Simply Devine
The Motherhood

( The screen comes up from black , the camera’s pan around the capacity filled arena. “OFFICIAL MISS BRA CLEVAGE CHECKER” , “I FOUND BIANCA’S BRAIN” and “KNEEL FOR THE GODDESS” are a few of the hundreds of signs. Another camera shot comes up on the screen. Garry is smiling as Sandra still sits stunned over events in the Miss BRA pageant. )

Garry: “ Well, its time to hand out some hardware. The tag titles are on the line tonight. The Simply Divine team of Laura and Alexandria Parker Vs …..Overage and Over weight.”

Sandra: “ Hardly Garry, Motherhood has earned this chance at the titles, beating some strong teams to get here. Americana is a veteran of the ring wars and Peggy has proved herself to be a contender. The housewife has come of age.”

Garry: “ Well she is like…100 or something. Anyway's, Laura and Alex are two young , fit , talented wrestlers. Motherhood is over matched.”

Sandra: “ That remains to be seen. Can the experience of Motherhood, out perform the Ego’s and attitude of Simply Divine.

( The lights dim as "I'll always love my mama" by the Temptations play through the Sound System. The fans begin to cheer as they anticipate the entrance of crowd favorites, Americana and Princess Peg. Out step two very large women in dirty housecoats and ratty looking "bunny" slippers. One of the housecoats is blue and one is pink. The blue housecoat has "Princess Peg" written across the back. The Pink one says "Americana" on the back of it. Their gray hair is in curlers and they have a heavy layer of cold cream on their faces. One of them holds a large box of Bon Bons that they are both eating. They are accompanied by they’re two children. All four kids are funny looking. Americana's oldest boy has a really bad haircut and big ears. His pants are about 4 inches too short, and his shirt is buttoned up wrong. Her daughter wears a dress that is three sizes too big for her and has her greasy hair in pig tails. She has buck teeth. Peg's daughter is wearing a really ratty dress that has holes in it, The hem hangs down in threads. She is a chubby thing that keeps stumbling as she walks. Her son is dressed in badly cutoff Jean shorts and he wears a torn and dirty T shirt that says "The Ayatollah Sucks". He too has a bad haircut and buck teeth. The fans let out a loud BOO as they realize that this is not the true Motherhood. They two women stagger more than walk and keep bumping into each other. They push each other away each time they do that. As they pass the announcers' table, one of Americana's children tries to get a piece of candy. Americana slaps her hand. )

Americana: "Get away from me, you little brat. That's our candy, not yours."

( It takes them a while but they finally reach the steps to the ring. They pause to catch their breaths before climbing the steps. Peg goes first. She can't make it up the stairs by herself. Americana leans down and puts her shoulder to Pegs butt. With a grunt Americana strains and is able to push Peg up the final two steps. They are forced to rest after making such an exertion. Some in the crowd begin to laugh at this, but most are still booing. )

Sandra: “ This is a disgrace!!”

( Garry has keeled over laughing )

(Americana attempts to climb the stairs next. She can only make it to the first one before she needs help going on. The four kids, push as Peg grabs both her arms and pulls. No luck! )

Peg: (In her whiniest Roseanne voice) “Come on kids. We can do this if we work together. One, Two, THREEEE.”

( They manage to get Americana to the middle step )

Peg: “One more step kids. One! Two! THREEE!”

( They succeed better than they planned as Americana crashes into Peg and they both fall through the ropes and into the ring. The lye on their backs unable to get up. They flail their arms and legs ineffectively like a couple of turtles that have been rolled over. They just can't get off their backs. A good portion of the crowd is enjoying the display and begin to laugh. Still the boo’s and Jeer’s can be heard. )

Americana: (Screaming) “KIDS! SOMEBODY! ROLL ME OVER SO I CAN GET UP.”


