Veronica Millions
Michelle "The Great" Anderson

{ Fade in after a commercial break. }

{ Panning over the capacity crowd inside the BRA Arena, the camera picks up the fans who are on their feet cheering in anticaption of another great match upcoming, and still in a frenzy over what they've already witnessed here thus far this evening. }

{ Zooming in on the announcers table, the camera finds Garry and Sandra. Garry as always is chugging down a beer, and stuffing a hot dog down his throat between drinks. Sandra is going over her notes on the upcoming combatants, who shall soon enter the famed BRA ring. Sandra then notices the camera is on them, and gives Garry a nudge. }

Garry: Huh? Oh uh Hello again all!

Sandra: Welcome back everyone. Well it's just about time for another great bout here at Battling Ring Angels. Up next we have rookie sensation Veronica Millions, who is in the Body Shop. Going at it with one of the Shops oldest rivals, and that is Michelle "The Great" Anderson, and you know when members of Millinium, and the Shop meet, it's always a war.

Garry: Oh geez, spare me. If I hear the word Body Shop again, I'll puke!


Garry: Ugggggggggggggggg!!!!

Sandra: Aww ya didn't puke.

Garry: Came close, trust me.

{ All lights are shut off. Triumph by Wu Tang Clan blasts from the arenas sound system, and Michelle walks out dressed in a blue two piece wrestling attire, along with her sister, Betty. They wave to fans who are cheering for them. Michelle steps in the ring while Betty stays at ringside. Michelle grabs the mic and stands in the center ring. }

Michelle: Welcome everyone to another hour of....(The crowd joins in) MILLENNIUM HOUR. Tonight I face a rich, snotty girl called Veronica Millions. Veronica, you better get your ass out here now so I can slap you around with my Great Snap you rich bitch!

{ Michelle throws out the mic and walks to her corner waiting for Veronica. }

Garry: Well, I guess this girl means buisness! Umm who is this girl anyways?

Sandra: That's Michelle Anderson ya nit wit!

Garry: Oh ok, hmmnn interesting.

Sandra: What is?

Garry: Oh nothing, nevermind.

{ The lights in the arena dim, and snowflakes start to fall from the ceiling throughout the arena, and red and green lights probe around the arena giving the place a Christmas look. Veronica appears through the curtain and stands and waves to the crowd. She looks stunning as ever, wearing a christmas outfit. A red two piece swimsuit with a white strip across the belt line and green low cut boots and she is carrying a bag that looks like something that Santa would carry. She stands there a few more seconds, and then walks down the aisle way waving to the crowd and throwing Body Shop t-shirts to the fans, that she is pulling out of the bag. }

Sandra: Now that is cool, how festive!!

Garry: Yea, she looks like Santa too, look at her gut!

Sandra: Pfft, like you can say that about anyone!

Garry: She's copying off of me, I did the santa gig last week.

Sandra: Umm she isn't acting or looking like Santa idiot!

Garry: Oh well, she needs to get in the ring, so this Marian can kick her ass!

Sandra: Michelle!!!!

Garry: Whatever, the quiet girl! there, how's that?

Sandra: Fitting I suppose, but let's stick to Michelle, ok?

Garry: Oh alright. Hmmn wonder if Veronica will give me one of those shirts?

Sandra: I doubt she has any Quad X's in that bag.

Garry: Hardy har har! Real funny cottage cheese thighs.....


Garry: OUCH!

{ The crowd continues to cheer for Veronica, and Michelle is getting mad having to wait for her to throw all of the shirts out to the fans. Lightning bolts then flash across the arena, and thunder pounds from the sound system. The lights dim, and "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC pounds blares from the sound system. }

Garry: Oh crap!

Sandra: You know it baby! Here comes Sherry Ann!!!!!

Garry: Um is it time for my break yet?

Sandra: You wish!

{ Sherry makes her way down the aisle, and gives a few fans a high-5, then walks up to Veronica, who is standing at ringside. Sherry gives her a big hug, and wishes her luck, then makes her way arund the ring, moving towards the announcers table. She walks past Betty Anderson on the way, and just gives her a nasty look, then looks up and Michelle, and gives her the finger, and Michelle kindly returns the jesture back to Sherry. Sherry then stands in front of the announcers table. She winks at Sandra, then grabs Garry's beer, and throws it in his face. The laughing Sherry, then walks around the table, and takes a seat next to Sandra, who is rolling around laughing. }

Garry: Oh now that was really classy you.....oh nevermind!

