
(The image fades up from black as the arena lights are brought back up. It’s the time between matches, where ring technicians take care of the little details that go into making a live broadcast. Cari and Ken are sitting at the announcer’s table. Ken is reading some information from his laptop as Cari impatiently looks around for the Production assistant she sent to get her some coffee.)

Cari: "Where is that idiot!?"

Ken: "Who?"

Cari: "What’s his name…the new guy. I sent him to get me coffee 10 minutes ago!"

Ken: "Maybe he’s having to brew a new pot?"

Cari: "Hmmm, well it had better be the best damn cup of coffee that I’ve ever had or his ass is outta here!"

(Suddenly the arena lights dim.)

Ken: "Whoa? What’s going on? There’s no match scheduled yet. Are we behind on time?"

Cari: "I don’t think so."

(The sound of hissing fills the arena as the Angeltron roars to life. A Pit Viper is seen on the large screen. Not the most venomous snake in the world, but it’s temper and willingness to strike at anything in it’s path makes it a dangerous adversary. The snake shifts slightly, as if moving away before turning and in a flash fills the screen with it’s gaping maw.)

Ken: "Here comes the Hardcore Champ!"

Cari: "I can’t believe she’s walking! Janus beat the crap outta her last week!"

Ken: "That was a bloody and violent match. Somehow, Lesley managed to pull off the victory, but I don’t think anyone could say that she won."

(The music from ‘TOOL’S" Stinkfist song blast throughout the arena.)

It's not enough.
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I don't want it.
I just need it.
To feel, to breathe, to know I'm alive.

(The crowd watches the entranceway as Lesley Magnus steps out from behind the curtain. She’s dressed in ripped jeans and "If you can read this, your bleeding" T-shirt. Around her neck, as always is a link of bike chain and hanging over her shoulder. The Fallen Angel Belt. Lesley walks down the ramp, some fans cheer, others boo. Lesley glances from side to side, watching the crowd as she makes her way to the ring. She flings the title belt over the ropes as she slides in underneath them. The Viper motions to one of the ring technicians to hand her a microphone.)

Ken: "Umm, Lesley is not scheduled to make an appearance at this time. Gabrielle had mentioned earlier that Viper would be making some comments, but I thought that was going to be a bit later."

Cari: "You want to tell her it’s not her time?"

Ken: "Ummm…..no."

(Lesley takes the microphone and walks to the center of the ring.)

Viper: "I’m going to make this short and sweet. I don’t like to mix words or do things from the shadows or from behind people’s backs."

Ken: "This coming from a woman who used a kid as bait!"

Cari: "Shhhhh! She might hear you."

Viper: "I’ve done some bad things, and I’ve had bad things done to me. But I’ve always been straight up about it. No regrets, no apologies."

Ken: "Well, that’s true. We may not like her actions or her methods, but Lesley’s never lied, or attacked from behind. She’s tricked, suckered and waylaid into her opponents. But it’s always been done in the open."

Viper: "Rumor mills been working over time this week. Seems somebody’s put a hit out on Lindsey Locke…"

(A big crowd pop as Lindsey’s name is mentioned)

Viper: "Well, rumor has it that I’m the one that’s been that little duty. Let me set the record straight. ….Yup, it’s me."

(The crowd boo’s and jeers. Some fans are shocked, wondering why Viper would want to take out Lindsey Locke.)

Viper: "Ya ok, Boo me all you want. But I ain’t no hitter. I don’t do contract stuff like this. If you folks remember, somebody once paid to have me taken out.""

Cari: "Amanda Strike did that. The Assassin Kelly Mase put Viper in the hospital for 6 months."

Ken: "I don’t think Gabrielle would stand for one of his top stars to be taken out for 6 months."

Viper: "See, I owe someone a debt. I gave them my word that I would pay them back, no matter what they wanted. Well, seems they want Lindsey Locke to get what’s coming to her. Seems to me that a whole bunch of people wanna see that girl get what’s coming to her. Well, I keep my promises and I always pay my debts."

Ken: "I don’t like the sound of this, I don’t like it at all."

Viper: "But, unlike some cowards in this fed, who would attack someone from behind, or when they ain’t looking, I’m going to tell Lindsey what’s going on."

Cari: "What? She’s going to tell Lindsey?!"

Ken: "Oh jeez, Viper’s going to get herself in a whole mess load of trouble!"

Viper: "See, Locke. A small bald headed, glasses wearing Doctor did me a favor a few weeks back. Now I’m going to do him one. Seems to me you’ve pissed him off somehow, I don’t rightly care how, I just know I have to keep my promise."

Ken: "COSMO!? Dr.McKinley has it out for Lindsey!"

Cari: "Careful now! It could be any bald, glasses wearing doctor!"

Viper: "So here’s how’s it going to be. Lindsey I’m giving you a shot at this belt. Your buddy Janus has tried to take it from me, Sasha’s tried, everybody’s tried. Everybody’s failed. So you’re next up, after the Christmas Holidays, I’m going to hurt ya, I’m going to make you bleed and I’m going to keep my promise. But I’ll do it here, in the ring. I’ll do it when you’re looking me in the eye and I’ll do it right."

Ken: "Why would Cosmo do this? It doesn’t make any sense!"

Cari: "Don’t jump to conclusions, it could be anyone!"

Viper: "Oh, don’t think that I’m going to sit around and wait for you to accept Locke. The powers that be will be making this match happen. I’m not the patient type, sooner than later we’re going to meet again, and this time, I ain’t going to be as…..nice."

(Lesley drops the mic and slides out of the ring, grabbing her belt on the way.)

Ken: "Cosmo isn’t going to be happy about this! But serves him right for choosing someone as blunt as Viper to do his dirty work. I’m sure he wanted to keep his name out of this scenario, but Viper’s put this whole thing in the open!"

Cari: "You can’t prove it was Cosmo!"

(Lesley walks up the ramp, ignoring the jeers from some of the fans as she steps beyond the entranceway.)
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