( After a few minutes of this all four kids go to Americana and try to roll her over on her stomach. All for of them grab one arm and try to roll her over. After much grunting and straining by the kids, she finally rolls over. With great effort manages to get to her hands and knees. She then crawls to the ropes and uses them to raise herself to her feet. Peg gets to her feet, using the same process. They are both winded from the exertion required to get them off the mat. The ring announcer hands them a microphone. )

Peg: (again real whiny voiced) I'm Princess Peg and I'm a housewife from Canada, eh. These are my two little brats, Calgary and Edmonton. I became a wrestler because I couldn't get on the Jerry Springer Show. That's my favorite news program, eh, that and Oprah too.

(Peg's Daughter, Calgary, sniffles really loud)

Peg: “Don't sniffle like that. Use your sleeve that’s what it's there for. Any hoo, when I couldn't get on Jerry I decided to take up wrestling, eh. And here I am fighting for the tag team title, eh. I just want to say that although Simply Divine are more beautiful and more talented and younger than we are; we've got the power of Motherhood on our side. And if you're not nice to us we'll make you feel really guilty, eh. “

(Peg hands the mic to Americana)

Americana: (In the same high pitched, nasally whiny voice.) “I'm Americana, and these are my two children, Hollywood and Vine. Vine is the clingy one. Hollywood is the showy one. When I was a young woman, I wrestled in a league called GLOW. Maybe those of you, in your sixties or seventies, remember it. It was a T and A league. I can't go back to it now because my once firm T (Pointing to her chest) has dropped so much they look more like a droopy W and my once cute and perky little "a" has grown into a pudding like capital A. “

( Shakes her butt for the crowd. )

Americana?” But I can still fall on people so I decided to take up wrestling again. We are the tag team Muthas. And we are going to win tonight because not only are we Muthas,

( Each throws their wigs to the crowd and they are both now wearing blonde wigs under the gray hair in curler wigs. )

Both: “We are also SIMPLY DIVINE.”

( Duran Duran's "Girls on Film" blast through the PA system. The arena lights dim and the Angletron comes to life with pictures of Laura and Alexandria pinning opponents. The ring posts erupt in pyrotechnics; red in one corner, blue in another, green in the third and yellow in the fourth. Laura and Alexandria walk to their corner where they take off the house coats and slippers. They remove the pillows that were around their bodies. They give them to the kids who carry them out of the arena as they exit. Laura and Alexandria are dresses in identical outfits. Their tops are gold bikinis. They wear gold, skin tight, spandex pants with SIMPLY DIVINE written in silver down each leg. They have on silver knee high wrestling boots and silver knee and elbow pads. They look almost identical, with Alex being slightly taller. The crowd goes wild over this somewhat tame strip tease. Laura and Alexandria walk around the ring striking poses for their fans. )

(Garry stands up clapping)

Garry: “ Bravo!! Bravo!! And people thought that Laura couldn’t act…BRAVO!!!”

Sandra: “ Oh sit down for, that was a shameless display. A complete lack of respect for their opponents and Laura couldn’t act out of a wet paper bag.

( Simple Divine strut around the ring before stopping in front of the referee, both of them smile and shake their money maker as the official checks them over. )

Garry: “Man, I’d love that job…..(drool)

(.. "Ill Always Love Mama" by the Temptations will play over the loudspeakers. The Lights dim as the faithful cheer the arrival of the real Motherhood. Americana and Princess Peggy step through the curtain. Both of them look completely disgusted over the display that was just put on in the ring. Americana wears her Stars and Stripes Singlet, while Peggy wears the Red and White with a maple leaf. Both of them are carrying their countries flags. Some of the audience rises in salute of old glory as they walk down the aisle. )

Garry: “EarthQuake!!!”

Sandra: “Grow up, will you?. Motherhood doesn’t look happy about the little performance put on by their opponents. Laura and Alex would do well not to enrage these two.

Garry: “ Puhhleeease! Simply Divine is simply too much for Motherhood to handle.”