Sherry: Just stay quiet idiot, I'll call this match.

{ Back in the ring, Veronica is preparing for battle, and Michelle is growing very impatient. }

Sandra: Great to see you Sher. Came out to support Veronica, eh?

Sherry: Yup, that and keep an eye on that idiotic Betty too. That skank so much as looks at Veronica wrong, and I'm kicking her ass....AGAIN!

Garry: Again? You've done it before?

Sandra: 20 times!

Sherry: Glad you know how many, I lost track, same thing with the Goat.

Garry: Goat? Who's the goat?

Sherry: Michelle the Goat Anderson.

Garry: I take it Tina came up with that brilliant name, huh?

Sherry: Maybe, I don't remember.

Garry: Well Sherry, rumor has it your little Veronica has a bad back, any truth to that story?

Sherry: Pfft, where do you get your information? She's fine!

Sandra: Um Sher, why are you crossing your fingers?

Sherry: Er..umm..uh..For luck...yea that's it! For luck!

Garry: cough cough bullshit cough cough.

Sherry: Gee Garry, that's a nasty hack you've got, go smoke a couple more cartons of cigs.

{ Back in the ring the ref has finished going over his instructions with Michelle and Veronica, and is now signaling for the bell. }


Sandra: And here we go!

Sherry: Come on Ronny, whoop her ass!

Garry: Go Marianne!!!


Garry: Hey, don't call her stupid!

Sandra: I was refering to you, ya stupid idiot!

Garry: oh.

{ Veronica and Michelle lock up in the center of the ring, in a collar and elbow tie up. Michelle scores first, as she nails Veronica in the midsection, with a knee lift. Veronica takes the blow, and fires back with a punch, that nails Michelle in the nose. Michelle staggers away holding her nose, and the ref warns Veronica about the closed fist punching. }

Garry: I take it you trained this one Sherry. She cheats just like you do.

Sherry: Spinkter boy says what?

Garry: What?

Sherry: Exactly, now shut up doofus.

Sandra: hehehehe

{ Veronica moves in on Michelle, and lashes out with a kick to the stomach, that puts Michelle down on her knees, doubled up in pain. }

Sherry: There ya go hun, wear that skank down!

Garry: Hey, are Michelle and Jenny sisters? If so, are you her mom?

Sherry: Get real moron! Of course Michelle is claiming that she and Jenny are sisters, but I sure as hell haven't heard Jenny confirm this silliness. Even if they were, I adopted Jenny, not Michelle, or Betty for that matter.

Sandra: Lucky you.

Sherry: no shit.

{ Veronica grabs Michelle, who is still on her knees, and punches her in the forehead. Michelle fires back with a punch of her own, that lands kinda low, and Veronica drops to her knees in pain. }

Sherry: Hey ref, open your damn eyes!!!

Garry: Excuse me, but aren't you famous for doing that?

Sherry: Hell no! I love how all these rumors get started around this stupid place. Somehow we get made out to be the bad girls, and the damn heels get praised, what a crock of you know what!

Garry: Need a tissue?

Sherry: No, but you will soon, when I bust your nose wide open.

Garry: Eeep!

{ Michelle lashes out with a kick, to the rumored bad back of Veronica, and she drops face first to the mat. Michelle now lifts Veronica to her feet, and then lifts her up in the air, then drops her over her knee with a backbreaker. }

Sandra: Nice move there by Michelle.

Garry: Yup, she's going after that injured back, and Veronica is really hurting now.

Sherry: She does NOT have an injured back! Sheesh, where do you get your information at???

Garry: Oh I dunno, maybe I got straight from Veronica's big mouth.

Sherry: Oh shut up fat ass.

{ Michelle stands up, and then begins to stomp away on the small of Veronica's back. Veronica is in obvious pain, but trys to make it to the ropes, so the ref forces Michelle away from her. }

Garry: Crawl you chicken!

