logoSamantha Page vs. Rebecca Deiwert

[Fade from commercial for the new breakfast cereal, "BRA Crispies."]

Sandra: Welcome back, folks. Next up, we've got a match up between Samantha Page and Rebecca Deiwert.

Garry: It's not going to be a match up, Sandra. It's going to be a massacre. Rebecca Deiwert is a little powerhouse, and Samantha - well, she's Samantha Page. I foresee her being crumpled up like an aluminum can and tossed by the wayside.

Samantha: I have to disagree. Rebecca is definately a force to be reckoned with, but Page has a long history throughout women's wrestling which shows she is more than capable of caring for herself in the ring. Now, let's run to ringside as the action begins.

Announcer: Ladies, welcome back to Battling Ring Angels. Our next attraction is a standard match. First, from Los Angeles, California, standing at 5'11" and 130 pounds - Samantha Page!

["Know Your Enemy"begings play as Samantha Page enters, all smiles and blowing kisses to the crowd. Page wears her typical blue "spakled" bikini and a good amount of sparkled on her skin. Buffy Lawrence, clad in black spandex, boots, and a white shirt sporting "Slayer" in bloody red wrting, accompanies Samantha to ring side.]

Announcer: Her opponent this evening, from Phoenix, Arizona, standing at 5'8" and 125 pounds - Rebecca Deiwert!

[The lights go out. "Don't Drink the Water" begins to play over the loud speaker. Pink pyrotechnics burst from all corners of the ring. As the darkness ebbs away, Rebecca is standing in the middle of the ring, ready to go.]

Sandra: Both women are doing a few pre-match stretches. There's the bell, and the women are beginning to circle the mat. Rebecca offers a test of strength - Page takes her hand, but flips Rebecca over!

Garry: A shockingly smart move from Samantha. She knows, though, in the strength department, Rebecca is going to overpower her every time.

Sandra: Page with an elbow smash to the chest of Deiwert! Page drags her foe center ring and applies a bodyscissor hold. Rebecca looks to be in a tight situation.

Garry: What match are you watching? Deiwert pries Page's legs open like a clam, turns around, and places a fist in a very sensitive place for Samantha Page! Page forgot to hook her feet over one another, and she can't afford errors like that when she's that close to that strong an enemy.

[Page tries to pull away, clutching herself with a free hand. Rebecca rises to her feet, her face reddening. She walks to Samantha and lifts her by the hair.]

Garry: Deiwert runs with Page and slams her into a turnbuckle! Another slam! Deiwert is trying to rattle up the contents of Page's head - wait! Page catches herself!

[Page juts out her arm and catches a rope, keeping Deiwert from slamming her into the turnbuckle a last time. Samantha brings her elbow up and slams it into Deiwert's face.]

Sandra: Page has broken Deiwert's control over her and takes back the match. Now Page gives her aggressor a taste of her own medice!

[Samantha takes Rebecca by the back of the head and slams her face into the turnbuckle ten times. Page steps back, allowing Rebecca to stumble about. As Rebecca turns to face her opponent, Samantha takes hold of Rebecca's head and executes a snapmare.]

Sandra: Page goes for a quick pin, but Rebecca shoulders up before a one count.

Garry: Page looks annoyed at Deiwert's unwillingness to be pinned. Knee drop to the midsection of Deiwert! Page yanks Deiwert to her feet and slaps on a side headlock! Page runs to the ropes - runs up the ropes, kicks off the top rope - and drives Deiwert's head into the mat! Dear God!

Sandra: Yes, that's a new move for Page - she calls it her Twisting Headlock.

Garry: Accurate name! She damn near wrench Rebecca's neck out of place. Page takes advantage of her opponent's stunned state and applies a standing surfboard - wait! Rebecca's submitting! This match has been too much for her.

[The bell rings. The referee holds Page's hand up as she rolls Deiwert over with her foot, placing a foot square in the middle of Rebecca's chest and flexing her muscles.]

Sandra: [smuggly] Well, Garry, you certainly underestimated Samantha.

Garry: Hardly. I over-estimated Rebecca. I'm not sure she was quite as prepared for this match as she may have thought she was, which was a shame. This could have been a horribly exciting match, instead of a one-sided slap around.

Sandra: [surprised at Garry's professionalism] Uh... er....

Garry: Yes, Sandra?

Sandra: I... think we've a commercial coming up.

[Fade out.]
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