Cyra Min vrs Laura Parker

By: ToneDef

[The camera fades back from commercial to survey the Battling Ring Angels Arena. The hordes of fans are all on their feet, hoping for a moment of fame as the camera focuses on them as they scream and wave their homemade signs. A few of the apparent signs are ‘HEAL ME, MCKINLEY’, ‘THE MARQUISE IS MY TYPE OF WOMAN’, and ‘CARMIKEL-A-HOLIC’. The camera spins around to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]

Sandra: "Welcome back, folks! We’ve got another….uh, Garry, we’re on the air!"

Garry (quickly slides the flask he was drinking out of back into his breast pocket): "Uh, don’t worry, kiddies, it’s only kool-aid. And remember, don’t try this at home…we’re professionals!"

Sandra: "Whatever. Ladies and Gentlemen, we’ve got another great matchup for you here, when Cyra Min faces off against the woman claiming herself as *perfection*, Laura Parker!"

Garry: "Should be a good match, both of these woman’s hearts beat in the same tune as my own!"

Sandra: "Fat lot of help that is gonna give you in picking either of them up. Can you say WAY out of your league?"

[Strobes overpower the arena as ‘While the City Sleeps’ by MC 900 FT. Jesus blares over the arena’s loudspeakers. Cyra Min storms through the entrance and blows kisses to all of the fans, especially those that are quite audibly booing the purple haired lady. She even pinches the cheeks and kisses, full on the lips, several of these individuals.]

Garry: "Cyra! Over here! Give me a kiss, baby, I need some loving!"

Sandra: "As if…what an interesting character."

[Cyra eventually enters the ring and leans on a ringpost, awaiting Laura Parkers arrival as she winks to the camera. Soon, the lights dim, and Katrina and the Waves ‘Walking on Sunshine’ blares through the arena. A spotlight picks up Laura Parker, who is wearing a strapless floor length, Christian Dior original. With her is her agent, William Wienersznitzel]

Garry: "What a fine example of a lady, one of the only women in this league with a perfect record, and a perfect figure to boot! Hey, honey, drop the bald fool and come to me, I’ll take care of you!"

Sandra: "Garry, did you mistakenly take viagra instead of sugar with your coffee today?"

[Laura bounces to the ring to the beat of the music, and, entering the ring, stands with Willie behind her. Willie removes the Tiara from Laura’s head and unzips her dress, removing it. Laura is wearing a white bikini top with white shorts, the color showing off her perfectly tan body as she walks around the ring, posing and waving to the fans.]

Sandra: "Ever the arrogant beauty queen….Cyra Min smirks as she leans against the ringpost…"

Cyra Min: "This ain’t no beauty pagent, Sweetie. Mommy’s not here to blow the officials for you. Not that she appears to have been good at it, otherwise you might have won a few crowns. Tell her to ease up on the teeth."

Garry: "Oh, now that was a stinging comment! Laura merely looks at Cyra, but you can tell that that struck a nerve!"

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "And there they go! They circle one another in the ring, checking for weaknesses and such, they are going into this pretty warily!"

Garry: "Laura smiles at Cyra, then launches into the air with a solid dropkick that knocks the larger combatant off of her feet! Cyra quickly gets back up…chop to the chest drives Cyra back into a corner!"

[Laura smiles to the crowd, then chops Cyra against the chest a second time. A third. Cyra suddenly scowls, grabs Laura, and reverses their positions. She drives a solid chop into Lauras chest to the jeers of the audience…then a second and a third, showing Laura how its done. Cyra then follows it up with an earringer, and Laura walks a little distance away, holding her ears.]

Sandra: "It looks as if Cyra has the initial advantage, I don’t think Laura was thinking too clearly when she chose to brawl with Cyra!"

Garry: "Thinking? Laura doesn’t have to think, she’s a beauty queen! Nowhere in her contract does it ask for that! Cyra hooks Laura up…atomic drop! Laura drops to her knees, clutching her pelvic area!"

Sandra: "Cyra gets Laura in a headlock…and suddenly jumps back, holding one of her breasts! What did….did Laura just bite her?"

Garry: "Laura would never cheat, Sandra, get over it! She’s nothing like your favorites, those cheating Body Shoppers!"

[If Laura did cheat, nobody but Cyra and herself knew, and Cyra was not one to run to the referee. Cyra throws a punch at Laura…Laura grabs the arm and hiptosses Cyra to the mat. Cyra gets back up, but Laura is already behind her, and, lifting, belly to back suplexes Cyra to the mat, followed up with a legdrop to the back of the head]

Sandra: "A quick succession of moves has Cyra on the defensive, and Laura smiles and waves to the crowds as she helps Cyra to her feet by grabbing a handful of hair!"

Garry: "A true beauty, and she can fight as well…can it get any better? Laura whips Cyra into the ropes…flying headscissors takes the big woman down! What a great show of athletisicm!"

Sandra: "I have been impressed so far…Laura goes to the top rope, and plays to the fans…"

[She plays for just a moment too long as Cyra manages to get to her feet and fall into the ropes, causing Laura to lose her footing and fall to the turnbuckle, her crotch painfully driven into the padding. She sits there with a shocked ‘O’ on her face as Cyra walks over, and bodyslams Laura off of the turnbuckle.]

Cyra Min: "Wow! Such grace, beauty, charm! You know, in this light, you remind me a lot of Tiffany Lane!"

Garry: "Oh! With the problems going on between Tiffany and Laura as of late, that must have struck the mark!"

Sandra: "A well planned insult, and Laura falls for it, as she dashes for Cyra with nothing but anger on her face…Cyra kicks her in the gut, doubling her over, and, grabbing the neckline of her bikini top, pulls her forward, driving her head into Cyra’s!"