( Americana and Peg climb into the ring, they wave their flags around before handing them to a ring tech. Americana glares at Simply Divine and Peggy gazes around the screaming thousands of fans. Americana taps her on the shoulder and brings her attention back to the task at hand. They stop and allow the Ref to check them over for illegal objects. Americana and Peg hug each other and then Peg steps to through the ropes and waits in her corner. Across the ring, Laura and Alexandria are having a discussion about who will start the match. Laura seems a bit agitated about the whole situation and puts her hands on her hips. Alex struts forward out of her corner, Laura reaches out and grabs her shoulder , pulling her back. Laura then struts forward. Alex grabs her and the two continue the discussion. )

( The bell causes Laura and Alex to look and each other. They raise their fists in the air three times. Laura throws down a fist, while Alex forms a scissors shape. Alex pouts and Laura jumps to joy and turns to face Americana.)

Sandra: “About freaking time…..Can we get on with the match please?”

Garry: “ Yes, I fully expect this match to be over in less than 5 minutes”

Sandra: “ Really, and how did you come to that decision?”

Garry: “ It’s simple really, Motherhood will tire out in 5 minutes and then Simply Divine will win the match.”

Sandra:” Care to bet on that?”

Garry: “ Umm, sure, let’s bet your virginity.”

( Sandra growls and lashes out an elbow that causes Garry to fall backwards out of his chair )

( Inside the ring, Americana and Laura have come together in a clinch. Laura pushes and strains to force her large opponent back. Americana steps forward, pushing Laura into the corner. Laura is shoved against the turnbuckles and raises her arms in the air. The ref calls for the break and Americana immediately steps away. )

Sandra: “ Clean break by Americana, we can expect Motherhood to play by the rules in this match, I wonder how long it will it will take before Divine breaks them?”

( Laura steps out of the corner with her arms raised and meets Americana in the middle again. Americana starts to push Laura back again. Suddenly the pretty blonde drops backwards, she kicks her feet up into the pliant belly of opponent. Americana is flipped over and lands hard on her back. )

Garry: “Beautiful MonkeyFlip!”

( Laura quickly flips up to her feet and turns to face her opponent. Americana starts to push herself up, but is quickly knocked down again with a drop-kick. Laura quickly pushes herself up and grabs Americana by the leg , dragging her over towards Alex. The golden Blondes tag and Alex leaps over the top rope and crashes down onto Americana’s leg. She screams out on impact as Alex drives her knee’s into her limb. Laura steps through the ropes and poses on the outside for a few of the ringside fans with cameras. Alex grabs Americana by the leg and begins kicking her in the hamstring. Alex stops her assault and then jumps forward in a somersault, still holding onto Americana’s leg. It stretches back over her head before snapping back to the mat. The American beauty screams and clutches her leg as Alex rolls to her feet and smiles.)

Garry: “ Smart thinking by Divine, take the flabberlanch off her feet “

Sandra: “ That is smart, Motherhood has the nod in power and strength.”

Garry: “ And weight, let’s not forget the weight advantage. “

( Alex quickly moves over and grabs Americana by the leg again, She goes to twist it into a step over toe hold, but Americana brings her mighty limb to her chest before kicking it forward, sending Alex sprawling across the mat. Americana turns and pushes herself up, slowly heading for her corner. Alex recovers quickly and chases after her, she leaps forward, drop kicking into the back of Americana’s leg. The star and stripes clad wrestler crumples to the mat, inches away from her teammates out stretched hand. Alex grabs a hold of Americana’s leg and pulls her back to the center of the ring. Alex reaches down and grabs a handful of the brown locks and pulls her opponent up. Alex whips Americana into one of the corners. Americana stumbles across the ring and crashes into the turnbuckles. Alex quickly follows up with a series of backflips before leaping into the air, extending her feet and planting them into Americana’s belly.)

Garry: “** Back Spring Mule Kick!!” What an athletic display by Alexandria.

( Americana slumps down in the corner clutching her belly. Alex rises to her feet and raises her arms in the air. She pulls Americana out of the corner and presses her foot down onto her chest. The Ref drops down for a count as Alex poses. )

Garry: “…1…..2…Booo!”