Sherry: Keep it up tubby!

Sandra:Wanna switch seats, Sher?

Sherry: Not yet, but if he keeps it up we will.

{ Garry mutters something under his breath. }

Sherry: Speak up jack ass, I can't hear you.

Garry: Oh nothing, nothing at all. Just was commenting on how lovely you look tonight is all.

Sherry: Yea right.

{ Veronica reaches the ropes, but Betty shoves her hands away when the ref wasn't looking. Michelle grabs Veronica's feet, and drags her back to the center of the ring, and an irate Sherry stands up. }

Sherry: Oh geez, I guees Dumbo is in need of an ass kicking! Be right back, this sure as hell wont take long.

{ Sherry walks towards Betty, and Betty slowly walks away from Sherry, and then goes to the opposite side of the ring. }

Garry: Who the hell is that, that just hopped out of the audience????

Sandra: I dunno, but who ever it is, is about to nail Betty from behind!

{ The person from the audience walks up behind Betty, who is yelling at Sherry, and blasts her in the back of the head with a punch. Sherry comes running around the ring, and high 5's this person. The person turns around, and it's then seen that it's Zantara Underworld. Zantara and Sherry then begin to pound away on Betty, but inside the ring, Michelle is still going to town on Veronica's injured back. }

Garry: Those cheating Shoppers are at it again!

Sandra: EXCUSE ME?!?!?! I do beleivve it was Betty that got involved when she wasn't supposed to. All I can say is that pay back is a real bitch, and she's definately being payed back now, and with interest!!

{ Michelle notices her sister being beaten outside the ring, and walks over to the ropes, and begins yelling at Sherry and Zantara. Zantara doesn't even look up, she just keeps pounding on Betty. Sherry just challenges Michelle to step outside of the ring, and face her. }

Garry: This is getting pretty good now! Go beat her ass Michelle!

Sandra: Yea, well Michelle had best pay attention to the task at hand, cause Veronica is getting to her feet!

{ Sherry and Michelle continue to exchange words, and Zantara continues to pound away on Betty. Meanwhile, Veronica Millions is up, but in obvious pain, and holding her aching back. She looks across the ring, and notices an opportunity, and slowly walks over to Michelle. Sherry notices Veronica being up, and moving in, but doesn't let onto, and begins giving Michelle more crap, and Michelle is really getting mad, and screaming back at Sherry. }

Garry: Oh that Sherry, she has orchestrated this whole thing, I know what's gonna happen next.

Sandra: You do?

Garry: Yup, just watch, this blows too, Michelle was having her way with that little Shopper, till Sherry got involved.

Sandra: Oh geez, I guess Betty didn't do a thing wrong did she? WOW! This Zantara is one mean lady, she's going to town on Betty, and OH MY!!!!

Garry: Yup, great move there, she calls that the Hades Hazard, and Betty isn't gonna get up from that one!

{ Back in the ring, Veronica moves in, and grabs Michelle, and rolls her up into a sunset flip pin. The ref hops to the mat, and begins his count. }





Sandra: Veronica did it!!!

Garry: Pfft....yea right, tell me another one!

{ Sherry and Zantara hop into the ring, and congratulate Veronica on her victory. }

Sandra: Nice to see some unity in this group again, they seemed to be falling apart lately.

Garry: Be the best thing to ever happen to this sport if they did.

Sandra: Oh really? Maybe you should tell Sherry that?

Garry: I'll pass on that.

{Veronica walks over and grabs her red Santa bag, and pulls out two cans of spray paint. Michelle sees this, and quickly rolls out of the ring before Veronica can do any painting on her. }

Sandra: Where is she going? Veronica has green and red spray paint, I'm sure she just wants to spray a holiday message for everyone.

Garry: Yea, across Michelle's body, I'm sure!

Sandra: Oh my, she wouldn't do that!

Garry: Bull, she's Shop, she'll do anything!

{ Sherry holds Veronica's hand high in the air to the fans, and they cheer loudly for her. }

Sandra: Well folks, we gotta pay some bills, so it's commercial time. Your winner by pin fall, Veronica Millions! 1

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