to think about her actions either, as they are so used to her exciting entrances, that really get this place hopping.

Garry: Oh yes, I feel so bad for her....NOT!!!! Jenny has broke her heart, now I hope she reaches in, and rips it out of her, then shoves it in her face!

Sandra: Oh shut the hell up!

{ The techno version of the ohio state fighting song starts sounding through the system, and the arena darkens. An explosion then happens at the ramp. }

{ The music continues to play but Jenny doesn't appear through the entrance. Jenny's music plays a little longer then it stops and whispers are heard through the arena. }

Sandra: Umm where is she?

Garry: I dunno, maybe she decided not to do this?

Sandra: That would be nice, look at poor Sherry, this is killing her inside.

Garry: GOOD!

Sandra: Jerk! Anyways, let's take it to ring announcer Johnny Dimarco.

Garry: Who?

Sandra: I dunno, he's new.

Johnny: Ladies and Gentleman, our next bout features two ring legends, and they are also mother and daughter. Introducing first, now living right here in Las Vegas......You all know her, and love her......Give it up for the leader of the world famous Body Shop.......Sheeeerrrryyyy Annnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!

{ The crowd goes wild cheering for Sherry, and she once again, just gives a simple wave to the crowd. She then just hops up on the top turnbuckle, and takes a seat. }

Johnny: And now for her opponent, she hails from Los Angelas Califonia, and has won more title belts than anyone in womens wrestling history, seconded only by her mother, and is the current Miss Teen USA, ladies and gentleman, please welcome the the world famous, Jennyyyyyy the Cheeeeeerleaderrrrrr AAAAAAAAANNNdersonnnnnnnnn!!!!!

{ The Star Wars theme song starts. and the song changes into a dance beat. 6 cheerleaders come tumbeling out of the back doing cartwheels and flips. and stepping behind them wearing a golden crown is Jenny wearing her normal wrestling attire. And across the chest it will say Body Shop 2000. as Jenny steps on the ramp several fire works go off and she makes her way down towards the girls who wait for her, she takes a couple of pom poms from one of the girls and they will start to do a fast dance routine, doing exactly the same moves. and they finish the dance by doing a pyramid with Jenny ontop. Jenny will leaps forward and gets caught by two girls down at the bottom. Jenny then hugs each one of the cheerleaders, and she makes her way towards the ring slaping hands with her fans. }

Garry: Impressive entrance!

Sandra: Sure is, and look at Sherry, she's smiling how well Jenny is dazzling the fans!

{ Jenny does't seem to mind the mixed reactions she is recieving, and just keeps that big pretty smile on her face, and walks around the ring. Jenny then looks around at the fans closest to the ring, and picks out the youngest girl in the crowd, and hands her her pom poms. Now Jenny removes a ribbon from her wrist, and ties the girls hair up in a pony tail making her look like a little Jenny. She then kisses her cheeks, then waves to the crowd and then slips into the ring, where she stares at Sherry Ann... looking at her with a lot of respect. Sherry doesn't quite know what to think of Jenny's look, and finally just flashes a brief smile at her daughter. }

Sandra: Well as much as they are at odds right now, it seems they both have a lot of respect for one another.
Well the ref is giving them his instructions now, and Jenny as always is just ignoring the ref. Sherry who is dressed in a red white and blue bikini, with matching thigh high boots, just stands there with her arms folded listening to the ref, but doesn't seem to really care what he has to say.

{ The ref finishes his instructions, slaps his hands together, then points at the time keeper, and he rings the bell, signaling the start of the match. }

Garry: Here we go!

{ Sherry extends her hand to Jenny, and Jenny shakes it, and winks at her mom. Sherry just shakes her head, and takes a wide based stance, and prepares for battle. Jenny raises her hands, wanting a test of strength. }

Garry: Sheesh, is Jenny insane? She can't match power with Sherry!

Sandra: I dunno, it is odd that she wants to try this. Kinda weird too that they have yet to say anything to each other. Ooops spoke to soon, Sherry is talking now.....

Sherry: You sure you want this match hun?

Jenny: Come on mom, let's see how good you really are!

Sherry: Alright, you asked for it.