Sandra: “ Easy kick out for Americana, an arrogant cover by Alex. “

( Peggy cheers from the corner, trying to inspire Americana into a comeback. Alex walks over to her and slaps her hand out, smacking it across Peggy’s face. The Canadian Princess screams in rage and ducks under the ropes, only to have the ref quickly come over. Laura quickly ducks into the ring and both girls pick American up and whip her into the ropes. The both duck down for a double back body drop. Americana rebounds back into the ring, she manages to slow herself and grabs both her opponents in a side headlock, Americana then leaps up and falls backwards, driving both Laura and Alex into the mat. )

Sandra: “** Double DDT!!! **

( Americana rolls to her knee’s and crawls over to her partner. The crowd cheers as Peggy is tagged in. She rushes across the ring and picks up Laura by her hair, she whips her into one of the corners. Peggy then hauls Alex up and whips her into Laura. Both members of Simply Divine thump into each other. Peggy then runs across the ring. )

Garry:” Oh no…no…”

( Peggy leaps into the air and splashes into her opponents. Both golden clad wrestlers whine on impact. Peggy steps back as Alex stumbles forward. Peggy picks her up and then slams her down on the mat. She seems to hesitate going for a pin. She looks at Laura and then at Alex. )

Garry: “ She doesn’t know which one is the legal wrestler.

Sandra: “ Neither does the ref! “

( Peggy jumps up and splashes down onto Alex. The pretty blonde lets out a gasps as her heavier opponent lands on top of her. The ref pauses for a moment and then jumps to the mat. )

Sandra: “ 1…2…”

Garry: “ Kickout by Alex!

( Laura is getting her wind back and walking back to her corner. Peggy rises to her feet, pulling Alex up with her. Peggy whips Alex into the ropes. Alex rebounds and bounces back in. Peggy lashes out her arm, trying to hit Alex with a clothesline. Alex ducks under the meaty arm and continues across the ring, she reaches out her hand and tag’s Laura before bouncing off the ropes. Peggy turns as Alex leaps into the air, spinning her legs around as she moves.)

Garry: “ ** Spinning Heel Kick!! Right to the kisser!!”

( Alex’s boot catches Peg square in the face. She falls backwards to the mat as Laura quickie climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Alex scrambles out of the way as Laura leaps off the top. )

Sandra;” WOW!!! Guillotine Leg Drop!!!

( Laura extends her legs and crashes her thigh across Peggy’s chest. The impact causes Peg’s legs to rise up. Laura quickly grabs a hold of one of them and presses Peg’s shoulders to the mat.)

Garry: “ 1…2….SLOW COUNT!!!” ( Peg’s pushes her shoulder up at the last second. Laura glares at the ref for a moment. He holds up two fingers and shakes his head. Alex screams insults at him as Laura lifts Peggy’s head off the mat. Laura wraps her arms Peggy’s head and begins to squeeze.)

Laura: "I bet you wish you didn't have that fifth helping of stuffing last Thanksgiving"

( Peg just sputters and tries to break free )

Sandra: “CHOKE!!”

Garry:” Are you crazy, Laura Parker would never resort to underhanded moves. She is America’s Sweetheart.”

( The ref goes to check on the hold, Laura looks up at him and smiles, claiming the hold to be perfectly legit. Peggy wheezes and splutters as her face turns crimson. Americana screams at her to break the out of the hold. Peggy brings her arms up to pull Laura’s grip off her neck. Laura twists her hands free suddenly, raking them across Peggy’s eyes. The older woman squeals and clutches her face. Laura rises and pleads her ignorance.)

Laura: “ Oh my, did I accidentally hit her eye? I’m really sorry…I didn’t mean to. “

Sandra: “ Yeah right!!!”

Garry: “ It could happen, Laura’s fingers just slipped.”

( Peg rolls around on the mat , clutching her face. Laura quickly runs over and tags Alex in. The bigger blonde runs across the ring and grabs a handful of Peg’s locks, pulling her to her feet. Alex then scoops the larger woman up in a display of her power before slamming her down to the mat. )

Sandra: “ Impressive strength shown by Alex “

Garry: “ Yes, lifting the incredible bulk and slamming her down.”

( Alex looks down at Peg and smirks )

Alex: "What's the matter, forget to take you gerritol today?"

