
The arena is going crazy for the BRA action. Row after row of fans on their feet all the way to the top of the arena. The camera pans across the wild and rowdy sea of humanity, taking a moment to stop on a few of the more interesting signs present in the crowd. The more entertaining ones say� "I want to come face two face with Janus.", "Lindsay say it ain't sooo!", "I love Becca Blush!" and "If looks could kill Nina would be a murderer!."

Kenny: We have action about to start in the ring, Missy Jones about to take on Sakura Ito.

Cari: Is this a title match? Oh�right! Sakura doesn't officially have the title. Ha ha ha.

Kenny: I bet you think that's funny?

Cari: Almost as funny as you and that tie you have on.

Kenny: Well, Missy is already in the ring and she looks a little unprepared for this match.

Cari: Not the way we usually see her. But after losing to the pill head at the pay per view she may be still hurting.

Kenny: Those reports of Lindsay's drug use are unconfirmed.

The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain. The look in her dark brown eyes alone speaks of the focus, the energy, and the raw tension of the battle to come. Right behind Sakura comes by a large powerful African-American man, bald and obviously in his mid-30s, right alongside Sakura's older mentor and manager, John Nanakami. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. The large black man, recognized by those in the know of the boxing world as former heavyweight contender Mack 'Mack Truck' Fontaine, is 6 feet 4 inches tall and almost as broad, dressed simply in a grey sweatsuit with the faded logo for 'Mack's Place Gym' on it. John is dressed rather reservedly, his older face still showing the strains of his recent heart attack, but his eyes seem just as intent and focused as Sakura's. This first trio is followed not a moment thereafter by the Dark Angel herself, Janus. Janus wears her traditional black leather pants, black velvet shirt and blue and black cowboy boots.

The whole group makes its way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. As they reach ringside, Janus takes the time to give a last hug and word of support to her stablemate before taking a position outside the ring. Next, Mack gives her thick shoulders a quick rub and slap. "Stay loose, stay free, give it yer all fer me!" is his addition to the advice and support. Finally, she turns to John. The older Japanese man simply smiles slightly and nods. Sakura gives a quick bow back, then leaps into the ring, stretching out her thick muscular limbs against her corner, preparing for the match to come.

Cari: She must hire every washed us has been she can find.

Kenny: That's hardly polite.

Cari: Mack Fontaine. I remember him fighting "Iron" Spike Ryson in Atlantic City in 1995. He was over the hill then and he's over the hill now.

Kenny: Spike Ryson?

Cari: He's the guy who bit the ear off the other guy.

Kenny: I thought you were talking about Mandre Brison.

Cari: The football player who's rapper girlfriend burned his house down?

Kenny: Yeah.

Cari: I think he's here tonight.

Sakura locks eyes with the Ninja and smiles slightly, bowing in the traditional reverent Japanese fashion, eyes still locked on her opponent.

Sakura: It is an honour to compete against you, kunoichi-san. Let us have an honourable battle.

Kenny: Sakura exchanging proper pleasantries with the woman who has studied the art of the Ninja.

Cari: Do they want milk and cookies or do they want to fight?

The bell sounds and Sakura comes charging out of her corner in a boxing style stance. Missy seems confused by the appearance of Sakura and this new twist on her fighting style. Suddenly Sakura charges her, throwing a combination of punches�is a series of Right Body Shot-Left Body Shot-Right Uppercut-Left Cross. Missy staggers back and stumbles under the assualt. Sakura backs her into the corner.

Cari: I do believe that's the "Mack Truck Rush." I haven't seen that since Mack Fontaine fought Harry Lomes in Scranton in 1996.

Kenny: I didn't know you were a boxing fan.

Cari: There are many things you don't know about me.

Sakura sends Missy across the ring with an Irish whip to the other corner. Missy slams hard against the turnbuckle post and takes a few steps out of the corner, but she is immediately hit with a clothesline by Sakura that drives her hard to the mat.

Kenny: I've never seen the Ninja look this out of a fight.

Sakura lifts Missy and applies a reverse bearhug. From there, she goes into one Atomic Drop, then two Atomic Drops, then finally a bridging German Suplex for the pin. The ref drops into position for an easy 1-2-3.

Kenny: And the winner is Sakura Ito in one of the quickest and most one sided matches of Missy's career. She calls her new move the Hiroshima Drop.

Cari: That was hardly worth the money folks paid to watch it.

Sakura give Missy a deep respectful bow.

Sakura: This match was a great honour, Ninja-san. I hope to meet you again the same way in the future.

Cari: Was that supposed to be a comment about Missy's poor performance?

Kenny: No. Sakura is just being polite.

Cari: I think she's been hanging around Lindsay too long.

Sakura makes her way out of the ring as Missy gathers herself and does the same.

Winner - Sakura Ito
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