Garry: "Laura drops to her knees, holding her head…and Cyra begins to assualt her with an array of stomps, driving Laura onto her belly to the ground!"

[The crowd boos the unsportsmanlike attack but Cyra doesn’t care as she continues the assault. When she finally stops, she pulls Laura to her feet, and goes to whip her into the ropes…a reversal, but Laura goes for a dropkick which Cyra avoids by grabbing onto the ropes at the last second.]

Sandra: "Good counter by Cyra…and Cyra is still in control of this matchup!"

Garry: "I don’t think that Laura expected such tactics from Cyra, and it is costing her….C’mon, Laura! Cyra pulls Laura to her feet….Bear Hug! Cyra’s got the Beauty Queen in a bearhug!"

Sandra: "Good move, Cyra’s keeping Laura’s arms pinned beneath her own arms…"

[The referee asks if Laura submits, but Laura shakes her head, though the pain is all too evident on her beautiful face. Cyra digs her nails into Laura’s side as well, and Laura cries out, but still does not submit. Cyra smirks at the beauty queen, but soon realizes that Laura isn’t going to submit and drops her unceremoniously to the mat.]

Cyra Min: "I’m really sorry about that Tiffany comment. It’s obvious that I was wrong. She’s pretty."

Garry: "Oh, that is not going to go over too well with Laura, who looks up, anger all too apparent in her eyes, and she launches herself at Cyra!"

Sandra: "I thought Laura was hurt, I guess that anger is a good way to ignore the pain! Cyra did not expect it, and is caught completely off guard as Laura assaults her with a series of punches and kicks, eventually sending the larger woman to the mat!"

Garry: "And Laura gets right on top of her, smacking and choking Cyra! No real style to the attack, this isn’t wrestling, this is a good old fashioned catfight!"

Sandra: "It looks as if Cyra’s insult did not pay off for her! The crowd does not know what to make of this!"

[Laura soon gets to her feet, and gets Cyra inside of an armbar. With a scowl, Laura maintains the armbar while mounting the turnbuckle. She then walks a little distance across the top rope, still maintaining the armbar, and, jumping off of the rope, viciously axe-handles Cyra to the mat]

Garry: "Wow! What balance displayed by Laura, not many women could do something like that!"

Sandra: "Laura does not even pause as she pulls Cyra to her feet, whips her into the ropes…tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Wow, Cyra is in trouble here!"

Garry: "Laura goes to the top rope….Moonsault down onto Cyra’s prone body, it could all be over!"

[The referee starts the count, but Cyra somehow manages to kick out at the count of 2 and a half. Laura has now returned to her calm demeanor, and smiles at the crowd as she pulls Cyra to her feet. She goes to whip Cyra into the ropes…Cyra reverses the move, dashes after Laura, and closelines her over the top rope.]

Sandra: "And Laura hits down hard! Cyra needs some recuperation time…but she instead chooses to follow Laura outside of the ring! A couple of stomps to the Beauty Queens back, then she pulls Laura to her feet…"

Garry: "Laura with a punch to the belly, and goes to whip Cyra into the ringsteps…reversal, and Laura crashes into them!"

Sandra: "This is getting nuts! Cyra walks over…puts Laura face up on the ringsteps, so that her head is resting on them, and begins to stomp away at Lauras throat!"

Garry: "It’s the control-alt-delete! Laura could be in trouble here, this is one of Cyra’s patented moves!"

[Cyra stomps away on Lauras prone body, and succeeds for a while, but Laura suddenly grabs Cyra’s foot in mid strike, and twists, sending Cyra down to the ground. Laura then gets to her feet, a little shakily, lifts up the ringsteps, and slams them down onto Cyra.]

Sandra: "I have to say, Laura is certainly displaying some good strength here today, I didn’t expect it of her!"

Garry: "Beauty, Brains and Brawn, what else could you possibly hope for?"

Sandra: "Laura grabs Cyra, and tosses her into the ring. Laura then mounts the top rope….waits until Cyra is standing, and then flying bodypresses her to the mat! This could all be over now!"

Garry: "No! Somehow Cyra kicked out at 2 and a half! That girls durability is beyond compare!"

Sandra: "Laura pulls Cyra to her feet, and whips her into the opposite turnbuckle, and Cyra bounces out a little ways…Laura signals to the crowd, this is it, Laura’s finishing manuever!"

[Laura smiles for the crowd, then does 2 backflips in succession towards Cyra. At the end of the second backflip she kicks Cyra in the belly with both of her feet, which knocks Cyra towards the ropes. Laura then spinning back heelkicks Cyra in the face when she bounces back into range, and covers her with a matchbook pin.]

Garry: "What a stunning series of moves, you can’t get more gifted than that! I think this is all over now, 1…2….3!"

Ding Ding Ding

Sandra: "And that’s all she wrote! Laura gets to her feet, tears streaming down her cheeks over the victory…she helps Cyra to her feet, and hugs her! Wow, what a good display of sportsmanship!"

Garry: "Hey, Laura is the nicest woman in this whole league, and this just proves it! Cyra pushes Laura away, however, and leaves the ring with a scowl, unimpressed with how the match went down. Of all the ungrateful…"

[Laura’s theme music plays over the loudspeakers as she parades around the interior of the ring much like a fashion model on the runway, smiling and waving to the fans.]

Sandra: "And Laura’s perfect record continues to rise. She is proving that she is all she claims to be and more, and I definitely see a title shot coming up for her in the near and not too distant future!"

Garry: "Now THAT would be a match! Perfection vrs Perfection, with the Celestial title on the line! If Laura keeps up this string of impressive wins, it is but a matter of time until that occurs!"

Sandra: "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have to take a short commercial break, but we will be right back with some more great action!"

[Fade to a commercial for Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs Cereal, an important part of a nutricious breakfast.]






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