{ With that Sherry holds up her hands, and they then engage in a test of strength. Sherry easily forces Jenny arms down to her side, and just smiles at her while she winces in pain. Sherry then bends Jenny's wrists back, and drives her down to her knees. Jenny lunges forward, and headbutts Sherry in the stomach, and that forces Sherry to release her grip. She staggers back a few steps, and catches her breath, and Jenny gets back up to her feet. }

Jenny giggling: Is this the best you can do? I'm so dissapointed in you mom.

Sherry: Bring it on smartass!

Garry: Can't you just feel the love?

Sandra: At the moment, no!

{ Jenny takes off, and runs at Sherry. She leaps into the air, and goes for a flying cross body block, but Sherry catches her, and then spins her body around, and nails Jenny with a back breaker over her knee, and holds her there. }

Sherry: Now this is for Veronica!!!

{ Sherry then raises her hands, and then pounds down hard on Jenny's stretched out abdominal with a double axe handle blow, which causes Jenny to moan in pain. }

Sherry: Now this one is for Buffy!!!

{ Once again Sherry slams her fists down on Jenny's stomach. }

Sandra: WOW! Sherry is letting her have it for all the pain she has caused her!

Garry: Boring! Go get me a beer.

Sandra: Ok let me think about it NO!!!

Garry: No good bi....Hey what is Sherry doing now?

Sandra: Seems that she's rolling Jenny over on her stomach....

{ Sherry turns Jenny over on her knee, and raises her hand in the air, and begins to spank Jenny's butt, but Jenny reaches out and grabs the ropes just in time, and screams for the ref to break the hold, and he does. Sherry just stands up, and drops Jenny to the mat, and the ref forces her to a neutral corner, so Jenny can get up. }

Sandra: Sherry was gonna give Jenny a much deserved spanking there, but Jenny got to those ropes just in time.

Garry: To bad, I hate Sherry, but it woulda been hilarious to see her spank her daughter in front of all these people.

{ Jenny is back on her feet, and holding her stomach, she then looks across the ring at Sherry, and gets ready to go at it with her again. }

Jenny: OK, my turn old woman!

Sherry: Don't sing it, bring ya little brat!

{ Jenny didn't care for that, and charges at Sherry, and Sherry moves towards Jenny. They collide in the center of the ring, and lock up. Jenny then lashes out with a kick, that nails Sherry in the knee, and drops her to the mat. Jenny quickly follows up, as she begins stomping away on the same knee she just kicked. Sherry screams out in pain, and trys to block the stomps, but Jenny just keeps driving her foot into the knee anyways. Now she stops, and grabs Sherry's foot, and drags her to the ropes. She places the foot over the ropes, and then straddles her leg, Jenny jumps up, and then drops her rear end onto Sherry's leg, and then begins doing it several times. Sherry is in agony, as her knee is really taking some severe punishment from the Cheerleader. }

Garry: COOL!!! She's gonna break that old hags leg!!!

Sandra: Nope, the ref just made her stop, and is forcing her back away from Sherry.

Garry: Stupid ref, let Jenny finish the old bat off!

Sandra: he's doing his job you moron! Jenny is pretty smart, she takes out Sherry's leg, and she wont be able to preform some of her power moves, which Sherry does rely heavily on, but she has so many moves in her arsenal, that it's gonna take more than this to shut Sherry down.

{ Sherry rolls herself out of the ring, and holds onto the ring apron to help keep her up, as she checks on her knee. Jenny pushes the ref out of the way, and takes off running. She then baseball slides through the ropes, and nails Sherry with a kick, that sends her flying into the guardrail. }

Garry: WHOA!! What a killer move!!

Sandra: Jenny is just amazing, and is really going all out here. She wants to win this match bad it seems!

Jenny: Come on mom, don't hide out here, get back in the ring and fight me!

{ Jenny slides back into the ring, and then holds the ropes open for Sherry. Sherry slowly gets to her feet. She then takes full advantage of the refs ten count, to shake out the cobwebs. }

Garry: I think mommy is scared to get back in there.

Sandra: Nah, Sherry is a veteran, and has a lot of ring savy. She's just using this count to shake off the pain of that kick.