( Alex flexes her muscles for a moment before turning her attention back at her foe. She reaches down and pulls Peg up by her arm. Alex then steps back and fires a roundhouse kick into Peg’s midsection. Peg gasps and bends forward. Alex quickly grabs her by the head and neck and twists falling to the mat. Peg’s body is rotated and then slammed to the mat )

Garry: “ Spinning Neck Breaker!! The old broad’s going to need a chiropractor after this match!!”

( Alex flips Peg onto her back and casually lays across her for the pin )

Garry: “ 1..2….What is wrong with that ref!!!?”

Sandra: “ Nothing, With a cover like that, my grandma could kick out of it Oh an by the way, your 5 minutes are up.”

Garry: “ Guess your virginity is safe for another 30 years “

Sandra: “grrrrrrrrrrrr”

( Alex smirks and pulls Peg to her feet. She drags Peg over to her corner and holds her hand out for a tag. Laura however is down on the floor smiling for some photographers, she poses and smiles as Alex screams at her. Laura turns and smiles at her partner before turning back to her adoring public. )

Sandra: “Hmmm, trouble in paradise?”

Garry:” Umm no, Laura knows that Alex doesn’t need any help with Peg.”

( Alex grumbles and pushes Peg into the corner. Alex quickly wraps her arm around Peg’s head and runs out into the middle of the ring, dragging Peg along with her. Alex leaps into the air…)

Garry: “ Bulldog time….”

Sandra: “NO!!!”

( Alex leaps up in the air, but Peg grabs her around the waist, hoisting her up. Alex squeals as Peg steps forward and drops to one knee, slamming Alex down, crotch first into her thigh.)

Sandra: “ Atomic Drop!!!”

Garry: “owowowowo”

( Alex hops forward off Peg’s knee, clutching her groin. She hobbles too close to Americana who reaches out and levels her with a forearm.)

Garry: “ FOUL!!”

Sandra: “ hehehe what? I didn’t see anything.”

( Peg reaches forward and tags Americana into the ring. The faithful cheer as she steps through the ropes. Both members of Motherhood lift Alex up and hook their arms over her shoulders. Then lift up simultaneously, sending Alex up and over in a perfect double suplex. Alex slams into the mat and rolls into a ball clutching her back. Peg cracks a smile and climbs out of the ring. Americana quickly grabs Alex by the arm and hauls her up. The “real” American SweetHeart scoops Alex up and places her over her shoulder. Americana takes a few running steps and then Powerslams Alex into the mat. )

Garry: “WOW!! The whole ring shook….poor Alex”

Sandra: “Americana with the pin….1……2……”

Garry: “ Foot on the ropes!!!!”

( The crowd boo’s as Alex reaches her foot up and places it on the ropes. Laura Parker has turned her attention back to the ring and has leaped up onto the apron and is cheering , or jeering her teammate on. Americana grabs Alex by the legs, she starts to try and turn her over )

Sandra: “ Americana going for the Boston Crab….can she get it….?”

Garry: “ No way…Alex is too smart to be…eeekk!!”

( Americana forces Alex over and then squats down on her back. The pretty model screams out in pain as her Spine is bent. The ref asks if Alex wishes to surrender. She swears and curses her defiance. Americana leans as far back as she can, putting tremendous strain on Alex’s back. Laura looks on with concern, or contempt as her partner squeals in agony. The ref asks for a submission again , but Alex refuses. She reaches her arms out for the ropes, she is only inches away. )

Garry: “ Hey!!! No fair!!!!

Sandra: “ Smart move by Peg, she’s learning the ropes… “

( Peg has hooked her foot under the bottom rope and has pulled it back, only a few inches, enough for Alex to remain out of reach. Laura looks over and sees what Peg is up to. She jumps off the ring edge and runs around the ring. Peg turns to look at her as Laura runs up and grabs her foot, pulling her off the apron. The strand bounces free, enough for Alex to grab a hold. The ref calls for a break and Americana complies immediately. Outside the ring, Laura is screaming at Peg. The older woman turns her back and goes to climb back up on the ring edge. But Laura grabs her by the shoulder and spins her around. The ref moves to the side and yells at Laura to get to her corner. Americana turns her head to see what is happening. Alex pushes herself to her knee’s and fires her forearm up and in between Americana’s thighs. There is a high pitched squeal as Americana falls to the mat, clutching her wounded area. Laura smirks and walks back to her corner, smiling and posing along the way. Peg turns her attention back to the ring and see’s her partner lying in agony on the mat. She curses as she realizes what must have happened. Alex pushes herself up and grabs Americana by the legs and grabs her over towards her corner. Laura has hopped up reaches her arm out for a tag. Alex slams her hand down, a loud slap is heard and Laura pulls her hand back, shaking it in surprise.)

