logoJanus vs Malibu

Back again as the camera once again begins it’s meandering around the tightly pack arena! Signs again jockey for the right to be seen on nation television as they pass in front of the camera’s wary eye. "I LOVE YOU, MALIBU!" "Sisters are doing it for themselves", "Angela Downey 1, Peggy Christian 0" and "Make mine a Viper" are just some that are noticed.

Kenny: Fresh from yet another loss, Janus gets to try again, this time without her toys!

Cari: I doubt you would be saying that to her face!

Kenny: Which one?

Cari: Either one.

Kenny: Tonight she faces Malibu who, despite a heart wrenching loss to Smokey the wrestler looks very much to be potentially the future of BRA!

Cari: Based on the fit of her swimsuit maybe?

Kenny: Well…NO!….based on her wrestling skill, desire and popularity! According to recent polls she ranks just below Tiffany Lane as the country’s favorite wrestler in BRA!

Cari: And which bars, strip clubs and other male dominated bastions was this poll taken at?

Kenny: I don’t make them, I just report them!

The arena goes dark as the opening beats of "Time" from The Chambers Brothers starts to hit the arena speakers. As the song raises, the lights flash back on and two members of The Threesome stand by the entrance. Janus in the center wears her traditional black leather pants, black velvet shirt and blue and black cowboy boots. Her scarred and burnt left hand carries a black leather bag. To her right stands Sakura Ito. Sakura has her usual wrestling attire of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is colored a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. The two ladies enter the ring and strike the Threesome pose. Sakura, kneeling, shows off her impressive biceps. Sakura leaves the ring and take up position while Janus approaches the referee. She produces a Super Steel Silverware fork and hands it to him. This is a sign that she is completely unarmed for this match. She sits in the corner, awaiting the start of the match.

Cari: Janus is showing to the world that she does not need any help in beating the blonde bimbo!

Kenny: I guess Jennifer Christian finally got to her! All that taunting is having some effect.

Cari: Maybe, maybe not. The proof will be in the ring and despite her softening Janus can still dispatch the likes of Malibu!

Kenny: Boy look at all those security guards rushing around and the match hasn’t even started yet!

Cari: They’re not coming to the ring, they’re heading for the back!

Kenny: Sounds like something is going on back there!

Cari: I wonder if Barbie tripped on her hair and broke a nail or something?

In the ring Janus looks a little restless and looks outside the ring to her friends. Sakura nods her head and goes running up the ramp to disappear behind the curtains. "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward starts to play over the loudspeakers bringing hope to the crowd but as the music continues and nothing else happens a sense of mystery prevails.

Kenny: This is not looking good! Malibu is usually punctual!

Cari: Must have thought better about facing Janus tonight!

As the music starts to fade a figure bursts from the curtains raising a cheer, but is short lived as the figure turns out to be Sakura Ito. She comes down the aisle and starts to talk off mike with Cari and Kenny for a couple of minutes. As they finish Sakura looks solemnly up at Janus and shakes her head.

Kenny: Ladies and gentlemen, it appears as though some kind of incident has happened back stage. All we know now is that there was a violent incident and two women have been taken to hospital. One of them was certainly Malibu but the identity of the second one is unknown.

Cari: The condition in which these two are in is also unknown at this time but both left the building on stretchers. We will provide more details when they become known.

Kenny: We’ll be back after this commercial break and hopefully with our feature match!
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