Garry: Yea whatever.

{ Sherry climbs the steps that lead back up to the ring, and steps in at the count of 19. Jenny charages across the ring at Sherry, and attempts to clothesline her, but Sherry ducks it, and grabs Jenny around the waist, and lifts her up in the air, then slams her to the mat with a belly to back suplex. }

Sandra: Now that had some impact to it!

Garry: Sure did, but she isn't done, she's going for more!

{ Sherry brings Jenny back to her feet, and leans her against the ropes, and then lays into her with a series of knife edge chops. }

Sandra: UT OH! Sherry is fired up now. I don't think she cared for that kick while she was out of the ring.

Garry: Yea, she seems ticked off.

{ Sherry stops the chops, then takes Jenny by the arm, and whips her across the ring. The Cheerleader is flung into the ropes, and bounces off of them, and heads back towards Sherry, who is bent over, as Jenny runs into her mother, Sherry hoists Jenny into the air, with a HIGH eleavation back drop, and Jenny lands hard on the mat. }

Garry: WOW, she was nearly thrown up into the lights over the ring!!!

Sandra: Sherry is through playing around, she's all buisness now!

{ Sherry walks up to Jenny, bends down, and slaps her in the face. Now she takes off and runs to the far ropes, and bounces off them, and leaps into the air in front of Jenny, and comes down on her with a giant splash, and all of the air in Jenny's body is forced out from that impact. }

Garry: Oh my, goodnight Jenny.

{ Sherry grabs Jenny's legs and rolls her over. }

Sandra: UT OH! You know what this means!

Garry: Yep, stick a fork in Jenny, it's time for the Sherry Crab!

{ Sherry starts to lock on her famous hold, but Jenny realizes what is going on, and out of desperation, she scrambles on her elbows, and gets a hand on the ropes, and the ref tells Sherry to let her go, and she does so cleanly. }

Garry: Whoa, she got lucky there, but she's still in trouble.

{ Sherry moves back in on Jenny, and picks her back up to her feet, and takes her to the middle of the ring. Sherry then grabs her daughter by the chin, and stares into her eyes. }

Sherry: Alright Jenny, you wanted this damn match, but now it's time to end all this fun!

{ Sherry turns around, and grabs Jenny's head, and then lays her out with the Sherry Stunner. }


Sandra: Whoa there Oklahoma, relax before you stroke out. Oh, look at poor Sherry, she feels terrible doing that to Jenny.

Garry: She does seems a bit bummed out, but she needs to pin Jenny now, and end it. Why is she getting up and walking around the ring? It's over if she wants it to be.

{ Sherry walks up to Jenny, and hovers over her. }

Sherry: You spoiled little brat! I didn't want to hurt you, I love you dammit, can't you get that through your fat head?!?!

{ An agrivated Sherry goes to grab Jenny again, but some how the Cheerleader lashes out with a kick, and nails Sherry in the same knee she was woking on earlier in the match. Sherry drops to the mat in pain, and Jenny rolls herself to the ropes, and then out of the ring to recooperate. The crowd begins to boo and hiss, and the camera goes to the entrance ramp, and Evonne Carmikel is making her way down to the ring. Jenny turns and sees this, and shakes her head. Now she points to the back, and yells at Evonne. }

Jenny: No Evonne, I don't need any help. I'm going to do this on my own!!! I'll talk with you later, now go!

{ Evonne isn't pleased with Jenny telling her what to do, and wants oh so badly to get her hands on Sherry, but decides to go along with Jenny's wishes, and returns to the back. }

Sandra: Hmmnn now that was interesting, and I'm starting to make sense of all this.

Garry: You are? Care to clue me in?

Sandra: Nope, I may be wrong, so let's just see how this plays out now. Of course if Jenny doesn't get back in the ring soon, she'll be counted out.

Garry: She must of heard ya, there she goes back in now.

{ Jenny climbs back in, and Sherry, with the help of the ropes, is back up, but is nursing that sore knee. Jenny flips her haor back, and moves in towards Sherry. She's eyeing her up, making sure she makes no mistakes this time. Sherry is leaning against the ropes, with her back to Jenny, favoring her knee heavily. Jenny charges at Sherry, and goes flying in the air at her, but Sherry telegraphs it, and steps aside, and Jenny goes flying out of the ring, landing on the floor. }

Garry: Sherry tricked her!!!