Sandra: “ Guess Alex isn’t happy about Laura’s posing”

Garry: “ Nonsense, she just wanted to make sure the ref saw the tag.”

( Laura ducks under the ropes and grabs both of Americana’s legs. She lifts them high in the air and then leaps into the air, extending her legs forward and then dropping to the mat )

Garry: “Now that’s gotta hurt!!!”

( Laura places her legs on the inside of Americana’s thighs, as she falls, Americana’s legs are forced apart into a brutal split. )

Sandra: ‘ I know Americana used to be able to do the splits, but by her expression, I guess it’s been a while.

( Americana howls and clutches her thighs as Laura rises to her feet. The model smiles and grabs one of Americana’s legs and lifts it up. Laura then falls to the side, stretching the limp out. Parker then pushes legs out into Americana’s other leg, completely a brutal leg split hold. Americana howls in agony as old muscles and tendons are strained and pulled. Laura smiles as the ref bends down, asking American is she wants to surrender. The brown haired beauty shakes her head, refusing to give up. Peg begins to chant and cheer for her comrade. )

Peg: “ USA…USA…USA…”

Garry: “ What is that idiot Canadian doing!!?, The Parker’s are American as well.”

( The crowd slowly starts to pick up the chant)

Sandra: “ Remember Americana’s GLOW days, the chant of USA always used to revive her. “

Garry: “ What? No way….she couldn’t…..could she?”

( Alex screams at the crowd to shut up. Americana starts to pound her fist on the mat, in unison with the chant of U.S.A. Her legs start to quiver as her muscles remember their job, her tendons realizing they can stretch that far. Laura struggles to maintain the hold as Americana starts to shake, every muscle in her body coming alive. )

Garry: “ Shut up you morons!!”

Sandra: “ Too late!!”

( Americana breaks free of the leg hold, Laura quickly rolls to her knee and looks up with surprise as Americana is pushing herself to her feet. Laura quickly runs over to tag Alex, but she jumps off the apron and turns to smile at the cameras. Laura turns and holds her arms up in a T.. as Americana moves in on her. )

Garry: “Time out!!!”

( Americana kicks her boot out, slamming into Laura’s gut, The pretty blonde gasps and collapses forward. Americana steps forward, trapping Laura’s head between her meaty thighs. The old glow girl wraps her arms around Laura’s trim waist and easily pulls her into the air. Laura’s legs flop over Americana’s back as she is placed over one of Americana’s shoulders. Laura screams out as her body is nearly bent in half. Americana walks to the center of the ring and then jumps up in the air. Laura screams on impact, her body bending over Americana’s strong shoulder. Americana begins to spin around and around , gaining speed with each rotation. Laura screams for the ride to stop. )

Sandra: “Next stop …Pinsville!!”

Garry: “Oh shut up!!”

( Americana pushes up with all her might, sending Laura up and into the air, spinning as she falls. Laura lands in a heap on the mat, and curls up into a ball moaning. Americana falls to the mat, clutching her leg. She crawls over to her partner and tags her in. Peggy jumps through the ropes and quickly moves in on Laura. She grabs Laura’s arm and pulls her up. Peggy lifts her lighter opponent into the air and then slams her down on the mat. Laura bounces on impact and rolls onto her side. Peggy cracks a smile as the crowd rises to its feet. She looks out into the audience and feels the awe of thousands of voices cheering her on. Peggy turns and pulls Laura in front of a corner. Peg then steps through the ropes and starts to climb up the turnbuckles. )

Garry: “Where the hell is she going?”