Sandra: Yep, the old veteran was playing opposum. Now she's going out after Jenny. I'm shocked that Sherry has hit this level of intensitity tonight, but she's going all out, and fighting her style match. I really thought she'd be holding back tonight.

Garry: Well the over paid hag should give the fans their moneys worth!

{ Jenny gets back to her feet, but her mother is standing there waiting for her, and takes her by the arm, and whips her into the ring, and her back slams against it. Now Sherry grabs Jenny, and scoop slams her to the floor. }

Garry: I think she's weakening her back now.

Sandra: Yes, I think Sherry's had enough, and she's setting the Cheerleader up for that Sherry Crab now possibly.

{ Sherry picks Jenny up, and throws her into the ring, and not just sliding her through the ropes, she throws Jenny over the top rope. }

Garry: Dang! I'm impressed!

Sandra: Sheesh, I'll say!

{ Sherry climbs back into the ring, and quickly goes after Jenny, who is holding her back. Sherry grabs Jenny's legs, and pulls her out to the center of the ring, and Jenny isn't moving much at all now. Sherry takes off and runs at the ropes, and bounces off of them, and hops into the air, coming down at Jenny with a big leg drop, but this time it's Jenny acting hurt, and she rolls out of the way, and Sherry lands hard on the mat, and Jenny quickly gets to her feet. }

Garry: Ahhh two can play that game!

Sandra: Jenny is a quick learner, and heck, Sherry has taught her almost all she knows, and she just learned another lesson from her mother, and this one worked against Sherry.

Jenny: I can't believe I actually thought of you as my idol! You've lost it mom!!!

Garry: You tell her kid!!!

{ Jenny quickly goes to work on Sherry, and targets her knee, with several stomps. }

Sandra: I think Jenny is setting Sherry up for the Scorpian now.

Garry: Good!

{ After several stomps to the knee, Jenny grabs Sherry by the hair, and brings her to her feet. }

Jenny: Get up old woman, time for me to teach you a few lessons in wrestling!

Garry: Get her Jenny!!!

{ Jenny takes Sherry by the arm, and whips her....No Sherry reverses it, and she whips Jenny into the ropes. Jenny bounces off, and Sherry goes for a clothesline, but Jenny ducks it, and grabs onto Sherry as she goes by, and locks her in a sleeper. Sherry fights it, but it's taking it's toll on her. Finally Sherry runs backwards, and knocks Jenny into the turnbuckles, and that forces Jenny to break the hold, but it's taken a heavy toll on Sherry, and she just takes a few steps, and falls to the mat. }

{ Jenny goes up to the top turnbuckle now, and eyes up Sherry. }

Sandra: No way Jenny, she's way to far out there, even for you to hit!

Garry: You'd think she'd of chosen a closer corner to do this, Sherry is way out there!

{ Jenny leaps off, and soars through the air like a missle, and comes down on Sherry with a Frog Splash. }

Garry: WOW!!!!!!

Sandra: That was simply amazing, I can't beleive how far she flew, and that really had some impact on it too!

{ Jenny brings Sherry to her feet, and Sherry is out of it now. Jenny locks a Dragon Sleeper on her mother, right in the center of the ring. }

Garry: Goodnight, this one is over with.

Sandra: Sherry's in big trouble now! This is one hell of a match.

Garry: Yes, it really is, I've been watching it so intently, I completely forgotten that I'm out of beer.....Umm will you go get me one?

Sandra: Get real!

{ Jenny about has Sherry out with the sleeper in the center of the ring, but she keeps her up on her feet. Jenny changes her stance, and then drops Sherry to the mat with a reverse DDT. }

Garry: Dang, this Cheerleader has one hell of an arsenal of moves!!

Sandra: She sure does, and I think this one is over now.

Garry: Nope, Jenny is getting up instead of going for the pin, she's not done yet!

{ Jenny gets up, and grabs Sherry's legs, and locks on her Scorpian Death Lock. Jenny leans back into the hold, and puts Sherry in severe pain. }

Sandra: Oh dear, Sherry tap out before you get hurt!

Garry: Nah, break her back like Evonne told you to do Jenny!!

Sandra: I really don't think Jenny takes orders from Evonne.

Garry: She better!

{ The ref is down on the mat asking Sherry if she gives, she says no a few times, but he keeps asking, as Jenny shows no sign of letting go. Finally the pain becomes to much, and Sherry just passes out. The ref lifts her hand, and it falls to the mat, he repeats this two more times, and it falls again. The ref hops up and signals for the bell, and then makes Jenny release the hold, and the smiling Cheerleader does so. }


Ring announcer: Ladies and gentleman, the winner of the match, Jeeeennnnyyyyyyyyy the Cheeeerleeeeeaderrrr AAAAAndersooooonnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{ Jenny smiles proudly as the ref holds her hand high in the air. She then walks over, and takes the mic from the announcer. }

Jenny: "Today I have met the best wrestler in the whole world of wrestling... Today I have fought the best wrestlers out there... It didnt matter if I won or lost, and mom if you are all right I have acted like some spoiled brat... but I should have know that Sherry Ann would never kick people out of their homes. She would rather let them live with her then to do that... and then we go the Miss Teen USA competition... I know that someone tried to fix the competition..." Jenny turns towards the back "Evonne I know you are back there... why dont you come out here, and let me talk with you?" Jenny grins "Well I guess you dont want to hear this Evonne, you see, you only bribed 4 out of 10 judges and when 5 others had me at first place, no matter what you did there wouldnt have mattered.... and well I've been talked with the federals, and they know what kind of snake you are Evonne, and some of them are in the back probably looking for you right now, it seems that one of the judges never made it to the competition, and well they think you've got something to do with that Evonne.. And I guess this cancels every contract I have with Carmikel Inc... and that I will be signing for another modeling agency" Jenny smiles "How does it feel Evonne when your plan to try and humiliate me backfires on you? This time its you going to jail and not me... Oh one more thing. The papers which were sent to me, they are from you too Evonne aint they, I kind found copys of them in your office. You shouldnt let papers like that lay around... and If im not wrong its a terrible thing to pose as the FBI Evonne and they and the police wants to talk with you... This isnt a good day for Carmikel Inc." Jenny throws the microphone down and moves towards her Mom, and wraps her arms around her and hugs Sherry Ann, some tears run down Jenny's cheeks as she trys appoligize to her mom. "Mom, I'm so sorry. Truth is, I know your the best in this sport, and I just wanted to see if I had what it took to beat you. I knew if I just asked you for a match, you'd of given it to me, but you'd of lost on purpose. That's just how you are, a sweet woman, who'll do anything for friends or family. Please forgive me mom, I just had to do this, to see how good I really was."

Sherry pulls back from Jenny, and just stares at her for a moment, and looks very confused by all of this. "I...I um..I don't know what to say Jenny. I do know I'm proud of you for finally standing up to Evonne, and am very proud of the way you wrestled tonight, but forgive you? I need to think about that one. You hurt me pretty bad, and caused a lot of problems in the Shop. I love you dearly, but forgive? I just don't know now.......

{ Sherry just climbs out of the ring, and walks to the back, looking very confused. Jenny hops out of the ring, and the Ohio State Fight Song begins to play, and she runs after her mom. }

Sandra: I knew it! Jenny just did all this to see if she could beat Sherry in the ring. If she had done this as herself, Sherry would of done as she's done in the past for Jenny, she'd just lay down, and give her the win. Jenny came into this as a total enemy to Sherry, and Sherry went all out, and Jenny got the win.

Garry: Yup, and now she has her mothers spotlight, I love it. Now Sherry should realize that this sport is for the youth here now, not old has beens.

Sandra: I doubt Sherry is finished now. That match swung both ways the whole way through, it could of went either way.

Garry: Only one can win, and that was Jenny. Hey we gotta go to a commercial now.

Sandra: True, we'll be right back folks, with the Miss BRA beauty pagent. Your winner here was Jenny Anderson. 1

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