Sandra: “Going to the top I guess, this isn’t the smartest move Peg could make. She’s not used to being up there.”

( Peg reaches the top and perches precariously up there. Laura lies still on the mat, seemingly still in a daze. The crowd gasps in horror as Peg leaps off the top in a perfect swan dive:

Garry: “oh my god…pancaked Model!!”

Sandra: “ oh NO!!”

Garry: “whew…….”

( Laura rolls out of the way as Peg descends to the mat. Peg’s look of horror says it all as she lands face first onto the mat and not her opponents body. Laura pushes herself to her knee’s and looks over at her partner. Laura makes a motion with her head and Alex nods, jumping off the apron. Laura pulls herself to her feet and moves in on her downed opponent. Peg lies crumpled on the mat, gasping for air as all the wind was knocked out of her on impact. Laura grabs a handful of hair and pulls Peg up to her feet. Laura wraps her arms around Peg’s waist for a moment and then pauses to catch her breath. Peg’s head rests on Laura’s shoulder, her body still recovering from the miscue. Laura bends her knee’s and grunts lifting her heavier opponents into the air. Laura turns Peg while lifting her, upending her. Laura quickly locks her knee’s around Peg’s head to help stabilize her. )

Garry: “ Here it comes….Hollywood Night!!!”

( Alex meanwhile has run around the opposite side of the ring and is trying to pull Americana off the ring edge. The red and blue and white suited wrestler jumps off before she is pulled off and pushes Alex away )

Sandra:” Laura can barely keep her up….”

( Laura stumbles for a moment and then falls forward, driving Peg’s head into the mat. Laura lets go of her hold and Peg flops forward and lies still. Laura quickie shuffles forward pinning Peg’s arms to the mat with her knee’s and covering her face with her butt. Laura leans forward and grabs one of Peg’s legs, pulling it up. The ref jumps down to the mat to count. )

Garry: “ Devastating Tombstone!!”

Sandra: “ Come on Peg!!”

( Americana slams a forearm into Alex’s chest, sending the smaller girl into the guardrail, she turns to see Peg down on the mat with Laura on top of her. Americana moves to jump into the ring. The ref slams his hand down for the one count. )

Garry: “ Come on…hurry up!!”

( Americana pulls herself up onto the ring apron )

Sandra:” Kick out Peg!!!”

( The ref’s hand slaps the mat a second time )

( Americana steps through the ropes and runs across the ring )

( The ref slaps his hand down again )

Garry: ‘THREE!!!!”


( Americana stops before she bowls into Laura. She drops to her knee’s and shakes her head as Laura rolls off of Peg. Alex jumps into the ring and holds her arms up in victory as the ring announcer steps up and through the ropes. Laura rises to her feet and shoves her hands skyward. Americana leans forward to check on her partner. Peg is only know becoming aware of what has happened. She holds her hands to her face as the announcement is made )

Announcer: “ Ladies and Gentlemen, your winners….and NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD…..SIMPLY DIVINE!!!!”

( The ref hands the belts over to Laura and Alex, both models cheer and clap, forgetting the troubles they had in the match, for the moment. Americana consoles Peg , as the battling housewife fights back the tears. )

Sandra: “ Well , Peg and Americana put up a great fight, and I am proud of Peg. She did great in there.”

Garry: “ What? She’s a loser! She lost the match.”

Sandra: “ Maybe she did, but I she gained something more important than the belts”

Garry: “ What is more important than the belts?!”

Sandra: “ Respect, Peg proved her deserved to be in that ring, and she and Americana came close to winning those titles.”

Garry: “ Bah!! I was never worried, Simply Divine is Simply….Divine.”

Sandra: “ Well folks, stay tuned for the Main event, the RUMBLE to decide our Celestial Champion.”

Garry: “ It’s in the bag, Miss Evonne Carmikel is going to win….hands down.”

Sandra: “ Please, everyone in that ring will be gunning for her, I bet she’s the first one thrown out.”

Garry: “ Blasphemer “

( The screen fades to black )

** Winners ** Simply Divine. 1

Hosted by